Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 632: What is it like to take away the queen in front of the emperor


Chapter 632: What is it like to take away the queen in front of the emperor

“Where is the yellow robe? Today’s so-called yellow robe, in fact, there is no yellow robe for a long time. Strictly speaking, this is not in line with the ‘etiquette’ that group of people are talking about. It’s a pity that they are pretending to be blind and no one mentioned it. .”

After the meeting, Xia Chichi sat back in the side hall and drank tea lazily, as if paralyzed from exhaustion. Tang Wanzhuang was also drinking tea and resting nearby. She didn’t look like a monarch at all. She didn’t even wait for the “seat”, so she sat down without any hesitation. The emperor didn’t even bother to pay attention to her.

Where are the kings and ministers? After the meeting is over, it is a family gathering.

After the meeting, Suzaku disappeared, so angry that he didn’t know where he went.

In fact, Zhao Changhe had vaguely guessed where Suzaku had gone, and could even guess who would soon replace him. The topic he is looking for at the beginning is almost paving the way for the one who is about to come. Subconsciously, was it to help her cover up in front of these two people?

Xia Chichi was exhausted and too lazy to think so much, so she replied casually: “I just asked the eunuchs and maids to use the existing dragon robe fabrics to make them. They are very experienced and the materials are readily available. They can make this.” Soon. Wing Fire Snake has been a concubine in the palace for several years, and she has some control over the inner palace… It is convenient for us to take over this stall on many levels, and the layout of the Venerable is quite good…”

Tang Wanzhuang sipped her tea and glanced at her.

Indeed, eunuchs, palace maids, etc. are ready to use. Now the people waiting around are all your people. They have been raised for a long time, which is really convenient.

But you actually don’t know that the Winged Fire Snake and the Venerable are the same person… I thought you were an opponent before, but as soon as you said this, your rank immediately dropped to Baoqin.

Also laid out the plan, if it weren’t for the fact that I recognized Changhe… would I really be able to make “Meiqin Xiechan” Zhuo’s visit to Beijing turn into a farce? Do you believe it or not? I still want to be emperor, and I want to be beautiful.

Xia Chichi felt the contempt of IQ and glared back: “I said your surname is Tang, are you still a loyal minister with your disrespect for me?”

Tang Wanzhuang said slowly: “The king in my heart is Changhe. I am loyal to Changhe so I accompany him in the show. I don’t really think that I am loyal to you. If you were not his woman, today would not be the ceremony of enthronement.” , but the streets of the capital were filled with blood.”

Xia Chichi said: “Now that I have finished ascending to the throne and you have finished supporting me, you are now my subject in front of the world. You can’t rebel even if you want to, right?”

“So what?”

“My beloved, kneel down and take a look?”

Tang Wanzhuang blew the tea foam leisurely and said calmly: “You can also dismiss me from my post or even go to jail. It doesn’t matter.”

Xia Chichi stared, Tang Wanzhuang drank tea.

Even without Zhao Changhe, from a political perspective, the current Tang Wanzhuang can actually be regarded as a partner and cannot be easily moved. As for whether to break up the gang in the future, it will be a long time later. It cannot be caused by internal and external troubles now. Tang Wanzhuang really doesn’t need Xia Chichi and the Sixiang Cult at all.

It’s really sad when the most reassuring loyal minister becomes like this…

Tang Wanzhuang put down the teacup a little tiredly and whispered: “My injury has not healed yet. I am a little tired after holding on all morning. I want to go back to rest first, and I am not in the mood to wait for Huangfuqing to come over and make a noise with me. The reason why I stayed here I just want to say a few words in private…”

She paused, turned to Zhao Changhe, and said seriously: “I originally thought you would be the one to ascend the throne… But now that it’s like this, it’s good to think about it carefully, but the plan is different… I’ll sort it out later. Those who have some relationship with the previous dynasty are given to Chi Chi… uh, to Your Majesty. Your Majesty will secretly support them one by one as appropriate. This will be another group of personal supporters of Your Majesty besides the Four Symbols Sect. This is beneficial to the imperial power and is completely Relying on the Four Symbols Sect is not an emperor’s idea, even if you are the leader.”

