Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 54: I have a secret that I want to tell you


“Blind date” is a joke, but the essence is quite similar to blind date.

As I said before, how important this fake prince’s identity is and how others will treat him are all Xia Chichi’s imagination or even wishful thinking. Tang Shouzuo has his own ideas, other choices and even other plans, and they will change according to the changing situation. It may not necessarily be necessary to create a fake prince, and even if this option is chosen, the candidate does not necessarily have to be Zhao Changhe.

What’s more, I still haven’t figured out what Xia Longyuan was thinking. It would be unusual if Xia Chichi’s idea of ​​this completely unknown situation was followed, even if her idea seemed to make sense.

Of course, there is a real chance that Zhao Changhe is the real prince… Therefore, the wanted order can only be dealt with coldly. He neither dares to withdraw it to arouse suspicion nor dare to arrest him for fear of going wrong.

Now that the fate has reached this point, the Cui family must have some idea of ​​these things due to their status, so it would be a good time for the Cui family to take a look, “Do you think this will work?” It also allows Zhao Changhe to have an honest way to contact the family. To the outside world, this is a mission to capture wanted criminals and is unobtrusive.

As for being uncontrollable, she didn’t want to control it. What path Zhao Changhe could take through this line was exactly what she wanted to observe. She also wanted to know whether this person could do it and how his contact with the family would be. What changes will it inspire?

There happens to be a little princess from the Cui family who has not left the court, and Zhao Changhe is also unmarried. Could the Cui family have any other ideas? What if it’s really suitable?

Isn’t it Trina! Daxia is half at peace!

Just now Cui Yuanyong didn’t say a few words at the beginning, what was he talking about? He said “Are you interested in my sister?” and “Why do I think you are the same? No matter Xia Chichi or Yue Hongling.”

When connected, the meaning is obvious.

When the two men look at me, you can see the angry and funny feeling hidden in each other’s eyes. It’s not even possible to talk about it openly, it can only be hinted at.

Cui Yuanyong finally took a sip of wine and said leisurely: “There is a secret. I’m wondering if I should tell you… If I tell you, will you think I’m a bit big-mouthed? I’m afraid it’s Lian Yue Hongling’s secret. I can’t even save it…”

“Ahem.” Zhao Changhe coughed dryly and said, “People always have double standards. Please keep Yue Hongling’s matter a secret. What kind of secret is this?”

Cui Yuanyong laughed out loud: “You…”

“Say it quickly, I’ve already invited you to dinner.”

“The former Crown Princess died of illness. After that, the Tang Crown Prince and the Crown Prince discussed marriage, but before the marriage contract was established, the husband died… Anyone with some political knowledge knows that the actual meaning of this marriage proposal is that the Tang family and the The marriage of the prince’s position does not depend on who the prince is. Now that this matter has begun, if the prince is changed, the marriage proposal may be carried out again.”

Zhao Changhe made a “pop” sound and almost sprayed the wine in his mouth all over the table.

So “What is your relationship with Mr. Tang?”

“Tang Wanzhuang’s thoughts are probably complicated.” Cui Yuanyong leaned back in his chair and sighed: “Maybe this move of hers also means to fight for her own freedom? This will allow her this time His behavior has been somewhat explained. Haha…hahaha…”

“Hey, you’re smiling, your personality is a bit broken.” Zhao Changhe was angry and funny: “You must be a gossip at heart. Now I’m really worried about Yue Hongling’s incident…”

“Tsk, isn’t this what you begged me to say?” Cui Yuanyong put away his smile and lowered his voice: “She has her own thoughts, which is understandable. But my Cui family is not a puppet. She designed it, and my sister is in disgrace. At least it’s impossible for now.”

Zhao Changhe said speechlessly: “I reiterate, I am not interested in fools. Let me remind you, I have never even asked her name until now. I am not interested.”

“Huh…” Cui Yuanyong leaned back in his chair again: “Her name is not a secret, Cui Jiayuan, her first name is Yuanyang, and her nickname is Yangyang.”

“Hey, just give me a big name. Why would you give me a nickname?”

