Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 597: The so-called faith


Chapter 597 The so-called faith

At this time, Zhao Changhe had no intention of caring about the impact of the blind man’s report.

He stabilized Sanniang’s shaky life, but the situation still didn’t feel too optimistic. Neptune’s self-confidence has its own reasons. This trident is regarded as a divine weapon, and the special damage effects it causes are extremely outrageous. Physical protection alone is definitely not enough.

Not only was the body messed up by the power of water element, but this halberd also had the so-called soul-destroying properties. At this time, Sanniang’s soul sea was extremely weak, as strong as a candle in the wind. She no longer had the freedom and ease of holding the little person and rubbing her. She was so weak that she was on the verge of death.

The reason why it was not destroyed directly is probably because it is not a professional soul-killer. It just has similar characteristics. It is not as intuitive as the Dragon Soul Wood, and it is relatively better to stab the lower abdomen. You can also see from this that there are quite a few similar items, but they are not exclusive to you, so you have to keep an eye out for them in the future.

But the weapon of the gods is the weapon of the gods after all, and it is not something that Sanniang can carry. The most she can do is help him die. He is still unable to heal, so he must find something to assist him.

Zhao Changhe pondered slightly and looked up at the whirlpool not far away.

The King of the Sea came out of this vortex. At this moment, the vortex still has strong suction, but surprisingly, the surrounding seawater, reefs, etc. are not sucked in. It seems that the suction is only for life.

This is a secret realm, or it should be called the Poseidon Abyss, because it is most likely not a naturally formed secret realm, but a dimensional fragment created by the Poseidon himself with his supreme divine power to avoid the danger of annihilation.

Therefore, it is different from ordinary secret realms. The typical manifestation is that energy can penetrate into it, rather than isolating the space. It is a passage deliberately reserved by Poseidon himself in order to absorb the power of outside faith, and after “opening the door” Just didn’t close it.

From here we can see how outrageous the King of the Sea was in his heyday. He was a fierce man who opened up space… but he died under the bite of his own group of “ants”.

Since Neptune can recover quickly here, maybe it can be used.

Zhao Changhe and Xia Chichi looked at each other and confirmed what the other was thinking. Zhao Changhe picked up Sanniang and jumped into the whirlpool. Xia Chichi put away her trident and water soul and jumped in too.

The bottom is extremely deep, perhaps the bottom of the ocean.

Zhao Changhe usually talks about diving to the bottom of the sea and punching the ground, but that is not the real bottom of the sea. If you really dive to the bottom of the deep sea, how can you come up so quickly to chase the boat? A dive of more than ten feet is enough. And this place is really deep. The meaning of the whirlpool is to save people from the process of drilling down and get there quickly.

When you get to the bottom, there is a space made of water.

There is water under your feet and the walls are water, but they are supportive. Stepping on them is like stepping on jelly and they will not sink. The size is similar to the temple above, with a radius of more than ten feet. It can be said that this is the real temple.

There is no air, and the whole space is filled with another indescribable breath that cannot be analyzed. It may be the power of faith or incense.

It was right not to blindly dive in to fight before. Although there are no traps inside, it is just a place where the Poseidon himself rests and heals. But in a place like this, the King of the Sea may become more courageous as he fights, and may even regain his imperial realm after fighting, but everyone’s fighting habits will be severely restricted, and there will be problems with the energy circulation with the world. It is even possible that the space could collapse, squeezing people directly.

This is not important anymore. What is important is that there is a page of heavenly book suspended in the center of the space.

This is the first time that Zhao Changhe has obtained the Heavenly Book consecutively…

This is to grab the convenience collected by others. Otherwise, in the vast sea, God knows where to find this page? The location of the original Heavenly Book must not be here… The Poseidon was found through his familiar perception of the sea. The sea is full of spies. ?I also found another page, but I couldn’t crack the Qinglong Gate and couldn’t get in. Pan Na had been guarding it for a long time. In other words, if everything goes well, Poseidon will have two pages of the Heavenly Book.

Now it’s all yours.

Zhao Changhe sometimes thinks that it is so convenient to steal other people’s collections. This is the blind man’s plan. I am just a tool for finding books. When I gather them all, will the blind man attack me?

So after Xia Longyuan got one page, he never bothered with the other pages, as long as he could use them. I guess the blind man was so angry that he had chest pain. Lao Xia was so arrogant and evil that ordinary people couldn’t predict his brain circuit.

