Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 611: Player


Chapter 611 Player

Originally, these strong men had strong opinions about Tang Buqi forcibly dismissing them and seizing military power. Other Jiangnan officials had even more opinions.

Those who don’t support Tang Buqi’s separatist rule will think that this guy is really going to take action. How can we cause some damage to him?

Those who support Tang Buqi’s separatist regime will think you are a fool. I support you and you still take my power?

Some of those who were called to report to Zhao Changhe didn’t even recognize Zhao Changhe. They were full of resentment and secretly thought, “Meng Zhaohaoǎ?” You really think you are some kind of king if you say a few words in the Book of Troubled Times. ?

But after Zhao Changhe leaped into the sky, all his thoughts were gone, except for the sentence that whatever the old man said was what he said, and the whole Jiangnan was silent no matter what his position or Xiao Jiujiu was.

People will have a heartfelt awe of a power that is completely beyond their comprehension. There is only one person who has ever had this kind of completely unreasonable power, and his name is Xia Longyuan.

But now Xia Longyuan’s deterrence has almost disappeared. Ever since the Book of Troubled Times reported that “all losers will suffer”, there has been an undercurrent of public sentiment, and Zhao Changhe has risen at the right time, rising like the sun in the sky.

Only Zhao Changhe knows that he is so powerful that even when he jumps, he cannot hit Lao Xia’s heel… But we can build momentum.

When he left Suzhou and went north to cross the river, Zhao Changhe did not continue to show his saintliness. He honestly took Wu Zui and took the boat across the river. After all, he could not leave his wife and pretend to be cool. Turning his head to look south, looking across the river, he saw that the Jinling King’s aura gradually faded away. Although it was still there, it was obviously no longer as strong as it was a few hours ago.

It can be seen that Qi… can indeed be changed. If you practice deeply, you can still use it.

“Your Highness.” Wu Weiyang was accompanying him cautiously: “Wu Hou himself is actually not to the point of rebelling… Although he wants to separate the regime, but the leader refuses, it will actually be difficult for him to do things. Now The situation is that everyone else wants to move to the next level, it is not his own business, so it is difficult for Wu Hou to do it. He said he should listen to his aunt and be an honest boy. What do the heroes of Jiangbiao think? Will he take it with him in the future? Team?”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “It’s quite normal…do you think so too?”

“I dare not hide it from Your Highness. I am in a state of hesitation. On the one hand, I respect the leader’s persistence and am willing to die for her, but on the other hand… I am really thinking about what is there in this dynasty that is worthy of our protection.” Wu Weiyang I really dug my heart out: “And I personally can be a founding general and possibly a prince for generations, which is indeed very attractive. What do I want to do with my life? The most important thing is that in this situation, But you may not be called a traitor by Qingshi, your highness. You don’t even have the last worry about your reputation. Your highness, I think I am loyal even though I am so shaken. Others can imagine.”

Zhao Changhe sighed, yes, taking the Three Kingdoms as an example, would the generals of Soochow, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, and the Twelve Tiger Ministers be called rebels by Qing Shi? Not at all. Instead, it will last for thousands of years. It is already the inertia of Zhongjun’s thinking to be willing to struggle even if he has no worries about his reputation.

Wu Weiyang added: “Now His Highness has descended from the sky like a god. Jiang Biao was horrified and did not dare to have any ideas for a while. Marquis Wu took advantage of the situation to ‘drive us away’, which also counts as a vote of approval. But at a certain time, I’m afraid, His Highness is not easy to suppress. Both the Chief and His Highness may be eaten by the swarming ants. This trend cannot be reversed by taking away a few of our generals.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Do you think I took you away for this?”

“Uh…” Wu Weiyang said carefully: “I can’t think of anything we can do to help His Highness…”

“Whether you are colleagues from the Demon-Suppressing Division or the so-called masters recruited from Jiangnan, you were originally engaged in martial arts. Special operations is your true specialty. Have you forgotten about leading troops for a long time? The four are the strongest on the list. , the role it can play in special battle situations is terrible, okay?”

“What special thing does His Highness want us to do?”

Zhao Changhe took out the jade tablet of the Demon Suppressing Division with his name engraved on it: “You take my token and sneak into Langya to find Taoist Master Guichen of the Taiyi Sect. How to disrupt the rear of Langya, follow Taoist Master Guichen’s arrangements, He knows how to do it.”

Wu Weiyang’s heart moved.

