Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 388: Dielianhua


Chapter 388 Die Lianhua

Ying Wu looked at him intently for a while and didn’t say anything.

In addition to his lack of personal strength, this “power” is actually a bit stronger than when Xia Longyuan started his career.

Of course, this itself is also based on the ambiguous “prince” background, which is not entirely saved by Zhao Changhe himself, but the prerequisite is that he has this quality… This feeling of gathering wind and cloud has already begun to emerge.

Perhaps this troubled world will be doomed before it is completely chaotic…if it can really trend like this.

Ying Wu was actually a little uneasy… It stands to reason that Zhao Changhe’s rise had not been long ago and he was originally unable to have any effect on the world’s situation, but he did not expect that it would gather such momentum so quickly. He could not predict Xia Longyuan’s thoughts. .

But then I thought about it, never mind it!

Even if you feel that Xia Longyuan is unfathomable, so what? It was Xia Longyuan who was opposed by others! How could he avoid it?

Thinking of this, he nodded and said with a smile: “Okay… I will live nearby these days and wait for you to organize it.”

“Uh…” Zhao Changhe asked: “Isn’t it a bit shameless to speak out?”

“No, that’s what a newborn calf should do.” Ying Wu said with a smile: “Don’t be old-fashioned, just do what you want, chase any woman you want, and don’t waste your life.”

He patted him on the shoulder and said, “Not bad, just like when I was young.”

Zhao Changhe: “If I look like you, it’s over. Have you ever succeeded?”

Ying Wu: “…I feel that I need to let you understand the gap between you and Tianbang.”

Zhao Changhe smiled apologetically and said: “The difference with the seniors mainly lies in knowledge. For example, Fifth Master must know where to find sharp blade grass, metamorphic lotus, Bodhi fruit, lingering soul grass and Yunyang leaf, right?”

“I know four of these five.” Ying Wu Wangtian: “Reorganize what you just said?”

“…I still don’t want to be like you.”

Ying Wu couldn’t laugh or cry: “Come on, these things are not mine anyway. The sharp blade grass has to go to the sword house. It is useful for sharpening the sword energy and is their treasure. The transformed lotus and Bodhi fruit are probably found in the Maitreya Secret Realm… ”

Zhao Changhe was suspicious: “Are you trying to deceive me into dealing with Maitreya? It’s not necessary. Even if he has no shit, I will still beat him.”

“Just from the name alone, I know it is related to Buddhism. Even if there is no Maitreya Secret Realm, it is related. If not, you can ask other Buddhists. It is said that you have some connection with Yuanxing?”


“Anyway, there are no clues… As for the Haunting Soul Grass, I’m sure there is one where you are going.”

“Hongnong Yang?”

“Yes. But no matter which one it is, it should be a treasure that they value very much and will not give it to outsiders easily. It’s up to you how you want to succeed. As for Yunyang Ye…” Ying Wu frowned slightly: “I’ve never heard of this thing? Could it be that you just made it up?”

“I’m not full, why are you making this up?”

Ying Wudao: “However, there are wonderful things in the world. As far as I know, no one dares to admit that he is the second. If I haven’t heard of it, then no one has heard of it.”

Zhao Changhe would like to ask, dear, have you heard of the Book of Heaven? But thinking about whether he had really heard of it, he could only smack his lips in pain: “Anyway, there is such a thing. In ancient times, it was said that it grew in Yunyang Mountain. What mountain is called Yunyang Mountain now?”

Ying Wu’s eyes lit up: “It shouldn’t be a change of ancient and modern names, it must be a lost secret realm… The next secret realm cooperation between you and me will be here! Just wait, there should be clues about the place name, I’ll go Find information. ”

After saying that, he left happily, not even drinking tea.

Zhao Changhe looked at his back and thought to himself that this was also difficult for him. There are thousands of secret realms lost after the collapse of the era. Is it possible for one generation to find them all? Maybe he has accomplished his goal of returning home, but he is still looking for the secret place.

Um, is the earth considered a secret realm?

Suddenly I felt like someone was watching me. Zhao Changhe turned his head and saw Tang Wanzhuang standing on the edge of the corridor, looking here in a daze. He saw himself looking back and then retreating back to the corridor as if frightened, with the corner of his clothes disappearing.

Zhao Changhe slowly walked over, but saw Tang Wanzhuang running out again, as if he realized that there was no need to hide, and said as if nothing had happened: “Why are you and Ying Wu so familiar?”

Zhao Changhe asked: “Why secretly look? What’s the big deal if you just come here.”

“Where did I steal it?” Tang Wanzhuang said with a smile on her face: “I originally wanted to come and listen to what you said, but he just left.”

“Then why do you keep looking at me? I’m so handsome?”

Tang Wanzhuang gritted his teeth: “Zhao! Chang! River!”

Zhao Changhe knew that he could not keep provoking her face, so he raised his hands in surrender and said: “Okay, okay, I will continue to memorize medical scriptures today.”

