Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 592: Royal light, flying dragon in the sky


Chapter 592: Control the light, the flying dragon is in the sky

At this time, the moon has passed the zenith, which is the middle of the night.

It was almost midnight when Xia Chichi landed on Tianya Island and the decisive battle between all parties started. After the battle, it was daytime when they moved here, and now it is midnight again. In fact, only one day and one night passed, but it felt like a lot of things had happened, almost like an illusion after a great change.

The gods are defeated and the Tianbang falls. Whether it is sea or land, the pattern will undergo earth-shaking changes. The Wang family, the grassland, Penglai, and the Hai clan will have a headache even if they want to deduce it, and they are too lazy to think about it.

The most obvious change is that for the first time, she, Xia Chichi, can sit side by side with Zhao Changhe and admire the moon openly and openly in front of the sect leader.

The last time a man and a woman behaved like a man and woman in love was back in Kunlun. It was just a shopping trip, a bowl of wontons and a gourd… That was last year.

The rest of the time, the two never got along well. Often they get together accidentally for work, and then go their separate ways without even a chance to stay one more night; or they may be surrounded by many people, and meet in a hurry, without even a chance to get intimate in private.

Xia Chichi often wonders if among all his women, he is the one he gets along with the least. If men’s clothing didn’t count back then, it probably did…

So much so that when I get the chance, I always go straight for that kind of thing… In fact, due to my own skills and using weapons like Ice Soul for a long time, I really don’t have much desire in that regard. Zhao Changhe is also not that anxious, but The situation always forces this.

So she never regretted letting him burst the dam. Otherwise, I am not qualified to let him have to be alone in this long journey of rivers and lakes.

Even if I am jealous.

It’s good to be like this now, the two of us are looking at the moon together, the night breeze is refreshing, and the flowers are scented everywhere. Even if he didn’t say it himself, he would definitely not be just running for that kind of thing. That shouldn’t be everyone’s topic.

“Changhe, how long has it been since we first met?” Xia Chichi looked at the moon and asked dreamily.

Zhao Changhe said: “It’s been two years. I wore… out of Zhao’s house in October two years ago, and it’s October now.”

Xia Chichi asked curiously: “I only remember that it was just winter and it was very cold when we arrived in Beimang. How do you remember the day so clearly?”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “How can I forget the time I saw you?”

“Tsk…” Xia Chichi didn’t believe a single punctuation mark: “Risk. It’s gone bad. Now he’s full of earthy love words. Even if he talks nonsense, he won’t learn. Those romantic young men who make elegant puns only know how to be earthy…”

Zhao Changhe just laughed: “I’m afraid I won’t be able to learn that. I actually have some poetry in my stomach, but I just can’t call it out when I want to use it. I learned it in vain.”

“I don’t want you to memorize poems, just go and deal with Tang Wanzhuang.” So it doesn’t take long for you and me to be apart.”

“Well…” Zhao Changhe secretly said that the past two years may not seem like a long time, but it really feels like he has had more experiences than the previous twenty years of his life.

My whole temperament is different now. If I really come home, my parents and classmates may not dare to recognize me.

This is what is called the rush of time as soon as one enters the world.

“You practice so fast, how much is it because you want to be with me openly?” I’m not that big of a connection.”

Zhao Changhe thought for a moment. Of course, the main reason why I practice hard is to go home, or to put it another way, I don’t want to play the blind man’s game, I want to control my own destiny, like Xia Longyuan. However, if you want to say whether it was for Xia Chichi, it was true, and it accounted for a large proportion.

Who can stand up to his girlfriend being grabbed by a big devil and saying she wants to serve the gods, and then having her beaten up? If he couldn’t beat Suzaku, he would have slapped her in the mouth.

It can be said that a potential stage boss in my own practice is Suzaku.

So he said: “To be honest, at least five or six points, I want Venerable Suzaku not to be able to stop you and me, and to watch me hug you in front of her.”

“Hee…” Laughter came from the pool. The two looked up and saw Sanniang sleeping soundly on the lotus leaf, laughing in her dreams.

I don’t know whether this shape is a toad or a turtle.

Looking at Zhao Changhe and Xia Chichi, they couldn’t help but laugh a little. Same.”

Xia Chichi had never thought that it would be through this method to get Venerable Xuanwu, who was very important in the religion, to acquiesce… The Venerable looked fierce on the face, but in fact he was quite guilty…

Looking at the strange sleeping posture of the Venerable at this moment, Xia Chichi looked a little strange: “Hey, is the Venerable sleeping or practicing?”

