Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 501: Easy muscles and forged bones, a dream of lovesickness


Chapter 501: Changing muscles and forging bones, a dream of lovesickness

It really works!

For a moment, Zhao Changhe even had an out-of-line idea… If something was cut and regenerated, could it be three to five times thicker?

I quickly gave up this weird idea. I had just cut my arm, but it didn’t get thicker.

The meaning of this meridian reshaping is nothing more than that the original junk meridians do not match the current practice. Reshaping is like melting the old weapons and pouring them into the new mold again, growing into a state that matches the current physical body. .

It relies on the huge life energy of this place, so it cannot be wasted at all, otherwise it may not be enough.

Speaking of which, my second brother has long been invincible. Is it necessary to change? It’s unnecessary.

Zhao Changhe took a few deep breaths and felt the new meridians with some joy. Although the pain was excruciating, this psychological joy was something that outsiders could not understand.

Perhaps many people think that Zhao Changhe is already unstoppable and his progress is faster than anyone else. It seems that it doesn’t matter if his meridians are almost the same, and it does not affect his awesomeness at all.

Only a few people can understand how long Zhao Changhe has been troubled by this problem since he fell into this world, and it has almost become a nightmare.

If it weren’t for his weak meridians…he was originally blessed with such miraculous skills as the Liuhe Divine Skill, he could have used the Liuhe Divine Skill as his main foundation. The progress would be fast and there would be many special effects, combined with the inheritance of the Sword Emperor or the swordsmanship of the Tang family, or even Taught by Xia Longyuan himself, he is handsome, strong and has no future troubles.

Why is it so hard to bite the blood evil skill? It hardly matches the opportunities of any senior master I have seen. There are various thresholds for practice. It is extremely difficult to find this medicine and that medicine, and you have to endure the evil energy from time to time. The backlash is so painful that I can’t bear to live. If it weren’t for another chance, it would actually be impossible to reach today with the Blood Demon Kung Fu. Just look at Master Xue and you will know.

Even if the opportunity comes true, he will still be ridiculed by Longque like he is a child with cerebral palsy.

And every time it comes to a breakthrough, from the Xuan Guan stage to the present, it is often because of internal strength that holds it back and gets stuck.

Fortunately, the transformation effect of the Zhenwu Sword Stone in the Xuanwu Secret Realm slightly improved this problem, so that his Xuanfu from the eighth or ninth level to the secret treasure was no longer hindered. For a long time, even Zhao Changhe himself didn’t pay much attention to this matter. After all, the Blood Demon Kung Fu was already deeply ingrained into his major, and he didn’t want to change anything else at this moment.

Not long after, the same thing happened again. Yue Hongling’s experience clearly pointed out that if the problem of meridians is not solved and the internal and external are not coordinated, then the double secret treasure cannot be broken… In other words, the problems that once hindered the process are once again standing in front of us, and it is the primary problem that needs to be solved urgently.

If we don’t completely solve this meridian problem, we don’t know how much trouble there will be in the future.

The solution is now at hand!

Although it hurts, no one will help transfer…so what?

I have suffered enough self-inflicted abuse along the way, and this time is not enough!

With a soft “click” sound, the small intestine meridian of the sun in the hand collapsed from the little finger all the way up, and was reorganized inch by inch.

Big beads of sweat dropped into the blood pool and melted without leaving a trace.

The blind man stood aside quietly, feeling a little admiration for this guy for the first time.

The pain of shattering and reshaping the meridians was even more severe than Lingchi’s before. The meridians of the human body are all over the body, not just this one?

What a tough guy.

Others would not know that the nightmare of hacking and slashing she set for the candidates had several meanings… one of which was to see how ferocious it was.

The feeling of dying and living, living and dying again, is not a dream, but a pain that is completely consistent with real experience. She has tested many people, some went crazy, some jumped off buildings… She treated those who went crazy and brought back those who jumped off buildings, but nothing happened. In short, very few people passed the test.

And this guy carried it for more than ten days, longer than Xia Longyuan.

