Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 537: Taiping Island


Chapter 537 Taiping Island

“Master Zhao.” Tang En knocked on Zhao Changhe’s door: “Ahead is Taiping Island. Let’s go down to rest and replenish supplies. Master, do you want to go?”

It has been more than ten days since the voyage. Mr. Zhao has not left home. He sits cross-legged in the house without moving. He does not need to eat or drink, let alone **** or urinate. There is not even a toilet in his house. No…it really refreshed the outlook of the Tang family sailors.

Did you pull the bed?

If you really don’t need anything, then you are no longer a human being, right?

It is no surprise that he is number one on the human list and king of humans. How strong he is, maybe he has already made a second secret. But even if it is a second-level secret treasure, it is not that everyone has seen people like Tang Shouzuo. Tang Shouzuo also needs to eat, and it is also convenient to metabolize after eating.

Zhao Changhe opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of thick air.

In this crisp autumn sea, it is as if it is a cold winter, and a thick white mist is exhaled.

“How many days have we been sailing?”

“It’s the thirteenth day.” Tang En admired him very much: “Young Master can actually retreat like this, he is really a fairy.”

Zhao Changhe got out of bed and moved his hands and feet. He felt a little weak and needed to replenish energy, which meant that he was not a god.

These days, we are actually in a state of internal circulation. The metabolism in the body is extremely slow and the energy demand is extremely low. It is also actively absorbing the power of heaven and earth from the outside world, injecting heavenly spirits from above and springs from below to make up for it. Energy required for practice.

This has been possible since the meridians were reshaped and the internal power was broken through… Top warriors are often able to retreat to enlightenment for a long time, which is based on this.

Of course no one can play like this when they are full, and they still need to eat… But if you are in an extreme situation, such as being trapped on an island or falling into the water, you will not die if you have this level. The first-level secret treasure dared not go out to sea, but the second-level secret treasure had the confidence. The most important thing is based on this, it is not afraid if the boat capsizes.

However, this so-called confidence actually does not allow them to directly face the top beings of the Sea Clan. No matter how far they have recovered, even if their hard power cannot compare with Baoqin, they cannot face them head-on, because everyone’s understanding of the power of heaven and earth and their Mastery is not a level.

The Sea Clan’s secret skill in Cui Wen?Z, which induces water in the body to go berserk, cannot be used by ordinary Sea Clan. The Sea Clan will not be as good as Wang Daoning, but once it reaches this level, Zhao Changhe I think I can’t bear it now, and I can’t resist even a single move.

Cui Wen?Z survived all these attacks, which shows that he can actually carry it. Because he was injured first and had never experienced this trick before, he should be able to withstand it if he was specifically prepared. In other words, only by having three secrets and being prepared can you have the confidence to face it head-on.

Still not strong enough… I thought I was climbing very fast, but when I looked up, there were still mountains in front of me, one after another without end. And the speed at which he was improving could not keep up with the intensity of the enemies he faced.

I don’t know how far this overseas experience can push my practice… So far, I am still far away from the threshold of the triple secret treasure, let alone a breakthrough.

Zhao Changhe opened the door and went out. An island loomed in the distance, and there seemed to be buildings on the island.

Tang En was standing by the side waiting. When he saw him coming out, he smiled and said, “That’s Taiping Island over there. We usually make a transit there.”

Zhao Changhe didn’t quite understand this: “Did we not bring enough food and water?”

“In terms of food and water alone, it is actually enough for us to get to Haitian Island, but it is also good to replenish some along the way. In case of getting lost, there is always more protection.” Tang En said with a smile: “In addition, Mr. Zhao You may not be able to realize it in seclusion… Sailing on the sea for a long time is very depressing. You always see the same scenery in front of you, and your mental state becomes wrong over time. Not all sailors and soldiers are veterans, and there are still many firsts. Newcomers who are traveling for the first time need to adjust more, and rest and relaxation in the middle are very necessary. ”

Zhao Changhe understood and said with a smile: “There may be a place for you to indulge in alcohol and alcohol.”

Twain blinked: “If the young master goes, we will definitely keep it secret and won’t tell my young lady.”

“Hey, who told you that I and?Mei Qiang Yi〗阌release叵嵵赵君垡元ず影视综合屯碜钡令叵dicaihuiyu禊 heirs comparable to the post of Gongdong?… The capital’s hand Was it rumored to be walking hand in hand? Or was he holding Qin in his arms or talking too much?

