Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 725: Why is there such a thing (two in one)?


Chapter 725 Why is there such a thing (two in one)?


In Zhao Changhe’s sea of ​​consciousness, Lie stretched out his hand to receive his full punch.

Zhao Changhe himself was quite tall, and Lie was even taller than him. He grabbed his fist with his palm, which looked a bit like grabbing a child, but Lie was not relaxed either.

Obviously in the spirit form, he subconsciously made a staggered lunge posture to lower his center of gravity and make it easier to exert force. Even so, it can be seen that his palms were slightly insubstantial and blurred by the punch. It was obvious that his soul power was weakened.

Of course, Zhao Changhe didn’t feel good, mainly because his body was being cut into pieces and the blood demon refused to obey his orders.

Just a while ago, I was thinking to myself that it was really embarrassing to think about blood evil backlash these days. Facts have proved that when you encounter a stronger blood evil master, it just won’t listen to you.

Fortunately, I have never planned to follow Lie’s old path, and I have learned many other aspects of martial arts… Otherwise, if I really wanted to fight Lie with the Xuesha Sword Technique, I would probably have to be restrained in every aspect without having to fight. No matter how proficient you are, are there other people who have made great achievements who know their stuff?

Fortunately, my blood-evil intention was not that strong, and the awakening of Lie, who was lurking in the deepest place, was only half-baked… In fact, if the trigger in Xue Canghai’s body was stronger than his own, It can only be said that Zhao Changhe, who represents the blood evil sword technique in the eyes of the world, is actually a second-hand sword, and the true blood **** is passed down to Lao Xue.

The two of them exchanged palms, and Lie also spoke: “To be regarded as the most suitable person to awaken me by an old **** like Yin Kui, you should be the one with the strongest blood evil intention in this world. Guan Meng Thief Γ? is indeed very strong, and he is indeed a master of Blood Evil Technique, so he is indeed qualified, but why does he not match his proper training?”

Both Lao Xue and Lao Sun have scolded me for being a bloodthirsty person. Are you not convinced?

Zhao Changhe endured the severe pain in his body and grinned: “Of course it is because I know that today, I would rather the path of martial arts become confused and confused for a long time than to continue on your path.”

Lie was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, “I underestimated the wisdom of future generations.”

“Are you embarrassed? Lie.” Zhao Changhe said coldly: “You once fought and pointed at the gods and Buddhas angrily, how inspiring the hearts of future generations! Today, you have become the person you hate the most? You Restarting the creation, I thought it was the grandeur of restarting the era, and I admired it… But it turned out that this is the creation you restarted?”

Lie laughed: “I am a demon, don’t you know? Do you think I am a Buddha?”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Lie smiled and said: “Some of those who learn my skills do it because of their anger, pointing at the gods and Buddhas angrily, breaking up the imprisonment; some of them do it to satisfy the pursuit of power and ambition of killing; and a few more It’s to become the Blood God… Do you know?”

Zhao Changhe knew that the Blood God Sect’s group were the latter two, but could he be considered the former? It was helpless at first. There was no other technique to choose from at that time. I wanted to change it several times because I couldn’t bear the pain of the blood evil backlash. In the end, many seniors thought that this technique was very strong and there was no need to force it to change, so I continued to learn it. Go down. Of course, my own liking is indeed an important factor. The aura of gods and Buddhas scattering blood all over the mountains and rivers really suits my taste, otherwise it will not work for anyone.

Zhao Changhe said slowly: “So if you start creation again, do you still have a choice?”

“I had no choice. When someone wants to kill all living beings, or even break the world, I naturally wake up. No matter why that person learned it, he has already become a demon through killing. What’s wrong with me replacing him?”


“Being awakened by Yin Kui in advance gave me an unexpected choice.” Lie looked at Zhao Changhe for a long time, with surprise in his eyes: “Interesting, interesting… I didn’t expect that one of my successors would be like you. A person… you are full of chivalry, you are unruly, and you use my skills… unexpectedly, you are so compatible…”

During the conversation, Zhao Changhe had actually been secretly fighting to control the blood evil in his body, or at least to calm it down, but he found in vain that Lie barely paid attention to the stall, and he couldn’t even fight for it.

If everything in the world corresponds to a **** and has its master, then because of the existence of lie, the master of the blood evil is still listening to lie. As long as he is there, others cannot **** it away.

Zhao Changhe is not discouraged. Anyway, it is a confrontation between souls now. His soul power is mainly derived from the cultivation of turtles and turtles, and his relationship with the blood evil is very shallow. It has just been proved that the opponent is also afraid of his punches. As long as he finds another chance, Another punch…

“Such an unruly look…” Lie smiled and said, “Hey, let me ask you, have you ever been bullied?”

Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment when he was asked: “Not much. It was a little bit at the beginning, and the blood and cruel intentions were the strongest at the beginning. Later, I can only say that I was lucky. When I met people who were qualified to bully me, they all Didn’t do that.”

Cui Wen?Z, Tang Wanzhuang… the “senior masters” I met along the way all had weird attitudes towards me because of the status of the prince who was just a sidekick. The villains like Maitreya in the King’s Way were actually causing trouble for them. …The only one who can be said to be “bullying” me is Suzaku, but while Suzaku bullies me, he also changes his identity to bully me, so how can I say…

Lie nodded and sighed: “With all your bones, if you were in an environment where you were oppressed for a long time, you would definitely be the second me. But fate has made you take a different path, and you are still stubborn. He despises gods and demons, but he can protect the weak and protect the environment and the people.”

The more Zhao Changhe listens, the more wrong he becomes. Do you want to fight?

Lie suddenly said: “You and I are fighting for the blood evil… I can see that you haven’t studied hard enough, and you haven’t discovered that blood and evil are actually treated separately.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

“Killing people to nourish evil spirits, of course you see blood, but this is a superficial manifestation, and evil spirits cannot exist only if there is blood. Blood is an objective thing, without good or evil. If you have strong qi and blood, you should nourish yourself with blood to use evil spirits. Sharpen the blade, but I am the opposite.” Lie smiled and said, “Come again?”

The blood evil is separated?

For a warrior who has been immersed in this art for a long time, Zhao Changhe shouted loudly and punched again!

The soul is still waving on the face of this fist, but the body is moving!

After an extremely difficult and unshakable pull, Zhao Changhe once again found the familiarity and perception of the body. So what does it matter if Lingchi’s pain is still there?

Yin Kui, who was holding a white pole and a broad knife in front of him, was casting spells: “???”

The sudden punch caught him off guard and almost made him burst with bile.

And Lie inside the Consciousness Sea also received a punch, grunted, then laughed, turned around and strode away.

Zhao Changhe gasped: “You…”

“You said it very well. I once promised that the gods and Buddhas will be gone, so why should I become a **** and Buddha? If Zhao Changhe can go to the extreme of blood evil and cut off the injustice in the world, then why should there be Lie in the world!” Lie’s image gradually faded. Disappeared: “Yin Kui is not easy to deal with. He also has a special purpose for recruiting my soul. Don’t die, my inheritor… When the Blood God Formation is revived, you and I will meet again. We will see you then…”

Looking and hearing nothing, Zhao Changhe opened his eyes, and there was Yin Kui coming to knock with a stick.

At this time, the evil spirit still refused to obey, and the whole body was in great pain. Yin Kui’s technique could also stimulate the evil spirit, making Zhao Changhe’s movements sluggish, and it was too late to swing his sword.

Zhao Changhe’s left finger suddenly moved.

In the soil behind Yin Kui, a dark divine sword quietly broke out of the ground and exploded into Yin Kui’s chrysanthemum.

When he used the Xue Sha Sword Technique and Yin Kui to test it before, he had secretly hidden the Galaxy Sword behind him. Unfortunately, the Xinghe Divine Star Sword was being used for sneak attacks all day long.

It doesn’t matter what the activity is, the key is that it is easy to use!

Yin Kui’s back door was attacked, and the stick was so frightened that it lost its strength. Zhao Changhe barely held it with his left hand, enduring the pain of fracture, and Long Que with his right hand finally had time to drag it and slash Yin Kui’s waist.

Yin Kui ducked out of the way and the person disappeared. He struck the air with all his swords.

This body technique… is like a ghost.

Behind Zhao Changhe, he saw an afterimage-like attack heading straight for the back of his head. He quickly turned around and struck out with a knife. The swords and flags collided with each other, and strong energy exploded, causing the surrounding graves to explode into a ball. There was a brown aura, and the soil where he stood began to sink deeply.

Zhao Changhe was in a very bad state at this time. Although Lie stopped his hand and gave him a round of instructions, the pain of the **** evil and his desperate pulling were all real, and Yin Kui’s strength was extraordinary. If it weren’t for He was punched suddenly and violently just now, and he would definitely not be able to beat him now.

Even now, the collision between the two sides is extremely difficult. While the white banner suppressed it, gusts of dark wind flowed straight into the soul sea. At the moment when his soul power had been severely damaged, Zhao Changhe really couldn’t bear it.

It would be nice if someone had a sneak attack on him…

The thought came to Zhao Changhe’s mind again, and he saw a sword coming from the west, the setting sun reflecting on the river, and the tombs of the Spirit Clan glowing brightly.

