Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 594: Urine nourishes the gods


Chapter 594 Urine nourishes the gods

Not to mention whether Hai Pinglan has truly understood the problem of Yujing… Based on conventional logic, few people would have thought that the Poseidon’s recovery could be so efficient. Even Xia Longyuan might not have thought of it, otherwise Xia Longyuan might have been injured. Chasing the poor bandits would not be Zhao Changhe’s turn to do this.

Those who know the existence of ancient gods and demons also know that they are still in a weak stage and have not fully recovered. Poseidon had been silent for an entire era before he started to take action more than ten years ago, and he was extremely weak at that time. He wanted to use insidious means to let Sanniang’s mother obtain the “Soul of Water” treasure. The machine secretly invades his soul.

After that, he compromised and exchanged with Hai Pinglan, built a temple for him, and gained faith, and then he gradually recovered to where he is now.

If we experience another self-destruction collapse, even if there is no similar damage from the collapse of the last era, it will not be much different. Add to this the weakening of faith and the slaughter of ethnic groups. It will be like returning to the pre-liberation period overnight. How could it be so fast? Recover again?

Sanniang felt uneasy and urged to come out quickly. It was a strong person’s uneasiness about the future troubles and a sense of warning that he wanted to eradicate the roots. It did not mean that she could really foresee that the Poseidon would recover like this.

Only Zhao Changhe had some vague speculations in his mind that the Emperor of the Sea did not have the Heavenly Book when he was sleeping in his early years, but he might have gotten a page of it more than ten years ago. As long as something is related to the Book of Heaven, it cannot be simple.

Xia Longyuan has the Book of Heaven and is invincible in the world; he has the Book of Heaven and he is ranked in the world in two years.

That is a cheating life. Others can only look at you in despair and cannot understand.

But I haven’t been able to fully utilize the effect of the Book of Heaven. I always feel that even with so many pages, it doesn’t bring much qualitative change compared to one or two pages. It just keeps adding new features, which is a bit disappointing. I cautiously suspect that the blind man may be suppressing the effect of the Book of Heaven, or it may be that the greater role has already been enjoyed by the blind man himself, and he only uses part of the value.

Part of the value is so high. If Poseidon has a page that can be used at full health…

This page of heavenly book is probably related to the power of faith and the way of incense. It belongs to a very ethereal level of martial arts, and it should not even be considered martial arts. For Poseidon’s situation, recovery alone may be much more useful than Xia Longyuan’s page.

When the Tang family’s warship had just returned and returned to this sea area, Tang En, who was muttering about his lonely voyage, suddenly felt excited.

He found that the sea surface where corpses were floating here had become cleaner…

The bones were scattered so scattered that they were almost invisible.

It would be impossible for such a large scale of corpses to be swept away so quickly by the waves, not to mention that there have been no big waves in the past two days. It looks like someone is cleaning up the battlefield.

Who has the leisure and leisure to clean up the battlefield, yet still be afraid of a plague here?

Zhao Changhe flew out of the boat and landed directly on the reef. He knelt down to inspect a corpse that had not completely disappeared, frowning.

Nowadays, his knowledge can be said to be extensive, especially his understanding of the way of life is far beyond the ordinary. It can be seen that this is a sign that the life energy has been completely drained, even the skin and bones have been swallowed.

What ethnic group, what kind of believer, isn’t this a leek?

Xia Chichi was also nearby inspecting the broken wood and stones of the temple. After a moment, he shook his head: “There is nothing special about the wood and stone. The energy reaction has long since overflowed and disappeared.”

Zhao Changhe looked around and fell into deep thought.

There must be a secret realm here…but I have explored countless secret realms, but this time I can’t find the way.

Although these chaotic reefs seem to be nothing, in fact, I have experienced it before in the Xuanwu Secret Realm. Looking at the islands or reefs exposed on the water, in fact, there are mountains below, which may be huge beyond imagination. It is almost an impossible task to find a secret entrance to a mountain in the sea.

Actually… Ying Wu believes that he has a secret destiny. However, his expertise in this area is far inferior to that of Ying Wu. The reason why he explores so much is because of his special luck. The so-called special luck is just a trick.

“Blind blind…”

The blind man was really upset: “Even if you say that I want the Book of Heaven, I can’t do this kind of reminder.”

“Why, there are still people restricting you?”

“This is the rule of heaven, if you can’t, you can’t.”

“If I can’t find the way, I am recovered and beaten out, and I am beaten to death… Oh, I am beaten to death, and my appearance is beautiful, but what if the Book of Heaven is taken away?”

The blind man said calmly: “Then I will follow?”

“…” For some reason, I obviously wanted to get rid of the blind man, but after hearing this sentence, I felt uncomfortable, but it didn’t make sense if I thought about it carefully.

