Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 304: The long-lost blind man


Chapter 304 The long-lost blind man

Sanniang left.

Zhao Changhe went back to the house to rest with a headache.

Headache is not a description, it is a physics.

The Art of Rejuvenation is indeed not something that can be played now. The mental pain caused by trying to understand the law has not subsided. So much so that Sanniang and I were not in the mood to talk about anything else, let alone talk about it, and no one cared about it.

The Secret of Rejuvenation is an unexpected gain that was never part of the plan. On the surface, it does not help improve one’s strength, but everyone knows that it has endless potential in the future. The only troublesome point is that it does not seem to be very suitable for one’s own style. , which is not the same system as his own martial arts.

What does it mean if a Berserker has a breast skill…

It’s too confusing now. Even if I try my best to integrate it into one set of things, if I look carefully, it’s still a mess.

If you want to step into the first layer of secrets and become what people call a “grandmaster”, it is obviously not just a matter of breaking through in strength. Only when you have your own understanding and organization of martial arts can you be worthy of being called a master.

Like a fierce tiger, the scimitar melts into the yellow sand; like a fang hunter, meteors fall on the battlefield; like a red feather in the mountains, the setting sun is reflected in the river.

They have their own thing, and martial arts has spirit.

Most of the other so-called half-baked nine levels and the bridge that cannot connect heaven and earth are missing these. They are all just picking up other people’s wisdom, following the script, without their own unique understanding, without turning it into something of their own, and blindly stacking power. What kind of master is he?

Isn’t this the reason for being challenged by a higher level…

Of course, for him, being “miscellaneous” at this time is not a bad thing, it is called broadness. When everyone has experienced it, they can confirm each other, take their strengths, and turn them into their own. Finally, they can return to their original nature and become the horizontal and vertical ones.

For example, this Rejuvenation Technique… it can at least prove how contact affects the body and blood of others, which is an important reference for the Blood Evil Sword Technique.

Because the blood evil sword technique has been practiced to a deep level, in addition to the special effect of making people frightened, the most important special effect is actually causing the opponent’s energy and blood to go crazy, and even cause the opponent’s energy and blood to rush wildly, causing the death to be miserable. Zhao Changhe has never figured out how to achieve this, and now he seems to be a bit at a loss.

Under the moonlight, Zhao Changhe stood outside the courtyard holding a dragon bird in his hand. He stood silently for a long time, then suddenly brandished his sword.

The sword makes no sound, and the moon sets without a shadow.

“Hell is Like This” which incorporates the Huangsha Sword Technique.

Hell can be noisy or silent. In the past, Zhao Changhe did not know how to use this kind of silent sword, which was violent and brave. Since he learned this silent method after the battle with Hu Lie, he has mastered it like this and used it when he assassinated the envoy in the Batu Army. important role. This is the reference confirmation.

The noisy prison is cruel, violent, and burned by fire, making people horrified and frightened.

The prison of silence is oppressive and helpless, without seeing the light of day, and the same fear arises in secret.

Different roads, same effect, use it according to different environments.


The soundless sword energy rushed straight into the treetops, until it was next to a sparrow. The sparrow was alarmed by the danger and wanted to flap its wings and fly away.

But suddenly he felt a surge of blood in his body. The blood had already burst out before the sword energy came to him, and his death was miserable.

Hell on earth is nothing more than this.

Hell is like this, so far.

This is not the sword technique of the eighth level of Xuan Guan… it is the secret level, which has revealed the extremely subtle and mysterious gate of martial arts.

Cui Wen? Z, Tang Wanzhuang and others all said that the Blood Evil Sword Technique was a very good sword technique. It was very easy for them to find another good sword technique for Zhao Changhe, but they did not do it. , it can be seen that this sword skill is indeed very good. At this point, it once again showed its prowess, and at the level of secrets, the Bloody Sword Technique was no less impressive.

Of course, it depends on who uses it.

Zhao Changhe breathed a sigh of relief, sheathed his sword, and returned to his room to rest.

Before he recovered his energy, the stabbing made his head hurt even more. Zhao Changhe leaned on the bed and fell asleep soon.


I thought the blind man would appear several times, but he never did.

This time I didn’t think about it at all. I was so tired that I fell asleep, and the blind man appeared.

It’s not like standing in front of him without any scruples in the early days, nor like deliberately staying far away from him a while ago. This time, the blind man was hanging on the treetop outside the window, right where the sparrow was, not too close but not too far away. It finally felt less awkward and felt much more normal.

Zhao Changhe sighed: “Coming?”

The blind man seemed to be choked. He hadn’t seen each other for so long and suddenly came over. He didn’t know how to speak. It took him a long time to answer: “You have peeked into the secret door. I felt something, so I came to see you.” …Don’t you need to clear up your doubts?”

