Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 648: Happy people will eventually become happy


Chapter 648: People who have fun will eventually have fun

Suzaku now finds Sanniang laughing in the distance, but he has no time to pay attention to Wugui, who is laughing to death. His **** is really on fire at this moment, how can he deal with the angry delay?

What troubles Suzaku the most is that in the past, she had opposed the relationship between Zhao Changhe and Xia Chichi…she had no selfish desires at the beginning, really. At that time, she even wanted to kill Zhao Changhe once and for all. If she hadn’t been worried that this method would be too rough and cause Xia Chichi to rebel, she might have actually implemented it.

Not to mention anything else, this point has been proven that the saint cannot turn her elbows outward. Once Zhao Changhe is involved, all Xia Chichi’s objectivity will be completely lost. What kind of saint is she, what kind of candidate is she?

This can only prove how far-sighted and forward-looking my original opposition was!

But when I got on the bus first, no matter how reasonable the foresight was, it became unreasonable. Anyone who looked at it would say that you were trying to steal a man from your apprentice. This was also the biggest reason why I was unable to reveal my face. The deeper I got in, the less I dared to reveal it. Until now, I finally couldn’t hide it…

Does this count as retribution for having killed Chang He?

Now the apprentice asks if he cut off his beard for himself. How should he answer?

Zhuque was stiff for a long time, and could only say: “You should know why I stopped you in the first place… Later, later on, wasn’t it? Mi Yuofeng? I was the matchmaker, and you said so yourself…”

Xia Chichi: “…”

Yes, a few days ago I claimed credit and said it was a big matchmaker, and I said it myself…

Xia Chichi’s face was greener than a green dragon.

This is not just shame and anger, in fact, her level of social death is no less serious than that of Suzaku. In the past two days, he not only took credit for claiming to be a great matchmaker, but also discussed with “Huangfu Qing” how to hide it from His Holiness. In the eyes of the other party, he looked like a clown on the stage!

At first, he even pretended to force her to serve tea and sent her to copy poison scriptures.

No wonder he was punished by the Venerable later even when he entered the door with his left foot, and he was punished by copying books for everything he did in the future.

The shame and anger of being cheated by the master are mixed with the social death of being a clown. This cannot be solved without tearing each other apart!

“Hey, I gave you the love, but my matchmaker is the Winged Fire Snake. Where is she? Let her come out and say a few words and offer a cup of tea?”

Suzaku was tensed and unable to answer.

Xia Chichi shook Lord Suzaku, who was once as fearful as a tiger: “Speak, little snake, isn’t that little mouth very moveable? You can kiss her from top to bottom. Your ventriloquism is amazing. Why are you mute now?”

“She is the Winged Fire Snake, and now she is also your mother.” Suzaku finally said: “Then you still serve tea…”

“Pfft…” Sanniang rolled on the grass.

Xia Chichi almost jumped up. Do you really think I can’t tear this pseudo-mother apart?

Zhuque said again: “Besides, I didn’t stop you anymore. A few days ago, you made yourself look like a girl in Tang Dynasty makeup. When she is gone, you go to take over. I know it clearly, and I can’t help you.” You didn’t say anything, right? It’s just acquiescence…”

Xia Chichi was furious: “I have already joined the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and I still want to be the leader. You can’t stop me in the first place, but you still think this is your gift, right? You’d better explain it to the believers first. Take advantage of the psychological journey of the apprentice man! ”

“Um…” Zhao Changhe wiped cold sweat. He usually didn’t know how to speak in the Shura field. He couldn’t pretend to be dead this time. If he continued to pretend to be dead, he might start a fight.

He carefully pulled Xia Chichi’s sleeve, and when he was about to speak, Xia Chichi shook it off and said angrily: “Shut up first! It’s not you who was punished for copying the book! I have to tear it up today.” I can’t live without her…”

“Then punish me.” Zhao Changhe said with a smile: “I will suffer the injustice you suffered in the past with you. Don’t be angry.”

This shows that Zhao Changhe has experienced many battles now. If he pleads for Suzaku and says that he is punished for Suzaku, then Xia Chichi will only become even more angry. But what this guy said is that I will go through it with you.

Xia Chichi’s anger weakened by three points after hearing this. At least his tone was no longer so irritable. He said coldly: “It’s none of your business. You yourself were also deceived. I think you just found out, so you deliberately tried to convince me. She? I think you’re doing a good job, so why should you be punished?”

Zhao Changhe said: “It’s my fault for making you angry. If I hadn’t been greedy, I wouldn’t have done these things…”

Shit… Sanniang over there didn’t even want to roll around, she looked up in shock.

You have been at this level for a long time, why are you so embarrassed today?