Yue Hongling arrived, and as soon as he took action, he used the most powerful secret skill, directly penetrating the soul fire of Yin Kui!

Zhao Changhe was overjoyed, and Yin Kui felt really **** off. For a moment, Shushen couldn’t concentrate on controlling the Black Miao King. Why is that side already gone? A corpse puppet from the Heavenly List! After the damage is negated and the power is increased, it is comparable to the pseudo-control realm, and it is just gone, not even a splash?

At this most stalemate and most critical moment, any straw may change the situation of the battle!

Forget it. Anyway, Lie’s image is no trivial matter. The moment it is summoned, coupled with the **** battle between the tomb and the temple, something has already begun…

Yin Kui quickly avoided Yue Hongling’s sword, turned into a gray light, and headed straight for the holy mountain.

Zhao Changhe Longque slashed the air with his sword, and his thoughts were moved. The female bird connected with her master, and immediately followed her with a half-moon slashing sword that could defeat thousands of armies. Yin Kui turned around again in the air, and the sword flashed past her. Passed by, bringing with it a rain of blood.

Yue Hongling said a little weakly: “It’s a pity that I don’t have enough strength to give him such a good opportunity…”

Zhao Changhe held his knife on the ground and looked at Yue Hongling and smiled. Yue Hongling was also covered in blood, but Zhao Changhe felt that this kind of sister Yue was the most beautiful.

I used to hold back my energy to help her and prove myself. But now I really feel like it’s great to have someone to help…

But there is no need to say thank you. Zhao Changhe quickly took a pill: “There are plenty of opportunities. Let’s go, he has gone to the Holy Mountain. If we still have the strength, we will chase him.”

The two of them didn’t need to say anything. They took drugs and ejected themselves, and chased away.

At the foot of the mountain below, there is still a melee between the Eldar and the resurrected skeletons. There have been heavy casualties. The resurrected skeletons are quite strong. What is even more terrifying is that they seem to keep crawling out without stopping. I don’t know how many bones were buried here back then… What frightened Zhao Changhe the most was that the earthquake still didn’t stop, as if there were endless strong men crawling out below. He didn’t know what to do if he wanted to stop this scene. Stop, do I have to kill Yin Kui to finish the job?

Yue Hongling added at this time: “King Heimiao left a message, saying that Yin Kui’s ultimate goal is to resurrect the earth, but I don’t know the explanation.”

Zhao Changhe was horrified: “I know!”

At this time, the chaos in the Holy Mountain was coming to an end. The assassins and rebels who had infiltrated Tingxuelou were unable to do anything against Sisi. The rebels were dying and the assassins of Tingxuelou had also begun to run away.

When Sisi chased after an assassin, she had no intention of fighting, and was planning to lead the crowd to help Zhao Changhe, but Yin Kui had arrived.

Fortunately, Sisi was outside the palace, while Yin Kui was being chased by Zhao Changhe and his wife. He didn’t want to cause any trouble, so he immediately pressed on… the coffin containing Ye Wujing.

To subdue an ax, you directly control the owner of the axe. The corpse puppet can help deal with Zhao Yue and the two, and can also control the ax. People who can control corpses are so extravagant.

At the moment when the spirit of the Infernal Corpse seeped into the coffin, Yin Kui’s heart suddenly jumped. Before he could say “fuck” in his heart, the coffin collapsed and a pair of skinny hands were viciously stamped on his chest!

This Ye Wujiang is not a dead person at all! He was able to pretend to be dead and lay motionless in the coffin for so long, letting the temple fall into chaos, the divine ax almost changing hands, and the apprentice struggling to hold his breath, while he lay there and played with breathlessness! Who would have thought of this!

Furthermore, this is a top player who is famous for his speed. A sneak attack at such a close range is really no joke. Yin Kui’s speed can only barely avoid the vital parts of his heart. After receiving a blow, Zhao Changhe’s sword and Yue Hongling’s sword had already attacked behind him.

Yin Kui no longer wanted to fight and flew away from the exit of the temple.

I really don’t know what to say about this scene. Being pitted by Lie, being attacked by Yue Hongling, and being pitted by Ye Wuzong… few people in the past have been qualified to endure such a luxurious lineup. Let’s talk about how to survive…

Behind him, Zhao Changhe drew his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at Yin Kui’s heart, his eyes extremely cold.

Although you are stronger than the previous ones… But with such a luxurious lineup, if you still run away like the previous few, wouldn’t you be worthy of the ancestors, the red feathers, and the Thief Saint?

This arrow is not the ones that have been used casually in the past. This is the one that killed the Emperor of the Sea. It has the ability to kill gods. Just putting it on the bow can make Ye Wujiang’s scalp hairy. Ma: “What is this!”