This tough guy trait is reflected everywhere in this guy’s life after time travel. It is said that men with blood demons are like this, but in fact, many times there is no blood demon above them. On the contrary, this guy is a little clever. Instead, he deliberately and secretly uses the state of selflessness to weaken the pain, which is equivalent to secretly giving himself an anesthetic.

But the evil spirit is not a real anesthetic, and there is still some perception. Besides, you can’t really lose your perception, so how can you carry out such subtle meridian shaping? The so-called anesthesia only slightly reduces the pain. The blind man asked himself that he would not be able to bear it, and he did not even dare to think about it.

I don’t know if Zhao Changhe can carry it to the end, or whether he will faint from the pain… Having said that, Zhao Changhe himself doesn’t know what this means. If he can really carry it, it will not only be a matter of improving his meridians.

There is a professional term for this: relaxing muscles and forging bones.

The reshaped meridians are absolutely inhuman, they are the precursor of the body of gods and demons.

This is the step to ascend to heaven, the road to becoming a god.

There are many roads, and this is definitely the most difficult one, but he has embarked on it unintentionally… Once he crosses it, it will be a smooth road.


The blind man came back to his senses and took a moment.

Zhao Changhe’s hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian has been completely reshaped.

The time is actually not that long…but I don’t know if in Zhao Changhe’s own experience, it is as long as years.

He gasped heavily, tremblingly took out a pill and knocked it on his body to help himself regain some strength. After taking a short break, he started another one.

The Ren meridian is opened directly. The so-called two meridians of Ren and Du are also the core meridians. The so-called ninth level of Xuan Guan is mainly opened along these two meridians. Of course, you should take care of this important meridian first while you are still in good spirits.

He is just a tough guy, but he is also very rational in dealing with things. The blind man sighed, it was God’s will that such a person could not succeed.

The blind man quietly looked at the sweat on his twitching face, hesitated for a moment, and quietly flicked his fingers.

A special energy quietly protected Zhao Changhe’s spiritual platform.

It would be a pity if such a feat failed because of fainting from pain…

This move has violated her position that she must never take the initiative to help anyone in the world… Let’s just say it’s a sideline. Does this count as help? He did everything by himself, without even asking about the plan. The plan he combined by sorting out the Blood Shura Body, the Immortal Blood Demon Body, the Rejuvenation Art, and the Blood Ao through the passive presentation of the Heavenly Book can be considered in a sense. Created your own.

I don’t know how long it took, but the moon was rising in the sky.

Zhao Changhe’s consciousness has become a little drowsy. He only has the last foot-taiyin spleen meridian left to complete, but he has no strength.

Tolerating pain will not only lead to unconsciousness, but also loss of strength.

No medicine can make up for it. If you take too much energy and medicine in a short period of time, it will be useless no matter how much you take.

I was so sleepy that I didn’t realize that the energy in the blood pool had been sucked dry. What I was in now was a clear pool… really pure water. All impurities and filth had been assimilated by the original huge life energy. At this moment, the energy was gone. It was sucked clean by his body, and the entire pool was cleaner than water purified by modern technology.

Zhao Changhe became weaker and weaker after losing the supply of life energy. He leaned on the edge of the pool in a daze, as if he had a lazy consciousness telling himself that just missing one line did not seem to affect the overall situation. At most, he would be a lame in the future?

I’m so tired, I really don’t want to move…

But… I’m so unwilling…

In a daze, Zhao Changhe was still slowly operating the reshaping power, trying to continue, but he could no longer even collapse his meridians.

The blind man was hesitant, wondering if he should push again… Is this God’s will?

There is no way in this heaven, what is the will of heaven!

At this moment, the blind man’s expression suddenly changed, and he felt someone coming.

There was a vague voice asking: “The holy envoy cut off the flesh of the **** turtle and ran to the mountain to the pond?”

“Yes… we have been in the mountain for a long time, and everyone really heard screams inside, gradually and gradually… We were afraid of something happening, so we had to call His Majesty and disturb His Majesty’s rest.”