And I don’t have the confidence of Lao Xia, maybe it’s because the blind man has made a more perfect arrangement after Lao Xia’s escape, for example, he deliberately suppressed the performance of the heavenly book and failed to show it? In the end, the situation always pushes me to go forward, and it seems that I can’t do it even if I don’t look for it…

Unconsciously, this is already the fifth page, halfway through…

This page of heavenly books is of course the illusory power of faith, incense, luck, and merit, but they are really power.

Of course, in the hands of Poseidon, it may be the full effect, which makes the recovery so effective, but it feels much more ethereal in his own body. If you want to learn and understand, it doesn’t happen overnight. If you want to borrow directly, you can’t.

Zhao Changhe held the Heavenly Book and said silently in his heart: “If you continue to play with sword skills and don’t give me full blood Heavenly Book performance, resulting in Sanniang not being treated… Then congratulations, I won’t look for the next page, forget it If he doesn’t die immediately, I won’t look for him anymore.”

The blind man sighed helplessly: “The Poseidon’s use of this method is effective because he really understands and controls the methods of belief in the incense, so the Heavenly Book can be fully utilized. You know nothing about this, but the Heavenly Book can help you.” Chu Jun?br/>

“I don’t care, just tell me how to save Sanniang, I know you have a way.”

The blind man really wanted to say that Sanniang’s fight was due to the hatred between her parents. This has nothing to do with me. Why are you angry with me… But I know that there is no need to argue at this time. From the perspective of Zhao Changhe, fight against Hai Huang and Finding the Book of Heaven is the same thing and cannot be separated. As long as Sanniang is fine and Zhao Changhe calms down and looks back, he will realize that this matter really has nothing to do with her, and he might actually feel a little apologetic for his clear-cut love and hate character.

Thinking of this, the blind man said directly: “Strictly speaking, this power is not a restorative effect, it is not as good as your rejuvenation technique. It is the great power condensed by countless lives due to beliefs and so on. It is attributed to one’s own body and essence. It is a method to enhance cultivation and use of power. It is just that the Soul of the Sea Emperor is weak, but the induction of this great power has replenished it, so it can be restored… The strongest effect is swallowing and absorption, which is only effective for believers and ethnic groups. This is called a sacrifice.”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “I understand the theory…can I apply it to Sanniang?”

“The Poseidon believed by the people at sea may not actually correspond to the Poseidon. It corresponds to the **** who controls the power of the ocean. It can be the Poseidon, or it can be someone else, such as your Sanniang.” The blind man said lightly: ” Do you know why Poseidon’s last words were “The soul of the sea is yours”? Because he recognized Sanniang’s qualifications, but he had nothing to say even to you who killed him. This is not Poseidon’s pride. , meaning that the God of the Sea can only be replaced by another God of the Sea.”

Zhao Changhe was too lazy to care about the pride of the Poseidon: “Can giving Sanniang the soul of water to absorb it replace the belief in the Poseidon?”

The blind man said: “It can have a certain effect, but not much. After all, the believers have no knowledge of her image and cannot correspond to her… This is why Haihuang needs Haipinglan to build a temple to spread it. But she does have it. An advantage, she has another belief.”

Zhao Changhe was excited: “Four Symbols of Faith!”

“Yes, especially the Xuanwu faith… This power of faith corresponds very well to her. In the eyes of the world, she is Xuanwu, especially after she was on the Heavenly Ranking the day before yesterday.”

“The world cannot match her image.”

“As long as the world can match her mask image, that is her, and can be regarded as one of the incarnations of the gods.” The blind man said: “If you know how to look at this aura, you will find the faith in her. The strength is quite solid, but the amount is not much… In a sense, she is Xuanwu, because of the recognition of the world.”

Because the world thinks she is Xuanwu, so she is Xuanwu… Naked idealism, but it makes sense in this matter.

“So you work on a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, you help her absorb the soul of water and accept the faith of Poseidon. You can make up for her lack of quantity. On the other hand, you learn some related techniques to help her guide this power, etc. Once she wakes up, let her learn it by herself. This power mainly helps her soul to stay together. When it comes to actual treatment, I would rate it as inferior to the Rejuvenation Technique.”

Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment and bowed in the air: “Thank you.”

The blind man was stunned and remained silent.

Xia Chichi looked at Zhao Changhe in horror as he saluted in vain. It was over. The master didn’t know whether he was alive or dead. Changhe was still crazy. What should he do?


ps: Please vote for me, my goal is almost achieved 嘤嘤嘤~


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