Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 760: Missing Chang’an


Chapter 760 Missing Chang’an

The blind woman was not just thinking about how to word it, she didn’t even know whether she should broadcast it this time.

Things that do not involve changes in the rankings will generally not be reported. It just so happens that Dao Zun is not on the list, and Yuxu is not dead, so there really is no change in the list this time.

However, such a big event, including the previous Battle of Bo’e, the Battle of Boxun, and the Battle of Daozun, the battle level is enough to shock the world, but they are not mentioned at all. Is the Tianshu broadcast meaningless?

The blind man tried it and didn’t care about anything. If he only presented the Heavenly Book passively, he would coldly exclude Ye Wujie and Yuxu from the Heavenly List, thinking that they were no longer worthy, and would replace them with Zhao Changhe, Yue Hongling and his wife. Both made the list.

But the difference between manually taking over AI is that there will be longer-term analysis.

If Ye Wuxing is removed from the rankings, it won’t be a big problem. The Pirate Saint has not been able to break the barrier so far, and he has also lost the confidence to break the barrier. He just wants to spend the last days of his life leisurely wandering around Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake under the care of his apprentice. In this situation where the strongest men in the world began to generally defeat the imperial guards, Ye Wujiang couldn’t keep his tenth position, and he didn’t care much whether he was on the list or not.

But Yuxu’s situation is different. Yuxu himself is a top figure in the middle and late stages of Yujing, but there is no headache of being stuck on the threshold of Yujing. Transferring skills in reverse does not mean that he loses his skills. He has also left a foundation. , the foundation is not lost. With the help of powerful supernatural powers, you can still look forward to getting back to your spiritual practice.

What if we take them off the list now and they recover in two months, they are resettled and Zhao Changhe or Yue Hongling are demoted back? Or should we let them challenge the people on the Heavenly List again to prove that they have recovered?

Isn’t this a joke?

If you let human beings think about it, it is to remain unchanged and adapt to all changes. If you do nothing, no one will question it. If you do too much, you will make more mistakes.

If the blind man’s deviant impulse is used, then it doesn’t matter if he is wrong or not. The Heavenly Book has been questioned by the First Kawabuki for a long time. Can you bite me? Arrange it however you like, no one cares. But if she was determined to abide by the rules, it would be enough for her to struggle with.

So what are the benefits of following the rules? They are all shackles.

Just when he was annoyed, Zhao Changhe’s request came. The blind man hesitated for a moment and found that it was just right. He just left the position of the Thief Saint and continued to blow the river.

In the early morning, everyone was eating breakfast, and the people in Chang’an were playing with their bald tops. They were all talking about the explosion from Lou Guan Terrace last night. It is said that Lou Guan Terrace was destroyed, and the disciples were sent away by the soft wind of gods and Buddhas. Chang’an Protector is digging through the ruins right now, and everyone’s belongings are buried inside.

As for what happened, people looked up at the sky from time to time while eating breakfast, secretly wondering why the heavenly books are becoming more and more useless now. Even if the two battles between Bo’ebo and Xun were not reported yesterday, the melons in this tower’s viewing platform are also If you don’t feed everyone, what use are you?

As I was slandering, the long-awaited golden light finally flashed in the sky, proving that the Book of Heaven is still the melon book that the people want:

“On the 28th of the year, Zhao Changhe and Yue Hongling went to Chang’an.”

“On that day, the demon Bo Xun incarnated as the presiding officer of Kong Shi at Dayan Temple and challenged Yuxu. He wanted to hurt the surrounding people and put the blame on Yuxu’s mistake. Changhe saw through it and took action to stop it.”

“On the 29th of the year, Suzaku went to Chang’an as an envoy, and there was a great gathering.”

“Yue Hongling assassinated the Hu envoy at Honglu Temple, and was ambushed by the Hu people. Suzaku walked nearby, sensed the breath and took action. He broke the ambush and concealed Chang’an. Zhao Changhe drew his bow and fought with Hongling Suzaku. When Bo’e was in a stalemate, Kong Shi attacked Suzaku, and Bo’e took advantage of the situation to escape.”

“Zhao Changhe fought angrily against Kong Shi and shattered his illusion. Zhuque Hongling attacked Kong Shi, and Kong Shi’s true identity was exposed, and he was the real demon wave. Yuxu chased the waves in the suburbs, but was blocked by Taoist Master. Zhao Changhe The arrow shot ten miles away, and Bo Xun was seriously injured and hid, his life and death unknown.”

