Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 500: Meridians Reshaping


Chapter 500 Meridian Reshaping

Zhao Changhe returned to the yard and took a look through the bamboo barrier on the side. The lights in Yue Hongling’s house had been turned off and he should have rested.

There have been many battles in the past few days, and I am injured in a mess. I am really tired. After the effect of the poison disappeared, Zhao Changhe still felt very tired. It seemed that the effect of double cultivation was not much better after an afternoon.

I thought about it and didn’t bother him. I went back to the house and started doing what the blind man thought a normal warrior should do immediately.

The blind man watched with tears as Zhao Changhe took out the Book of Heaven.

Looking at the appearance of two pages turning into three pages, it feels less like a leaflet at least… In fact, leaflets or instructions also have three pages, but it still feels very unpretentious… Even if it has nine pages, it still looks very good. It’s ugly and looks like a piece of pornographic literature on the street. I wonder if it will turn into tens of millions if you put it all together?

But no matter how embarrassing it looks on the surface, the majestic aura is still real. It is even more amazing than when it was two pages ago. The moment it is taken out, it is full of energy, and there seems to be an inaccessible sense of oppression.

Zhao Changhe did not dare to let out the aura of the Heavenly Book, so he could only put it into the ring honestly and use his spirit to sense it.

Fortunately, this is Ye Di’s ring. If I changed it to an ordinary ring, I feel like it can’t hide the breath of the Book of Heaven at all. The level of this thing is too high.

My spirit penetrated into it, and I still entered the illusion of beautiful mountains and clear waters. The difference was that before there were only flowers and plants, and the occasional animals were just images of white cranes flying by. But this time, I could clearly see phoenixes and dragons roaring, soaring through the nine heavens, and all kinds of rare and strange beasts wandering around.

The breath of heaven is looming, and countless indescribable insights flood through my heart.

Being in it is like returning to the wilderness of the last era.

It was in such a climate that the ancients rose up, understood the world, learned from the gods and beasts, and started the path of martial arts.

Theoretically, with these three pages, it can really cover martial arts. Zhao Changhe couldn’t think of anything else in the following pages for a while.

The previous second page can be called the book of nature. The main introduction of the blind man is also useful for Tang Wanzhuang’s illness. It was indeed useful, at least her life had been extended now, otherwise Zhao Changhe wouldn’t even know if he would have to eat when he returned this time.

As for the effect on himself, it was relatively insignificant. It only allowed him to learn to perceive and utilize the environment when he broke through the first-level secrets. Among them, in addition to the benefits of Spring Water Sword Intent and Thieving Saint’s Qinggong, the more important thing is related to the perception and experience of surrounding evil spirits, which is not very compatible with the way of nature itself.

Of course, since it helps to break through the first layer of secrets, it is already very important.

The importance of this page in the Book of Life to Zhao Changhe is really unparalleled. It can be called a tailor-made page.

At present, the Blood Shura Body has come to an end, and it has nothing to do with it for the time being, but continued breakthroughs in the future will definitely require the support of this page. It is obvious that the two are closely related.

The most pressing issue now is the meridians problem.

The narrowing of meridians is indeed a relatively big problem. It belongs to the basic premise of human martial arts. Generally, there are few treasures that can change it. But this ground-breaking theory is only a basic problem. It cannot be so outrageous. There must be a way to solve it. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling solved it by using the special power of Heshi Bi.

Imagine that Venerable Doro’s immortal blood demon body can be reborn with just a drop of blood… How can the problem of meridians be more exaggerated than this? They don’t even have meridians, they just grow another one.

Of course, Venerable Duoluo can only achieve this with the help of this page of the heavenly book. Now that the heavenly book is in front of him, Zhao Changhe does not believe that he can still fill his shortcomings.

But one thing is very strange. Venerable Doro can borrow the power of the Heavenly Book. Zhao Changhe has carried the Heavenly Book with him for so long, but he has never found that he can mobilize its power for his own use…

It’s the same now. It’s still possible to urge it to create a vision that makes the Eldar bow down. It’s just a matter of showing the illusion. But when it comes to channeling power into one’s own body to transform its meridians, there is no way to start. There is no way to find where the energy from the Book of Heaven is.

Is there a possibility… that before the Book of Heaven is collected, the energy can be used by everyone; but when it is collected, the energy will be stolen by a blind man?

Yes, if all the gods and demons are in a weak state, then so is the blind man. What does her recovery rely on?


“Hey, Blind Blind.”

The blind man pretended to be dead and did not respond.

“When you urged me to get the Heavenly Book, I fell asleep even though I was seriously injured. Once I got it, I pretended to be dead, right?” Zhao Changhe said: “You also said that I took the Heavenly Book for myself. This is of use to me. Where? If you don’t give me any benefits, I won’t take the next page. I love so and so.”

The blind man had an expressionless face.

Who said it’s useless to you? I didn’t plan to urge you to read the Book of Heaven earlier, give you something sweet to taste earlier, and let “Matchmaker Lu Chui” work hard?

In the end, if you don’t taste the sweetness yourself, give it to me.

Love so and so.

The two were in a stalemate for a long time. Zhao Changhe was very surprised. He had said such serious words and the blind man didn’t respond. Could it be that he really wasn’t here?

There is nothing we can do if we are not there…

Zhao Changhe had no choice but to explore on his own, hoping to find a solution from the three pages of the heavenly book. After all, the second page can provide guidance on medicine, the third page can provide reference for flesh and blood bodies, and I have the Rejuvenation Technique… I should be able to try it without relying on a blind person.

