Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 347: Invitation to Dream


Chapter 347: Invitation to Dream

It was getting late, and the mountains were covered with wind and snow.

Zhao Changhe did not get the treatment of staying overnight, so he filled a gourd of wine with him and stuffed another pot into a ring, and was driven down the mountain.

Originally, Yuxu intended to keep him for more chatting. It was obvious that Yuxu liked this young man very much, but when the topic came to gods and demons, it was hard to stay any longer. If it falls into the eyes of some beings, it might bring danger to Zhao Changhe.

Zhao Changhe asked tactfully, “When can I come for a drink?” In the context of the conversation at this moment, he actually meant, “If you don’t want to find what they want you to find, then can I do it? What preparatory steps are needed?” “Condition”?

So it seemed like he was just asking for a drink, and he could drink at any time, but Yuxu actually answered, “Come back from Dibang.”

Tacit understanding.

As long as you have the strength to get that thing, then come and get it.

This attitude is very interesting. It means that if Zhao Changhe really wants to find this thing in the future, Yuxu will make it convenient for him… In fact, it is not impossible to ask for it now. Maybe Yuxu is eager to get rid of this hot potato. I just think you are too weak, don’t let yourself die.

Zhao Changhe didn’t say anything more and went down the mountain at night.

This time I did not go down the mountain slowly and walked on the moon to admire the scenery. Instead, I started running Qinggong and flew up. After a while, I returned to the inn.

Wuzui was kept shiny and shiny, standing in the stable looking at him.

Zhao Changhe smiled slightly and touched Wu Zhui’s head: “A lot of things happened here, but it didn’t last long. Are you tired of staying here?”

Wuzui snorted, almost hissing.

Zhao Changhe laughed: “Sure enough, you can’t stay still in these few days, but I have gained a lot these days, hahaha.”

Wuzui: “…”

Who is this person, and his own Maderse…

Zhao Changhe rubbed its head again: “There is still something to do at the end. After we finish it, we can have a comfortable meal before leaving. There is no need to run away at night.”

Wuzui moved his hooves a little excitedly, as if to say, hurry up.

Finally, there was something wrong, nothing more than looking for a blind man.

This time, Zhao Changhe did not go to sleep passively like before, waiting for the blind man to come to the door. Instead, he sat on the edge of the bed and said to the air: “If you want the Book of Heaven, there are two options. One is that I will come back again.” Maybe Yuxu will be able to help me at that time, but I don’t know when. On the other hand, if you want it now, I’m not qualified, and you have to take action.”

“The ancient gods and demons can never be a group of people. There will be many parties playing the game, and you are just one of them.”

“Xia Longyuan is out of control. I don’t know if you have chosen someone else. At present, it seems that I am the only one who has begun to have extensive contact with these things.”

After saying that, he went to bed: “I’m going to sleep, which way do you choose to see me in your dream… If you don’t come, you will default to the first option. I will leave after dinner tomorrow morning.”

In the dead of night, everything is silent.

Zhao Changhe closed his eyes, and before going to sleep, Mi Mi Hu Hu was thinking, does this count as “sincerely inviting her to dream together”?

Forget it… not only for sure, but actually invited.

In his sleep, the blind man stood beside the bed, looking at him steadily.

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “I was suddenly thinking about something.”

The blind man originally thought that he would make a few sarcastic remarks, and made up his mind not to reply to his sarcasm, but then he said this and subconsciously asked: “What’s the matter?”

Zhao Changhe said leisurely: “I was thinking that you seem to be the person who sleeps with me the most.”

The blind man said expressionlessly: “Why don’t you say I am the lover of your dreams? I have dreamed about you the most.”

“Tsk, that’s right. I have been to the earth, and my brain circuit is very active… Hey, I find that I feel quite friendly when talking to you. It’s like spanking with a modern girl. I used to Why didn’t I find this?”

The blind man sneered: “I have always had a so-called modern flavor when talking to you. You used to have opinions about me and didn’t pay attention. Now you just feel that you have taken advantage of me once and you have drifted away.”

“Very good, very good. This one has a very authentic taste. I know Xia Longyuan’s mood when he talks to me. Is this a local accent?”

“Well, of course the local accent is the Zhaocuo dialect.” The blind man was too lazy to talk to him and said calmly: “Let’s get to the point.”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “Since you really fell into a dream after what I said, don’t you just want to find the Book of Heaven now? What else is there to talk about?”

