Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 565: The dissipating fog


Chapter 565 The dissipating fog

From the beginning of this battle, the scene has always been so psychedelic that there is supportable basis for guessing in any direction.

The pirate group has been waiting for Sanniang as the “third leader” for so many years. Hai Qianfan has always only called himself the “acting leader”. When Sanniang comes back, he will automatically give up power, without any intention of fighting for power. No. If he wants to control the pirate group, it’s really just like playing for fun. Sanniang won’t compete with him at all. Is it necessary to act like this?

What’s more, after so many years, there have been iterations within the pirate group. The education that newcomers have always heard is that there is a third boss outside the house, and they must follow it when they come back. This can’t be acted out either. You can tell the attitude of the pirates at a glance.

In the past few years, the pirate group has been secretly trading to make money for the Four Elephants Sect. They have always been diligent and diligent, and even the amount of black money they tacitly allowed them to take was very small. When they came this time, Sanniang realized that the power of faith accelerated the recovery of the Sea King, and asked them to persuade the fishermen and merchants to return to Xia Kingdom.

No matter how you look at it, they are all loyal subordinates.

The most important thing is that the last time we were attacked by the Sea Tribe at night, it was really serious. Not only did the pirates suffer heavy casualties in that battle, countless elite members of the sea clan were also killed there. The powerful shark-men and water-men with one less crystal core were all destroyed there, and ordinary fishmen were littered with corpses. The sea was littered with death and injuries.

Could this be staged?

I would say that the acting was done to deceive Sanniang, but she didn’t deceive her at all. The battle between Sanniang and the water man was so stalemate that there was no conspiracy.

This time it seems that the pirates and Penglai have united to kill the small country’s fleet, but suddenly they are sacrificing themselves to the Poseidon?

Isn’t this baffling? Why can’t you trust them for once and think there’s another reason?

For example, because the two families were originally from the same source, and they secretly reached a conspiracy against maritime hegemony, the pirates may not even know that there was a sacrifice. Moreover, this kind of conspiracy must have been in contact a long time ago, and it cannot be reached recently, so it has nothing to do with Sanniang.

Even if you guess that Penglai and the pirate group are a family from the beginning to the end, and they were separated into two sides in order to deceive the Poseidon, it makes perfect sense.

How to judge whether to trust Hai Qianfan once?

When Zhao Changhe communicated this matter with Sanniang secretly, Sanniang couldn’t make a choice, but still replied with those three words: “I listen to you.”

As long as you are willing to listen, Guigui is cute. When your brain is down, you are willing to hand over the decision-making power to others instead of being stubborn.

Once it is left to Zhao Changhe to judge, he has no friendship with the pirates and will naturally not be disturbed by emotions. He only needs to do a test. Forced by Hai Changkong, he didn’t use his left sword or right sword. He just hid his weakness and looked like he could be crushed by adding a handful of straw, waiting to catch fish.

Sure enough, it’s all done once you catch it.

Hai Qianfan is over fifty. He was Hai Pinglan’s guard commander back then. He is several years older than the young Hai Changkong. Now his beard has turned gray, and his majestic and gray beard looks really upright.

At this moment, facing Sanniang’s angry fist, Hai Qianfan took half a step back and slashed diagonally: “The princess was injured before and has not recovered. Just now she focused on defeating the water man, and now she is injured again… It’s better not to move like this. It’s good for those who are angry.”

“Bang!” The fist force and the sword light intersected, and both sides took a few steps back. Sanniang covered the unhealed bone wound under her ribs with a cold expression.

Hai Qianfan didn’t feel good either. The difference in physical strength was here, and a punch that hurt him still made his guts swell and he almost vomited blood.

He took a deep breath, looked at Zhao Changhe who was facing the siege of Hai Changkong and Hua Zhenming with swords and swords, and said slowly: “Master Zhao, it is actually very dangerous to test like this. If you are not careful, you will be injured.” Hai Changkong’s hand. The reason for doing this must be that I am the enemy, and he would rather take some risks to force me to be exposed. Can I ask Mr. Zhao’s reason? I want to know where I have exposed my flaws. Because of this naval battle? The cause of this naval battle really has nothing to do with what you two thought.”

Sanniang glanced at Zhao Changhe and wanted to know his reason.

Zhao Changhe forced Hua Zhenming away with a sword and said with a smile: “My confusion started with this Brother Hua… The night the base was attacked by the Hai Clan at night, Sanniang had just arrived and was not in charge of the fleet. It’s not surprising that she didn’t think of relocating the people on Taiping Island, but as an elusive pirate captain who often needs to relocate around, this must be the first reaction, but Brother Hua didn’t think of this… It’s hard for me to understand What’s even more incomprehensible about such a fatal mistake is that Senior Hai didn’t even show anger and blame afterward.”

