Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 624: Who is the Dragon Slayer


Chapter 624 Who is the Dragon Slayer

Bo’er never imagined that someone would be so bored. This complicated and intense battle situation was silent from beginning to end. He couldn’t bear it! In the end, he showed up not to participate in the war, but simply to steal things!

A thief who is more tolerant than a top assassin… The meaning of his existence is to steal things. He can squat for eternity in order to steal what he wants. He doesn’t bother to care about who wins and who loses in the battle.

Originally, Ye Wuzong was targeting Xia Longyuan for theft. The underwear was just a joke to cover it up. No matter how you thought about it, his real target should be the Book of Heaven… But he sent it himself and stole something from the second hand of the Tianbang. The feeling of satisfaction is not inferior to that of a declining number one, and the value of the stolen Immortal God Ax is not much lower than that of the Heavenly Book. When it comes to taking advantage of justice in the world, it is really true…

You know that if you don’t show up, Ye Wujiang will definitely try to touch Xia Longyuan, so what are you doing when you show up? Touch for me?

This feeling made Bo’er’s aggrieved feeling a hundred times more disgusting than the normal feeling of being stolen. He was really angry and angry. Before he could fly back to his home territory, he sprayed another mouthful of blood in the air, almost falling to death in a plane crash.

Fortunately, Bo’e’s determination was very strong. He suppressed the anger in his heart and went back all the way to think about how to regain the magic ax.

Bo E knew that his move was definitely not in vain. If Xia Longyuan originally had a chance to recover after cleaning up the mess, then after being forced to “return to the light” to stimulate his remaining potential, it should be basically impossible to recover. Even if he cannot die, he should not be able to keep the imperial realm, and once he cannot keep the imperial realm , then his age is basically nothing to fear.

The biggest threat to China has been removed! The next step is to sweep across the Central Plains. They stole the ax. Will they spend their lives?

It’s a pity that it’s snowy and icy now, so it’s obviously not appropriate to start a war and siege the city. It would be nice if the troops and horses are not frozen to death… But now that the northwest switch is available, they don’t need to continue to fight against the Yanmen line. It will be much better to go straight to Guanzhong. I don’t know if I should take advantage of this opportunity… Another problem is that there is a Batu pestle in the southern area of ​​​​Saibei Monan. The Batu must be removed, otherwise this will not be easy… These matters must be discussed with Timur, then He is a military commander.

Actually, Bo’e and Timur were not very close in their early years. They were number two and three on the list, theocratic and military power, and they were so close that they were so close…

In fact, the Temple of Immortality mostly suppressed Timur secretly. In a sense, the rise of Batu was also caused by the temple’s laissez-faire. At that time, Zhao Changhe discovered that the temple did not care about the internal fighting among various tribes. Otherwise, even if Batu Now that he has gained a firm footing, Bo Fore can pick off his head without Timur taking action. But it was impossible for Bo’er to kill Batu for Timur. The confrontation between various ethnic groups would help his authority…

Things are different now. The pressure from Daxia made the grasslands unite, something that the Xia people had never thought about. In this situation, the threat to the grassland may be even greater than before.

Bo E thought all the way, the stream of light disappeared in the wind, snow and ice, and the sky in the east gradually turned white.

It’s dawn.

The bottom of the Ancestral Temple at this time.

Li Shentong helped Xia Longyuan with two blows to his forehead. At this time, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes without saying a word, and no longer cared about other situations on the scene.

Ying Wu is beating Li Gongsi. Strictly speaking, it is a one-sided insult. A space constraint traps Li Gongsi in it. The broken space is turbulent and interspersed, creating a tragic situation of being torn to pieces. , but the screams inside could not even be heard, and the scene was extremely strange.

Yang Jingxiu, who had been prepared to escape for a long time, really took advantage of the collision of divine fists to escape. No one could stop him at that time.

Opportunities only come to those who are prepared…

When Wang Daoning also wanted to escape, a broad knife was already blocking him: “This road is blocked.”

