Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 771: Everywhere


Chapter 771 Omnipresent

Zhao Changhe had hinted and expressed this topic many times in the past. The blind man either ignored it or directly said that you were not qualified, which made Zhao Changhe’s teeth itch with hatred.

This is the first time she has expressed her willingness to cooperate and clearly stated the prerequisites.

It’s not that the blind man is showing off. In fact, everyone knows that “cooperation” sounds nice, but it may not actually be established. Zhao Changhe is basically asking, “What the **** do you want to do? Just tell me.” As for whether they can cooperate, it’s 80% impossible. The greater possibility will be a showdown and a breakup.

It is impossible for a blind person to tell clearly what he wants to do early on.

As for why it is necessary to break the Temple of Immortality, Zhao Changhe doesn’t know. There is a probability that it is related to the characteristics of that page of the Heavenly Book, and there is also a probability that it is related to the connection between the Divine Ax and the land of the Spirit Clan. In short, it should all involve the world. The ultimate mystery.

He did not continue to ask.

Zhao Changhe knows that the Hu people are definitely not the final BOSS, no matter how powerful they are. In terms of individual strength, the Immortal God is only a second-level imperial realm, on the same level as the Sea Emperor Dao Zun, and has been suppressed by Xia Longyuan for decades. Even if it wasn’t at its peak before, once it returns to its peak, it will be at the second level at best, and it doesn’t look like a final BOSS.

Currently, only three top existences of the third level of imperial realm are known, Night Emperor, Jiuyou, and Piaomiao. As for the Sword Emperor, who once thought they were at the second level, now it seems that there is a certain probability that they belong to the third level, and there are at most four.

Among them, Piaomiao has been reincarnated. Even when she was in her prime, she was probably one step ahead of Yedi. Assuming that the three levels are also divided into stages, Yedi is definitely at the mid-to-late stage level, and Piaomiao should be in the early stage. At best, Jiuyou is slightly inferior to Ye Di.

According to the blind man’s previous description of Jiuyou, Zhao Changhe originally thought that Jiuyou was somewhat like the final BOSS.

Chaos, death, and annihilation are the rhythm of the world-destroying demon king, and the blind man is particularly cautious about it, so he is qualified enough. However, when Chang’an saw it, he didn’t feel that Jiuyou’s expressiveness had reached the level of a blind man. It was almost not the same level. This made Zhao Changhe’s judgment shaken.

It’s best because Jiuyou’s recovery is poor. It would be better if he really recovers to full strength… Or maybe what Chang’an saw was just a split soul? Should she be in Kunlun? It’s possible. Anyway, it’s best not to be a BOSS even if Jiuyou is not worthy, otherwise the problem will be huge…

Because if she doesn’t deserve it, who else does?

If no ruthless person beyond our understanding appears, then the final BOSS will be you, Ye Wuming!

What are you doing?

Zhao Changhe was silent for a long time and said in a low voice: “I never thought that I would actually hope that Jiuyou would be stronger.”

The blind man looked at him steadily, and was silent for a long time before saying: “She is actually much stronger, Chang’an is just a clone.”

“Sure enough.” Zhao Changhe breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again: “You use the word ‘clone’ instead of soul, which means that she has a body. And your body is already dead. , or where to hide it… I have read a novel that I liked before, in which the protagonist helped the heroine to get up…”

Blind man: “Who is the heroine?”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

“What do I need my body for? Can it be used by you?”


The blind man sneered: “The body is just a skin, my mind is always there. Does it mean anything to me whether I have a body? Only some people think the body is particularly important.”

“However…” Zhao Changhe thought about it for a moment before slowly saying: “When I mentioned this, I was actually thinking about why you failed to restrain Jiuyou’s clone and whether it had something to do with the missing body. So I thought Who are the people responsible for certain things? ”

The blind man’s eyebrows stand upright.

Did you deliberately say that the protagonist helps the heroine get up, and lead you to think wrongly and blame me?

Before she could scold her, Zhao Changhe immediately said: “The biggest variable in our Northern Expedition is Jiuyou’s movements. I said before that you would restrain her, but if you can’t restrain her, wouldn’t it be all in vain? In the battle of Dao Zun Before, I never thought that you would be the one who fell off the hook.”

The blind man said coldly: “Because it’s a clone. She can be destroyed, reshaped, or replaced at will. In an instant, you can’t tell that it’s actually a different person. Do you think that Jiuyou in your eyes is not strong? It just proves that you don’t have enough vision and can’t even see where others are strong.”


