Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 576: Three battles with water people


Chapter 576 Three Battles with Water People

When Zhao Changhe arrived at the outskirts of Tianya Island, he was a little more adaptable than Xia Chi.

He has been pondering the art of water mirror all this time, which means he is playing with light, not to mention that he has been playing the spring water sword art for two years.

When he first saw the island, Zhao Changhe could already see through the dense water vapor and light the location of the real island inside, and he could also see that the island was not as big as seen from the outside.

The only thing that is more distinctive is that the sun has set and the moon has risen, but there is still the colorful bridge in the sky, like a scene painted in the sky.

“Then there is something wrong with the Hong Bridge…” Zhao Changhe looked at the Hong Bridge from a distance and asked Sanniang next to him in a low voice: “Does it sound like you are saying that you can reach the sky by stepping on the bridge?”

Sanniang said: “From the perspective of light refraction, if you step on the island, looking from the outside, you are stepping on the Hongqiao. It also has symbolic meaning. Stepping on it means entering the end of the world.”

Is the end of the world far away?

Not far.

People are at the end of the world, so how can the end of the world be so far away?

Zhao Changhe could not help but have thoughts of literary youth, and heard Sanniang say: “It’s really strange here… The relationship between the meaning of green dragon and water is not very big. Earlier, we followed the principle of water-derived wood. The meaning and the concept of the direction of the blue dragon in the east allowed Chichi to get some insights after going out to the sea. In fact, the meaning of the blue dragon should never be found in the water… but it gave me a very strong feeling. “

Zhao Changhe also felt strange, not because of this, but because he felt that most of the relics related to Qinglong should have been excavated. The fake tomb of Qinglong was excavated by Chi Chi’s mother, and the ground was dug three feet; the Qinglong Seal of the Water Curtain Cave in the back mountain was obtained by himself and Chi Chi; the altar mechanism under the Qinglong Seal was cracked by himself and Sanniang, and the secret of rejuvenation was obtained there Yes, even the coffin was moved away. According to Sanniang, the coffin was indeed the body of Qinglong.

This is all bald, okay? Why is there anything related to Qinglong here? How come there are so many…

Sanniang looked up at the sky, and saw the blue dragon star twinkling faintly in the east: “I’m afraid it means the star, not the ancient blue dragon.”

Zhao Changhe nodded. If he wanted to say where the meaning of the ancient blue dragon came from, it obviously came from the stars and did not appear out of nowhere. If what we get here is the meaning of the stars, it means we have come into contact with the origin of this direction.

No wonder Xia Longyuan would let his daughter come here to seek a breakthrough. This is indeed a great opportunity for Chi Chi to peek into the triple secrets in a short period of time.

The premise is that she has to be embarrassed, and it is useless to let primary school students read the Chinese Academy of Sciences papers in advance…

While the two were discussing, Tang En was letting the ship continue to move forward, approaching the range of light distortion.

Zhao Changhe originally planned to ask Tang En to stop for a while, observe slowly, and even ask the fishing boats nearby. However, the closer he got, the more he noticed that there seemed to be movement on the island.

A white dress flies under the moon, stepping on the treetops, as beautiful as an elf.

Zhao Changhe couldn’t open his eyes.

Chichi… Every time we meet again, we can give people a new and amazing feeling, but this time what we feel is loneliness and determination.

How can the end of the world be so far away if we are at the end of the world?

Sanniang looked at him sideways, feeling sour in her stomach. She didn’t know how to express her jealousy.

No matter how late Chi Chi is in other things, she is the undisputed earliest in getting to know and fall in love with him… For a long time, this stinky pig’s girlfriend was specifically Chi Chi. Even now, looking at his eyes, they are still as gentle as seeing first love. No wonder Suzaku got angry when he saw the delay, and couldn’t argue, so he could only bully her to comfort the mistress’s heart…

Sanniang sighed: “You…”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Zhao Changhe suddenly jumped up: “Fuck! Chi Chi is not exploring the secret, he is being hunted! What kind of **** dares to kill me Chi Chi!”

Sanniang: “…”

“Twain! Bed crossbow!”

“…Your Highness, we can’t see anything.”

“You don’t need to see it, just shoot in that direction!”

Sanniang frowned slightly. Her cultivation was much better than that of Zhao Changhe. She was keenly aware of all kinds of malicious and strong auras around her, but she couldn’t distinguish them carefully… I always felt that rushing in like this was not the best option. It’s really strange that Chi Chi, who has always been cautious, ended up in such an extremely unfavorable situation of fighting alone…

But it was impossible for her to stop Zhao Changhe from rescuing. The reason for her going to sea was to delay. Theoretically speaking, you have to protect Chi Chi even if you risk your own life.

