Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 688: The Battle of Founding the Nation


Chapter 688: The Battle of Founding the Country

A few days ago, the Beijing troops were unhappy because they “went south to fight in Langya on a snowy day”. In fact, they went south to the Cui family’s territory, and then they were entertained by the Cui family for two days with good wine and meat. They were all comfortable. The land circled to the west.

As long as they are not sent to siege the city in heavy snow, and it is just a field battle, the army still has basic literacy, and it is not like everyone has never fought in winter battles. And it’s not a fight, it’s an ambush, so there’s no problem with that.

The mutiny that Lu Jianzhang and others thought existed did not exist at all.

It only took half a day for Huangfu Shaozong and his troops to arrive at the ambush site. Everyone was still resting at night, and Yeletu’s forward Qingqi appeared on the mountain road below.

Huangfu Shaozong stopped his men’s movements and whispered: “This is not our goal. Don’t disturb everyone. We can continue to sleep for a few more hours to recharge our spirits.”

A group of soldiers watched with strange expressions as Yeletu’s Qingqi rode by.

Yeletu attacked the city at night. Of course, it was not just a light cavalry that thought it could succeed. There was also a large force of the Li family behind them. It’s just that the large army marches slowly, and they arrive first as the vanguard. The reason why we didn’t wait for the large forces to slowly move in together… must talk about Zhao Changhe’s shocking arrow earlier.

The march of the large army is too slow and the movement is very loud, so it is impossible to hide the response from the capital. Once the capital is prepared, it may fall into a very troublesome siege. Everyone knows that it is difficult to siege a city in snow. Even if the capital has no soldiers, it can be defended for a while just by recruiting strong men. Suzaku Tang Wanzhuang supervises the battle. Under such circumstances, it may not be so easy for the inner ghost to open the city gate.

And Zhao Changhe’s arrow announced that the Yellow River moat was in vain, and the Cui family’s cauldron soldiers pointed at Langya. The Beijing army that Huangfu Shaozong went south to support may no longer be of use. Once the capital besieged the city, Huangfu Shaozong would definitely return. Defend, if you make a bad move, you will be saved, and you will miss a great opportunity.

This prompted Yeletu Qingqi to attack at night, planning to rely on the private soldiers of Lu Jianzhang and others to cooperate with the hidden gods and demons inside and outside, and break into the capital with lightning speed. If the new dynasty is completely unprepared and falls into chaos, the outcome can be determined directly. The worst-case scenario can plunge the capital into chaotic street fighting, making it impossible to organize an effective defense of the city.

When the Li family’s troops and horses arrive, the matter will be settled, and Huangfu Shaozong’s troops will not be able to come back in time.

The fight is about this time difference. Although it is dangerous, huge risks mean huge benefits. This is the case with Ziwu Valley’s plan and Deng Ai’s crossing of Yinping. It only depends on the choice of the general.

A long, long time passed until Yeletu, and it was already dawn. Zhao Changhe’s battle with Feng Yin at sea was completed and the whole server was notified. Huangfu Shaozong’s soldiers all woke up to eat noodles. In the distance Only then did the Li family’s army horses, which had been trekking all night, faintly appear, seemingly preparing to find a place nearby to cook.

Huangfu Shaozong grinned and his white teeth flashed: “They are still looking for stones to build a stove. It’s really not easy in the snow… Give them some rolling stones first, and the archers are ready!”

“Boom!” Countless rolling stones fell left and right.

This is not a war, this is a naked massacre.

When Huangfu Shaozong drew his gun and led the crowd to charge down the mountain, he even had the idea of ​​attacking the key point in his mind. He soon realized that this idea was too far-fetched and he pressed it down forcefully.

In fact, the new dynasty is very weak and does not have the conditions for a multi-faceted war.

This battle could never have been that simple. It can only be said that the timing was just right, and the opponent’s choice was just right, as if he was here to give it away.

The powerful intelligence capabilities of Tang Wanzhuang’s Demon Suppressor are the foundation. All the opponent’s movements are like bright cards in our own eyes; and Zhao Changhe’s every step seems to be promoting this result, using the notification from the Book of Troubled Times to Guiding people to make choices is really amazing to Huangfu Shaozong, who has studied military art since he was a child.