Just as Tang Buqi can also recruit “Jiangnan masters”, King Langya of course can also recruit strong people, among which Taiyi Sect is the most typical one.

Taiyi Sect Gui Chen, who was once twenty-nine on the Earth Ranking, seems to be at the bottom of the Earth Ranking. He is quite average among the people Zhao Changhe has come into contact with. In fact, he is also one of the top masters in the entire world, and everyone respects him. . Since the great changes in the past two years, many people have fallen from the Earth Ranking, and even the Heavenly Ranking has been replaced. Now Guichen’s ranking is much higher and he has more status. In the entire Langya territory, apart from Wang Daoning, Guichen was second in strength, higher than Wang Daozhong.

The Taiyi Sect also became more and more prosperous. Everyone said that although its direct disciple Xuanchong was not on the list, he should be at the level of the list.

Since the Taiyi Sect was in Langya territory, when the Wang family raised its flag, Guichen expressed his allegiance and became an important guest of the Wang family, with a very detached status. So Guichen deliberately said that the Qing cultivators did not participate in the battlefield and did not participate in the siege of Puyang, but only helped to defend Langya.

The more he figured it out, the more normal and reasonable the Wang family felt. In the past few months, Guichen had indeed helped the Wang family a lot, such as driving away all the strong men buried in Langya by the Demon Suppressing Division, allowing the court to He became blind in Langya. When Wang Daoning returned injured, Guichen defended the surrounding areas and suppressed those who had dissatisfaction. The Cui family sent assassins but returned without success.

It can be regarded as an existence like a sea-fixing needle, and it is increasingly trusted by the Wang family.

Who would have thought that Guichen, who was considered a thorn in the side of the court and the Cui family, was the secret that Zhao Changhe had laid for a long time?

If Guichen really rebelled, brought Taiyi Sect disciples with him, and four people suddenly appeared here… taking advantage of Wang Daoning’s injury, there would really be a chance for a beheading operation. Or you can wait to disrupt Langya when Wang Daoning goes out again – now that the war situation is at a stalemate, it is impossible for Wang Daoning not to go out.

Wu Weiyang was a little unbelievable and cautiously confirmed: “Taoist Master Guichen is now respected in Langya, and the Wang family will make him the state religion and national teacher after the promise comes true. Your Highness is sure that Taoist Guichen still listens to your Highness?”

Zhao Changhe is actually not particularly sure. Guichen did not like the Wang family before, and he did have an appointment with him, but if he can get results beyond expectations, it would be hard to say…

However, Guichen is a Taoist who can play with talismans. The so-called qi-seeing should be a required course. Even he can see that there is no dragon qi in Langya, and it is not as good as Jiangnan. Guichen will not be able to see it. ?

Smart people will only act according to the general trend.

The evidence that can be referred to is that the so-called Langya Town Demon Master and the Cui family assassins were all “expelled” and “ineffective”, and none of them died.

“I’m not completely sure. As an experienced general of the Demon Suppression Division, you have your own set of judgments. You can lead people to act according to the situation. If something goes wrong, withdraw. There is danger, are you afraid?” Zhao Changhe ask.

The risk was ahead, and Wu Weiyang felt a long-lost pride in his heart. He laughed and said, “Isn’t that what the Demon Suppression Division does? Since Your Highness has trusted the humble position, the humble position will return to this world. ”

Zhao Changhe patted him on the shoulder and whispered: “You may not have to rely on Jiangnan to get the prince you want.”

Wu Weiyang’s eyes lit up, as did the eyes of several others who were sitting silently around him.

To put it bluntly, Jiangnan is only a separatist regime, and it is only suitable for separatist regimes. Since ancient times, it has been difficult to unify the south and the north. No one will think that the Tang family has a chance to unify the world.

But if this promise… then there is a real chance.

While talking, the ferry docked and arrived in Jiangbei.

The four of Wu Weiyang stepped onto the shore, used Qinggong and flew away. The three members of Zhao Changhe’s family stood on the bow of the boat and watched their backs heading north. The momentum of each of them was different from before, as they were leaping like dragons and tigers.

Xia Chichi glanced sideways at Zhao Changhe, and after a while he held back a sentence: “Boss Zhao, you have such a plan and promise in the village, maybe Beimang will be able to establish a country.”

Zhao Changhe rubbed her head and whispered: “But they are for you.”

Xia Chichi turned to look at him, the color in her eyes unclear.


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