Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 315: Separate intestines


Chapter 315: Each has its own belly

At night.

Zhao Changhe changed back to Wang Daozhong’s attire, wiped off his yellow face, and returned to Yang Qianyuan’s inn.

Well, Wu Zhui is still well raised and no one dares to touch it, so good.

The lights were still on in the inn, and Yang Qianyuan was walking around anxiously. What was strange was that he actually dressed up like the young master in the wanted order. He shaved his beard and tidied his hair. He was no longer the same as before. It looks like a man when I saw him.

When “Wang Daozhong” came back, Yang Qianyuan felt as if he was seeing a relative, and hurriedly greeted him: “Senior, where have you been…”

Zhao Changhe looked at him curiously, then turned back to his expression of indifference: “What, you don’t care where I go?”

“No, no.” Yang Qianyuan said with a smile: “Something happened in that brothel. The proprietress was assassinated! It happened that the senior left again. They suspected that the senior was an accomplice and were asking questions all over the world. Someone saw me I took my senior to that street, so I came here.”

Zhao Changhe looked at him sideways: “What did you say?”

Yang Qianyuan said: “I have no choice but to tell the identity of the senior, saying that this is the senior in the king’s way. If the senior wants to kill a mere brothel proprietress, why bother to go to the next door to eavesdrop? Of course only It may be a coincidence… Senior, don’t blame me, only your reputation can shut them up. Of course, this matter must be reported immediately when you see senior, otherwise junior will not be able to bear the consequences…”

Zhao Changhe sneered: “I think there’s more to it than just that, right?”

Yang Qianyuan smiled apologetically and said: “Yes…Senior has been sitting next door and listening for so long, so it’s not easy to deal with it. I said that senior actually went for that young master. Most of the time he left, he went to chase him. They This is what I believe… Maybe someone will come to ask the senior about the whereabouts of that young master tomorrow.”

Zhao Changhe looked unhappy: “I fell in love with her, but I didn’t get it.”

These words are truly sincere, and the regret is beyond words. It is not as true as gold.

Yang Qianyuan observed his words: “Senior, if he likes this, shall I find a beautiful young man to serve him?”

“I’m tired, let’s talk later.” Zhao Changhe gestured to go upstairs to rest.

Yang Qianyuan said hurriedly: “Senior, senior, our gang leader wants to see senior…”

Zhao Changhe was furious: “Junior leaked my name without authorization and didn’t bother to settle the score with you. Are you not done yet?”

“Senior, please calm down, senior, please calm down and listen to me.” Yang Qianyuan looked around and whispered: “Recently, our Money Gang and Yukun Gang have had an industrial conflict, and we have agreed to hold a wine negotiation at noon tomorrow… In fact, our gang leader doesn’t want to negotiate, he just wants to eat up the Yukun Gang. As long as he rises up and kills Tian Lingzi during the negotiation, the rest of the Yukun Gang will not be afraid, and they will probably be able to annex…”

Zhao Changhe said coldly: “What does this trivial matter have to do with me?”

“Senior, I don’t know. There are many rare treasures in the Yukun Gang. It is said that they are backed by the pirates. In fact, there is no real evidence. It is most likely just a cooperative channel for the pirates to sell stolen goods, but there are not as many pirates as the Yukun Gang. Where can they find so many weird things to steal? So we all guess that the Yukun Gang may have secretly taken control of a secret realm in the Kunlun Mountains, and actually sold their secret realm output under the guise of selling stolen goods for the thieves. , our gang leader is interested in this possible secret realm.”

Zhao Changhe’s heart moved slightly: “So you mean, this secret realm can be shared with me?”

Seeing that Wang Daozhong was indeed interested, Yang Qianyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “Our gang leader said that if senior is willing to take action, he can take one piece of the secret realm income…”

Hearing the last two words, Zhao Changhe’s face suddenly changed, and he stared at Yang Qianyuan with extremely cold eyes: “Does your gang leader think that I am a beggar?”

Actually, Gang Leader Qian didn’t say the last two words at all, but that the proceeds from the secret realm were allowed to be taken by the seniors.

When Yang Qianyuan passed the message, he added two words, and the meaning completely changed.