Tang Wanzhuang pursed her lips and said after a long time: “Actually, you hate endorsements. It can be seen from your expression.”

Zhao Changhe smiled: “How can any monkey who crawls around in the rivers and lakes love reading… But it’s okay. Now my soul is strong and my memory is strong. Even if I don’t have photographic memory, it’s not far behind. Sorry, I couldn’t carry these things before, but now I can barely do it.”

Tang Wanzhuang tilted his head and made a pun: “If you don’t like it, why force it?”

“Because I like you.” Zhao Changhe answered directly.

Tang Wanzhuang is so stupid.

Zhao Changhe’s voice still echoed in his ears: “Don’t say that studying medicine can cure you… Even if it is useless to study poetry, as long as you are teaching, then I just like it.”

Tang Wanzhuang looked around, where is the pool…

I didn’t see it for a while, and said angrily: “Because you won’t be like this, I supported you to become the prince. I know you are probably not the prince! But now you have changed your mind, and you are still shameless!”

“Then I won’t do it now.” Zhao Changhe said directly: “Compared with you, the country is nothing.”

“You are shameless!”

“Evening makeup, I suddenly thought about something…”


“You cultivate the prince in your mind. In fact, if you look at it from another angle, it is based on your aesthetics and preferences. It does not mean that the prince should be like that, but that you like people who look like that…”

“You think beautifully, there are many people with magnanimity, when will it be your turn!” Tang Wanzhuang said anxiously: “You are just a vulgar and uncultured person, you are just like a monkey!”

Zhao Changhe tilted his head: “Who said I’m vulgar and unrefined… are you sure?”

Tang Wanzhuang choked up and suddenly remembered his famous quotes from time to time. Just a few days ago, the Chenjiang River was open and it was lucky to go around Chenshan Mountain. The rain in Bashan was closed and the autumn ponds were swollen.

He just doesn’t like those things. It seems that this characteristic is only reflected in her.

Tang Wanzhuang was confused. She didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore, so she changed it forcefully: “What are those sharp blade grass, haunting grass, and cloudy leaves? Are they in the medical book I gave you?”


“What is that for?”

“The sharp blade grass is used to build the blood Shura body. The transformed lotus and Bodhi fruit are used to heal your meridians. The lingering soul grass and Yunyang leaf are used to nourish your soul.”

Tang Wanzhuang looked at him blankly, speechless for a long time.

He asked a lot of things, but only one was for himself, and all the others were for her.

Actually, I have said before that Lian Shen got into the situation all because of her, otherwise he would still be in the world and “the court has nothing to do with me.”

But the court has you, so it’s none of my business.

Zhao Changhe said: “Actually, don’t rush to learn this or that… The real meaning of me being here is to let you rest more and take your mind away from the complicated work and mundane things. , this alone can greatly improve your condition.”

After a pause, he smiled and said: “The scene that day was very good. You were leaning on the pavilion and reading leisurely, holding the piano and playing soothing and gentle tunes beside you. The orioles were singing in the spring, and the flowing water was fragrant. How could you be in such an environment? After ten and a half days, my soul will be calmed down and my meridians will be stable, and I can go north to Hongnong with peace of mind. As for complete cure, it will not happen overnight, give me some time.”

I wonder if it was the time of “ten days and a half month” that reminded both of them of Gusu at the same time.

Zhao Changhe had been walking non-stop before and never stopped well anywhere. He only stopped beside Tang Wanzhuang in Gusu for more than ten days and asked him to slow down.

It’s still more than ten days, the subject and the object are reversed, I’m here, you slow down.

“Let’s go… If there is no treatment today, I will accompany you for a walk.” Zhao Changhe turned and walked into the garden, and Tang Wanzhuang followed him subconsciously.

It wasn’t until I followed in that I realized what was going on. This was a real tryst in the garden before flowers and under the moon…

Forget it. He was very quiet and said there would be no treatment today…

The two walked quietly in the sea of ​​colorful flowers, without saying anything more. But his eyes were subconsciously watching the colorful butterflies fluttering in the garden, lingering around the sea of ​​flowers, and the corners of his mouth evoked a smile from his aunt.

The sound of the piano came from the distant pavilion. It was a person practicing the piano, and it was exactly the song “Butterflies Love Flowers”.

Tang Wanzhuang found that she really had no shame and anger in scolding this dead traitor, and felt very at peace in her heart.

Isn’t that what the expectations in fantasy are like…

Speaking of no treatment, in fact, this is what real treatment should do, rather than going in person.

It is a pity that the so-called Yang Jingxiu’s birthday is next month. It is the beginning of the month, not long ago. It will take several days just to drive fast on the road. The leisure here is destined to only last ten and a half days.

In the distance, there are no well-equipped soldiers, swords pointing at Maitreya’s last Kuaiji Yuzhang, and the sound of war drums begins to beat, almost to the ears.


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