Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 580: Xuanwu Fist VS Paitian Zhenhai


Chapter 580 Xuanwu Fist VS Paitian Zhenhai

Now that they have finished talking, the two powerful warriors start fighting again.

Although Poseidon is stronger, he is also more seriously injured. At this moment, they are evenly matched. It just depends on who can perform better.

It can be said that Hai Pinglan drove the tiger to devour the wolf, led Xia Longyuan and Haihuang to fight, and completely achieved the goal he wanted to achieve. He might not be happy if the Emperor of the Sea was really killed by Xia Longyuan. He just wanted to fight with his own hands and send his enemy to **** with his own hands.

Zhao Changhe looked up and admired his father-in-law, whom he had never met before. Although some things were hard to describe, people were complicated, and overall he was indeed a hero.

It can be said that the Tianbang list I have seen has nothing to do with it. Even now that gods and demons have appeared in the world, the rankings on the Heavenly List are not as high as before, but they can still be said to be all characters.

The era is divided. No matter how powerful the gods and demons were in the past, it is a matter of another plane. The pinnacle of practice in this world is the triple secret. The Tianbang represents the strongest in this world, and it is only worthy of such a pattern.

In the current situation, on the one hand, the heroes are pointing their swords at Xia Longyuan. On the other hand, Zhao Changhe prefers to think that this is the heroes of this world pointing their swords at the ancient gods and demons, issuing challenges or resistance based on their own reasons.

Invisible to ordinary people, the game between the top experts in this world and the gods and demons of the past has been going on for a long time… Xia Longyuan, Hai Pinglan, Ying Wu… Yuxu was also a typical example at the time, but he was too weak at the time. Yes, the involvement is very shallow.

Maybe Wang Daoning…

When Hai Pinglan and Hai Huangxu were at odds with each other, Hai Huang’s forces began to enter Langya. At this time, Penglai and the Wang family were in alliance. When Hai Pinglan and Haihuang break up, what role will Wang Daoning play in this matter?

Will he join with Hai Pinglan to fight against the Poseidon, or will he be controlled by the Poseidon and turn against Penglai?

In the previous battle between King Cui, Wang Daoning and Cui Wen Z were both injured and went home to lie down. But Wang Daoning’s injury is not as severe as Cui Wen?Z’s, so he will recover relatively quickly. Now that he has been at sea for so long, Wang Daoning wonders how he is recovering. If he recovers from his injuries, will he choose to raid Puyang, or will he do something about the sea?

These thoughts passed through Zhao Changhe’s mind, and his main focus was on observing the battle situation. He found that he could already see the details of the confrontation between the two sides, and he could withstand the overflowing energy… In other words, Hai Pinglan and Haihuang were both injured to the point where they were no longer at the level of Yujing. At this time, it was roughly That is the level of the triple secret treasure.

Zhao Changhe’s hand grasped the handle of the knife, secretly thinking that at this level, he should be able to play a role. At least he won’t be blown away by a wave of air like before. The feeling of powerlessness that only deserves to be used as a camera is really…

However, this father-in-law doesn’t know him, and it’s hard to say whether he is willing to be randomly interfered with at this time. If he doesn’t draw his sword and rushes over, he will be beaten by his father-in-law and Poseidon. That would be unfair. The most suitable person to intervene at the moment should be Sanniang… Hey, where has Sanniang gone?

It doesn’t make sense to not come out to attack Poseidon in this job… What grudges the father and daughter have can be resolved later…

Just as I was thinking this, warning signs suddenly appeared in my heart.

A sword light came from nine heavens away like lightning. Before they even got close, the overwhelming momentum was already overwhelming.

Zhao Changhe is very familiar with this sword style, and he knows how to use it…

Paitian Zhenhai Sword, Wang Daoning!

Just now I was wondering what role Wang Daoning played in this matter, but here it comes! The third level of secrets is not as good as Xia Longyuan and others’ level of spirit-splitting spirit. He is here in his true form!

Whose knife did he choose to insert?

The spectators didn’t have much experience, but the two people in the battle had a very clear sense of Qi. Hai Pinglan became furious: “Wang Daoning! Are you crazy! If the Emperor of the Sea gains power, you, Langya, will be like a dog.” ! ”

The qi machine is targeting him!

Forget it if you don’t take advantage of this moment to attack Puyang, you have traveled thousands of miles to come to the sea, and the target is Penglai!

Wang Daoning remained silent, and Haihuang laughed loudly: “He has offended Xia Longyuan to the end. If he doesn’t find a backer, the Wang family will be killed by Xia Longyuan. If he doesn’t rely on me, should he rely on you? Facts It proves that I can’t be inferior to Xia Longyuan when I return to my prime!”

Hai Pinglan is really furious at this moment. He spent more than ten years working hard to accumulate strength, and on the day when he finally planned a successful decisive battle, he was destroyed here!

In the blink of an eye, the sword light arrived, and Hai Pinglan was about to fight for his life. The waves in the sea rose into the sky, and a graceful figure came out of the waves and punched Wang Daoning directly in the side.

If Wang Daoning’s sword can suppress the sea, then the surging power of this punch is enough to break the thousands of miles of East China Sea into a trench!