“I won’t take out a clone to vent my anger. It’s meaningless. If the main body faces me, the situation will naturally be different. I’m afraid, even if I restrict her main body, she can just put a clone outside in advance. I’ll beat you to pieces.” The blind man mocked: “There are countless ancient corpse puppets and Huangshang and others hiding behind her. Can you deal with it?”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “So strong, so good. Just be strong.”

Blind man: “Are you sick?”

Zhao Changhe smiled: “You know.”

Whoever is strong is like a BOSS. I would rather beat her than you.


But these words are sincere…a bit contradictory.

The blind man knew what Zhao Changhe wanted to say. He was silent for a long time and gradually disappeared into the void: “Don’t underestimate the enemy, otherwise you will regret it.”

Zhao Changhe watched the direction in which she disappeared and whispered to himself: “Split soul…”

He tried to separate a small part of his soul, but immediately stopped the experiment in pain and dripping with sweat.

The steps are a bit big…

Try something else? Zhao Changhe suddenly flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood automatically left the body. As it fell, it “danced” and turned into a little human.

If you don’t inject souls, just control them…just like Hong Ling controls the sword energy and embeds them in various places, that’s not souls either.

Zhao Changhe snapped his fingers again, and the blood villain swooped into the sky.

Long stretches of yellow sand and thousands of miles of snow. Yuan Sanniang stood on the edge of the ice pool with her hands behind her hands, watching the ice rising in the pool, lowering her head and thinking.

She was the first to break the imperial guard around Zhao Changhe. Just like her reputation in the world, she was low-key and had no outstanding achievements, but she was the strongest and uniquely endowed with it – the inheritance of the “godhead” of the Sea Emperor, thousands of sea people The place of belief is the Xuanwu belief of Sixiang Sect. If Xia Chichi cannot directly invoke the dragon energy of mountains and rivers, no one in the world can match Sanniang’s cultivation speed through the power of faith, not even Zhao Changhe can match it at this moment.

But practice is practice, and understanding is understanding. If she wanted to break through the second level of the Imperial Realm, she still lacked some skills.

Sanniang stretched out her finger and flicked it, and the frozen lake instantly turned into sparkling water, without even a gradual change, like a miracle. In the distance, many Batu herdsmen kowtowed and worshiped, as if they were gods.

The tribe is short of water, and it can be solved in an instant, no one but God can do it.

Batu is saying to people: “Did you see it? That’s my godmother.”

But Sanniang, who was worshiped as a god, shook her head slightly, somewhat dissatisfied.

She had not studied the exchange of ice and water intensively earlier. She once thought that this was the key to her breaking the defense, but it actually proved to be irrelevant. Although the strength of the black ice was of great significance to her defense, this kind of The exchange that even mortals can recognize cannot really lead to the threshold of breaking the imperial barrier, and it has nothing to do with the current glimpse into the second level.

If anything is related to the second level…the hardness of ice, the softness of water, the fortitude of the black turtle, and the ever-changing nature of the black snake. Turtles and snakes intertwine, yin and yang rotate.

It’s normal to have five of the Four Symbols… Is it necessary to consider the separation of souls? Is it the threefold path to separate and return to one?

While she was thinking about this, a little **** man suddenly fell in front of her eyes and grinned at her.

What evil spirit dares to bully me? Sanniang instinctively slapped the **** man into thin air.

“Grass…” Under the sky, Zhao Changhe covered his face: “Stupid turtle…”

This is not a split soul, it is controlled by his own soul. The slap is exactly the same as the slap on his face.

But how to put it… After all, it is not the pure soul wandering before, but the soul is placed in the object. To a certain extent, it is close to dividing a part of the soul into the object. It can still do its own things, at least it can be considered Dual-purpose, more progress. The feeling of being omnipresent in all things has also found a little bit, and it has a little taste.

This is also the previous water man control of Poseidon. To put it bluntly, controlling the sword slave with sword energy and controlling the corpse puppet with the power of life and death should be similar routines, but the methods they use are different, but the essence is similar. In other words, if you continue to train in this direction, you can at least reach the level of Poseidon. It seems that there is no need for clones and souls. Multi-core processors do not mean to separate the processors…

So it’s not a matter of quantity, it’s still a matter of quality. When it reaches a certain level, it’s no longer called a Yin God. Can it be called a Yang God?

The way is right.

The Sanniang over there looked at her slap and was doubting her life: “Is it an illusion? I seem to have beaten the little man, and the feeling of that stinking face…”

“He seems to be studying soul separation… Is it possible to use the method of transferring souls to control objects as an entry point?”

