Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 389: Check your body


Chapter 389 Physical Examination

The head of the Tang Dynasty was obsessed with men and hid in the backyard and did nothing. All matters in Xiangyang were handed over to the face leader. The Suppressing Demon Division replaced a bunch of people from the Blood God Cult. The army commander was simply the leader of the Blood God Cult. Xiangyang was suddenly filled with demonic flames. It’s like a demon sect’s base camp.

Da Zhou and others observed with fear for a few days, and were surprised to find that nothing happened. On the contrary, everything was getting better visibly.

It’s okay for the army. Once the money and food are in place, it’s easy to talk about anything. For a while, the atmosphere was solemn, the drills were in full swing, and they looked like they were ready to march eastward with the entire army at any time.

It is also obvious that the public security in the city has improved a lot. For example, a few days ago, Tang Wanzhuang was harassed by second-rate men when she went shopping, but it would definitely not happen today.

Originally, the Suppressing Demon Division is not responsible for ordinary security, that is the job of the government officials, but during wartime, the Suppressing Demon Division usually takes over the responsibility. After all, during wartime, there are more chaotic masters sneaking in, and ordinary government officials cannot control it.

As a result, whenever there was a robbery, theft, or someone looking for trouble on the street, a group of Blood God cultists who were waiting for food would rush up and beat them up. Look at the leader who looked at the leader helplessly and wanted to ask if he could kill him. , I really don’t know who is the gangster.

With these vicious gangs here, the city was peaceful for a while, and no one dared to come out to commit trouble…

Originally, Da Zhou and the others were worried that these things would start robbing openly if they were covered with official attire. However, they were shocked to find that they were actually well disciplined and looked like they had no offense against Min Qiu. They didn’t know how they were cultivated.

I quietly consulted Zhao Changhe, and the answer was “How do I know?”

Dazhou: “…”

Dazhou thought it might have something to do with doctrine. After all, doctrine and beliefs were more important to believers than court laws. After careful inspection, the doctrine only restricted the prohibition of indiscriminate killing, and did not mention the prohibition of bullying. Regarding this kind of thing…

Curiosity exploded, Da Zhou quietly asked Professor Sun.

Sun Jiaoxi said: “It’s okay in the short term, but I can’t say in the long term.”

“Why is it OK in the short term?”

“Because everyone has been hiding from other people’s discrimination all their lives, it is rare to do something proud and proud to be praised and thanked by others, and enjoy the eyes of others with respect and fear. They are addicted and unwilling to destroy themselves. But as time goes by, No one knows whether it will relapse without restraint.”

Da Zhou was enlightened and quietly reported to Zhao Changhe.

Zhao Changhe pondered for a long time, then took up his pen and wrote down the new doctrine: “You must not bully the weak or bring shame to the Blood God.”

Then he handed it to Da Zhou: “Let Leader Xue study how to insert it into the original teachings.”

Da Zhou took the manuscript with some pain, and secretly thought that your doctrinal changes are a bit ridiculous. Is the leader of a religion willing to admit this?

From beginning to end, he forgot to say hello to the girl standing next to Zhao Changhe, subconsciously thinking that she was Zhao Changhe’s roommate and embarrassed to talk to her. It wasn’t until he was far away that Zhou suddenly stopped and realized, where is the first station? Why didn’t I even salute…

A Tang Dynasty chief standing beside him to help people polish ink and add fragrance…

Tsk, I can’t even think about it in my dreams.

Forget it, look at this situation, it doesn’t make any difference who you greet. Maybe seeing that you respect the “Prince” will make the leader even happier.

Sure enough, Tang Wanzhuang in the room didn’t care at all about trivial things like whether Da Zhou saluted or not. While sharpening his ink, he said in his mouth: “The Blood God Sect is so useful that I was surprised. I had never expected it before.”

Zhao Changhe said: “I never thought about it… I thought they couldn’t support them in the village before, but I actually abandoned them and left the mountain.”

“Have you tried to lead, the results will be different.”

“Well… I really didn’t try in this direction at that time. I just wanted to run away.”

Tang Wanzhuang was a little distracted and didn’t know what to think.

Zhao Changhe asked curiously: “What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking that the Blood God Sect is actually more demonic than the Four Symbols Sect. Even they have the opportunity to lead them in a good direction, so does the Four Symbols Sect also…”

“The Four Symbols Sect is more difficult.” Zhao Changhe said: “The key point of the Blood God Sect is that they think that I am the spokesperson of the Blood God and the body of the Holy Son, so they listen to me. Indeed, I am very good in all aspects. Like, even I feel that I can really explain the meaning of the Blood God, at least I know better than them. As for the Four Symbols Sect…”

I hesitated a bit at this point and did not continue.

The problem with the Four Symbols Sect is not that the Night Emperor is not the Night Emperor. Now it seems that men are almost getting involved with the Four Symbols Sect because of their lust.

The strength of Tang Wan’s makeup and ink polishing suddenly increased by three points, and the ink stick suddenly became a lot shorter. Zhao Changhe was frightened and thought of a tragic future somewhere.

He hurriedly handed over the manuscript in his hand: “No need to polish it, it’s done.”

Tang Wanzhuang took it and glanced at it expressionlessly, her eyes were quite astonishing.

This is the question she just asked Zhao Changhe. It is about the understanding and elucidation of a certain theory in the medical classics, as well as the thinking of medical plans and drugs based on this theory. Zhao Changhe felt that he could not explain clearly, so he took a pen and wrote At that moment, she thought it was interesting, so she sat there scratching her ink to see what he was writing.

