Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 694: It’s easy for a master and a disciple to break the ice


Chapter 694 It’s easy for master and apprentice to break the ice

The sky was slightly bright, and the oil lamp hanging on the wall had long since run out of oil and went out.

Behind the desk, separated by a screen, was a small bed for the emperor to take a rest when he was tired from work. The bed was not big, so it was just right for one person to lie down on.

In the thin quilt, Zhao Changhe was lying on his back, with the Queen Mother and the Emperor nestled in his shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right. The three of them were squeezed as tightly as one person, with their pink legs and jade arms intertwined around their bodies. The spring scenery was so beautiful.

Zhao Changhe did not wake up. At the end of the battle, he used his dual cultivation skills. The injuries he suffered from the previous battle with Feng Yin only rested for most of a day and did not heal. Later, he used his body to divert water, and his whole body was injured by the power of water element. I didn’t know it clearly, but I was sinking into concentration with the help of dual cultivation.

He was really exhausted these days.

Not only is my body tired, but my mind is also tired. If it were normal, he might have been more concerned about Suzaku’s mentality and not dare to be too direct, but he really didn’t bother to think about the scene last night. It’s now here, it’s come, I just want you, I just want you Putting you and Chichi together…I’ve thought about it for a long time…

So that’s what I did.

How do you know if the other person is willing if you don’t try…

Facts have proved that Suzaku has been reluctant on the face, but deep down in his heart, he has been prepared for this. Since everyone has followed him, how can he avoid such a day… it will be a matter of time sooner or later.

Nowadays, the world is in such trouble. No one knows whether we will see each other again next time we see each other. Since it is only a matter of time, why should we worry about it…

The two women each opened their eyes in their shoulder sockets, and when they saw the look in the other’s eyes that they were just waking up from a spring sleep, they rolled their eyes together.

Zhuque still wore a mask when he was doing things. It was naturally inconvenient to lean on his shoulder at this time, so he had already opened it and put it away, revealing Huangfu’s charming and **** face. It is very tragic to find out that the mask that shocked the world now is just a **** toy…

Xia Chichi felt a little weird when she looked at it, as if she was the master and apprentice when she was wearing the mask, and she was mother and daughter when she took off the mask. Even her temperament and temperament had changed, and she could change her appearance at will.

The most typical thing is that Huangfu Qing’s eyes without the mask no longer have the fierceness that belongs to Suzaku, but they feel a bit like a flower of wealth in the world, like a blooming begonia, quite like a queen mother.

Xia Chichi finally couldn’t hold back and said: “Suddenly I feel that you should be the Queen Mother. If I were to make someone I don’t know the Queen Mother, I wouldn’t be able to do it. If there must be someone in charge of things in the palace, then it must be Yes? ?br/>

Huangfu Qing stopped pretending to be dead and curled his lips and said, “Does this mean you are willing to listen to me?”

Xia Chichi smiled and said, “I would have listened to you.”

“I can’t tell.” Huangfu Qing snorted coldly: “You have never spoken to me in the past few days. In the inner palace, you take care of yours and I take care of mine. Do you know that in private, everyone in the palace is chewing Tongue, say you and I are at odds?”

Xia Chichi pursed her lips: “At that time… I was unhappy.”

Huangfu Qing said angrily: “What now?”

Xia Chichi tilted his head slightly: “Last night, last night you saw that I couldn’t do it anymore, and you got anxious and let him come to you… For a moment, I felt that you were better to me than him.”

Huangfu Qing: “…”

Xia Chichi: “…”

If the sleeping Zhao Changhe knew that the relationship between master and apprentice was broken because of this kind of thing, I wonder if he would be stunned. In fact, no one knows whether Huangfu Qing is afraid that he won’t be able to bear it for a long time or because he is trying to grab the stick. I’m afraid even Huangfu Qing himself is confused and can’t tell clearly.

Anyway, it would be best if you are willing to understand this way…

Huangfu Qing finally stood up and lazily ran his hair down: “You know I’m good to you? From the moment I accepted you, I have been trying to make you better. How can I have any selfish thoughts? You almost fell out with me because of a man. She talks more to Tang Wanzhuang than to me.”

Xia Chichi looked a little jealously at the place where she looked trembling due to the movement of her hair. She stood up silently and chose to get dressed first and then tie her hair.

He said: “I talk to Tang Wanzhuang a lot because she is well versed in political affairs. Not to mention anything else, what are your ideas about the current power recovery of counties and counties, the tax system, and the military restructuring? And what are your ideas? Ah, the treasury is running out of money, do you know? The teacher is responsible for this even in the teaching, what do you think?”

Huangfuqing became angry: “I will beat you!”

“No, if you want to hit me, just hit me!” Zhao Changhe opened his eyes. He had just woken up and hadn’t figured out the situation yet. He thought the master and apprentice were going to fight again, so he subconsciously stopped the fight.