“Then it seems easier for me to try this than for him… Did the little man specially come to remind me?”

Sanniang made a move with her jade hand, and a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the lake. A chubby water man came out, bowed and kowtowed: “My lord…”

Sanniang pointed to Batu in the distance: “Beat him.”

Water Man rolled up his sleeves and ran over, flipped Batu over and beat him up: “Is it possible for anyone to call you mother, Son of God?”

Batu held his head and screamed: “Batu only recognizes one godmother!”

Sanniang blinked her eyes and snapped her fingers. The chubby waterman floated back again.

Sanniang picked a grass pipe, inserted it into the water man and sucked the water: “It’s interesting… It seems that I can try more… What makes me go further than the little man is that I use the sea emperor to In the name, the water people recruited have a certain degree of self-awareness, and death does not have a great impact on me. This seems to be a creation to a certain extent…”

All the clan members worshiped more devoutly: “My God…”

Sanniang clasped her hands and looked at the sky, looking proud and awe-inspiring, but in fact her eyes were smiling like crescent moons: “Hurry up and call me here. I can’t sleep well in a place like this. It’s so annoying.”

Zhao Changhe is also smiling: “Just wait, it will be soon.”

He looked westward, towards Kunlun Yuxu Peak, the town where battles had taken place at the foot of the mountain.

Li Shentong is supporting Yuxu and has just arrived here.

They may not necessarily need to go back to Kunlun, it would be best to find a country to rest, but Yuxu thinks that is not possible. There are too many evil people concentrated in this area. What will happen after the book of troubled times reports that he has “temporarily lost his power”?

No need to guess at all.

Some of the evildoers have already scattered into various parts of China and are no longer restrained. Some of them have been subdued by Jiuyou or Bo Xun and become their thugs.

There are still some people who occupy Yuxu Peak and are searching for possible “treasures that the Taoist once entrusted with their souls”.

This thing is inevitable. The ancient demon gods were able to survive and revive basically because of the protection of treasures. This thing is either on Yuxu’s body or remains in Yuxu Palace.

When Yuxu appeared in the town, what he received was not the awe and welcome of his former master. You could almost see a strange color flashing in everyone’s eyes, and they lowered their heads in salute, hiding all malice and ferocity.

“The real person is back?” Yan Que, the blood demon who once pursued the king’s way to heaven and earth, received the two people at Chen Yi’s hotel with a smile: “I didn’t expect to be able to see the face of Sect Leader Li. Fortunately He Ruzhi.”

Li Shentong smiled and said nothing.

Yan Que poured wine for the two of them and raised the bowls to greet each other: “I wonder if the real person’s injury will still affect his drinking? If he can’t drink, forget it. I would like to give a toast to Sect Master Li.”

These words may seem casual, but they actually imply a temptation to see how injured Yuxu is. If Yuxu, who is famous for his own brewing, does not dare to drink, then it is best to pray that Li Shentong will stay with you for the rest of his life.

The two old **** friends could naturally see this, Xiao Jiujiu, in fact, they could see it even deeper, but they didn’t care, they both raised their bowls and drank it all: “I just came back from Chang’an, and my mouth was like a bird all the way. .”

Yan Que watched the two of them drinking, the light in his eyes getting weirder and weirder.

But Li Shentong wiped his mouth and said with a smile: “Brother Yan’s Nether Water Poison is a bit interesting… It seems that not only Brother Yan underestimated me, Jiuyou didn’t take Li seriously either. ”

Yan Que’s smile disappeared instantly.

“If you have been tempering your body so far, but you can’t temper your internal organs or your soul, how can you be a master? Brother Yan is under the netherworld, so you might as well tell Miss Jiuyou.”

“Boom!” There was a thunderous storm in the quiet hotel, and a giant steel-like hand was already pressing on Yan Que’s chest.

Blood appeared in Yan Que’s hand, and the Blood Demon, for whom he was famous, struck a deadly blow with his hand.

With a “click”, the entire arm was crushed into pulp. A faint ghostly energy floated on the surface of Yan Que’s body to stop him. At least he was not directly shot to death. The whole person was thrown back like a kite with its string cut off. .

The phantom of Jiuyou appeared in front of Li Shentong, seeming to block him. Li Shentong glared angrily, and his arm muscles instantly became like steel.

On the path of Yan Que’s backward flight, a little blood man suddenly appeared, waving his little fist and trying to stop him. Yan Que actually felt a frightening threat from this gadget, and reluctantly waved his left palm: “Go away!”