“On the 30th of the year, New Year’s Eve, the beginning of the Zi period. Dao Zun wanted to suppress Yuxu, so he rushed thousands of miles to help. The Yin God of Dao Zun left Yuxu’s body, and Yuxu condensed it with blood, revealing its true form. Zhao Changhe With the power of controlling the wind, Zhao Changhe analyzed the day and night. Yue Hongling’s sword opened the gate of heaven, the jade emptiness turned virtual and returned to reality, the Suzaku controlled life and death, and the powerful force penetrated the iron and copper walls. The heroes stood up and pointed their swords. Demon God.”

“In this battle, Yuxu’s skills were temporarily lost, and it is difficult to know whether Yue Hongling will live or die. However, the ancient Taoist priest who took the name of Tao finally died in this world.”

“Changes in the troubled times list.”

“At the beginning, the stolen holy leaf was injured by the ax of the Immortal God without a trace. The lingering sick bed has not healed yet. The imperial realm is not broken, and it is difficult to stay in his position.”

“Tenth on the Heavenly Ranking, Shura King Zhao Changhe.”

“Three days in Chang’an, the earth was turned upside down.”

“Your body and name will be destroyed, but the flow of rivers will not be destroyed forever.”

Zhao Changhe looked up for a long time before he remembered that today was New Year’s Eve.

New Year’s Eve… except for the devil of the past.

If this wasn’t a blind man trying to offend Wen Qing and deliberately fiddle with the line of fate, Zhao Changhe would really not believe that there was such a coincidence.

But regardless of whether the blind man was messing with it or not, the battle situation was real. It was true that all the heroes of this world surrounded Dao Zun, and at the cost of one person surviving, Dao Zun’s body and name were completely lost in the eternity.

The so-called demon **** will be destroyed in body and name, but the world will still turn around.

Zhao Changhe is concerned about this meaning, but more people in the world cannot feel the blind man’s profound meaning. What they care about is that Zhao Changhe finally made it to the heavenly list.

You should have been on the **** list a long time ago. Why are you still on the earthly list? Why are you pretending to be an ordinary person? ? Meng sent the emperor to faint? He is on the same level as Wang Daozhong…

As expected, as the blind man estimated, Ye Wujiang’s removal from the ranking did not arouse any doubts from others, especially when the replacement was Zhao Changhe, it was more normal. Yuxu’s failure to make the list means that Yue Hongling cannot make the list either. One of the big reasons for Yue Hongling’s failure to make the list is that she was seriously injured.

“Life or death is difficult to know.” These four words were what Zhao Changhe had just asked her to do, to announce Hong Ling’s serious injury to the world, but Chunqiu Brushwork concealed it and later cured it. This just saves the blind man from the difficulty of making a choice. Since Yue Hongling is seriously injured and cannot be on the list, there is no need to worry about whether Yuxu should be on the list. This man is really sensible now, huh.

In the eyes of the vast majority of people in the world, the Book of Troubled Times will not report falsely. If it is cured, or as long as there is a high probability of being cured, it is generally unlikely to say that life and death are unknown, such as Yuxu used It’s “temporary loss of skill”, rather than “loss of skill”. Once such strong words are used, it is very likely that the treatment will not be cured.

Is Yue Hongling going to die?

The hearts of the world were quite trembling, but what was even more trembling was Chang’an. It can be said that Chang’an was in an uproar.

Yue Hongling is a local, the pride of the people of Guanzhong, and her own daughter! Knowing that she and Zhao Changhe were unclear, as long as they didn’t announce it themselves, no one in Guanzhong would dare to regard them as enemies and expel them for surveillance, turning a blind eye and allowing her to marry. If you really regard Yue Hongling as an enemy, I’m afraid half of the people in Guanzhong will regard you as an enemy.

But now she might actually die!

It’s normal. After killing the ancient demon **** at the second level of Yujing, how can there be no price for their side? The price is to exchange Yue Hongling, which is very reasonable.

Li Boping’s side cousin Li Bozhong went to look for Wei Changming early in the morning, but failed to find him for a while, so he rode his horse to Huashan himself. As soon as he entered the door of Luoxia Villa, the first thing he said was: “Master Yue, we didn’t think about the previous marriage properly. My daughter is ill, so let’s not discuss this marriage for now.”

Yue Fenghua’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Of course the so-called marriage proposal between his son and the Li family could not be Li Boping’s own daughter. Giving it to a distant relative was already quite good, but at least it was not given to a maid. For Yue Fenghua, this could already be regarded as a glorious ancestor. But even Lian Pangzhi fundamentally looked down on him, Yue Fenghua. Once Yue Hongling died, Lian Pangzhi would break off the engagement.

From beginning to end, others looked up to him because of Yue Hongling. Being friendly with him is equivalent to having a Yu Realm, at least the friendliness of a Vault Level powerhouse at that time. What is there now? What’s more, according to rumors, this guy even sold his apprentice… Even if Yue Hongling can be cured, it seems that he will not be close to you.