Leaving aside the content for the moment, this handwriting is really getting better and better the more he writes it. Every time I read his handwriting, I feel like I am watching a child grow taller. Over the past few years, the children have become taller than their mothers. His handwriting also has a similar meaning. Every once in a while, when I look at it, the handwriting has changed a lot, and now it feels like he has become quite famous.

At first, he was just reckless, showing his teeth and claws. Later, he became more stable, and looked at Shen Ning. Very flavorful.

This unique font is based on a person’s unique understanding of martial arts, and it is difficult to imitate… It also reflects the changes in his temperament, from a fledgling to his current growth, from those who he feels should be given some support, to those who look down from above. His attitude has made me used to being hugged and kissed by him every day.

Tang Wanzhuang pursed her lips.

Zhao Changhe is asking: “What’s the answer? Master, please give me instructions.”

Tang Wanzhuang then paid attention to the content, looked at it, and sighed softly: “Your understanding is enough… Although the prescription is still based on ancient prescriptions and you don’t have your own understanding, it can be proved that you understand the prescription. I already remember that at this level, if your martial arts are no longer good, you can open a medical clinic incognito without fear of not having enough food.”

Zhao Changhe laughed: “If I become useless, I will die. Why bother saying this.”

Tang Wanzhuang also felt it was ominous and did not continue. She whispered: “How many days have you been studying medicine with me?”

Zhao Changhe calculated: “Ten days.”

Yes, it has been ten days since the two of them hid in the prefect’s mansion without leaving the house.

“Only ten days.” Tang Wanzhuang sighed: “What a genius.”

Zhao Changhe looked at her without speaking.

Is he a genius?

Although the understanding of martial arts is in place, it is not difficult to understand medical science. As for memory, it is not a big problem now that the soul is strong. But you can’t learn this level in ten days. It can be said that you have been endorsing it day and night in these ten days. Is it because of the genius…

Tang Wanzhuang saw the meaning in his eyes and tilted her head slightly, not wanting to say anything.

It is meaningless to say this when he has already made it clear “I like you”.

Zhao Changhe said: “Everything is settled in Xiangyang. Your meridians have been much better these days. It seems to be a little better than before the injury. I can leave with confidence.”

Tang Wanzhuang said “hmm”.

Zhao Changhe said: “I will go to Hongnong early tomorrow morning. Should I go by myself, or will you go with me?”

Tang Wanzhuang’s heart moved slightly.

I was still a little bit sad about separation, but after saying this, I felt a little happy.

I forgot about the option of going together before, but now I realize that we can indeed go together. Everything in Xiangyang is stable. The new governor of the imperial court will also arrive tomorrow. After the explanation, it will be done. What is the point of staying here? ?

You can really go there…there will be no separation.

She was quite happy and made an excuse for herself with a serious face: “Yes, I should go with you. Hongnong Yang and you don’t have the friendship of Qinghe Cui. Yang Qianyuan’s favor is not enough. It determines the trend of the family, and the Wang family should also send people this time. It is difficult for you to deal with Wang Daozhong alone. With me helping you, things will be much easier.”

Looking at her arrogant appearance, Zhao Changhe felt itchy in his heart and couldn’t help it: “Master, you just tested my medical skills, and now that I have passed, is it time for treatment? Only after I’m cured can I be crowned king…”

“Huh?” Tang Wanzhuang glanced around in a panic, but Baoqin was not there. She breathed a sigh of relief and trotted over to close the door: “The treatment is the treatment, why are you talking so loudly… In fact, I can bully Wang Daozhong even if I am injured…”

Looking at the way she stood in front of him with her mouth slightly open, Zhao Changhe really couldn’t laugh or cry.

The treatment during this period has been very effective, and this sister has already acquiesced in such treatment.

In fact, nowadays, treatment no longer requires the use of words and breath. This is just a temporary measure because the rejuvenation technique has not been mastered in the early stage and requires the assistance of double cultivation techniques.

As medical skills have advanced during this period, and the mastery of the Rejuvenation Technique has become more and more proficient, there is no need to rely on this anymore… He can use his hands to operate it, which is enough to bring out the therapeutic value of the Rejuvenation Technique in her body. On the meridians, it soothed her riddled lung meridian.

Double Cultivation Technique has always been an auxiliary method, not the fundamental method. The power of the rejuvenation law of the Rejuvenation Technique is the fundamental method; and Tang Wanzhuang has been away from the complicated worldly affairs for a short period of time these days, and being able to be clean is also a prerequisite for treatment.

But both he and Tang Wanzhuang seemed to be accustomed to the treatment method of kissing to transfer energy. When it came to treatment without a kiss, they felt that the plan was incorrect.

If you really want the plan to be correct, then let’s do some real double cultivation?

Zhao Changhe felt itchy, but he did not dare to say so. He just kissed her gently and whispered in an unclear voice: “Master, have you forgotten the purpose of the assessment just now… Once the assessment is passed, , I can check your body…”

Tang Wanzhuang froze for a moment and gritted her teeth: “No, just no, even if you have great medical skills, you can’t even imagine that day!”

The next moment, his palms came from behind and pressed on the lung acupuncture point on her back. It seemed that the meaning of golden needles was piercing the acupuncture points. His rejuvenation technique could actually imitate other people’s golden needles. method, which has a stronger stimulating effect.

Tang Wanzhuang’s riddled meridians received a strong sense of rejuvenation and nourishment, and she moaned from the stimulation. She swallowed all the stubborn refusals into her stomach, leaving only the sound of “um um um”, which made her blush.

My heart is also wailing.

Small mouth yesterday, jade back today.

The Ming Dynasty looked at it, where did Zhao Bing go?


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