The **** man suddenly transformed into a Wang Daozhong face that Yan Que was very familiar with, and he pushed with one hand: “Pull the sky and suppress the sea!”


A small hand, obviously no bigger than a pin, struck, the surrounding air surged, and the sky was filled with blood.

This time it was Li Shentong’s turn to stop in front of Jiuyou with a smile: “If the girl comes to find King Zhao to throw herself into his arms, then she should go to the capital. This is Kunlun Yuxu Peak.”

With just such a blockage, Yan Que’s entire body was turned into a pulp by the little **** man with a royal face, completing the cause and effect.

Jiuyou stared coldly at the little blood man. The little blood man returned to Zhao Changhe’s appearance and waved at her: “Hi, Miss Li is here too? Do you want to make a date?”

When Jiuyou’s face turned blue and she couldn’t tell whether Ye Wuming was here, she still didn’t want to take action. She left a sentence and disappeared: “Being Ye Wuming’s dog, there will be times when you will regret it.”

Zhao Changhe was too lazy to pay attention to her, and waved to Yu Xu and Li Shentong with a smile: “Sect Master Li, we will communicate like this in the future.”

Li Shentong’s cheek twitched: “Yes.”

Yuxu said: “Does King Zhao have any intention of Tai Chi diagram?”

The little blood man waved his hand: “You want to use it for recovery, what should I use it for? I might ask you to borrow it for a look in the future. Okay, let’s do this for now. The owner of this restaurant is my friend, and there are also some Four Symbol cultists. Hidden people, if you want to clear them up, tell them apart and give them some face.”

After the little blood man finished speaking, he disappeared. Li Shentong and Yuxu looked at each other. The two of them looked calm, but in fact they felt a little frightened in their hearts.

The omnipresent performance of Jiuyou Zhao Changhe now makes them all a little scared. It seems that time and space have lost any meaning, and they may lose their heads at any time even in their sleep.

The world has changed to this level, and the old top players can no longer keep up. I don’t know how Zhao Changhe, who is only at the first level of imperial realm, did it…

Li Shentong didn’t say anything. He looked around, with murderous intent on his face.

“On the second day of the first lunar month, Yuxu’s magical power arrived in Kunlun. The blood demon’s hand, Yan Que, used the poison of the netherworld to destroy the bodies of the two people. The two of them were like drinking white water, with no harm done. The conspiracy was broken, and Li’s magical power was seriously injured with a palm. Que, was blocked by the descending of Jiuyou God. Zhao Changhe traveled thousands of miles and killed Yan Que in his hand.”

“The place list fell, the ranking changed…”

“After the Nine Nether River has gone, Li Shentong slaughtered the Kunlun Evil Valley. Except for some related people, no other chickens or dogs were left. In this battle, nearly ten thousand were slaughtered, and Kunlun was filled with blood.”

The whole world is scratching their heads as they watch this sudden announcement from the Book of Troubled Times.

Why can’t I understand the battle report now?

The gods have begun to descend? Is this still the way of a warrior? Can you please sit at a separate table by yourselves? The troubled times list we are looking at is not like this.

At the bottom of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, Zhao Changhe took a painful breath: “Damn, Kunlun is too urbanized, isn’t it? Lao Li is really a king of the West.”

Yue Hongling fell into concentration and did not reply.

It was the blind man who answered: “The people who will be in the Valley of the Evil are all evil to begin with. Li Shentong killed them without any psychological barriers. In addition, many people have already escaped. At that time, there were more than nearly ten thousand people in that town?”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “At that time, there were several gangs fighting against each other in the east of the city… Suddenly I felt that Yuxu’s merits were immeasurable. These people are now scattered all over China, which is very troublesome.”

The blind man said: “If you disperse, you will disperse. Do you think you are the only ones in the world who are practicing chivalry? How many swordsmen are rising in the world today. The real trouble is the part that was absorbed by Jiuyou… Her power is getting bigger and bigger. ”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said nothing, then said: “Blind blind.”


“Peering into the world, you are everywhere. I finally feel part of your realm. It is really amazing.”

“Tell me, suddenly lick me, what do you want to say?”

“Someone once raised a prince, and eventually he became her favorite husband. Now someone raises a surrogate, and in the end he becomes more and more like herself. Doesn’t it feel a little strange?”

The blind man opened his lips lightly, and still said the same word: “Get out.”

Neither of them noticed it. Both of them were very used to this kind of teasing… In other words, they were used to the state of “he wants me, I know, but I still play tricks with him”, and it became more and more natural.


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