Tang En said with a smile: “The young lady’s attitude towards you is so special that none of the elders in the family can see it. The old man is just pretending to be blind, but he is actually very happy in his heart…”

As he spoke, he lowered his voice: “After all, it is Your Highness.”

Zhao Changhe: “emmmm…”

Is it so obvious…

Since Xia Chichi and Xia Longyuan met, even though the father and daughter’s attitude was still very strange, Zhao Changhe always felt that his identity had been transferred back to Chichi. I wonder if Mrs. Tang and the others will be disappointed by that time .

Tang En added: “Speaking of Taiping Island, it is not actually a full-time supply island, because there are not many ships on this route itself. It would be good to have one or two fleets passing by here throughout the year. They are a group of Xia fishermen who go to sea to escape war and harsh government. They are the same as many small countries overseas. However, they are only a small group of people who enjoy fishing. Later, occasionally fleets pass by and look for them. For shopping and supplies, they adapted and opened some inns and gambling houses. The prices were very expensive. After all, they only opened so many times a year, and brothels were even more expensive…”

Zhao Changhe suddenly said: “They own fishermen and make brothels? Where did the girl come from? From her own town?”

Twain was stunned for a moment. Apparently he had not considered this issue and was at a loss for what to do.

Zhao Changhe added: “You can see pirates blocking ships in our coastal waters. Do you know how rampant pirates have become? How can some simple fishermen still entertain themselves on the island? Do you have a life to spend after making money?” ”

Twain opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

The place that originally seemed normal, suddenly felt like a tiger’s den and a dragon’s pool after Zhao Changhe’s casual remarks. I have slept there several times in the past few years. How lucky am I that I still have my kidneys?

After a while, I woke up and quickly went to give the order: “Don’t go to Taiping Island, we…”

Before he finished speaking, he was caught by Zhao Changhe. Turning around, Zhao Changhe seemed to be smiling but not smiling: “If you went there before and it was fine, then it will probably be fine again… I would like to find out what is going on. What a tiger’s den and dragon’s pond.”

This is the detective addiction coming back…

The blind man folded his arms and said secretly that you wanted to lose the jade medal at first. You obviously liked this. Of course, this trait is also very suitable for her needs. Xia Longyuan is right.

Twain was speechless: “You know the danger, so there’s no need to go…”

“Why not go? The pirates want to persuade us to go back. For what reason, I have always been curious…Aren’t you curious?”

“…I’m not curious.”

“If you’re not curious, you have to go. You should eat and drink.”

“Bump.” The fleet slowly docked amid the wrangling.

The sailors on the ship got off the ship with joy and joy, running towards the wine flag held in front of them, and the seemingly deserted island suddenly became lively.

Zhao Changhe has always been in seclusion because he really has not realized what it is like for these sailors to watch the same sea water from beginning to end for more than ten days. He cannot understand this kind of passion.

Walking among the crowd, my mind was observing with great interest.

I thought it was just a small broken island, a small town, and one or two small wine shops. But when I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that there were a vast area of ​​taverns, casinos and brothels. The scale of this type of entertainment venue alone could almost become a town.

That’s right. A fleet usually has a lot of people, and one or two small restaurants can’t accommodate them.

But the larger the scale, the more it proves that it cannot be started by some fishermen themselves. There must be something fishy behind it.

Zhao Changhe casually followed the flow of people into a restaurant. In the restaurant, a group of women surrounded him: “How are you, gentlemen…”

Ganqing Restaurant and Brothel are directly combined.

Zhao Changhe didn’t care, and casually said to the old bustard: “Give these brothers to me, so I won’t use them. Find me a quiet box and I can drink some by myself.”

At the same time, in the backyard of the brothel, Sanniang ran in excitedly: “I heard that Zhao Shouyi entered this house, right? Which room is he in? I’ll go meet him for a while.”

No matter which hotel, gambling house or brothel Zhao Changhe enters, the proprietress will always be the third boss. This is the home court!

Hua Zhenming advised: “The third master should be more careful… This person is really strong, don’t underestimate the enemy.”

Sanniang is full of confidence: “How can I be afraid of a little loser who went whoring as soon as he got off the ship? If we take him down, the Tang family’s fleet will be ours.”


PS: The third update is here, please vote for me~


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