Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 502: Tell him later (five hundred


Tell him later in Chapter 502 (Chapter 502: Spread flowers, and those who raise books can be slaughtered))

Zhao Changhe stood up from the pool and directly used the Liuhe magic skill to dry the clothes.

With a “boom”, the clothes were almost turned into ashes by the infuriating energy.

Zhao Changhe himself was shocked. Looking inside, the majestic and endless Qi surged like a river. It almost gave the illusion of the sound of waves. It was three to five times stronger than before!

The Liuhe Divine Skill, which was once pitiful and could only be used as a auxiliary, has fully emerged and is competing with the power of the blood evil.

This is the second stage of the Blood Shura Body, and it is actually unable to suppress the Liuhe Divine Art. It is extremely obvious that it wants to stand up and take the initiative to suppress the power of the Blood Evil.

But they cannot be suppressed for the time being. They are so evenly matched that they are entangled together and tend to form a spiral.

Zhao Changhe clenched his fist and opened it again. He stared blankly at the palm of his hand, feeling his surging power. He felt that he had never been so powerful.

In terms of power alone, this should already belong to the second level secret treasure, at least it is infinitely close.

What is missing is the final thought, the finishing touch, and after the breakthrough, it will be the second level… The state before Hong Ling broke through the Wuding was roughly like this.

I felt that the gap was quite big before, but only two days later, I have reached it…

Half-step list?

At this time, Wang Daozhong really came, Zhao Changhe felt that even without the power of the dragon bird, he should be able to beat him, whether he would be beaten to death is another matter.

He took a long breath and walked down the mountain.

How to get through the final step seems to be no longer something to consider now. Now we should go to Hong Ling first… What happened last night? Hong Ling came to Shuangxiu to help, why did he run away…


Yue Hongling is not resting in the house.

When Zhao Changhe had completely reshaped his meridians and had passed out and fell asleep, Sisi left quietly and saw a man in red clothes standing there quietly on the mountainside, as if waiting for her.

The so-called letting the guards guard the foot of the mountain and not allowing anyone to come up makes no sense to Yue Hongling.

But she stopped halfway up the mountain and did not move forward. She seemed to know what was happening above and did not bother. Instead, she seemed to be guarding here.

Sisi hesitated for a while, but finally walked over with her head hanging down: “Sister Yue… I didn’t lay a poison.”

Yue Hongling felt a little distressed after hearing this. After looking at her for a long time, she had a thousand words that she didn’t know how to say. Finally, she condensed into two words: “Thank you…”

Si Siqi said: “You still thank us? Isn’t it nice to dress up like you and let you have a sense of participation? Who is it? Mei Beizhe? Make up me and him, huh, huh, huh.”

“…” Yue Hongling’s heartache almost disappeared. She couldn’t even laugh or cry. At this time, she still dared to provoke her.

After the first time, the man didn’t even know it was you.

She could have taken the opportunity to control him, but she did nothing and gave away her innocent body in vain.

Seeing Sisi taking off her disguise, Yue Hongling sighed: “When he wakes up, why don’t you tell him?”

Sisi raised her head and thought for a moment: “Can you do me a little favor?”

“You said.”

“You can tell him after you leave.”

Yue Hongling asked curiously: “Why is this? We will obviously stay here for a while. If you don’t tell him, are you still willing to be treated as a maid by him at this time?”

“I’m glad.”


Sisi said coquettishly: “I’m not asking you to hide it from him anyway. We’ll just wait a few days to tell you. Can’t you help me with this…”

Yue Hongling felt that even if Sisi was exposed to her face at this moment, she would let her do it. This small request was really nothing, so she nodded.

Sisi showed a smile, finally changed back into her queen’s attire, and walked leisurely past Yue Hongling and went down the mountain: “That’s it, don’t reveal the secret yet… oops…”

Perhaps she was in pain somewhere, so the little demon girl almost fell down, but she didn’t dare to look at Yue Hongling as if she was embarrassed, so she picked up her skirt and ran away.

Yue Hongling was angry and funny. She really didn’t know what this **** goblin was thinking.

The little demon girl flew back to her temple, turned to look at Yue Hongling’s confused look, and whispered to herself: “Because if this is the case, he will always worry about it. My sister-in-law, if you are so straightforward, how will you win in the future? Over those goblins?”

Over there, Yue Hongling went up the mountain to take care of Zhao Changhe. As soon as she reached the top of the mountain, she saw Zhao Changhe also walking down. The two were face to face for a moment, and laughed at the same time.

Yue Hongling said: “It’s done?”