Tang En directed the crew to set up the crossbow, but he couldn’t calibrate it. He followed the direction indicated by Zhao Changhe and fired a shot very blindly.

There was a “taut” sound, the ballista was fired, and Zhao Changhe disappeared.

Twain: “?”

Sanniang shook her head: “He went out with a crossbow. You should be careful out there. It’s best to hide in a safe place… This battle is very risky.”

She disappeared before she finished speaking.

Twain: “…”

No, who is this mistress who was pressed in the cabin and hummed for several days? Normally she looks as lazy as a turtle, but when it comes to seriousness, she’s so fast that she can’t even be found… She seems to be stronger than the first one!


The direction of Tang En’s crossbow was slightly adjusted by Zhao Changhe who was stepping on it. When it really entered the battlefield, it accurately penetrated the head of the murloc leader. Zhao Changhe did not stop for a moment, directly raised his sword and leaped straight to the lake. Favorite person.

After fighting so many games at sea, he knew very well that wherever the sea people gathered, the water-man structure was the absolute core. Although it could be regarded as autonomous, the sea emperor could see anything he wanted to see through it, even You can take action through it, just look for this thing and beat it directly.

This is a structural life with triple secret strength, but after these battles, Zhao Changhe has clearly understood that it is actually not as good as the real human beings with triple secret strength. After all, a construct is a construct, and it has combat wisdom and adaptability. It is relatively dull and can only be regarded as a “pseudo” triple secret treasure.

And during these days, my progress in the direction of water is also very obvious.

The first battle was on Taiping Island. I drew my sword to cut off the water. I couldn’t even feel its power feedback. It caused no harm and was a lonely blow.

The second battle was on Dong’an Island. I was able to chop it down with one strike, but I was a little overwhelmed by the backlash, so I left that battle to Sanniang and took charge of Hai Changkong.

This is the third battle.

“Zhao Changhe…Why are you everywhere!” This brand new water man actually knew who this was, and did not dare to use his body to stop him from drinking water, so he quickly slapped the side of the knife.

A ripple of water passed by. Although the knife did not cause any damage, Zhao Changhe was not shaken away either.

Zhao Changhe’s left hand, Dragon King, drew a circle silently, just in time to resist the water droplets splashing from the waterman’s all-pervasive, without leaking.

At the same time, the sea of ​​souls exploded the whisper that Xia Chichi had just felt, and it was as disturbing as a curse.

In the sea of ​​souls, the little man who was hugged and rubbed by Sanniang every day had become thicker and thicker without knowing when. He opened his eyes while sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​souls.

An invisible ripple spread across the sea of ​​souls, blowing on the little man’s body, and bursts of mysterious symbols surrounded him. It seemed impossible to start, and gradually dissipated without leaving a trace.

Facing the most troublesome mental attack from the Poseidon, he resisted it!

On both ends of the offense and defense, they are evenly matched!

Xia Chichi on the tree was dumbfounded. When did Zhao Changhe become so powerful… Not to mention that he could detect the messy light here as accurately as he could see a little girl without clothes. Just talk about what he had just said The water man simply charged a water column and he couldn’t hold it back. It was an absolute crushing in terms of strength, but now Zhao Changhe was evenly matched. Could it be that he had achieved the triple secret?

Zhao Changhe’s message reached his ears at this moment: “Don’t be in a daze. I’ll drag this thing and play with Huang Puhong to crack the sculpture in the middle of the lake. This battle is very complicated. Can we take the initiative? , it all depends on how valuable your Azure Dragon Saint is…”

Xia Chichi came to his senses, and with a twist of his ice soul, he sliced ​​through the throat of the water man who was sneaking up on him. At the same time, he stood up and stepped on the water straight into the center of the lake.

The water man pointed out his hand.

There was a sudden wave in the middle of the lake, and huge waves surged straight towards Xia Chichi.

With a “boom”, Zhao Changhe drew back his sword and punched: “Your opponent is me!”

The huge wave hovered, exploded with a bang, and turned into water mist all over the sky.

Xia Chichi walked through the mist and reached the statue.

Xia Longyuan watched silently. Ever since Xia Chichi went to Beijing, he had never seen his daughter’s smile so relaxed and joyful. Even though she was on the battlefield, it was like holding hands with the moon.

“Is this man Zhao Changhe?” Hai Pinglan, who was hiding somewhere, murmured to himself: “How come this understanding of water waves makes him look like a man who has lived at sea for twenty years… and How did he see the shadow of my boxing technique in this punch, my Raging Sea Fist? Where did he learn it?”

Transitional chapter


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