Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 33: Move forward


“Damn, I can’t bear this ranking! Now the whole world knows that I am 250!”

“Uh, no, I’m not two hundred and five!”

“Oops! What kind of **** book are you kidding me about? And where is the verdict? Why don’t I have it? It’s gone in just one go!”

On the way back, Zhao Changhe cursed all the way, showing no sign of the glory of being on the troubled times list, nor the guilt of being tabooed. The only thing that bothered him was the ugly numbers and the lack of a pretentious sentence.

Wang Dashan and others looked at Zhao Changhe’s back with strange expressions, not knowing how to evaluate this strange boss.

How can everyone have a judgment? There are 250 people on the Qianlong List, and there are only a few who have a judgment. Everyone doesn’t know what the basis is for this. Anyway, there have been people who have a judgment and were cut down the next day. Death seems to mean nothing.

Anyway, it would be good to be on the list… A mere Profound Entrance Level 1 actually made it to the troubled times list. Many people who are much stronger than you have not been on the list. You are still struggling with two hundred and fifty.

The Hidden Dragon Ranking is different from the Heaven, Earth and Human Ranking. The Heaven, Earth and Human Ranking is considered to reflect the current strength ranking, while the Hidden Dragon Ranking does not completely reflect that.

This is a rookie list. It looks at the potential reflected by the record. It means that it is difficult for others to achieve better results under the same conditions. It means that this person’s prospects are worth looking forward to. Therefore, it is called Qianlong, which does not mean that You are already ranked among the top few hundred in the world.

It’s just because the higher the level of the battle situation, the better it can explain the problem. No matter how beautiful the novices are, it doesn’t explain much, so those with high rankings are basically those with high cultivation, and those with low cultivation will naturally have lower rankings. It looks like a ranking of strength.

Many people can’t understand it. They always think that you can be on the list at the first level, why can’t I be on the third level? There are thousands of people who are better than you, why can you be ranked 25th! Then if I beat you down, it’s me who gets the two hundred and fifty, right?

So this will attract countless troubles, otherwise why would it be called the Book of Troubled Times?

Zhao Changhe is still confused about whether the numbers sound good or not. Does he not know or really don’t care…

And there is one more thing…

In this challenge, it is very satisfying to ask the helmsman to spit out the money and food… But now, the helmsman Fang only compromised with you because he was injured. The injury will be healed in a few months. How do you want to die?

Wang Dashan and others always feel that the future will be miserable.

Anyway, this time I returned to the village and put the things in the warehouse. I finally had rice to put into the pot. The gangsters didn’t care where it came from or what the consequences would be. They were all as happy as the Chinese New Year and cheered long live Boss Zhao.

Zhao Changhe, who was cheered long live, touched his chin, knowing that this was not a long-term solution.

Several carts of rice seem to be a lot, and the purchasing power of a few hundred taels of silver is no joke. It can support the purchase of quite a lot of resources, but even so, it will not last long to supply a village with hundreds of people. Therefore, although there was inventory in the village before, people still needed to rob roads or hunt animals, otherwise they would sooner or later be left in vain.

The copycat must have financial resources, which is usually a robbery. Zhao Changhe cannot avoid this problem no matter how hard he wants to do it.

The books about the troubled times that Zhao Changhe has seen happen to have time attached to them. This time it is Xiaohan, reminding people that there are only twenty days until the Spring Festival, and spring is about to begin…

The beginning of spring means that the situation where no one has passed by in the past one or two months will begin to change. The number of travelers and merchants will gradually increase, and there may even be some now – I wonder if there will be anyone in this world. Going home for the New Year?

Maybe not many, but there should be some.

“Boss, what should we do next?” In the village leader’s meeting room, Wang Dashan was asking next to him: “Master Fang is right, the sub-rudder currently has no industry, but we are the ones responsible. Those who are engaged in property cannot always make money from the sub-rudder…”

Zhao Changhe was sitting on the main seat, leaning back, leaning his forehead lazily: “Spring is about to begin, and there will always be people passing by… Let’s allocate them first, and let the brothers set up cards on various mountain roads.”

Wang Dashan: “?”

Zhao Changhe said lazily: “I built this mountain, I planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, you can leave money to buy the road. Although this line is quite crude, isn’t that what we are bandits? What’s going on?”

“Isn’t this just robbery?”

“This is a little different from robbery, because we set up the jam openly.”


“And we won’t take them all… I think the amount of city entry tax today is okay, so let’s go with it. Those who pass by can pay some money and leave.”