Without Yue Hongling, just you, Yue Fenghua, why should I marry my daughter to your family? If I randomly marry a Wei family and the Dai family, the resources will not be greater than yours?

Yue Fenghua’s engagement was canceled in person, and he couldn’t even say a word of objection. He could only hand it over in a pretentious manner: “That’s because we are not close friends yet. We can’t be in-laws, but we can still be friends.”

“Easy to say, easy to say.” Li Bozhong didn’t even bother to stay for a moment and walked away.

Not long after Li Bozhong left, Wei Changming came.

Looking at Brother Wei, whom he had been friends with for many years, Yue Fenghua breathed a sigh of relief: “Brother Wei, Li Bozhong…”

“Oh, actually it’s none of Brother-in-law’s business, it’s just his short-sightedness.” Wei Changming looked around and suddenly waved: “Ah Xiong, Ah Xiong, come here.”

Several senior martial arts guards from Luoxia Villa came up to them: “Master.”

“You have been at Luoxia Villa for a long time, right? Do you want to go back?”

“Contrary? We have long been homesick.”

“Then go back. Oh, and bring back some of the good knives and swords, body-building medicines and other things that I borrowed from Brother-in-law. In addition, please ask Brother-in-law to settle the expenses for them.”

Yue Fenghua: “…”

Before he finished speaking, several disciples shrank to the side: “Master…”

Yue Fenghua said solemnly: “What’s the matter?”

Someone laughed apologetically: “Well, my family is sick…well, I’m afraid it will be difficult to practice Qigong off work in the future. I have to take care of my family, so I came here to ask Master to resign.”

Yue Fenghua asked others with a sullen face: “Is your family also sick?”

“My, my wife gave birth.”

“My mother gave birth…”

While the commotion was still going on, many servants and servants came tremblingly: “Master, in our house…”

Yue Fenghua was furious: “Get out! Get out of here!”

Wei Changming stood aside with his hands folded, his expression half-smiling.

A very small number of people here know a little bit about Yue Fenghua’s selling of apprentices, but most people don’t know. People are just very realistic. I came to you because of Yue Hongling. If Yue Hongling died, what would I do with you? Do you really think your Luoxia Villa is worth staying? You don’t have much knowledge yourself. Several of you who have studied with you for ten years are now only at the third level of the entrance hall. For small sects like the Blood God Sect, local helmsmen have to be at the fourth level. What are you doing? , I studied with you for ten years and went out to do odd jobs?

If Yue Hongling had been following you all the time, I wouldn’t have learned anything. Why are we left here to eat ashes?

Wei Changming could have imagined this result, but even Wei Changming did not expect that everyone would be so realistic. The Book of Troubled Times had just been broadcast, and it started here… Perhaps it can only be said that the Book of Troubled Times has been too credible for so many years, and the Book of Troubled Times is vague. His words were taken seriously by everyone.

He was too lazy to pay attention to it. Others didn’t know, but he knew very well how severely Yue Fenghua had offended his apprentice and the Shura behind his apprentice, so he had to draw a clear line and get it over with.

In just an instant, the bustling Luoxia Villa became deserted, with only seven or eight kittens left in the huge manor. Even the salesman at the door that Yue Hongling saw when she came before has disappeared. It is destined to be a place with little traffic, so the salesman will not waste time.

Yue Fenghua’s hands were shaking as he looked at Zhuangzi who was deserted during the Chinese New Year.

Above the cloud.

Zhao Changhe and Huangfu sat cross-legged on top, eating steamed buns, looking down at the happenings below with as much joy as watching a play.

Yue Hongling had woken up long ago, and her whole body was full of energy. She couldn’t even see a small injury. How could she look like she was “unknown about life or death”? But the two people around her were eating steamed buns, and she had no appetite at all. Standing in the clouds, she looked down and sighed in her heart: “Is this the revenge you are talking about?”

“Yeah.” Zhao Changhe muttered: “This is natural, isn’t it? He has raised you for a few years, so we can’t take action directly, so we have to let him learn a lesson.”

“…Hmm.” Yue Hongling said: “The question is how did you do it? Did you write the book on troubled times?”

Zhao Changhe almost choked in his throat after taking a mouthful of buns: “No, no, I’m just bragging, it’s just a coincidence. Well, if the person who wrote the book about troubled times is a woman, she must be as beautiful as a fairy. If it’s a man, He must be handsome and charming, unlike me who has scars on his face.”

The blind man: “…”

“I think you are out of your mind.” Yue Hongling glared at him, not in the mood to get to the bottom of it. She looked at the villa below with a bit of melancholy in her eyes.

But as she watched, her expression slowly changed.