Zhao Changhe was staring at Wang Daoning as soon as he realized it. How could he let him run away?

“Whoosh!” Wang Daoning was too lazy to talk nonsense. If Xia Longyuan regained his breath, it would have been a disaster. The overwhelming palm wind rushed forward ferociously. Theoretically, it was impossible for Zhao Changhe to stop him for a moment.

As a result, Suzaku followed her everywhere like a shadow, or to put it bluntly, she moved whenever Zhao Changhe moved.

When Zhao Changhe struck Wang Daoning with his sword and was knocked back with blood, Suzaku’s claws were already on Wang Daoning’s back. Not only was the capture restricted, but at the same time, the raging magic flames burned crazily, and in an instant Burned Wang Daoning into a burning man.

Wang Daoning used his Gang Qi to block the demonic fire, and quickly shook away Suzaku’s grasp, but a loud “clang” sound suddenly came from the direction of Xia Longyuan.

Wang Daoning was so shocked that he couldn’t even care about his current crisis and shouted: “Xia Longyuan! You!”

Xia Longyuan adjusted his injuries and took advantage of the short gap when his supermodel strength had not faded yet. The first thing he did was not to stop Wang Daoning… but to grab the Four Spirit Sword.

Li Gongsi, who was trapped in the space by Ying Wu, opened his eyes wide and shouted wildly, but unfortunately no one could hear what he was shouting.

Just hearing a loud “clang” sound, Xia Longyuan viciously slashed each other with his four swords.

The first time it hit, it didn’t break. Xia Longyuan’s strength at this time was not enough… Not only was it not enough, the backlash from the Four Spirit Sword made blood bleed from the corner of his mouth. The raging sword energy penetrated into his body, and the punishment he suffered was no lighter than that of Li Gongsi.

But Wang Daoning was more anxious than Xia Longyuan, who was covered in blood, and shouted: “Stop! If the sword spirit fights back to protect itself, you will die too!”

Xia Longyuan ignored it and struck another blow.

“Cang!” Cracks appeared on the four swords, and the violent sword energy penetrated Xia Longyuan’s chest.

Even Zhao Changhe and Suzaku, who were attacking Wang Daoning, stopped and stared blankly at Xia Longyuan who suddenly went crazy. Li Shentong, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, and Ying Wu, who controlled Li Gongsi, turned to look.

Xia Longyuan’s aura also deteriorated rapidly, getting weaker and weaker until his hair turned white and he was rickety and unable to walk.

“These four swords were supposed to be the swords of the world, but when they have owners, they are no longer…” Xia Longyuan spoke with some difficulty, his voice hoarse and old: “No matter how they are designed, no matter how they are designed, they will no longer be…” No matter how you define it, they will always become privately owned and inherited by the family… I used to dare not go too far for the support of the family… But now I have nothing to fear… While I still have the power to destroy them in the end, Then finish it and don’t leave it to future generations.”

Following the words, the final chop came.

“Clang!” The four swords were broken in unison, and the sword spirits were silent.

Wang Daoning opened his mouth. He suddenly felt that a piece of his heart was empty. He turned to look at Li Gongsi in a dull manner. Li Gongsi, who was covered in blood, also stared blankly at his broken sword, his mind blank. . Then it became truly blank, as if watching the meaning of this life disappear, looking at the future with broken inheritance, with extreme horror and uneasiness, and died of anger.

Far away in Qinghe, Cui Wen?Z spit out a mouthful of blood and sighed in a low voice: “Let’s go. Qinghe.”

Yang Jingxiu, who was fleeing on the road, also had a mouthful of blood. He turned his head and looked north in despair, speechless for a moment.

Wang Daoning felt like the world was spinning, and his voice was trembling: “You…? Are you confused?…Although they are privately owned, they are actually controlling this river and mountain…”

“Just like the aristocratic family and me?” Xia Longyuan threw away the four broken swords, turned around and slowly walked up to his high platform, looked up to the sky and smiled: “For this country, I deserve to die, and so do you, then I Wouldn’t it be great to eliminate these two evils for China in one last move? ”

His steps on the stage were already extremely frivolous and difficult. In the past, he could reach the high platform as soon as he stepped on it. Now he was faltering. It took him a long time to slowly reach the top and sit cross-legged.