As a result, a kick was kicked from both sides: “You go and die, it’s none of your business!”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Xia Chichi jumped out of bed and took Huangfuqing’s arm affectionately: “Mother, let’s go have breakfast. I know you love bird’s nests and turtle skirts…”

“Well, since you said you don’t have any money, then save some. I…I am not a luxurious person. As an emperor, you must set an example and put diligence and thrift first.”

“Got it…”

Zhao Changhe watched the two of them go out affectionately, as if in a dream.

It was obvious that the two of them had been at odds a few days ago, so how could they fight each other? Huangfu Qing also re-educated Bu Lai, and Bu Lai still listened… Does Daqing’s thing still have a bonding effect?

If I had told you earlier, I would have put you two together, what a feeling…

He jumped up, washed up casually, and followed him out to have breakfast.

Breakfast was indeed very simple, with porridge and side dishes, and a few pieces of pancakes. It reminded Zhao Changhe of the famous story of the Empress of the East Palace baking pancakes, and the smell came right after looking at the big kang.

Xia Chichi and Huangfuqing were sitting face to face, drinking porridge and eating cakes. They looked sideways at Zhao Changhe who ran over, not bothering to pay attention to him.

It makes him feel too good, but we don’t feel good about it.

Zhao Changhe sat between the two of them and coughed twice like the head of the family. However, the maid next to him ignored him and refused to serve him porridge. Zhao Changhe had no choice but to fight by himself and said, “I heard there is no money. What’s going on?”

Both of them ignored him and said to themselves: “The porridge is a bit sticky today…”

Zhao Changhe said: “It’s useless for me to ask you about political matters. I’ll ask about evening makeup.”

The two of them slapped their chopsticks on the table at the same time, eyebrows raised: “How dare you!”

The palace ladies around them tilted their heads and almost laughed.

Zhao Changhe sat back with the porridge, took a big mouthful, and breathed out comfortably: “Didn’t the Cui family send a lot of money and food here before, so why are there no money?”

“The Cui family took the initiative to send money and food because Cui Wen Z knew that we were in urgent need. And they had been fighting for so long and didn’t have much food left. They had already planned to capture the Wang family and see how much they could share… However, logically speaking, the Wang family may have money but not much food. You just came back from there. Do you know the situation?”

“Well…” Zhao Changhe lowered his head to drink porridge.

I really didn’t pay attention to these, I left them all to Cui Yuanyong. Therefore, governing the country is not a job that one can do.

Xia Chichi said: “We say we are short of money, but in fact we are not short of much money, because a lot of money has been copied in the past two days… Some people’s families are much richer than my palace, and they have not yet finished counting. ”

Zhao Changhe: “…Basic practice.”

“But the problem is that there is a shortage of food, and money cannot be used as food. After years of wars, the court’s nonsense, and desolation everywhere, food cannot be produced. It is just like emptying these people’s homes. It is not yet Spring plowing, how long is the autumn harvest? The current grain reserves can only be said to be sufficient. It is difficult to support the war, and I am even more afraid that if there is a disaster, there will be no relief… I really don’t want to scold the late emperor, but he is really not a thing. What a **** emperor. If he doesn’t die, you and I will be starving to death at the turn of next spring and summer.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

“Including Jiangnan, the Maitreya Rebellion destroyed too many people’s livelihoods and has not been able to recover so far. Tang Buqi also has little spare time. Yesterday Tang Wanzhuang suggested using money to buy grain from Penglai. Penglai has had good weather for many years, so it should be okay. , but they are not a big grain-producing country, and they don’t feel like they can supply much…”

Zhao Changhe glanced at Huangfuqing secretly. Huangfuqing lowered his head to drink porridge to cover up the circles in his eyes.

Huangfu couldn’t help it, and Zhao Changhe’s own knowledge was very limited. He could only say: “From my limited knowledge, overseas countries should have a plant called sweet potato, or sweet potato, sweet potato, and various other plants. It does not require high soil quality, has a large yield and is easy to ripen. The roots and stems can be used as staple food, and the branches and leaves can also be used for vegetables. Although it is too late to plant it now, it can be prepared for the future. “

Both women looked at him in astonishment, why did he even have an idea for this? Everyone had gone to sea, and based on their consciousness at that time, no one would ask about grain. When did he ask?

Unexpectedly, Zhao Changhe, who was considered to be far-sighted, turned red in the face. He asked where he was when he went to sea… He had too little knowledge and could only think of the must-have artifact sweet potato for all online travels. He couldn’t even hold back a fart. Really Shameful. And that won’t save the urgent matter. There is a shortage of food now, so what’s the use of looking for seeds now?

“As for the top priority, it is related to what I want to discuss when I come back…” Zhao Changhe forced himself to respect himself: “We don’t have food, others have it. Shanxi merchants have food to sell to Timur, which means they have a lot, right?” ”


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