Zhao Changhe said calmly: “Apart from the fact that your identity is still unclear, I have nothing else to ask you.”

The blind man said: “Because you have integrated into this world and are living your own life around the joys and sorrows around you. You also have your own understanding and exploration of martial arts and the previous era. Do you have me now? I no longer feel the same way I did when I first came to your place and wanted to find a guide to answer everything.”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “Maybe.”

So now I don’t feel any trouble when I see the blind man. The previous anger and dissatisfaction has faded a lot. Anyway, she is the same without her.

Unless this guy messes around and wants to issue a knife, then everyone is in trouble.

The blind man concluded: “You are already a person in this world.”

Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment and asked a little weirdly: “Just to achieve this result, you are bragging me all day long?”

“?” the blind man asked curiously: “What did I brag about?”

“The Book of Troubled Times is simply the best. Some people have suspected that I have an affair with Shu Ling a long time ago. Don’t you really realize that?”

The blind man laughed: “Don’t try to find out my identity, there is no point… The Book of Troubled Times is the way of heaven. It will only give honest judgments that it considers important. Your behavior is worthy of this and has nothing to do with me.” ”

“How can there be no self, is this kind of expectation from my perspective also?”

“Yes, because Tiandao stands from everyone’s perspective. If someone else had done it at that time, he would have received the same evaluation.”

“Okay.” Zhao Changhe originally wanted to ask her what she thought of Xia Longyuan, but just like Sanniang, she stopped getting angry after the matter was over. The same was true for him. After the matter was over, he felt that there was nothing to ask.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Changhe was surprised to find that he really had nothing to ask the blind man, but about deeper matters such as the specific events of the last era, which gods and Buddhas were still alive, and where they were. , What’s the purpose? If you ask about things like this, you won’t be able to tell, so it’s better not to ask.

In the current situation, it would be better to say that she does not exist, more comfortable and more comfortable.

I thought about it and asked a very direct question: “I feel that the gold foil will be completely unblocked for a long time. If you need any special treasures, I can find them.”

The blind man said: “No need, all it needs is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and… completeness.”

“Similar to the concept of Ying Wu? The world is complete?”

“This is one. The key is that it is incomplete on its own.”

“The gold foil is incomplete? Why didn’t I see it?”

“This page is complete, but it is only one page.”

Zhao Changhe understands. If he wants to completely unblock the gold foil, he probably needs to collect the Heavenly Book, at least a large part of it.

He asked directly: “How many pages are there in total?”

“Nine, nine is the ultimate number.”

“Are there any clues to other pages?”

“Nothing. It can only be said that it cannot exist in the human world. It can only exist in various ancient secret realms. Some secret realms are simply isolated because of the existence of the Book of Heaven.”

“Because heaven and man are separated? So they will not fall into the human world.”

“You can think so.”

“Has it ever been found by anyone, such as Xia Longyuan?”

The blind man was silent for a moment, then slowly said: “Maybe.”

Maybe… Zhao Changhe frowned and looked at the blind man carefully for a while.

If she is a book spirit, she doesn’t need to know anything else. It is impossible not to know where the Heavenly Book is. Is he really not a book spirit? Then my beauty lotion was in vain?

Or maybe Xia Longyuan blocked the blind man’s perception with his great power? Well, this is more likely. Xia Longyuan would never want to feel like being watched by others no matter what he did. He had no choice but to do so. He should have a way to isolate himself from it.

Zhao Changhe suddenly thought, can a blind person see when he has sex? Big or not?

“Okay.” Zhao Changhe suddenly felt much better than Ah Q, and said with a smile: “What brought you here today? Just tell me what you have to say directly, there is no need to keep talking for so long, who among us is following whom. ”

The blind woman had the feeling that she was no longer mysterious, but she really had to get involved, because this matter was very important, and it was not the time to be pretentious… In fact, she couldn’t hide it from Zhao Changhe, this guy was really smart.

She was silent for a while and finally said: “When you go to Kunlun, don’t just get the Dragon Elephant Blood Ginseng. There will be many things there…”

“For example?”

“There is a book from heaven.”

Zhao Changhe almost stopped laughing: “Okay, I understand.”

This is why the blind man came here after such a long time.

If you are afraid of the unknown in everything, if you are mysterious, if you are asking for nothing, if you are just having fun, then you are invincible.

Now that what you want is clear, it’s clear… Although I also attach great importance to the Book of Heaven, and it seems like a blind man is giving me a guide, in fact, the essence is, aren’t you asking me to do something?

Aren’t they all human beings? They all have human desires and desires… and they are pretending to be gods and Buddhas!

Thank you for the four pieces of silver from Wuye, thank you for the silver from Shao Shao, thank you for the silver from brother Dafu, 嘤嘤嘤…


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