“Tang Wanzhuang’s thoughts are complicated, so how can my thoughts not be complicated?” Cui Yuanyong finally stood up: “I’m so excited, it’s almost time to talk. For now, what I want to see is the Zhao Changhe Sword Try the world instead of getting entangled in such meaningless things. You move forward, I have asked people to cover your whereabouts, at least you won’t be able to live in peace like this.”

Zhao Changhe also stood up and handed over his hands: “Thank you very much.”

“You don’t need to thank me, this is what you should do.” Cui Yuanyong sighed: “I really want to know what you are going to do next, but is it weird for me to follow you?”

“They say you are a gossip…and you don’t want your sister to come with you.”

“You have a beautiful idea.” Cui Yuanyong turned and left: “Okay, wait for the day when I see your name shining in the book of troubled times again. Work harder, the man Tang Wanzhuang will never get, Hahahaha…”

“Laugh at you sister! Who made the bad joke just now?”

Up to now, the two of them have not directly said who Zhao Changhe is, but they are just talking about whether Luo Zhenwu is Tang Wanzhuang’s marriage partner.

But actually said everything. Cui Yuanyong got the confirmation he wanted, and in fact whether Zhao Changhe was genuine or not might not really matter to him.

And Zhao Changhe also obtained a lot of unknown information and the thinking patterns of various companies.

The Cui family does intend to bet on this person… but they will not make it clear and need you to continue to give answers. If you die in the world, they will not even sigh for you.

It has always been difficult in both dimensions to decide who the family should bet on.

Not long after Cui Yuanyong left, Zhao Changhe suddenly drank all the wine in his glass and laughed so hard that he even coughed a little.

“Damn it, I forgot, I was going to ask him about the history of his family and the significance of the era, shit! Women really affect the efficiency of doing anything!”

Zhao Changhe picked up the long knife on the table, turned around and went out.

What kind of leader of the Tang Dynasty, what kind of Qinghe Cui.

One race and one Puxin.

I am here to select and examine you? Rare!

If it weren’t for the entanglement of location cards that got involved in this identity-breaking matter, who would care about such a thing? I am always smelly and feel uncomfortable wherever I go.

What’s next? What’s so curious about this? Of course it’s an upgrade experience!

One day a hidden dragon emerges from the abyss and is famous in the sky. It’s not you who pick me, it’s me who picks you. Isn’t that how things are in the world?

In the misty rain, the young man put on his raincoat, carried a long knife on his back, and strode away from the town.

After leaving Mang Mountain, the place became increasingly prosperous and no longer as remote as before. There is a state city ahead, and there are many martial arts schools and martial arts families in the city, where strong people gather.

The night is getting darker and the rain is pouring.

In front of the martial arts hall, someone came in the rain and was tired from travel.

The concierge raised his hand to stop: “It’s night, little brother, I want to become a disciple. Please come back tomorrow morning.”

The visitor smiled brightly and said, “I heard that the Youlong Bagua Dao in your martial arts school has rigorous techniques and excellent footwork, so I came here to learn from you… I hope that your master will give you some advice.”

“Challenge?” The concierge looked up and down: “Don’t risk your life if you are young, our owner is the third level of the entrance hall.”

“What a coincidence, so am I.” The visitor smiled brighter: “I’ll just tell you.”

“…first name.”

“Beimang Zhao Changhe.”

“Bang, bang, bang!” The concierge couldn’t sit still and ran into the martial arts hall like flying: “Master of the gym, master of the gym! Bandits are here to rob!”

Zhao Changhe: “?”

I don’t know how Cui Yuanyong would feel if he knew that the traces of his whereabouts that he had worked so hard to help erase were leaked by this guy with such arrogance.

Not to mention Zhao Changhe’s challenge and experience here, Cui Yuanyong over there trudged all the way home through mountains and rivers. After trekking for less than half a month, he was grabbed by his elders as soon as he got home: “Why did you come back alone? Where is your sister? ?”

Cui Yuanyong was stunned: “She didn’t come back? Didn’t I ask someone to bring her back first?”

“She ran away halfway and asked someone to tell you, didn’t you know?”

“…” Cui Yuanyong used Qinggong to take shortcuts all the way back. How could he easily encounter him? After hearing this, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and look back. He knew where his sister had gone.

I immediately stood there with a pain in my forehead.

He knew where his sister had gone before, but it had been so long on the way back. Who knew where his sister had gone with her god?


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