Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 349: Flying across the sky


Chapter 349 Flying across the sky

Zhao Changhe’s body was suspended in the air, but he spread his wings again very gracefully in mid-air, rising up out of thin air.

The sword light grazed the sole of his feet.

Zhao Changhe kicked the opponent’s door, and the man responded with a sword.

Taking his toes on his wrist, Zhao Changhe used the force to jump forward and step on the pine tree nearby. He bounced back and pointed his sword at the opponent’s eyes.

This flowing sword routine is so elegant and graceful that it has already entered the hall. No one can tell that his foundation is actually swordsmanship.

It’s not just to pretend to be more like Wang Daozhong, in fact, he doesn’t know the Wang family’s swordsmanship. What’s more important is that I didn’t use sword skills before, but I still deliberately chose to integrate them into sword skills even though I already had sword skills. The main reason was that it was too troublesome to carry an extra sword.

Now that he has the ring, there is still a sword blank to be completed in the ring, and there is still a pile of sword skills and sword intentions inherited by the Sword Emperor in his belly. This handsome man who does not play with a left sword and a right sword is simply unworthy of this fate. Law.

The opponent is not too strong right now and can be used for sword practice.

This is also a process of truly integrating and understanding what you have learned. After learning so much swordsmanship and never even holding a sword, is there really anything to understand? You don’t really think that you know how to use a sword just by showing off, do you?

The other party exclaimed: “Good swordsmanship, good body skills! Your Excellency is not an unknown person outside, do you dare to declare your name?”

Zhao Changhe didn’t respond. When the opponent’s sword was slashing toward his fingers, he dragged his left palm, deflecting the opponent’s sword upward but turning his fingers downward sharply, hitting the opponent’s shoulder well.

The man’s body went numb, and he secretly thought that my life was over, but Zhao Changhe snatched his sword and walked away with a long smile: “How can you be foolproof by raising an army and mobilizing a large number of people… The meaning of the heavenly book is not something you can know.”

The voice is still there but has disappeared.

With these few moves, he was able to break through the maze and truly reach the “innocent” position.

This expert style is perfect. The blind man under observation was a little funny. He didn’t know how to break the formation a moment ago, but now he pretended to know everything.

The man had his acupoints tapped and stood there motionless in embarrassment, shouting: “Someone will tap my acupoints quickly!”

Not long after, there was a sound of ???? from the surroundings, and someone came over through the thorns and gasped: “Damn, what kind of dog formation is this? I went out to find someone to learn the formation for a year, but I still can’t solve it. It’s clear that Wuwang is here, why can’t he get out?”

The man whose acupuncture points were tapped said helplessly: “Treat the acupuncture points for me first.”

“Who did it?”

“Unfamiliar face…strongly suspected of being on the list.”

“So the real person has brought in new people from outside again? Tsk… In the past two years, fewer and fewer people have entered the mountain. I thought there were fewer competitors. It seems that Lao Niubi still can’t wait any longer.”

“Nonsense, it’s been so many years, and no one has broken through halfway up the mountain. How many years does the old Niubii have to live? He’ll be damned if he can wait. I think it won’t be long before everyone in the city comes in… No , you need to relieve me first!”

“Oh…” The man nodded, suddenly pulled out a knife, and chopped off the head of the person who had been acupunctured.

Blood splattered like a fountain, and the man who was chopped still maintained a stunned expression before he died. He didn’t know why his accomplices wanted to kill him.

“Bah, are you considered a villain?” The man-killer sheathed the knife with disdain: “You still can’t understand it after so many years. Do you think you are helping Lao Niubi find the treasure? If he had the ability, he would have taken it himself. , it’s your turn? It’s just a matter of who gets the chance and grabs it when the time comes.”

Since it only depends on chance, others are not allies, but competitors.

As for whether Yuxu will confiscate it when he gets it, that is a later matter. At present, it is really important to reduce the number of competitors. Otherwise, it will be difficult to even succeed, so there is no need to talk about it.

What he didn’t know was that Zhao Changhe was actually standing close to Chi Chi, tilting his head and looking at the story here, clicking his tongue.

There are many evil people, and it is not without reason that they have been unable to climb even halfway up the mountain for so many years. The reason why Yuxu asked them to get the Heavenly Book was because he knew that these guys couldn’t do it.

But I saw the man meditating for a moment and suddenly stroking his palms: “I understand, there is no mistake in starting a battle, and there is no blame for fighting. It can’t be done by simply moving… Does the killing I just made count as a battle? ”

He suddenly rushed towards the Wuwan position, and Zhao Changhe watched helplessly as he passed by and then flew towards an unknown distance.

If he walks like this, he will go down the mountain instead. Behind the division is the brigade, which is the counter brigade.

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath and continued climbing.

This place is really interesting…it doesn’t really seem to be testing your music, formations, or even your xinxing.

It’s talking about nature… Don’t indulge in happiness, and don’t deliberately solve the formation. When the fate is there, it will be there.

No wonder this page of the Heavenly Book is in Kunlun… It is not a strange skill, it is the application of the natural way, applying everything in nature in martial arts.