It’s not a problem of being empty, there seems to be something else…

Yue Fenghua was losing his temper in the villa. Countless people came in shadows outside the door. They were all from other sects and gangs from up and down Huashan Mountain: “Hey, Master Yue, are you celebrating the New Year alone?”

Yue Fenghua’s heart skipped a beat: “What do you want?”

Someone smiled sinisterly and said: “Not at all… In recent years, with the support of the Wei family, you have robbed openly and covertly, and suppressed the sects around Huashan so miserably. Why don’t you come today to repay the kindness of Master Yue?” ?”

Some people gnashed their teeth: “Yue Fenghua, give back my master’s life!”

“Yue Fenghua, on the surface you say you are not resuming your relationship to create an image of a gentleman, but in fact you are committing adultery and kidnapping with your son. My daughter jumped off the mountain and you said it was an accident. I can’t win a lawsuit against you. Now let me ask you what It’s not as hard as a lawsuit!”

Yue Hongling in the cloud tightly grasped the hilt of the sword. At first, she had the urge to go down and help, but slowly the more she listened, the more stunned she became, and she no longer had any thoughts.

“Let’s go, don’t watch anymore.” Yue Hongling turned around and wanted to leave.

Zhao Changhe asked: “I think there is something else we can see.”

Yue Hongling paused and whispered: “I’m afraid to hear it.”

Even though I was afraid of hearing, I heard it naturally…

“…Yue Fenghua, your wife stopped your evil deeds, but you went so far as to kill someone. She was a rotten wife who endured all the hardships for you. How could you do this!”

“You are so slanderous!”

“I’m slandering someone? Do you want to see who this is! Your wife’s maid, you sent people to find her for two years, and now you don’t recognize her?”

The chatter and curses gradually subsided, the shouts of killing grew louder, and the sound of swords clashing gradually reached the sky.

Yue Hongling stared blankly at her master who was at a disadvantage. She suddenly knew in her heart that her master didn’t know that she brought her prosperity and still wanted to sell her. The reason was not that his short-sightedness was obscured by the prosperity. Eye.

But because he is afraid of himself.

From the moment he returned to his hometown, the most frightened person in Chang’an was Yue Fenghua.

It’s just that it’s a dead end… If Yue Hongling doesn’t die, once she learns all these details one day, he, Yue Fenghua, will undoubtedly die; however, if Yue Hongling dies, without the “backstage”, he, Yue Fenghua, will also die. Just like today’s scene.

It doesn’t matter whether he regrets it or not, because he had no choice from the beginning, but he probably didn’t expect that the backlash would come so quickly and directly.

Yue Hongling suddenly felt relieved. The dull mood that she had been holding back on talking for the past two days was gone. She smiled and said, “Let’s go. Can’t you finish the buns?”

Zhao Changhe looked at her smile and asked carefully: “You…”

“I actually feel that the sword’s intention is sharper…” Yue Hongling smiled: “If you follow the sword’s way, I’m afraid it’s called killing the common fate, right?”

“Uh…” Zhao Changhe twitched his cheeks. It turned out that this was the protagonist. It was so outrageous.

Yue Hongling sighed and said: “It’s a pity that my worldly fate has fallen on you a long time ago. It seems that it can’t be cut off. Do you want to stretch your head over and chop it off for me?”

Zhao Changhe said: “Big head, small head?”

“Fuck you.” Yue Hongling picked him up: “Let’s go, you promised me that the sky is the father, the earth is the mother, and the wolf lives on the top of Xu Mountain, which is our bridal chamber.”

Goosebumps arose all over Huangfu Qing’s body, and he squinted his eyes and said, “No matter how touching your words are, Saibei can no longer ride a horse and go alone like you two did back then. Let me go back to Beijing to make military arrangements. ”

Zhao Changhe whistled, his horse neighed, and Wu Zui came on the clouds.

The three of them did not ride horses, and led Wu Zhui leisurely towards the east in the warm sunshine of the last day of the year.

The screams of Huashan could be heard faintly, lingering like a farewell tune.

Looking down at the many palaces and pavilions in Chang’an below, Zhao Changhe hummed a ballad: “These many pavilions and majestic palaces are not my imagination. I once had a picture scroll in my heart that painted its appearance… That year Turning around and leaving, the sound of water was far away from the river bank. I looked back with sadness from thousands of miles away…”

The two women looked sideways, can you still sing?

The singing is pretty good…

No matter whether Chang’an meets his imagination or not, within three days of Chang’an, Bo’e fled and all the gods and Buddhas dispersed. The empty Guanlong could no longer add chaos to their Northern Expedition.

Tomorrow, in the new year, all things will revive, and the iron hoof of the barbarians will soon come.

The day of the decisive battle in Saibei is already here.


PS: Although it’s not a lot of words, it can still be considered a big chapter. I won’t have any more words today. Let’s take a short rest.


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