Zhao Changhe said: “I don’t know either, it seems like this is how she practices…”

“I never thought that the legendary mysterious and majestic Uncle Xuanwu would look like this…”

Zhao Changhe said honestly: “When I first met her, she was quite enchanting and mysterious. She was as handsome and sassy as a red feather when fighting… Now she looks more and more like a turtle. . I feel that the difference between her and others is the most serious. I am afraid that she will be separated. I seem to have heard that she has mentioned a kind of soul-dividing practice… Is this thing reliable? ”

“That’s because she is in front of you.” Xia Chichi sighed: “Maybe only in front of you is she the most real.”

Zhao Changhe said: “What about you? I don’t know which one is the real you, the jealous one or the one who winked at me and asked me to stop her.”

“Of course, the jealousy is really to stop her as a plan for the future. If I really offend her to death, our life will be difficult in the future… Hey, let’s talk about it, if I really **** her off, you won’t Are you happy?”


“It’s just right now…” Xia Chichi smiled: “She and I can cover each other, and Lord Suzaku won’t be able to catch me in the future.”

“Hee…” laughter came from the lotus leaf again.

Zhao Changhe said helplessly: “Are you awake?”

Sanniang pretended to talk in her sleep: “I’m dreaming, you continue.”

“No need to continue.” Xia Chichi said: “Your Majesty is right, no matter how nice this place is, I would like to spend a few days of leisure time here with Chang He, but the reality is in front of us, and we really shouldn’t stay for a long time… …Now I have gained a lot, all I need is the accumulation of time. If the Venerable’s practice comes to an end, it’s time to prepare to leave.”

“Whoosh!” Sanniang, who was said to be dreaming, instantly came to the two of them: “How to get out?”

Xia Chichi slowly stood up from Zhao Changhe’s arms and turned to look eastward.

As if catering to her movements, as she turned her head, the “spica” shape of Canglong Qisu was vaguely revealed on the treetops in the east.

Sanniang’s heart moved slightly.

No wonder Chi Chi said that she had roughly figured it out. She really understood its meaning. This mysterious and mysterious response was almost like the blue dragon raising his head.

“Let’s go outside and have a look.” Zhao Changhe also knew the meaning here, and pulled the two of them across the woods and straight to the border.

After arriving at the location where everyone buried Hai Pinglan, we can clearly see the process of the Canglong constellation rising from the east. The brightest star among them is as dazzling as the sun, gradually rising from below the sea level, and the process is completely consistent. The mirror image that Xia Longyuan showed to Xia Chichi.

When the Canglong Star completely jumped out of the sea, it was like a dragon jumping out of the abyss.

Zhao Changhe thought of Xia Longyuan’s name. Perhaps the person who was very suitable for the blind man here had this intention… Xia Longyuan had probably been to this place, so he also had the Qinglong intention, and used this to fool Chi Chi. Mother.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

The important thing is that the astrology at this time is the sculpture shape in the pool, ninety-four, or leaping into the abyss.

This process seems very slow, but in fact it is quite fast. As the three people looked up and watched, they could clearly see the entire Canglong constellation slowly jumping up from the water, getting higher and higher, and the heart constellation shone out. The brilliance passed through the dense woods, and the light shone on the sea, creating a sparkling wave.

The extremely distant sky seems to have reflected light.

“It’s now.” When Xinsu rose in front of him, Xia Chichi quickly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the sky.

The echo of the meaning of the blue dragon seems to have built a bridge between this place and the reflection in the distance, and a ray of light flies east and west, like a long rainbow.

Xia Chichi quickly said: “Changhe should know what to do?”

“Yes.” Zhao Changhe held the two of them with both hands and stepped directly on Changhong.

Sanniang stamped her feet in astonishment.

There is obviously illusory light under your feet, why can you step on it? Is this the control of light brought by the Book of Heaven?

Looking up, the Canglong constellation continues to rise, gradually reaching the zenith, and the three of them are stepping on the Changhong. As the Hongqiao shrinks, they are carried away, and they are constantly approaching the place projected in the sea, just like stepping on the rainbow. And arrived.

When I saw the place where the previous battle was, where the statue was projected into the sea, the Canglong constellation in the sky happened to climb to its highest peak. At this time, its shape stretched across the east and west, overlooking the earth.

On the 9th, the flying dragon is in the sky.

The Hongqiao shrank to the end, and the three of them fell straight down to the sea, and happened to step on a piece of broken dragon skin. It was the body of the dragon that Poseidon had self-destructed, witnessing the mess of yesterday’s battle.

The sky is getting dark in the east, the sun is rising, and the stars are gone.

This day and night in Tianya Taoyuan is like a dream, returning to reality so suddenly.


PS: Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~


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