Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 631: Wu Ling


Chapter 631 Martial Spirit

At this moment, Zhao Changhe is also stupid.

Didn’t you say “I would like to be my concubine”? Didn’t you say that you don’t want to compete with others… Why is it that it’s just dawn? This performance is completely inappropriate?

Just like before I traveled through time, I said before going to bed every day that I would get up early the next day, but I completely forgot about it the next day. Does that mean?

Forget it being brought up openly in the court, the most dangerous thing is that the new Majesty is determined to win over the head of the Tang Dynasty. No matter what reward she wants, she should agree to it, let alone marry a man. What’s the matter?

Zhao Changhe took Xia Qianchi’s place and thought about it for a while, but he almost couldn’t find a solution. Could it be that the emperor and his ministers were fighting in front of the founding ceremony?

But he doesn’t have a solution either!

Zhuque’s mind is on fire. If Huangfu Qing has to tear you apart now, how can I rob you now that I am Zhuque… No, Huangfu Qing is not the right person to speak as a former noble concubine. Zhuque can at least ridicule!

When I thought about this, I couldn’t wait. Xia Chichi was still shouting “wait a minute”, and Suzaku started to fire off the cannons first: “Hey, the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty is pure and pure. Everyone thinks he is a lotus on the mountain. Unexpectedly, he actually begs for a man in the court. Really laughed at by the world.”

Tang Wanzhuang said calmly: “It is normal human relations for a man to marry a woman, so why should we laugh about it? Ninety-nine times of Wanzhuang will be twenty this year, and there is only more than a month left this year, so it will be past thirty… Part 1 I am ashamed of my parents’ expectations, and I feel ashamed of myself. Now that the new king has entered the dynasty, everything is renewed, and it is also a celebration for the country to give his ministers the joy of marriage. It is true that the Venerable Suzaku only manages educational affairs and does not understand the human relations in the world. Normal. ”

It makes so much sense, is so aboveboard, and seems to be too normal for officials regardless of their stance. Tang Wanzhuang has worked hard for the country all his life, and now he is still alone. Can you stand it? As a new king, it is absolutely appropriate to give him a marriage, not to mention that he wanted it himself.

But there are quite a few courtiers who understand me. Although Tang Wanzhuang and Zhao Changhe’s ambiguity was hidden in the house and not made public, many people were still vaguely aware of it. What’s more, she said clearly this time, “He is not Prince”, almost explicitly referring to Zhao Changhe.

What then? Who is this new Majesty now? The survivors of Luojiazhuang who were with Zhao Changhe had known each other since Wei Mo and slept together in Beimang. The late emperor knew clearly that this man was not his son, but he remained ambiguous and did not express his position. He allowed Longque to be used by him and others to misunderstand him. Wasn’t it because he recognized that this man was his son-in-law and was qualified to inherit?

So this is the first day of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the Chief and His Majesty are openly snatching men!

The courtiers watched the show silently, while Suzaku over there had long been sarcastic: “So is this the founding ceremony of the country or is it a mane-cutting ceremony to discuss marriage?”

Tang Wanzhuang said calmly: “As an important minister of Wanzhuang’s country, family affairs are also national affairs. It is normal for reckless people not to know this meaning, but from now on, as the respected state religion, it is better to learn more about these things… In other words I’m back. What does this have to do with His Holiness? Why are you chattering here…”

Suzaku’s seven orifices are filled with smoke.

Xia Chichi suddenly said: “Please be patient, sir. I remembered that one person was missing from the list of rewards for merit, so I made arrangements first.”

Tang Wanzhuang was startled, and then heard Xia Chichi say: “Zhao Changhe, with his rough body, carried out economic affairs, settled Jiangnan, drove Beihu, controlled Jingxiang, settled Miao territory, and leveled Canghai. His achievements are so great that he has never been rewarded. Why? The former emperor regarded him as the crown prince, so he did not regard him as a fool. Now that he has established a new dynasty, his achievements are the first, but he should be the first to be rewarded. Why? There is no use in private reward. Now I regard Changhe as the king of Zhao. If something happens to me, the king of Zhao will succeed me.”

Tang Wanzhuang: “?”

Suzaku: “”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Almost all the courtiers who knew something about it had a sense of astonishment in their hearts. Absolutely, this His Majesty is very powerful!

In today’s troubled times, with gods and demons watching, no one dares to say whether he will be assassinated and die suddenly tomorrow. It is really necessary to make arrangements for the funeral early to reassure people. This is the foundation of the country. If you want to find someone who is qualified to take over and reassure people after “If Something Happens to Me”, who else but Zhao Changhe? This is the only choice! If the relationship between the prince and the prince was extremely strange, she deliberately did not use the title “prince” and instead called him the crown prince to dilute the strange feeling. This can be regarded as a concession from the ancient sages.

This is much more beautiful than announcing that Zhao Changhe is the husband, otherwise it will inevitably become a fight with the minister for a husband, which is really ugly. Now that Tang Wanzhuang had just said that she had sworn not to marry a prince or become a concubine, what now? He is the crown prince again…

This not only solved the problem of Tang Wanzhuang snatching men, but also determined the national capital. Even Tang Wanzhuang opened his mouth slightly, unable to refute this “random fate”!