Sisi turned around and took a look, then suddenly snapped her fingers.

In the direction where Yin Kui was escaping, an insect suddenly exploded, and the space suddenly became frozen.

Ice silkworm Gu!

The moment he was restricted by the frost, the dragon soul arrow shot out like a meteor, reaching the back of Yin Kui’s head.

He also felt the crisis and instinctively wanted to hide, but due to his serious injuries and being temporarily restrained by Bing Lin, he could not completely dodge.

The dragon soul arrow grazed his scalp and caused a scratch.

That’s enough of the scratch!

Yin Kui screamed, fell from the air, and asked: “What is this!”

Zhao Changhe’s arrow also drained the last of his energy, and he spoke with great difficulty: “I don’t know if you are qualified to be called the Underworld Emperor. If so, this arrow is very honorable. Kill the Poseidon Emperor first. Kill the Ming Emperor again.”

Waiting for Yin Kui to reply, Zhao Changhe turned his head and looked in the direction of the tomb mountain. The feeling of earthquake was still there.

He was a little anxious: “This person’s soul fire has been extinguished, why hasn’t the magic stopped yet?”

Yin Kui chuckled: “The magic that has been activated will not cease when people die, you… will all be buried with me.”

“Really?” Zhao Changhe suddenly turned around and asked Ye Wujiang: “Can the Thief Saint still wield the divine axe?”

Ye Wujiang was in extremely poor condition at this time. He was injured and weak, and he hit Yin Kui head-on and was shocked by the blow, leaving him with only one breath left. Hearing Zhao Changhe ask this, he could only shake his head: “I can’t control it. If you have the intention, I will remove the brand and let you take over.”

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath and grasped the Immortal God Ax: “Then I will do it…”

Yue Hongling Sisi lost her voice and said: “You are also seriously injured!”

Ye Wujiang also said: “Do you understand thunder and lightning?”

But it was already too late. Zhao Changhe pulled out the divine axe, and electric current instantly coursed through his body. He grunted in pain and raised it again: “Thank you to the Thief Saint for removing the brand… It’s not too difficult to control. ”

Ye Wujie: “?”

Isn’t it difficult to control? Why am I lingering on the sickbed until now? Why were those idiots electrocuted to death just now?

But I don’t know that he is completely ignorant of thunder and lightning. Zhao Changhe seems to have never been exposed to thunder and lightning, but he has long understood it in the pages of nature in the Heavenly Book, but he has not used it in conjunction with the relevant techniques. That’s all; not to mention that thunder belongs to wood, which is included in the Dongji Daoguo that Xia Chichi fully accepted. He has practiced with Xia Chichi many times, so he naturally has an affinity with wood.

As for affinity and affinity, it is still not easy to control.

Zhao Changhe had no control at the moment, nor did he need to control it… He just had to make sure to swing this blow and activate the power of the divine ax!

Yin Kui over there has lost his soul fire and died completely. The last scene he saw before his death was Zhao Changhe flying up and slashing the void with his divine ax, like a **** or a demon.


Thunder suddenly rises in the sky, and the divine thunder shines brightly, spreading throughout the entire Eldar space.

The energy of the Yin Corpse was instantly wiped out by the power of the divine thunder, without even a breath left.

The most important thing is…the faint tremor in the ground, which implies an even more terrifying foreshadowing, was cut off by this strike.

If the earth was transformed by someone…if the divine ax could open the sky.

Then when the divine ax falls and the heaven and earth dissect, the earth will naturally remain motionless as before!

Yin Kui looked at the figure wielding an ax and slashing furiously in the void, the expectation in his eyes turned into despair, and gradually dimmed.

All the Ling people knelt down and prayed. No matter the tomb or the temple, they knelt in a ball, not even daring to raise their heads.

Yue Hongling and Sisi looked up, with stars in their eyes, embarrassed to express themselves.

“Boom!” The majestic Zhao Changhe had already fallen from the air. Yue Hongling flew up and hugged her, then turned around and said: “Sisi, help… eh?”

At the same time that Zhao Changhe fainted, Sisi also fainted.

Looking back, Ye Wujie also fainted.

Yue Hongling looked at the Ling clan people all over the mountains and plains, as if she, as the female holy envoy, was the only one who could talk.

“This village is getting bigger day by day…”


PS: It’s coming. Speaking of which, I feel like everyone wants to read big chapters more. Big chapters do have a lot of information, and two or three thousand words won’t be like a constipation… Do you think it would be better if it were changed to 5~6K words once a day in the future? If everyone agrees, then this will be the way it goes from now on.


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