“I… I don’t study much. I haven’t finished nine years of compulsory education… I mean, I learned it here.” Xia Longyuan suddenly said something that no one except Zhao Cuoren could understand. In dialect, he continued: “But I still know some historical stories… Li Shentong said before that when a common man is angry, blood will be splashed five steps. This sentence I used to like very much applies to me… All the heroes in the world, no matter the family, Still reckless, no matter good or bad, they all turned against me…I suddenly wondered, do I look like Yang Guang?”

No one answered.

Looking back, it seems that after Li Shentong said those words, Xia Longyuan’s attitude became relatively silent. He has always been a very jumpy person, but he rarely spoke out in this battle. After the battle situation turned, he only said a few more words. It feels like I’ve been hit.

“If I think about it seriously, I am not as violent as Yang Guang, but my essence is not much different. After all… I really don’t treat you as human beings.” Xia Longyuan said calmly: “But it’s just like clearing and settling the game. , the evaluation given is Yang Guang, which is still very unpleasant. Who doesn’t want to pass the perfect level… I am thinking that I seem to have made a mistake. What should I do in the position of emperor… Challenge Gods and demons seem to be very high-end, but for the profession of emperor, isn’t it essentially the same as cultivating immortality?”

Zhao Changhe finally said: “Yes.”

Xia Longyuan said: “So if you want to play the game of gods and demons, then don’t be an emperor. If you want to be an emperor, then do what an emperor should do, right? Is this what you mean, Changhe?”

Zhao Changhe said: “Yes.”

“So are you going to do it or not?”

“If you don’t do it, you will have a daughter.”

“Ha. I’m afraid she won’t be able to convince everyone. If you can help her, then give her a hand. If not, you can do it yourself.”

Zhao Changhe said simply: “Okay.”

“Then let’s get back to what the emperor should do.” Xia Longyuan did not talk to him more about this, but instead said: “Daoning…do you think you are slaying the dragon? But for a long time, the evil in my heart has been The dragon is you.”

Wang Daoning looked at him steadily and said nothing.

“Since everyone wants to slay the dragon, then kill them all. Daoning, have you ever read this sentence when you studied with me before? ‘I will cut off the dragon’s feet and chew its meat so that it cannot return to the court. ‘I think this time when you acted, it was mostly this that echoed in your heart. It’s a coincidence that I did too. But it’s a pity that you didn’t think of it as a dragon slayer, but I did. Now you… don’t you? Can’t go back in the morning, can’t sleep at night?”

Wang Daoning looked very ugly.

Xia Longyuan pointed at Ying Wu and Li Shentong: “You two… have not succeeded in killing me. The only one who can kill me is myself, right?”

Li Shentong didn’t say anything, and Ying Wu replied very bachelorly: “Yes.”

In fact, Xia Longyuan knew in his heart that the root cause of killing him was the world’s backlash, but now he is still unwilling to admit it, and he is so stubborn.

Seeing that Ying Wu responded, Xia Longyuan finally laughed happily: “Then the clearance is completed.”

No one responded to this sentence. Xia Longyuan laughed to himself for a while, and suddenly said: “Actually… there is something I said that seems to have an impact on my character, but I still want to say it… I don’t manage things and don’t govern. One of the reasons for giving a fool a fake is that it’s too **** hard, and I don’t know how to do it myself! I’m probably even more stupid than him!”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Li Shentong: “?”

“There is a page of book in my arms, it is a dowry for you…” Xia Longyuan’s laughter became softer and softer, and finally it was inaudible: “At the end of the sentence, I didn’t even want to see Chi Chi, I was Isn’t it really too cold-blooded?”

A ray of skylight fell on the ground. Zhao Changhe looked up and saw Xia Chichi standing quietly on it for an unknown amount of time.


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