Wang Daoning’s heart trembled. He didn’t dare to strike forward with the sword at all, and quickly flicked it to the side.

There was a loud “clang” sound, and the sea surface was blasted downwards by the violent force, covering a radius of several miles. The surrounding huge waves rushed straight up, and the entire area was like a sky surrounded by waves, and like a mysterious sky. The turtle’s armor is layered on top of each other, wrapping around in all directions.

Wang Daoning’s sword was deflected by this bare-handed fist, and the sword energy penetrated into the sea and disappeared.

Hai Pinglan pressed his palm against the dragon’s body and looked back in surprise: “Which sea hero is he? Hai Pinglan would like to thank you!”

Sanniang turned her head and glanced at Hai Pinglan calmly.

I don’t know when she put on the Xuanwu mask. She looked majestic and calm, but also felt ferocious.

This is Xuanwu in the eyes of the world.

Hai Pinglan’s face froze with joy, and with a look of relief, the dragon’s tail swept across. Hai Pinglan hurriedly bent his forearms to brace himself, and was swept away for several miles without stopping.

Zhao Changhe estimated that his mind was empty for several miles, and he had no idea at all. Then he jumped up completely instinctively, trying like crazy to stop Poseidon from attacking Sanniang.

Sanniang obviously didn’t want to see Hai Pinglan with her true face because she wore this mask, but she was obviously just deceiving herself and others for the unnecessary act – the Tianyuan Pirates were a royal pirate group, so back then Sanniang approached the pirates to make money for the Four Elephants Sect’s maritime trade. By that time, Hai Pinglan already knew who Venerable Xuanwu of the Four Symbol Sect was.

What I don’t know is Wang Daoning, whose expression is extremely solemn at this moment: “Venerable Xuanwu?”

Sanniang said calmly: “Sixiang teaches Xuanwu, please give me Mr. Wang’s advice.”

Wang Daoning said slowly: “The Four Symbols Sect and my Wang family are allies, and we have always cooperated happily. What is the reason for today’s action?”

Sanniang sneered: “You and Penglai are still allies, why are you doing what you did today?”

Wang Daoning had no expression on his face.

Sanniang said: “However, although the Four Symbols Sect is a demonic sect, it still has more credibility than some aristocratic families. If we say we form an alliance, we will form an alliance. We, the Four Symbols Sect, will not do this kind of betrayal of the alliance casually. ”

Wang Daoning almost laughed angrily: “Is that a joke, Your Majesty?”

Sanniang slowly took off her mask: “I am participating in this battle in a private capacity, just like when Suzaku beat Wang Dao, it was a personal grudge. It will not affect the relationship between our two allies, right?”

Obviously he is in an extremely solemn battlefield of life and death, but Wang Daoning still feels angry and funny. Is there something wrong with the Xuanwu of the Four Symbols Sect that the world knows…

Looking at Xuanwu who had taken off his mask, Wang Daoning had to admit that the Four Symbols Sect was a bit evil. It was strange. The Four Symbols Sect was not the Maitreya Sect. It had never used beauty to seduce people. How come the respect in it was so strange? One holy girl competes with another beautiful one. Is this a demon sect or a kiln… a poetry meeting for celebrities?

“So what kind of personal identity does the venerable use?” Wang Daoning still couldn’t help but ask: “The anger of that punch just now, I think the revenge for killing my father is nothing more than that.”

Sanniang gently clenched her fist and suddenly punched it out: “Because the one you hit is my father!”

Hai Pinglan, who was in the middle of a fierce battle with the Poseidon, swayed slightly and said nothing.

Wang Daoning couldn’t help but say “fuck” in his heart. The feeling of being a dead dog was really inhumane.

I thought why the Four Symbols Sect fell out… It would be a ghost if they didn’t fall out. Who would have thought!

“Bang!” Wang Daoning struck out with his left palm and collided heavily with Sanniang’s Fist.

Back then, Xuan Chong said that Xia Longyuan’s My Fist was the most powerful fist in the world, and Xuanwu Fist was tied for second with the Wang family’s Pai Tian Zhen Hai Palm.

In fact, I have never fought. This tie is just a ranking made by people who do not dare to offend one party.

Who is the real second now? The answer can finally be found here.

But Zhao Changhe did not continue to watch as a camera. He took out the dragon bird and sneaked over quietly, approaching the battle area between Haihuang and Haipinglan.

Hai Pinglan was attacked by Wang Daoning. Although Sanniang stopped her, her energy was diverted and she was at a disadvantage. She was now at a disadvantage. It’s rude to come and go without reciprocating, so we can also give Poseidon a sneak attack in return…

Xia Chichi also took out his ice soul and lurked in the direction of Sanniang and Wang Daoning. Originally, Uncle Xuanwu went to sea to help him, but he didn’t expect that the uncle was the protagonist… Anyway, I’m afraid I can’t get involved in the Poseidon, so my husband can take action. It’s okay for the Four Symbols Sect to besiege the Wang family here… …

Uncle Xuanwu was happy and said a few kind words to Chang He and me, and someone helped to carry that fierce woman back…


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