Using this method of playing chess reported in the Book of Troubled Times has never been thought of by people in this world. It is like jumping out of the perspective of this world, standing on high clouds, overlooking the chessboard.

“This guy is a little younger than me, and he ended up being my brother-in-law… I thought my sister was just looking for a strong little puppy, but I didn’t expect that she was looking for a true god. It’s a bit strange to be honest. When they got together, this brother-in-law It’s just at the entrance, how do you know he is so powerful?”


“Go back.” Cui Wen Z was walking with Yang Jingxiu on the edge of the Yellow River: “You can’t fight this battle.”

Yang Jingxiu walked with him in silence for a long time, and then said: “Are you sure that when you attack the Wang family, the barbarians will go south, the Li family will come east, and my Yang family will go north… The whole world will rebel, be attacked on all sides, and gods and demons will appear. Such a shaky new dynasty…will we not be able to fight this battle in the end?”

Cui Wen?Z raised his head and thought for a long time, looking a little weird.

Why did he hesitate before and prepare for war with Jingzhong?

Because from the comparison of strength, no matter how you look at this new dynasty, it is crumbling with enemies on all sides, and there is almost no hope. The mess Xia Longyuan left was such that no one was willing to listen to orders anymore. Even the officials in the capital were against him, and truly the whole world was against him.

Even if Xia Longyuan is alive, he can’t change the current situation of the broken mountains and rivers. He must conquer the world again… This is really not something that can be done by one person’s force alone.

But when Xia Longyuan was replaced by Zhao Changhe, the situation suddenly changed, as if a dead end had been revived.

Not only the Caobang, Jiangnan, and Cui families, but also the Yang family at the moment are not so determined to become negotiable objects.

Especially when Zhao Changhe was defeated and retreated to the wind, it was obvious that Yang Jingxiu had been shaken after being notified by the Book of Troubled Times. It’s not entirely a matter of Zhao Changhe’s strength, but that Yang Jingxiu is also sensitive to the feeling that the “general trend” is changing. When the two ancient gods and demons were driven away by Zhao Changhe in the wheel battle, Yang Jingxiu could almost foresee that the fall of Langya was just around the corner.

If Langya can’t hold on any longer, what’s the point of his stalemate with Cui Wen?Z?

As long as they can block the sneak attacks of the Hu people and the Li family in the future, the Xin Dynasty, which originally only had one capital left, will once again secure half of the country, and the only remaining problem is to deal with it one by one.

“This is the battle for the founding of a country. The establishment of a new dynasty is not done by sitting on a dragon throne and declaring the throne. It has to be tempered by blood and fire. As long as you withstand it, you will be secure. If you cannot withstand it, That is a short-lived dynasty that has made people laugh for thousands of years, and it is not uncommon.” Cui Wen Z said slowly: “I’m not sure what the situation in the north will be like… I won’t participate, I’ll wait and see what the outcome will be. ? Anyway, with me here, even if you don’t have a few soldiers, you won’t be able to cross the river in a while.”

Yang Jingxiu sighed: “What can we do if we wait for the result?”

Cui Wen Z said: “Xia Chi…well, Your Majesty will not pursue the battle to siege the late emperor. After all, her own master was the main force in that battle, and she herself was a rebel. There is nothing to say.”

Yang Jingxiu said: “I believe this matter will not be pursued, but you know what I care about.”

Cui Wen Z was silent for a moment and said slowly: “According to that brat’s words, surrender or annihilate the clan. The loser has no choice, unless you rely on some powerful gods and demons… But even if there is another disaster. Feng Yin, it won’t help much. Do you have a second-level imperial realm to rely on?”

Yang Jingxiu shook his head and did not answer.

“There are not that many powerful gods and demons, and even if there are, there are not many who are interested in the pattern of the human world.” Cui Wen Z turned to look at him: “If there is no choice, there is some benefit in making a decision early, the better. When the troops arrive at the city, they have no right to speak anymore.”

Yang Jingxiu laughed dumbly: “Why do I feel like you are trying to trick me?”

