Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 526: Enter the palace


Chapter 526 Entering the Palace

Huangfu Qing is dressed now, and he doesn’t know which idiot was the one who wanted to kill Zhao Changhe back then. The identity of the fire pig in this room was given to him by Sanniang, just for fun.

Xia Chichi actually agreed with this in her heart. Zhao Changhe was talked about as being rebellious when he was just starting out… But later he became more heroic and righteous, and this matter was forgotten.

But in fact, he has never changed, he has always been the unruly and rebellious boy, the mountain king. He originally matched the attributes of the Four Symbol Cult, but it was best not to have a leader above him, otherwise the leader would either be overthrown or overthrown.

“That’s it.” Huangfuqing stood up with great satisfaction, and didn’t care about finding Tang Wanzhuang first: “I will take you two into the palace. One will pretend to be a palace maid, and the other will…”

Zhao Changhe stared.

Huangfu Qing’s eyes rolled, and his words were seductive: “If you want to save face, pretend to be a guard, but you can’t stay in the imperial concubine’s house in public. If you want to show off, pretend to be a eunuch. You can get in any way you want… …”

Zhao Changhe said expressionlessly: “Is there any **** as tall and powerful as me?”

Huangfu smiled so hard that he bent his eyes: “Yes.”

Zhao Changhe sighed: “I went in to quarrel with someone. I was dressed as a **** and would be laughed to death before I started arguing. My momentum was gone. I’m still an internal guard.”

Huangfu Qing lost his face and angrily threw away a guard uniform: “You shameless pig!”

Hey…were you prepared for this?

Zhao Changhe took the clothes and slowly changed in front of them: “Even if you are an internal guard, you are not prohibited from entering the imperial concubine’s house… Whether you can stay overnight depends on the operation?”

Huangfu Qing made a “tsk” sound and was about to say something. He glanced at Xia Chichi who was standing next to him with a bad look on his face. He felt that he couldn’t talk to him about this in front of this little bitch, so he had to hold it back. Secretly cursing himself for being crazy, why did he agree to bring this girl into the palace?


The process of entering the palace was extremely smooth. Huangfu Qing obviously did not come out alone when he came out of the palace. He brought a convoy with him, and they were all waiting in the front yard of Huangfu’s house. When we returned, there was a large group of people, including a palace maid and a bodyguard. Others couldn’t tell at all.

As for the people in the convoy itself, they are all close followers of the Four Symbols Sect and have faith.

The Four Symbols Cult has a lot of people, but the probability of loyalty problems among the core members is very low.

It also proves that wanting Zhao Changhe to change into a eunuch’s costume is just Huangfu Qing’s bad taste… In fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of costume, as long as you can deceive the guards during the palace entry process and successfully bring her into the imperial concubine’s palace, then There are people from the Four Elephants Cult all around, and no one will tell you how you like to play in there.

The dignified Venerable Zhuque has personally run the palace for several years, and is a collaborator with the fake Lao Xia. In addition to installing countless followers of her own Four Symbols Sect, most of the remaining staff in the palace have been bribed by her. They are all her people, and Queen Wang is no match for her at all.

Especially after the Wang family showed their rebellion, although Queen Wang was not deposed, as long as the sane people in the palace knew that the Queen’s time was running out, they all turned to the imperial concubine. Now that the Wang family has really revealed their rebellion, the Queen is on the verge of being deposed at any time, and it is not unusual to be sentenced to death. As long as the Queen is deposed, her imperial love will be overwhelming in the palace.

The thing that Zhao Changhe didn’t understand the most about the Wang family’s actions at the beginning was that to test the world, wouldn’t he put his own queen in the palace on the fire? Thinking about it later, it was not surprising. Anyway, the prince was dead and the country had no heirs. The value of the queen suddenly became very low. Given the coolness of the Wang family, they may not care about her life or death. Turning to the Hai clan behind them might be more important.

Speaking of which… Xia Longyuan supported a fake in front of the stage. The fake and Huangfu Qing were collaborators, so of course he would not touch Huangfu Qing, nor would he dare. But what about the queen? Xia Longyuan just sat back and watched the fake install a concubine from the Four Elephants Sect in the palace, but could he just sit back and watch the fake sleep with his queen? This is too…

“What are you thinking about with those dripping eyes of yours?” In the palace, Huangfu Qing, dressed in elegant palace clothes, leaned comfortably on the soft couch and said leisurely: “Are you thinking about the queen?”