“The report is very good, and everyone will be rewarded. Okay, you guys stay at the bottom of the mountain and don’t allow anyone to come up.”


Under the hazy moonlight, Sisi came to the moon and was surprised to see the clear water in the distance. Immediately she saw the dead-looking Zhao Changhe leaning on the edge of the pool. Sisi no longer cared about the surprised changes in the water, and quickly rushed to her side to investigate briefly.

“Withdrawing strength?” The result of the investigation made Sisi very confused: “Withdrawing strength to the point of semi-consciousness? Who are you competing with here? With Ao Chi’s blood? No…his meridians…”

Sisi opened her eyes in shock: “He is trying to change his muscles and bones!”

She explored it carefully for a while, and was convinced that it was really a muscle-strengthening exercise, and it was almost completed. Only one was still weak, which was extremely conspicuous in contrast to the thick and shiny meridians around it.

But there is still energy in Zhao Changhe’s body that is impacting this meridian, as if he is struggling unwillingly in the end. It’s a pity that I have no strength and can’t push forward…

Sisi tried to put a pill into his mouth, but found that the effect of the medicine could no longer be absorbed… Was it too much intake in a short period of time and the body had resisted it?

Sisi looked at Zhao Changhe’s face blankly and bit her lower lip gently.

Besides medicine, there is another way to replenish energy and restore strength… Sisi has also pretended to be Maitreya, and is no stranger to the Dharma of Bliss.

I really meant it, but what about him?

While hesitating, Zhao Changhe’s eyelids moved slightly, as if he was about to open his eyes.

Sisi was startled and instinctively hid behind the rocks. Immediately he knocked his head in self-deprecation, what are he afraid of…

Afraid that if he sees it’s you, he will reject you?

But I really like you…

Sisi leaned against the rock and thought about it for a long time. She smiled to herself and slowly took out a set of red clothes from the ring, as well as a disguise medicine that she had not used for a long time, and applied it on her face. .

Zhao Changhe just felt someone was probing him. He reluctantly opened his eyes but didn’t see it for a while. When he was confused, he saw Yue Hongling flashing out from behind the rock.

“Hong Ling…” Zhao Changhe said in a daze: “I can’t stand it anymore…Help me, it’s just a little bit…”

Yue Hongling slowly took off her clothes and entered the water, and said softly: “I have checked it out and I know…it’s okay, I’m here.”

Zhao Changhe completely relaxed his mood, and soon felt a warmth on his lips as he was kissed gently.

The breath of Bliss Dafa penetrated into the body, gradually mobilizing his withered Dantian and stimulating the heat in his lower abdomen.

The magic power of the cult, even if you have been sucked dry, you can be replaced by a fanatic?br/>

“Yue Hongling” hugged his neck and slowly sat up.

Energy rotates, cathode and yang are generated.

It didn’t take long for Zhao Changhe to feel his energy grow again and regain his strength.

His last effort of condensing energy viciously shattered the remaining meridians.

The moonlight was dim, hiding in the shadow of the swaying trees.

“Click…” I don’t know how long it took, but the final foot-taiyin spleen meridian was completely formed, and the easy muscle and bone forging was completed.

Zhao Changhe opened his eyes, the fragrant wind was still there, but “Yue Hongling” had disappeared.

The sky has turned fish belly white, and the last experience last night is unreal no matter how you think about it, it suddenly feels like a dream.

Sisi’s fake goddess and fake red feather karma are completely completed in this chapter, which has laid the foundation for nearly four hundred chapters. When writing this chapter, I remembered the controversy when Sisi first appeared, and when she appeared again, countless brothers said that she was the most unlikable character. I want to say that for stories with multiple female protagonists, if every character appears to be lovable and the process is to gradually get to know each other and fall in love, it will be repetitive and tasteless. There needs to be changes and growth, entanglement of love and hate, and contrast between before and after. , various characters. No matter whether it is still unpalatable in the end, it doesn’t matter, that is the vivid group portrait, each unique individual memory. So there is really no point in prepaying for your funeral just because of how the characters look when they appear.


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