No wonder I have to avoid saying this to Suzaku…

“Secondly, if the late emperor has no political legacy for your majesty, that is not necessarily true. He will end the family roots and win the favor of the common people. If your majesty can expand the way for the common people to rise, it is expected to win the hearts of the people of the world. All for your own use… On the contrary, people like Lu Jianzhang have to be replaced… This is a long-term game process. What I worry about is that after you gain a firm foothold, for example, once Huangfu Shaozong’s army returns, you will feel stable. There is no need to start killing people in exchange for blood. Take your time, the current situation is stable, and gradually, your majesty should even give more rewards to these people in the capital to show their contribution…”

“Thirdly, regarding Hebei… the first one we look at now is not the Wang family, but the Cui family. Even if His Majesty intends to suppress the aristocratic families and promote the common people, it cannot be too direct, just pull one group and beat the other. We still need to have a basic strategy. The Cui family is the one we should win over at the moment. But on the other hand, the Cui family is not stupid. They will know that our win over is just a bridge. It is unknown what they will think about it… Originally, if Chang He ascended the throne, he would have just made Yuanyang the queen, but now… this requires Chang He to make a trip. If he doesn’t make this trip, there may be changes…”

“Similarly, while appeasing Lu Jianzhang and others, you must not relax your vigilance. You must know that they will also have the intention to bite others. You Sixiang cultists must use their secret surveillance functions… especially with Guanzhong. This is also the basis for future actions…cough, cough, cough…but I, cough, I don’t recommend setting up similar government offices for a long time…cough…”

At the end, she finally coughed again. Her injury was not healed in the first place, but Zhao Changhe was the first to pull her back from the gate of hell.

As a result, on the first morning, I was so dedicated and dedicated to everything. In fact, she herself is from a noble family…but she didn’t think about this at all as a starting point.

Xia Chichi stared blankly, finally understanding why people like her father, who looked down upon the whole world, respected Tang Wanzhuang alone.

Over there, Zhao Changhe hurriedly stepped forward to hug Tang Wanzhuang, patted her back gently, and whispered: “Okay, don’t think too much, there’s nothing urgent about time, whatever you want to do has to wait for Shao Once the soldiers and horses return, I can leave with peace of mind, right? Let’s discuss it later. You can go back and rest now.”

Tang Wanzhuang took a few breaths. It was the first time she was hugged by him in front of outsiders. She felt a little ashamed, but also a little excited.

I couldn’t resist robbing a man in court, so why bother…

Her eyes moved, and she glanced at Xia Chichi, who was sitting high in the chair, and whispered: “Do you have anything else important that you need to be here for?”

Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment. In fact, there was no such thing. He just felt that he couldn’t just leave something as important as stabilizing the court after he had just ascended the throne. Of course, he had to watch what happened and make sure that nothing happened before he could feel at ease… After the enthronement ceremony is completed, the basic situation is considered stable, and there is really nothing special that requires me to sit here. The first priority now is to treat my evening makeup.

As for the so-called treatment… I made it very clear last night that it requires double cultivation.

Tang Wanzhuang bit her lower lip, feeling that if she continued to speak, it would be the same as inviting him back to have sex…

I didn’t want to say it at first, but when I glanced at Xia Chichi, Tang Wanzhuang gritted his teeth, stood on his toes and whispered in his ear: “I… washed it last night…”

Zhao Changhe: convex!

Xia Chichi had no expression on his face.

What a loyal minister, a proper rebel!

Forget it, people like her… are really hard to hate. Xia Chi sighed, half sour and half concerned: “Since your Majesty is in poor health, there is no need to rush back and forth. There is a hot spring in the palace for water skiing, why not take a rest here?”

Tang Wanzhuang was stunned, slightly bowed his head and did not object.

In the palace… But in her heart, Zhao Changhe just serves the king. Since he is the king, it seems normal to be in the palace…

Zhao Changhe sighed and shook his head at Xia Chichi: “Evening makeup really needs treatment, let’s talk about it later.”

Tang Wanzhuang’s body suddenly hung in the air and was hugged by Zhao Changhe.

She panicked and grabbed his arm: “Hey…”

Zhao Changhe hugged her and strode out: “I don’t care what you are thinking about, I want everyone to know that the head of Tang Dynasty is my woman! Do you want people to know? ”

Tang Wanzhuang’s blush reached to the root of her neck, and she buried her head in his arms. After a long while, she muttered out as quietly as a mosquito: “Let.”

A palace official smiled and led the way: “Your Highness, follow me…”

Not long after, Huangfu Qing entered the side hall excitedly carrying a newly cut women’s dragon robe: “Chi… Your Majesty, the dragon robe is here. Does it fit you? Uh… then… Where is the dead woman? Call her out, I can’t kill her…”

Xia Chichi squatted on the big chair pitifully, hugging her knees: “She said she was a loyal minister, why do I feel like a villain laughing lewdly at the emperor’s side and dragging the queen away…”

Huangfu Qing was stunned.

Xia Chichi suddenly looked up at her and continued to mutter: “Yes, I will take my queen mother away in the future…”


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