“Ahem.” Zhao Changhe coughed dryly and said, “Xia Longyuan on Meng Jiang’s Taoist platform is a fake, right? Your entry into the palace is a collaboration with him.”

“You are thinking about the fake sleeping with the queen.” Huangfu Qing said it clearly.

Zhao Changhe tilted his head.

Huangfu Qing said: “The queen is Wang Daoning’s younger sister. She is only one year younger than Wang Daoning. Her martial arts training is not high, and her beauty skills are limited. She is already old and wan now. No matter whether it is genuine or fake, for such an aunt I’m not very interested. Why do emperors in the past dynasties favor certain concubines and neglect the queen? Because the queen is often old…”

“Uh…will she die now?”

“Any time.” Huangfu Qing said: “Fakes will definitely not dare to do this kind of treatment. If they are genuine, the Queen’s use value to him is estimated to be gone, so he can be killed. In fact, if the Wang family does not object, , the queen will also die, Xia Longyuan will use the queen’s death to give the Wang family an excuse to rebel.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Did you see it?”

“Not only did I see it, but Wang Daoning also saw it. He knew that no matter what he did, my sister would die, so it would be better to do it more simply.” Huangfu Qing’s expression became solemn: “You once warned me to leave the palace, It means that Xia Longyuan is not as weak as we thought. Now it seems that you are right.”

“Of course.”

“Yesterday, the energy in the palace exploded and fell towards Hebei. I felt it. Xia Longyuan finally waited for the opportunity for the Hai Clan to show up… I think he was also waiting for me to see if any gods and demons showed up behind me.” Huangfu Qing Canran smiled: “Actually, although I know that he is still very strong, I have been quite relaxed these two days because I finally figured out the purpose of Xia Longyuan’s actions. The feeling of being confused before was so uncomfortable…”

Zhao Changhe looked at the little palace maid Chichi who was standing by the side without saying a word. Chichi’s expression was always a little dazed. He asked instead: “Then how to find Zhen Lao Xia, do you know?”

“At least I guessed where his secret place of seclusion is.” Huangfu Qing hesitated: “You guys go directly? Isn’t it a bit…”

“It doesn’t make any difference. I think he knows that we have come in.” Zhao Changhe said: “He can even see the war thousands of miles away… Although it should be with the help of the hidden hand left on the Qinghe Sword. It’s impossible to observe from a bird’s eye view of the world… But this is the palace, and he has more arrangements than you. Let’s get straight to the point.”

Laughter suddenly came from the air: “How clever, you even guessed the reason why I observed the battle of King Cui.”

Huangfu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhao Changhe responded: “Don’t pretend anymore?”

“When I punch, I will definitely not be able to hide it from Z…Huangfu. It is meaningless in front of discerning people.” Xia Longyuan’s voice had some strange interest: “The Four Symbols Sect has been lurking for many years, and finally found out that Xia Longyuan was not injured. The fact is gratifying.”

Huangfu Qing: “…”

She thought she was joking about the second half of the sentence, but she didn’t know that what Xia Longyuan was joking about was the pause in the first half.

Zhao Changhe didn’t hear it either and asked, “So can you see me now, or can you just hear the sounds in the palace?”

“It’s listening.” Xia Longyuan answered very honestly: “There is only one person who can overlook the world… Although she is weak, her basic characteristics are still there. But even she can’t see many places, so she has to use help The eyes on you are just like the eyes on Qinghe Sword.”

The blind man: “…”

Zhao Changhe didn’t seem to be surprised. He had already made this judgment on the eyes behind him, and now he rarely uses it. It’s just that it is also passively upgrading with its own upgrades. Now the eye behind it has become a bird’s-eye view, but this “overlook” is relatively narrow, and it is still thousands of miles away from “overlooking the world”. .

He didn’t dwell on the matter. He would talk to the blind man slowly in the future, but don’t digress now.

“Are there your eyes on the dragon bird?”

“What do I see you doing?” Xia Longyuan laughed: “Do you think you at that time were worth my waste of energy?”

“What now?”

“It’s a bit interesting now…but it’s just a bit interesting.” Ridiculous.”

Xia Chichi: “…”

Xia Longyuan paused and sighed rarely: “The only person in the world who is qualified to scold me is Chichi.”

Xia Chichi finally said her first words since entering the palace: “I don’t want to scold you, because you don’t deserve it.”


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