Wang Dashan: “Boss, you said before that officers and soldiers would come to suppress the bandits… You are an aboveboard person…”

“This is our own territory. Why won’t the officers and soldiers make a fuss when they come? Can the officers and soldiers stay there forever? Well, it is precisely because we are worried about the officers and soldiers that we cannot make a big show of it and can only live in our own mountains. Do you think I like to build this kind of highway toll station?”


“Speaking of officers and soldiers, although Captain Fang has made a good promise, we still can’t expect… you pick a few smart ones to squat in the city, and report immediately as soon as there is any trouble.”


“For the rest, let’s hunt the beasts first. It’s better to return with less than nothing. Oh, by the way, change the flag of the village to another one and write “Xingdao for Heaven”. There is also a plaque in this hall called “Juyi” Church.”

Wang Dashan’s eyes were filled with circles, and he had no idea what the boss was thinking.

But he always had a feeling that the boss actually didn’t want to do the robbery at all, and he was just taking it one day at a time… I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the boss was obviously a very fierce person, a born bandit, how could he not want to do it? What about robbery…

Didn’t the knife in his hand come from a robbery?

“Okay.” Zhao Changhe stood up and said, “I’m going to practice. You should go and practice too. Don’t just lie down one by one just watching Teacher Sun leave. When the officers and soldiers come, they will know what death is. Let’s break up.”

After a while, Zhao Changhe went straight to the previous herbal medicine warehouse to prepare the auxiliary medicinal bath recorded in the Blood Evil Technique.

He has no intention at all to engage in the development of copycats. He can indeed delay it for a day. He is hiding in Beimang to be the king of the mountain for cultivation, not for farming and rebellion, and not for endless entanglement with a district helmsman. Yes, low is not low.

The most obvious privilege of being a village leader is that you are qualified to overwhelm the village husband… No, you are qualified to let the servants heat hot water for medicinal baths. Wouldn’t you be a fool not to use it?

External Kung Fu is often accompanied by medicated baths, which is normal. It can not only stimulate the circulation of qi and blood, but also have some effects on strengthening resistance to blows. However, generally this kind of medicated bath is quite uncomfortable to soak in.

Zhao Changhe felt that Deputy Helmsman Huang couldn’t hold himself back for a while today because he hadn’t practiced in this area. Otherwise, the Blood Demon Technique would still tend to be thick-skinned. Although it is not invulnerable to carry sharp weapons, it can still carry sharp weapons. I still have quite an advantage in hitting with blunt objects. If I practice really well, how can I not be able to withstand a kick?

In fact, the more I practice it, the more I feel that the Blood Demon Kung Fu is a very powerful technique. It is aggressive and domineering, and its defensive power is also quite good. It is full of highlights on both offense and defense. The reason why it is rated so so is mainly because it has serious drawbacks and makes practicing various kinds of discomforts. But Zhao Changhe felt that even if he had internal skills, he could not abandon his external skills out of fear of difficulties, and he still had to continue practicing.

That is to cultivate both inside and outside.

If you start so late and don’t work harder, how can you surpass these two hundred and fifty!

“Hiss! Damn it, as expected…” In the village owner’s house, Zhao Changhe was soaking in a bucket of hot water, grinning and almost shrinking.

It seems like there are thousands of needles pricking the surface of the skin, it hurts and itches, then the blood rushes, the brain heats up, and a certain place naturally rises to the sky.

Well, judging from the effect alone, this medicated bath is a good thing, and I’m not lying…

But it’s just… it’s so **** unbearable, not much worse than when the side effects occurred. It’s no wonder that Deputy Helmsman Huang and the others didn’t practice much.

In fact, Zhao Changhe himself did not deserve praise for defeating Vice Helmsman Huang with three moves. Thousands of sails are passing by the side of the sunken boat. After all, he is just a laggard whose fighting spirit has been sapped by comfort and luxury. Learning from the past, he cannot become another sunken boat.

Continuing to practice is the last word.

No matter how uncomfortable this broken technique is, you must continue practicing it.

Zhao Changhe gritted his teeth tightly, grabbed the edge of the bucket with all his strength, and struggled to support himself, stimulating the operation of the Blood Evil Technique in the midst of pain.

The wooden barrel rattled as he squeezed it, and at some point he made shallow finger marks on the solid wood.

Can the helmsman survive the game after recovering from his injury in a few months? Zhao Changhe was too lazy to think so far ahead. No matter what happened, at least he had worked hard.


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