Xia Chichi said angrily: “I think you just want to help her smooth things over, and you have been irritating me! You know how to bully me, and you did the same thing back then, my uncle. Why is she the wife you care about…”

Sanniang: “?”

Suzaku: “”

Hey, hey, hey! Sanniang carefully stepped back step by step.

Zhao Changhe ignored Sanniang’s side for a while, but Chichi was still furious here. Suzaku stopped talking after he opened his mouth. Obviously everyone felt that they were helping Suzaku smooth things over, and Chichi was certainly not happy. But isn’t this just helping Chichi to smooth things over? Otherwise, what would be the outcome of Chi Chi’s commotion? Suzaku will not bow down if she wants to save face. She is your master and your mother. Even if she doesn’t mention her identity, she will really care about you, guide you, and support you all the way. To what extent can you fall out with someone as you practice cultivation today? What’s even more tragic is that you can’t fight back if you really fall out with someone.

Zhao Changhe thought for a while and tried to say to Suzaku: “You just… already regarded me as the new Night Emperor, right?”

Suzaku looked away from Sanniang and said “hmm”.

Zhao Changhe said: “Will you obey my order?”

Suzaku glanced at Xia Chichi again and said “hmm”.

“Tonight is supposed to be the ceremony for the establishment of the leader of the Holy Church. It is a given that he has been the leader for a long time. In my opinion, no matter what the original ceremony is, whether it requires the blessing or coronation of the venerable, the ceremony Let’s make some changes and let Venerable Suzaku propose a cup of tea to the leader.”

If it were a negotiation tone, Suzaku might have to put on a brave face to object to this arrangement. But Zhao Changhe said that this was an order.

“This is an order.” He emphasized: “If you recognize me as the new god, then follow my orders.”

It looks like a command, but it is actually a step. Suzaku still felt very comfortable: “Yes, I do it with the intention of respecting the gods.”

Xia Chichi opened her mouth, and her anger seemed to be gone. If the Reverend is really willing to offer tea to her as a Reverend, he is actually admitting his mistake. No matter what the name is, the essence is All are there.

It is said that Po Tian is also a master and apprentice, mother and daughter. It is all a family matter. What is missing is someone willing to admit his mistakes. As long as Suzaku, who is obsessed with saving face, is willing to bow his head and admit his mistake, then there will be no overnight anger.

As for the future… From now on, I will be the leader and she will be the prime minister. Let’s take our time! snort.

Xia Chichi was angry, but Suzaku was not.

I am indeed wrong about this matter, and I am willing to use the steps given by Changhe to step down, but in any case, it is extremely shameful to bow down to my apprentice and admit my mistake. For Suzaku, who has been obsessed with saving face all his life, his face is still burning. If it weren’t for the mask, he doesn’t know if he would still have the face to stand here.

She needs to divert fire.

With a glance, she caught sight of Sanniang, who was peeping in the distance.

“Yuan Sanniang!” Suzaku gritted his teeth: “It turns out that you have been hooking up with him a long time ago, and you still pretended to be fair and just on the sidelines, and persuaded me to accept the new emperor! You are the biggest traitor who cheats and cheats, I will beat you to death! ”

“Boom!” The flames surged into the sky, and the huge firebird flew straight towards the grass in the distance, much more powerful than when it was sparring with Zhao Changhe just now.

“…” Sanniang turned around and ran away, but she couldn’t match Suzaku’s speed. She was quickly grabbed and had no choice but to turn around and fight.

“Crack, crackle, crackle”, the two venerables fought in the suburbs of Beijing, water and fire clashed, the situation changed, and the avenues…

“I am doing this for your own good…”

“Is it good for me to steal my man?”

“Yeah, just like you said it’s better to be late…”

Xia Chichi opened her mouth and closed it again.

“Yuan Sanniang, go to hell!”

“What I mean when I say it’s for your own good is to help you make a choice. Don’t worry about it. Look at how good it is now…What doctrines and beliefs are there? Is it important to have a man…”

“…Does that mean your rhetoric is really nonsense?”

“Actually, it’s very true… Oh, believe me~”

“Bang!” In fact, Sanniang is still stronger than Suzaku at this moment, and much stronger… But with a guilty conscience and shortness of breath, how can she dare to let go of the enemy? After fighting for a while, she was knocked over. Suzaku was riding on her, and she was beaten on the grass: “Inviting you to join the church on the edge of Taihu Lake is the biggest mistake of my life!”

Sanniang screamed and struggled: “Zhao Changhe, please say something… aren’t you very good at smoothing things over… help me~”

Zhao Changhe covered his face while Xia Chichi held his hands and remained silent.

Fortunately, we had to change the place to fight before. If we had fought in front of the members, the Four Symbols Sect could have been disbanded on the spot.


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