Now if Xia Chi Chi said kindly, “Who do you want to marry?”, Tang Wanzhuang would have no idea… She was worried that Xia Chi Chi would beat the loser, so she quickly changed the subject: “Since Your Majesty recognizes the late emperor’s heir, what about the harem?” The matter should also be settled.”

Xia Chichi said leisurely: “I will take Imperial Concubine Huangfu as the Queen Mother and command the harem. I will serve her morning and evening. As for myself…the world is not yet settled, so why should I have an affair? Let’s put it aside for the time being.”

Tang Wanzhuang said: “Then the funeral of the late emperor and his posthumous title…”

Is the funeral according to the late emperor? Or the last king of the previous dynasty? This is a completely different concept. If you want to consider the late emperor’s concubine as your mother, and the late emperor’s approved heir as your heir, then you have to make these things clear.

This time, the courtiers were not in the mood to care about women’s gossip. They let out a sigh of satisfaction after holding back half a cup of tea, and each one participated in a loud voice: “Your Majesty, this matter is not trivial and needs to be discussed in detail! ”

As for who Tang Wanzhuang was going to marry, the topic was completely changed without any trace, and no one cared about it anymore.

Xia Chichi looked at her deeply, and the king and his ministers looked at each other with malice as if they were rivals.

Suzaku stood with his mouth half open, and suddenly thought, have I been fighting with this old woman my whole life? Accept this little woman as your apprentice? Who am I and where am I?

In fact, no matter which way Xia Chichi wants to handle the funeral, whether to honor the deceased emperor or the conquered king of the previous dynasty, he will be opposed, because there are reasons for opposition. This will become a test and test for the new emperor by the ministers. Discipline.

But it is a pity that in front of Xia Chichi and Tang Wanzhuang, nothing can be hidden. Even before the objections to the discipline began, they were blocked by the late Tang Dynasty: “In the past, Wu’s tomb was the Zhou Dynasty, and it was also the new dynasty. Taizong and Gaozong still listed his temples. This is also a virtue. Although your Majesty changed it If the king’s bloodline is still alive, he should not be called unfilial, and he should be buried with the courtesy of the late emperor. Anyone who says otherwise is unfilial, and if he wants to bring the king a bad reputation in the world, he should be expelled from the court and never be used. ! ”

Lu Jianzhang: “…”

I haven’t even spoken yet… I’ve already finished deducting this sentence for being unfaithful and unfilial.

Forget it.

“To overcome disasters is called martial arts, to protect great achievements is called martial arts, to intimidate the enemy’s virtue is called martial arts… To resist insults and to defeat them is called martial arts, to punish the people and overcome them is called martial arts… The martial arts of the late emperor should not be disputed.”

“…To die in the wilderness is called Zhuang, to fight with soldiers and armor urgently is called Zhuang, to fight repeatedly is called Zhuang, to fail in military campaigns is called Zhuang…”

“Chaos without damaging it is called spirit; being famous without diligence is called spirit; dying and seeing the power of gods is called spirit; being extremely aware of ghosts and gods is called spirit…”

“When a country encounters difficulties, it is called Min, when it causes people to be injured, it is called Min, and when disasters arise, it is called Min…”

“All three of these are desirable. Can you please discuss them?”

Since the posthumous title is based on the courtesy of the late emperor, it is impossible to give a beautiful posthumous title. It is really deceiving oneself and others to deceive others by changing the posthumous title. A relatively fair evaluation is still needed.

The force failed and the people were injured… Zhao Changhe had gained some knowledge of ancient posthumous titles. Fortunately, these people could find something to apply to Lao Xia from so many words, but it turned out to be reasonable. There is basically no dispute about the word “武”. There was a huge quarrel in the court over whether the latter word was “strong”, “spirit” or “melancholy”. This time, even Xia Chichi and Tang Wanzhuang couldn’t decide.

Zhao Changhe looked at “Extremely aware of ghosts and gods” and “Death can see gods”. When others saw this, they thought that Lao Xia only saw gods and demons, but Zhao Changhe suddenly thought that Lao Xia finally said that his soul might have gone back… He I was stunned and came to my senses, and for the first time I expressed my opinion in the controversy: “Sure.”

The controversy suddenly stopped. Everyone looked at him and shut their mouths.

Xia Chichi’s heart moved slightly. Zhao Changhe’s prestige was so high that he didn’t even realize it.

This should not only be the status of “King Zhao”…but also the strength. In more than two years, he ranked second on the Earth Ranking, killing gods and demons. There has never been such a perverted person in history. What is even more terrifying is that he has always given people the impression of a **** Shura with a strong murderous intent. And he usually doesn’t talk much, but once he speaks, it shows that he cares. That really means that all the bullies have to give face, and no one dares to openly refute him to see if Longque is good at it.

Wu Ling, Xia Longyuan’s posthumous title has been decided, and he will be buried with the rites of the late emperor.

For Zhao Changhe, this posthumous title is not bad… Although King Zhao Wuling died in a very shameful manner in his later years, his image in textbooks is quite positive. But the fact that Yisheng Shenwu died without dignity is also… quite similar.


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