Zhao Changhe tried to put his true energy into the ring using the Dragon Capturing Skill mode, keeping the true energy from being disconnected from himself, using his true energy instead of his hands, and gently touched the heavenly book.

The blind man: “…”

Of course, Zhao Changhe did not want to touch her, but to let Tianshu sense his true energy. With his own understanding of Tianshu, he would show the problem and provide a solution.

Sure enough, not long after, large characters began to appear in the VR illusion: “Today’s people have created a new magical power… It calls itself the Liuhe Magic Art. Its power is righteous and broad, taking the emperor’s intention of the Liuhe uniting into one and hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, and is compatible with any energy. The confluence is majestic and upright, and evil spirits cannot invade.”

Why did I stop analyzing the Liuhe magic skill for a long time…

Zhao Changhe looked down patiently, and saw the Book of Heaven began to complain: “However, the meridians are weak, the true energy is weakening, and the blood evil is flying in the sky, suppressing it. This Mount Tai hangs upside down, the emperor lives in the rivers and lakes, and the beasts fill the walls of the palace.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

The blind man raised his arm. This was really not her complaint.

If it were her complaint, she would turn around and say that this idiot with weak meridians is a beast.

“It is difficult to perfect the expansion of meridians, so it is better to reshape it. The immortal sword body, the immortal demon body, the sacred body of creation, the magical power of changing the sun… can all be achieved…” The Book of Heaven listed at least thirty methods in one go. .

Zhao Changhe twitched the corner of his mouth and mentally connected: “What’s the use of giving a name? Just give me a set of exercises or physical training methods.”

“You can’t make something out of nothing.”

Zhao Changhe lost his temper and put a spiritual bag on the heavenly book: “What now?”

The spirit bag contains the remnant soul of Venerable Doro. Venerable Doro will have an immortal blood demon body. As long as the heavenly book is analyzed, it will basically be over.

The blind man watched Zhao Changhe’s series of operations quietly, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

This guy really doesn’t ask himself, and relies on the existing conditions to actively explore. It is really possible to find out.

As expected, the method of practicing the “Immortal Blood Demon Body” appeared word for word in the heavenly book.

Zhao Changhe looked at the Dharma Sect and pondered, this is actually the White Lotus Holy Body of ancient Buddhism. It originally only had strong healing power and did not have the ability to be reborn and immortal… After Venerable Doro and Xue Ao combined, Ao Originally a species of immortality, he took and fused the extremely powerful undead bloodline power from the Blood Ao, and also obtained a large number of flesh and blood witchcraft books from the Spirit Clan, as well as the life source of various boys and girls, and combined it with his own original skills. Only then did he finally transform such an extremely different kind of demonic body.

The prerequisites are very high. First of all, you need to be at the level of a Yin Shen. The soul can inhabit items and not be easily spilled. If you cannot even achieve this, there is no point in reshaping the body.

Secondly, Venerable Doro also relied on the energy of the Heavenly Book to complete it. Without this power of creation, it would be impossible to complete it. What nonsense are you boasting about being immortal…

It seems to be of no use to me. However, the specific methods of reshaping are still of great reference value. Some of them can be combined into one’s own blood asura body, so that the blood asura body also has a rapid healing property.

After all, they are all playing tricks based on Qi and blood. The attack template obtained by Venerable Doro fused with Xue Ao is even very similar to Lie’s Blood Evil Technique, and it can be used as a reference from the same origin. And he also has the secret of rejuvenation…

Zhao Changhe looked at it intently for a long time, then suddenly left the house and went outside the mountain.

In the previous battlefield, Xue Ao’s body was still on the ground, and a group of Spirit Tribe people were surrounding him and guarding it. Sisi had so many things to do that she forgot to arrange to deal with this thing.

Seeing Zhao Changhe approaching, the Spirit Clan guards all kowtowed: “Holy Envoy.”

Zhao Changhe nodded, without saying much to them. He took out the dragon bird and cut a piece of flesh from Xue Ao’s body, then took it up to the nearby Ao Chi Mountain, reached the sea of ​​​​blood in Ao Chi, and jumped directly. .

The longevity factors in the turtle meat can be analyzed and extracted under the influence of the exercise.

The power of life blood in the blood pool can also be sensed and absorbed.

Zhao Changhe tried to take out the dragon bird and made a cut on his arm. The rejuvenation formula and the reshaping method of part of the immortal blood demon body were operated at the same time. In just an instant, the wound on his arm was visibly restored, and the long New meat is out.

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he spat out his energy and shattered part of the meridians on his little finger – the end of the small intestine meridian of the hand Taiyang, where the Shaoze point is located.

The blind man almost wanted to open his eyes.

So cruel.

He really did this test, breaking a small part of his own meridians to see if it could be reshaped!

Even if a person cuts off his little finger, it won’t have any impact. Crushing this small part of the meridians will certainly not have any impact. It’s not like cultivating the Six Meridians Divine Sword… It’s just to see if you are so ruthless enough.

Zhao Changhe was sweating in pain, but his eyes became clearer.

Everything he knew and learned was in full operation, and life in the blood pool poured in violently. Looking inside, the shattered meridians began to recover inch by inch, forming brand new meridians.

It is three to five times thicker than the original one.


PS: To help Lao Zhao break the meridian threshold of almost 500 chapters, come and get some monthly votes~


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