“Do you know where it is?”

“I don’t know, but you do. You obviously sensed that the Heavenly Book is in Kunlun… Well, maybe you sensed that the Heavenly Book is here, but it’s also complicated here. You don’t know the details, so let me find out. Now As your eyes and ears, I have seen everything you should see. You can find the specific location yourself. Don’t blame me if you can’t find it.”

“…” The blind man held it in again and again, and finally said after a long while: “The Book of Heaven is a treasure.”

“Yeah, so what?”

“It’s also very useful to you. This gold foil alone has brought you so many benefits, haven’t you counted?”

“Yes.” Zhao Changhe smiled: “You want to say that the search for Kunlun is my own business?”

“Isn’t it? Who in the world doesn’t want it?”

“You may not want it if you are empty.”

The blind man opened his mouth, then closed it again and stopped talking.

“Everyone has his own ambitions.” Zhao Changhe sighed: “Actually, I have rarely used this gold foil recently. No matter how many other people’s martial arts reference, after all, I still need my own understanding. The Book of Heaven can analyze it for me, but It can’t help me understand. When I was weak, it helped me a lot, but when I was seeking my own way, it might have blinded me.”

The blind man said indifferently: “Do you think you are Xia Longyuan or Yuxu? They can make this observation, but you are just a child learning the language and thinking you are right.”

Zhao Changhe: “…be more modern.”

“Pretend to understand when you don’t understand, and make people laugh.”


“The Heavenly Book is very important to you… Whether it is to kill the witch and go home, or to see through the limitations of time and space and go home, without the Heavenly Book, you cannot do either. Even Xia Longyuan has the Heavenly Book, otherwise What has reached the current level?” The blind man said indifferently: “If you regard me as the world guide NPC, I can give you the most direct main task now, which is to collect the heavenly books, whether it is to practice martial arts or to be a knight. Those are the conditions for seeking the Book of Heaven.”

She paused and showed a sarcastic smile: “You also know that many parties are playing a game. What does the game revolve around?”

“Book of Heaven.”


Zhao Changhe raised his head and thought for a while, then suddenly sighed in a low voice: “On this level, they are all books about troubled times.”

The blind man said coldly: “You think it’s me who really wants the Book of Heaven? You’re wrong. No matter whose hand the Book of Heaven is in, it makes no difference to me. I just want it to gather quickly. The person who really needs it is yourself.”

Zhao Changhe glanced at her: “Maybe. Then let’s go… point the direction.”

The blind man said: “Are you sure Yuxu won’t stop you?”

“I’m not sure, I guess it’s probably a tacit understanding.” Zhao Changhe said, “Are you also afraid of Yuxu?”

The blind man is silent.

Zhao Changhe chuckled lightly.

The blind man knew what he was laughing at.

When Xia Longyuan pointed at the sky and scolded her, she remained silent, which only proved her weakness.

There are some beings who can confront Xia Longyuan. Her silence means that she is weaker than those people? Not necessarily, it may just be that she is not the one facing Xia Longyuan, and she is happy to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers, including this time when facing Yuxu. She may not be afraid of Yuxu, but may be afraid of the existence behind Yuxu.

Zhao Changhe does not dare to underestimate a method that can get people to this place across dimensions. This is the top expert in every sense.

How can I put it…I can’t help but feel that I am no longer lofty.

You are also afraid.

The blind man said angrily: “Why are you laughing? If we wait until dawn, are you still going?”

Zhao Changhe said: “Because I have never seen you in a sober state except in this world. I don’t know what form you will take when the time comes. I must understand it first.”

The blind man shook his head slightly: “You don’t need to understand, just hit whoever is yours. In fact, if you don’t encounter something beyond the knowledge of this world, not many of the evil people who enter the mountain can beat you. .”

She paused, and her smile was not clear whether it was mocking or sighing: “Your strength is estimated to be around one hundred in the world.”

Sigh, he practiced very quickly.

The irony is that this world is too weak.

Zhao Changhe opened his eyes, and it was still dark outside the window. The “sleep” just now may have only lasted for less than half an hour.

Entering the mountain at this moment is the deepest night before dawn.


PS: It’s the last two days, please give me a monthly ticket~


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