At the same time, it is also difficult to understand the blind man’s thoughts. He was willing to talk about some things before, such as telling him that he needed a soul-destroying thing to kill the Poseidon, but he was unwilling to tell him how to decipher the secret realm in front of him and find the Poseidon. The difference is that where?

The difference is not to be too specific? For example, she didn’t say she needed Dragon Soul Wood, she just said she needed something to destroy souls. As for whether the Dragon Soul Wood she found was really effective, no one knew. Is this circumventing the rules of heaven and taking a sideways shot?

No wonder people who write books about troubled times are doing this to cope with the Qidian review?

Just as I was thinking about how to get the blind man to reveal something in a subtle way, Sanniang’s voice came from the distance: “I have discovered something, come and see.”

Zhao Changhe and Xia Chichi quickly gathered around Sanniang. Sanniang was standing on the edge of the reef, looking down at the process of the corpse of a sea tribe disappearing under their feet.

“Their bodies are decomposed into various types of energy, water energy, life energy, spiritual soul power… and are finally absorbed into a certain place, like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea. I can feel the flow of energy, converging towards the center of the reef. , like a whirlpool… Since energy can enter, this means that this secret realm is not absolutely closed, but can be ventilated…”

Zhao Changhe touched his palm and said: “Since it is not absolutely closed, it means that our energy can also penetrate.”

Xia Chichi said: “Then let’s add some ingredients to it?”

She turned her palm over, and a ball of green energy appeared in her palm: “The green dragon means not only resurrection, but also poison and decay. What I have realized the most this day is this…”

Sanniang asked curiously: “How did you come to realize this in such a vibrant place?”

“I copied too many copies of the “Hundred Herbs and Poisons Classic” before, and my mind was full of them, so I naturally went in this direction.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Sanniang: “…”

Xia Chichi said: “Don’t underestimate the Baicao Poison Sutra, it is also an ancient Poison Sutra, okay? Do you know what the use of my green energy is?”

Sanniang said: “It’s suitable to put on your head.”

Xia Chichi: “?”

She grinded her teeth fiercely: “This poison can reverse the power of recovery, and anything used for body treatment and recovery will turn into damage. Since you can see the direction of energy penetration, send this in first. Poseidon can If you are not immune, let’s find another way.”

Although Sanniang was joking, she actually took it very seriously. She quickly attracted the green energy from Xia Chichi’s hands to the bones at her feet, and easily dissolved the green energy into the water energy that was decomposed from the bones, and then penetrated it.

She is so familiar with the water elemental energy composition of the Sea Clan, and she has almost studied the crystal nuclei of the water people structure to the core.

Zhao Changhe said: “That’s the case, let’s add some more code.”

Sanniang asked curiously: “Your evil spirit?”

“No.” Zhao Changhe began to unbuckle his belt: “Help me lure some urine in…”

Before he finished speaking, the reefs trembled crazily, and the earth shook.

In the center of the reef group, the mountain cracked and turned into a huge whirlpool. All the unabsorbed bones were submerged into it and disappeared in an instant.

The huge suction force is also tearing at the three people crazily, trying to **** them into the whirlpool, but at this time the three people are no longer what they used to be, and they are all rooted to the surroundings, motionless.

Are you kidding? The secret realm is your home court. You don’t know what’s going on inside. Who would love to send someone there? There was no way you could go in before, but now you can’t hold yourself any longer. If we just wait outside, it’s all over… If you don’t come out, then why don’t we **** you again?

“Three stupid humans…” A figure the same size as an ordinary person emerged from the center of the vortex. His body was like water, covered with scales, and even his face was covered with fish scales. He looked like a fully armed man. Mars.

Zhao Changhe looked extremely solemn: “? He has actually recovered to this point!”

This level will definitely not be inferior to the decisive battle with Hai Pinglan after being injured by Xia Longyuan.

It’s almost at that level, the peak of the triple secret treasure, but not as good as Yu.

Everyone arrived at just the right time. If we let him recover for a while, he will definitely be in control!

“Ah…” Poseidon’s red eyes were full of hatred and violence: “I want to complete the last bit of absorption, in order to deal with the possible arrival of Xia Longyuan, not you. You three-legged cats have little skill. , where did you get the confidence and courage to dare to be so provocative…”

The three of them all have weapons in hand and are ready to fight.

“Since you don’t cherish the chance to live a little longer, then go die!”

“Whoosh!” A trident came straight through and pierced Zhao Changhe’s door.

This is the Poseidon’s own destiny weapon!


PS: Why is it written as if I have become blind? Can you take my place on the day when I will be blind on the Long River Day?

Why don’t you give me a few monthly passes and stuff them in my **** for a preview?


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