Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 536: What kind of money are you holding?


Chapter 536: What are you holding on to?

“I seem to have revealed my secret.”

Zhao Changhe did not enjoy the adoring gazes of the Tang family sailors. He returned to the cabin and crossed his legs with his eyes closed. In fact, he quietly said to the blind man: “My set of things, from exercises to palm techniques to light skills, they should It can be felt that it is obviously different from their sea routines, which are typical land martial arts. I would have used the Wang family’s Pai Tian Zhen Hai Palm, which is somewhat close.”

The blind man actually replied: “It’s stupid to use the talents of the Wang family. Land is land. It’s not a big deal to reveal your secrets. The most they guessed is that your record is not obvious so you didn’t get into the book of troubled times. Why did you have to be from the sea? Instead, you used the Wang family Yes, you are the one who is in endless trouble. Don’t be too addicted to pretending to be king.”

“That’s true.” Zhao Changhe took the opportunity to say: “So why can’t people in the sea be included in the Book of Troubled Times? In the past, it was said that people in the secret realm could not be recorded, but now the sea is not a secret realm, right? This leak has become a strange thing In this way, where does the credibility of the book on troubled times lie? ”

“This is a kind of isolation that is actively controlled.” The blind man said: “That is a page from the heavenly book. If others also have a page from the heavenly book, they can naturally form the same level of isolation.”

Zhao Changhe asked curiously: “If it is the Emperor of the Sea, why does he do this? In order to hide himself, he even hid all humans in the entire sea area?”

“Avoiding the visitation of Heavenly Dao, of course, is to isolate the area and facilitate doing secret things.” The blind man smiled: “Actually, people in the sea are also happy to do this. Not everyone likes the feeling of having everything they do recorded and announced by Heavenly Dao.”

Zhao Changhe said: “I think so too, so can you please stop recording me next time?”

The blind man said: “First of all, I can’t control it. It’s useless for you to tell me this.”

“Don’t believe it.”

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t need it?”

Zhao Changhe shut his mouth.

I like it, but the premise is that I can keep winning, and winning is called showing off. If you lose once, you can ask Lao Xue how he feels.

Also, can you just watch me fight and nothing else? What a contradiction…

Forget it, I’m too lazy to talk to a blind man about this. What she said is still not entirely true, and I don’t expect her to be able to tell the truth. The voyage is long and there is nothing to do. It is quite interesting to study martial arts in the sea here.

Zhao Changhe was immersed in the fantasy of the Book of Heaven, and Hua Zhenming’s slowed down moves appeared in front of him.

Zhao Changhe has not used this method to steal other people’s martial arts for a long time, mainly because he has not encountered anyone worth stealing for a long time, and it is too complicated and useless.

The last one worth reviewing is Shi Wuding, but he doesn’t want to learn Shi Wuding’s sword. This is not about spying on Xue Xiao through Shi Wuding’s sword skills, but it may be the opposite. If you learn Shi Wuding’s tricks, you may fall into Xue Xiao’s trap, so it is better not to learn.

Zhao Changhe was very pleased with the methods of the sea warriors this time. How to combine the use of sea water to bring out the characteristics of martial arts will not only be of great help to martial arts skills, but also be very beneficial to the subsequent understanding of “control”. To put it bluntly, this is A kind of imperial guard, but at a relatively low level.

Zhao Changhe watched the illusion demonstration and unconsciously simulated it with his hands, slowly breaking away from the meaning of Hua Zhenming’s palm techniques, taking on the appearance of the Divine Glory Wind and Thunder Palm, and then slowly becoming the Paitian Zhenhai Palm. The appearance finally broke away from all the related heaviness and explosive power, and became the elegance of clear blue waves. Then it was all broken up and kneaded together.

A brand new fist is gradually taking shape.