At this time, the secret that I need to understand is closely related to how to combine the heaven and the earth, as if it is tailor-made.

Zhao Changhe walked up slowly and asked as if he was talking to himself: “You didn’t remind me of this page of the Kunlun Book earlier. You reminded me just when I was about to come. Is it just fate that I am here, or is it because I happened to be here too?” When do you need to experience this? ”

The blind man’s voice came from nowhere, as if it went straight into his mind: “Just go with the fate, it’s natural. Whether it’s at the bottom of the Ancient Sword Lake or the top of Kunlun, I won’t tell you until you happen to be there. If I let you “Come, is that your fate?”

“In other words, I have luck from heaven?”

The blind man was silent for a while, then slowly said: “Yes, you do.”

The two of them simultaneously recalled the third card that Zhao Changhe had drawn.

She did not explain to Zhao Changhe what it was, and Zhao Changhe has not asked yet.

Zhao Changhe continued to move forward, but there was a cliff in front of him. A stream of water flowed from below, and the void above was more than thirty meters wide and could not be passed. From time to time, birds fly over the stream, the water splashes and the birds sing, and the mountains and people are quiet.

Someone was sitting on the edge of the cliff, twisting the rope slowly. When Zhao Changhe came over, he didn’t even raise his head or pay attention.

Zhao Changhe asked directly: “Why didn’t our predecessors build bridges?”

“New here?” The man still didn’t raise his eyebrows and said dullly: “You can’t build a bridge. No matter how you build it, it will be broken in the middle. Otherwise, after so many years, it has been built long ago, and it is your turn to ask here?”

Zhao Changhe observed for a moment and shook his head slightly.

It’s hard to say about the secrets. Among Xuan Guan warriors, who can fly more than thirty meters by relying on Qing Gong… Is that flying or Qing Gong?

It’s good to be able to cross the halfway point with Qinggong… According to Zhao Changhe’s current level, Qinggong is not considered top-notch among practitioners at the same level, but it is still in the front echelon. If he has no way to use it to make a leap in the air, He can only leap twenty meters at most, which looks like an immortal to ordinary people.

If you follow this person’s method of twisting a long rope, you can jump half of the rope first and then throw the other half of the rope out to wrap up the tree on the opposite side. It is feasible, but it is time-consuming.

Zhao Changhe asked again: “Why do you roll the rope yourself instead of buying it in the city?”

The man said impatiently: “Anyway, takeout is not available, who knows what happened. Don’t bother me.”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said, “Isn’t it okay if I just robbed it?”

The man was stunned, then smiled: “You are quite smart.”

Zhao Changhe turned around and glanced again, knowing that this test was about how to use nature. His own Qinggong required a certain foundation, but it didn’t need to be really outrageous. It was in the same vein as the previous levels. Using tools that are too out of the ordinary will not be recognized by the Book of Heaven. Using materials and twisting ropes can be counted, but the ropes you plunder are not natural for your own use.

An interesting test.

Zhao Changhe did not go to rub the rope, but turned around and glanced again, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he suddenly sprinted and leaped into the air.

The rope twister was dumbfounded. You don’t have any tools, how can you really just jump like that?

I don’t want my life!

However, Zhao Changhe saw that he had finished his breath and was about to fall, but he stretched out his foot lightly, as if he had some support, and easily used the strength to get up again, and rushed straight to the other side.

Those who twist the rope will save money.

There was a crane flying over him just now. He was walking on a crane, truly utilizing all the attributes of nature, without any trace of axe.

Even if you are highly skilled, you are really brave. How can you be sure that a crane will pass by your feet when you jump over? What if it doesn’t, what if the calculation is wrong and it’s empty?

But there are not so many chances. Zhao Changhe really stepped on the crane and passed by. Instead of admiration, the man looked at him with anger.

There is only one page in the Book of Heaven, so people like this cannot be left behind!

“Whoosh!” An ox-hair needle struck Zhao Changhe’s back silently!

Zhao Changhe seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He reached back with the long sword in his hand and easily pushed back the ox-hair needle.

The man didn’t expect that he could guard against this, but he was caught off guard, with a needle of hair piercing his eyebrows. He laughed wildly: “You can’t make it even if you have exhausted your breath. Let’s die together, hehehehe…”

Zhao Changhe had just risen from the crane, but before he reached the other side, he struck this blow while in the air. His body became turbid, and he indeed began to fall. There is only about one meter left from the other side…

He suddenly stretched out his palm and took a breath.

Earlier, someone threw a rope and tied it to a tree on the other side. One end of the rope that fell to the ground was suddenly sucked into his hand. He used the force to jump, landed firmly, and disappeared from the shore without even looking at the attacker. One glance.

With a “bang”, the attacker fell to the ground with a small blood hole between his eyebrows and eyes filled with regret.


PS: The last day of May, please give me a monthly ticket~ There will be an extra update in the evening, it will be after 12 o’clock, so there is no need to wait.

I also wish Mr. Wu that his long-cherished wish will come true←_←


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