If the real Wang Daozhong is here, I really don’t know how to calculate the insult I feel. Fortunately, this is Zhao Changhe. Being insulted by Wang Daozhong has nothing to do with me, Zhao Changhe…

But I heard Yang Qianyuan sigh: “Senior, don’t blame Gang Leader Qian for being a bit stingy and having such a temperament… If I can make the decision, I should give the whole secret realm to my senior…”

Zhao Changhe looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: “When will you be able to make the decision?”

Yang Qianyuan lowered his voice: “With the support of seniors, it will be easy.”

To be honest, there are local masters who support a mere city-level gang, that is, they can support a baby to become a gang leader. They don’t even need explicit support, as long as it makes people feel that you belong to someone. Zhao Changhe instantly understood what this guy was planning, and he really couldn’t laugh or cry.

You’ve only been here for less than a **** year, and you’re already thinking about taking this opportunity to kill the gang leader yourself…

This place is so evil, what a bunch of birdies they are!

Seeing that the conversation had reached this point, Yang Qianyuan lowered his voice even lower: “If I can deceive my senior, I am willing to hand over all the proceeds from the Money Gang to my senior. From now on, the Money Gang will be driven by my senior. Here, The city is the eyes and ears of the seniors…”

“Is this a trivial thing like a small gang in the east of the city? Your eyes and ears? How many of you have your eyes and ears?”

“There are quite a few people… Mainly because many of them have been rooted in the city for a long time and have a clear understanding of the city.” Seeing that Zhao Changhe still looked uninterested, Yang Qianyuan finally gritted his teeth: “Seniors like masculine styles, juniors can Collecting for seniors, even if it is…”


Zhao Changhe was so shocked that he finally understood what it meant for him to dress like a young master.

Really cruel people, the Money Gang really picked up a ghost…

However, you are the target that has been waiting to be captured. No matter how cruel and forbearing you are, you are destined to be unable to spark any sparks.

Zhao Changhe said calmly: “Go and report to your gang leader. I will follow you tomorrow to have a look. As for anything else… we will talk about it then.”


Noon the next day.

To the east of Kunlun City, Chen’s Restaurant.

Conflicts between gangs and gangs, and negotiation over drinks are a common thing. Of course, as we all know, it is normal to turn over the table and use a knife to beat a river of blood during this kind of negotiation. Both sides have made countless arrangements before this.

Tian Lingzi held a meeting at night, while Gang Leader Qian turned his brains to “Wang Daozhong”.

The poisonous spider is more likely to be the oriole behind, intending to reap the benefits.

In a mere corner of the city, you can see the competition between multiple parties, as well as the internal changes, and it can almost be regarded as a microcosm of the world.

Zhao Changhe has seen many similar things since his debut. He knows that this is the Jianghu, but it is not the Jianghu he likes in his heart. Fortunately, there was Chi Chi around this time, and there was a touch of tenderness and warmth in the turmoil that I didn’t like, so the wind and snow became refreshing.

This time I followed Yang Qianyuan to this banquet. In theory, what I had to do was quite simple.

Others thought that he was helping the Qian Gang to deal with Tian Lingzi, but Yang Qianyuan expected that he would kill the disrespectful Qian Gang leader and support him to rise to power.

Actually, I was helping the little demon girl next to Tian Lingzi to ambush the poisonous spider. As for whether he should be killed or not, Gang Leader Qian had another say, but Yang Qianyuan wanted to take him back alive.

However, the moment he stepped into the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant came up to him: “This must be Mr. Daozhong! Chen Yi has met Mr., and I hope Mr. will take care of you.”

The boss is also good-looking. Mr. Daozhong’s masculine demeanor seems to have spread throughout Kunlun overnight, and it seems to have begun to spread to other countries… When the boss comes up to him, others wink and wink, but he doesn’t know what he is thinking. Something happened.

Sure enough, Mr. Daozhong was delighted: “The boss is so charming, unlike this place where people are crooked and shabby.”

God knows that he feels really happy. Just from the name and the way he came to say hello, he knew that this was his true collaborator here, Ying Wu’s line.

Liu Tuzhang is not a professional in intelligence, and often does not understand things, but Ying Wu is different.

Just when the two of them seemed to be flirting with each other, Chen Yi’s warning came to their ears: “Qian Gang leader has foreign aid, Tian Lingzi is suspected to be with the poisonous spider. There is no good person, remember Don’t be gullible.”

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