Hua Zhenming had a sullen face and his offensive became more and more crazy. Unfortunately, his strength was indeed weaker and he could not pose any threat to Zhao Changhe.

Hai Changkong, on the other hand, was very interested in not using any special moves, and was clinking his swords like Zhao Changhe was performing martial arts. He seemed to be very interested in Zhao Changhe’s remarks and was waiting for updates.

“I can only understand that Taiping Island was originally given up by you and given to the Sea Tribe, maybe to feed them to strengthen this new ethnic group… Every race always needs to eat. , what do they eat after they mutate and become intelligent?”

The expressions of the onlookers changed drastically.

“Of course, I think this is a bit of a conspiracy theory. It’s hard to express it openly, but it makes me look like a villain. Others just make one mistake and get on the line…so I didn’t mention this matter to Sanniang.” Zhao Changhe continued: “But there is something that I really don’t understand.”

Hai Qianfan asked in a deep voice: “Which one?”

“Commander Hai Changkong said that there are spies among the pirates. They already know the location of the new base where the pirates will move… This is outrageous. This period of time is really not long.” Is this a good sign? When you move to a new place, you immediately send someone to report to the sea captain that you are safe. Only then can you deliver the message in such a timely manner – if someone sneaks out of the boat and leaves immediately after you move to a new place, you are all in trouble. If you can’t find it, how come the pirate group has survived to this day? Is Uncle Hai going to tell Sanniang that you are a waste and that you are here today only because of luck?”

Hai Qianfan stopped talking.

Zhao Changhe said: “So I have reason to suspect that the one who reported the message was not a spy, but you yourself. Even the method of reporting the message was not by sending a ship, but by the so-called sea tribe who transmitted the image. Your message speed is far faster than Ordinary people, this may be the main reason why you have not been wiped out by other forces in the East China Sea for more than ten years, but have become more and more prosperous. Otherwise, the development of the pirate group is better than other countries, which is too dreamy… You are simply Penglai official. The split of the Royal Pirates back then was just a show.”

He paused and sighed: “I want to believe what you just said: ‘The cause of this naval battle really has nothing to do with what you two thought.’ Perhaps it is true. The cause of this naval battle started in Penglai. Tie up the line and take advantage of this great opportunity of “Poseidon’s Proclamation to Suppress Bandits” to unify the East China Sea.”

This time even Hai Changkong couldn’t help but sigh: “Wonderful. Is there anything more?”

Looking like a fan of the book, I still want to hear it.

“Although there is, I don’t know anymore.” Zhao Changhe said: “Penglai wants to unify the East China Sea, and the Sea Emperor will not agree. This involves the game between the Dragon King and the Sea Emperor. Some of you listen to the Dragon King, And someone leaned towards the Poseidon, creating a very psychedelic situation… Sanniang and I accidentally got involved, and because of Sanniang’s identity, your tendencies have changed and become even more bizarre. What do you think? I am not a tapeworm in your stomach, so how can I know? Now that I have told so many stories, can you explain it to me? ”

Hai Changkong laughed: “If all the characters in Middle-earth were like this, I would hide in the sea for the rest of my life and don’t go up there.”

At about the same time, far away in Penglai, the Dragon King Hai Pinglan was receiving Xia Chichi, the saint of the Four Symbols Sect, and the two parties were drinking and talking.

I don’t know how much he said before, but Xia Chichi’s expression at this moment was as dumbfounded as the onlookers on Dong’an Island: “Sanniang is your daughter?”

“She didn’t tell you?”

Xia Chichi scratched his head: “I joined the religion late, and I haven’t met Uncle Xuanwu very often. These things have indeed not been told to me. Uh, no, I doubt that Lord Suzaku doesn’t know either. I’m here. Lord Suzaku didn’t mention this before.”

Hai Pinglan chuckled: “She doesn’t recognize me and doesn’t want to talk about the past. Aren’t you the same?”

Xia Chichi narrowed his eyes: “Your Majesty knows my affairs very well?”

Hai Pinglan said nonchalantly: “The Wang family guessed it, I think it’s almost the same.”

Xia Chichi admitted very bachelorly: “I don’t recognize him because he is not worthy. Why does my uncle disown you?”

“Because I am not worthy either.” Hai Pinglan said calmly: “I personally suppressed her, sent people to hunt her down, and told Changkong to kill her without mercy. If you kill her, maybe the prince will be yours.”


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