“It’s done.” Since Yue Hongling was here, Zhao Changhe didn’t ask why she had disappeared just now. He strode forward, hugged her hard, and kissed her fiercely: “Good sister, you are really my destined goddess.”

Yue Hongling felt extremely uncomfortable. When she agreed to Sisi, she never thought that taking credit for one’s own gain would be so uncomfortable. How should she accept this?

When he was a little confused, he felt that Zhao Changhe’s muscles were a little stiff.

She just changed the subject: “What’s wrong? Is there anything else that doesn’t fit? Are you going to look inward and take a rest?”

“No…” Zhao Changhe hesitated.

The scent seems wrong…but I was confused before and couldn’t sense it accurately…

He didn’t think too much for a moment, and took Yue Hongling’s hand and walked down: “It’s dawn, let’s go. I’ll go check on Wu Yi’s condition first and see if he needs help with my newfound skills. In addition, Sisi Today should be a critical period for the establishment of the new country’s system. I want to take a look. Maybe you can give me some suggestions? It’s a great experience for the Queen to come to court.”

Yue Hongling did not refuse. Although she knew nothing about these things and was not interested in them, this experience really made her feel that she needed to have a higher perspective and should learn from it. It’s really strange why Zhao Changhe’s vision is so good… He was really rescued from Zhao Cuo…

The two of them did not find Han Wubing. He had already left last night and left the secret realm with the Xia army and horses that came in before.

I did leave a note for Zhao Changhe and asked the maid to deliver it:

“My sword energy is recovering and I will be fine in a few days, don’t worry.”

“Jianlu is the place where I was born. Regardless of the beginning or end, the old relationship is still there. Now that Tingxuelou Karma is hiding behind it, I feel uneasy and have no intention of continuing to practice here to recuperate, so I left first to investigate the matter.”

“I’m looking to say goodbye to you. They said you were in the temple… Recruiting the Spirit Tribe and suppressing the Miao territory is indeed a very important thing in this world. I’m not good at this kind of thing, so I won’t bother you. Xia When people leave the country, I will go with them. After leaving, I will stay in Taoyuan Town temporarily, and I may be able to help the Miaojiang Ling Clan stay in charge for a while, which can be considered a small help in these matters.”

“As for letting me meet some foreign girl here, I thought about it carefully, but it seems that I can’t do it. I feel that it will really affect my sword practice, so forget it. Everyone has his own way.”

“In the future, if I have success with the sword, I kind of want to fight you again. Why can you practice so fast? Damn it.”

“That’s it, goodbye.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

He looked over the note several times and was very surprised: “Not to mention this weird and arrogant content, just saying that this guy actually wrote a letter to say goodbye… He must have left as soon as he left, with such a temper The changes are really quite big…”

Yue Hongling said: “The whole story of time is very touching to a swordsman. With Han Wubing’s withdrawn temperament, it may be difficult for him to make friends. You are also an anomaly to him, so you will naturally cherish him. .”

Zhao Changhe nodded, looking at the words “I kind of want to fight you again” for a long time, and smiled slightly.

It seems that all warriors have this mentality. In fact, he also thinks about it, but I am embarrassed to say it.

Back then, everything interfered with the Sword Lake appointment, and the fight in the end was really unsatisfactory.

I hope that when they fight again, both of them will be at the top of the world. It will be a good story then.

Zhao Changhe was in a good mood. He put away the letter and pulled Yue Hongling all the way up to the temple.

While still at the door, I heard Sisi’s cold and majestic voice inside: “…established the Beast Control Department, appointed Mu En, the guardian elder of the Holy Mountain, as the minister of the temple, sorted out the secrets of various tribes, and searched for the secret books that Doro had stolen. , specializes in studying the ancient spirit-controlling techniques of our clan.”

“Huxiao Village has the merit of attracting the holy envoys, joining the temple guardian tribe, and giving mountains and forests land…”

“Thousand Snake Village has the merit of killing Shi Wuding, so I will grant you a title…”

I don’t know how many changes in official titles have been established before. It can be seen that Sisi has been away for a long time and has deliberately collected references for the system of Daxia and the old Black Miao Kingdom. A foreign race that combines the temple of the ancestral **** with the political system The political power is being created visibly.

But Zhao Changhe had no intention of listening… He stared blankly at Sisi on the throne, his expression gradually becoming tense.

Bliss Dafa has the art of observing women… Huangfu’s love was once a noble concubine but a young child. Zhao Changhe could tell that something was wrong.

But at this moment, I seem to find that the majestic Sisi on the throne…

It seems that she is no longer a chick…

Is it an illusion?

Isn’t the dream last night a red feather?


PS: Please vote for me…it’s so hard to be a Jiba~


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