Cui Wen Z also laughed: “I’m just a lobbyist for my son-in-law, don’t think too much about it.”

Yang Jingxiu looked at the rolling Yellow River and sighed in a low voice: “You are a lobbyist who carries too much weight… When it comes to Zhao Changhe’s general trend, your relationship probably accounts for 30% of it.”

Cui Wen Z said: “Your relationship is not bad either.”

Yang Jingxiu stopped talking and seemed to be thinking.

The sky flashed with golden light, and Langya fell.

Yang Jingxiu smiled bitterly: “It’s faster than I thought… I’m afraid the inside of Langya is like a sieve, otherwise how could it be so easy to beat?”

Cui Wen Z asked: “The Wang family is finished. Do you want to bet on the Li family, or do you want to bet on the Hu people?”

Yang Jingxiu sighed: “I don’t want to have anything to do with the Hu people. I don’t agree with the Li family’s actions, but what can I do?”

“Of course, cut the mat quickly. You shouldn’t be such a clingy person. Stop now. For the sake of joining forces to defeat Maitreya, you still have the right to be a hereditary noble. No matter what, you won’t lose a local wealthy family.” If you really wait for them to destroy the Li family and be free to deal with you, you won’t be able to become a rich man.”

Yang Jingxiu was silent for a moment and said in a low voice: “After this battle, I resigned and went into seclusion to study behind closed doors. Hongnong Yang will no longer participate in the power of the world. If the children in the family want to be officials or join the army, they must each rely on their abilities. It has nothing to do with the family.”

Cui Wen?Z looked at his old friend with sadness in his heart. Yang Jingxiu has a feeling of being in trouble, which he can understand because he has also experienced this kind of emotion.

Times have changed, and the aftermath is unclear. Looking at the world, I can’t seem to find my own direction. Hiding away from the world may not be a bad choice.

He sighed and responded in a low voice: “Okay, maybe we can harvest the mulberry trees. A hundred years later, it is unknown whether Tian Wenzong will come from Hongnong.”

Yang Jingxiu suddenly smiled with relief: “Would you like to drink?”

Cui Wen Z made a “please” gesture, and the two of them opened wine bottles on the bank of the Yellow River in front of the two armies’ formations.

Yang Jingxiu said: “Shall I have someone bring some food and drinks?”

Cui Wen Z smiled and said: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a drink with the good news?”

Yang Jingxiu laughed: “You are too confident in your son-in-law…”

Before he finished speaking, golden light appeared in the sky again.

“Zhao Changhe attacked Langya and made a plan with Emperor Xia to show the enemy’s weakness. Huangfu Shaozong led his army out of the capital with the name of going south. Prime Minister Lu Jianzhang and more than 20 high-ranking officials and nobles took advantage of the situation to rebel and colluded with Guanzhong and North Hu , conspired with the capital.”

“The protector of the Eternal Heaven Temple and the nineteen-year-old Yeletu of Dibang led his light cavalry around Guanzhong and attacked on a snowy night. Jianzhang and others should open the city gates to welcome the enemy in, which was exactly what Emperor Xia was planning. Xia Chi Chi Qin led the imperial army to block Yeletu in the palace city, and Suzaku defeated the ancient demon **** and was extinguished on the top of the imperial city… In the late Tang Dynasty, Zhuang killed Lu Jianzhang, Lu Shouyi, Pei Yushi and other 14 people, killing them all. Kyoto is filled with blood.”

“Huangfu Shaozong ambushed Taihang and destroyed hundreds of thousands of Li family members, beheading thousands of people, leaving corpses all over the mountains and fields. Taihang’s color changed.”

“In this battle, sixty-seven people in the world were withered, the high sect collapsed, the elites were all lost, the death of the real martial arts was also the establishment of a new dynasty.”

The blind man couldn’t hold back the poem, and his pretty face turned red from holding it in where Zhao Changhe couldn’t see.

But after Yang Jingxiu read the battle report for a long time, he suddenly said to Cui Wen Z: “I remembered the criticism of Zhao Changhe in the Book of Troubled Times a long time ago.”

“Which sentence?”

“The long river flows unstoppably.”


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