Who said you must learn “My Fist” and “Overlord Sword”? Even though he knew that he had learned it late, Zhao Changhe didn’t even think to ask. With my current understanding of martial arts and my status in the world, I should have created my own merit a long time ago, just like how I used night makeup combined with piano **** to temporarily create clear waves.

The blind man sighed softly.

Who said that the second secret treasure is the time to achieve success? Tang Wanzhuang already had a similar grappling hand. In order to stimulate your interest in playing the piano, he integrated and transformed it. It is not really a new creation…

But he seems to be really close to success.

Break and absorb all other people’s ideas and make them your own, rather than imitating and transforming. This is similar to learning Chinese characters and writing an article by yourself. You are no longer copying books.

Once he takes this step from zero to one, it will become easier for him to create his own martial arts.

Speaking of genius, Zhao Changhe is indeed a genius. From beginning to end, his only shortcoming is his meridians. In terms of martial arts understanding, this guy is a peerless genius, which is opposite to his reading level…


“Were you beaten?”

Somewhere on an island, a woman sat lazily on a rock watching the waves wash over her. Behind her stood Hua Zhenming, hands hanging down, reporting the results of her trip.

“Yes, the Tang family’s ships are stronger than ours, and they even have crossbows. If we use this strength to destroy a small country, it won’t be a big problem. We really can’t defeat it.” Hua Zhenming looked at the enchanting back of the woman. , not daring to stare, lowered his head.

The woman said lazily: “I didn’t expect that Tang Wanzhuang was secretly arranging the ship. She is not as loyal as she usually shows…or is it just Tang Buqi and the others who did it? Tang Buqi is very promising. …”

Hua Zhenming said with a hint of admiration in his tone: “That Zhao Shouyi has outstanding strength and good manners… It should be said that the Tang family is indeed a famous family in the Xia Kingdom, and it is better to meet him than to be famous.”

“How can such a strong warrior come from the Tang family? Do you really think that I don’t know his family?” The woman sneered: “At most, they are just recruited… Tang Buqi has the intention of looking southeast.”

Hua Zhenming didn’t say anything. Everyone didn’t know much about land affairs. They only knew about the Tang family because the Tang family had gone to sea and had exchanges with each other. Naturally, she couldn’t be like the third head of the family. She basically lived on land. , came back to visit relatives this time.

The so-called third boss does not exist on weekdays, but as long as she comes back, she will be the third boss.

“Sanniang.” An old man with a beard on his face came from a distance, but his beard was already gray, showing the traces of time.

The woman turned her head, her enchanting face was filled with sparkling eyes, as bright as stars.

If Zhao Changhe had seen it, his jaw would probably have dropped to the ground, and he would have said in stunned silence: “I am Diguigui, can you clone yourself…”

Because this is Xuanwu Yuan Sanniang.

The old man came closer and smiled heartily: “Since Sanniang has said to persuade you to return, let’s continue to persuade you. Zhen Ming can’t beat me, so I will go in person!”

Sanniang said: “Where is their destination? Penglai?”

Hua Zhenming said hurriedly: “Xia people usually go to Penglai first when they go to sea. Judging from their route, they may stop at Taiping Island for supplies on the way.”

Sanniang stretched lazily and stood up: “Taiping Island is basically all our people…”

“Yes, no matter what the whole island is doing, even a newborn baby is ours.”

“Then I will be the proprietress of an inn and gambling shop. I will meet this extremely powerful Zhao…Zhao, why is his surname also Zhao?”

Hua Zhenming said: “Zhao Shouyi.”

“Bao Yuan…I have to ask him to change his name. What Yuan is he holding? Can he hold it?”

Hua Zhenming and the old man looked at each other, both dumbfounded. How could this woman’s brain turn? Is this a woman?

Sanniang stepped barefoot on the beach and walked comfortably to the boat in the distance: “No matter, the Tang family has such a powerful guest minister, and his surname is Zhao. If he poaches someone, some people will be angry, and some people will be happy.”


ps: Please give me your monthly ticket 嘤嘤嘤


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