Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 268: Crazy Sand


Chapter 268 Crazy Sand

The red shadow quickly disappeared. I don’t know if it had run away or was hiding somewhere to observe in secret.

The group of people pretended they didn’t know anyone was here and continued to move forward, approaching Rock Rock Mountain.

As he got closer, Zhao Changhe realized that this so-called rocky mountain was different from what he had imagined.

In my imagination, it was just a pile of rubble, no bigger than a building. The closer I got, the more I realized that the mountain was actually not too small. It wasn’t just a building. It was at least a fairly large community. It was of average height, and overall it looked relatively low, like a big turtle lying in the desert. .

And this “turtle” actually has a “tail”.

A long, slender and low Gobi rock stretches from the north of the mountain to another distant mountain range in the far north.

This rocky mountain is not a separate patch of rocky rocks rising up in the desert as imagined in the imagination. It actually belongs to a small part of the tail of a huge mountain range in the distance that extends here.

Zhao Changhe’s heart moved. This feature was a bit obvious. He had seen the pattern of this mountain range.

The treasure mark map given by Master Yuanxing… It was not a map of an area, it was just a mountain mark. Point out where in the mountain range you can find an aura similar to the Wang family’s slush. It does not involve other geographical locations. . Therefore, Zhao Changhe had never thought that the mountain range on the map was actually in the north of Huangshaji. He thought it was some distant place, but he did not expect that this clue was actually here.

It seems that whether it is Yuan Sanniang or Yue Hongling, their stay here is probably related to this secret place?

No wonder Yue Hongling was reluctant to leave due to lack of supplies. She thought she had discovered something and asked herself to come over and look for it together.

Looking at this rocky mountain from a distance, you can actually find that there is green color on the edge of the rock at the bottom, and there is actually grass…but there is very little grass, and it grows around the edge of the stone, like a giant The turtle looks like it has some belly hair.

It’s not an oasis, but it proves that there should be water, but it may be extremely rare or it may be deep underground. I don’t know if there is a way to collect it for drinking. Judging from the fact that Yue Hongling has been stationed here recently, it is estimated that drinking water can be extracted, but it is not suitable for ethnic groups to live together, and it cannot form a trading place. It has always been a barren mountain.

Hu Lie led the crowd to the foot of the mountain and waved his hands: “It’s getting late, let’s take a break here and have something to eat.”

Everyone dismounted and rested for a while. They leaned on the rocks and took out dry food and water to eat. Hu Lie untied the “virtuous woman” tied to the horse and started to undress with a smile: “Damn, I’ve been holding it in all this time. It’s so cool for me. Cool! ”

Everyone gathered around and laughed obscenely, while the woman cried.

Zhao Changhe feels that this acting is not as hot as Tokyo, but the scene is very similar. I wonder if Yue Hongling will be fooled?

Yue Hongling hid behind a pile of rocks and watched coldly from the gap.

As a “one-man bandit” who has been galloping for three months, this kind of team of ten or twenty people is her usual target. It is true that she will not just run away when she sees it from a distance, but she will also not run away because of people. If you are young, you will be ready to make a move. You will make observations first to judge whether you can take action.

Originally, I had to guess, analyze, look at acting skills, etc., but this time I don’t need to.

Because she saw a disheveled yellow-faced man at a glance. It was the same yellow-faced man that Zhao Changhe had after his disguise last night. He still had a dragon bird on his back. He didn’t know why he got mixed up with Batu. Batu didn’t Do you recognize the knife?

Since Zhao Changhe is here, this group of people still assaulted a decent woman in person, which means that this group of people is definitely not Zhao Changhe’s friends.

Zhao Changhe knew that he was here… Then it was very clear that this was a trap to deceive himself into taking action, and Zhao Changhe somehow got into it and planned to help.

The judgment method is simple and crude but absolutely correct.

The men’s lewd laughter and the women’s cries began to spread around the rocks. Zhao Changhe looked like he was playing with me and I won’t bother him. He quietly left the group and turned the corner, as if to pee.

A small stone was thrown from the cracks in the rocks and hit him on the shoulder.

Zhao Changhe calmly took off his bow and quiver, as well as a small pack of hidden weapon darts, and stuffed them in through the cracks in the rocks. At the same time, he scratched three words in the yellow sand on the ground with his feet: “Trap. Let’s go.” .”

Erased quickly.

Yue Hongling smiled so hard that she rolled her eyes.

This feeling is really much more comfortable than wandering alone on the grassland. There is no need to gamble or judge risks, and the whole soul is happy and confident.

Hand in hand with swords, we can conquer the end of the world together… It’s him, as if by fate.

It’s just weird, why every time I act together with him, there are others doing men and women next to me? The sound was so breathy that it made one blush.

Yue Hongling thought for a while, quietly took the bow and arrow, and retreated back into the mountain.

Zhao Changhe tied his belt and returned to the team with a relaxed attitude as if he had just drained the water.

Over there, Hu Lie was doubting his life.

It’s been so long since the foreplay, why didn’t Yue Hongling react? Is the woman not crying hard enough? Or did Yue Hongling intend to launch an attack when her pants were halfway down?

It would give me a headache if I really did that. How could I fight someone when I was half-dressed?

While hesitating, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. A man dressed in red and riding a green-maned horse galloped away in the other direction. In the blink of an eye, there was only a small dot left.

I won’t play with you.

Hu Lie: “?”

His mind stopped for a moment, and he got up angrily and mounted his horse: “It’s just a joke, chase! As long as I can entangle her, there is still a chance!”

At this moment, a strong wind blew up and roared past.

Visible to the naked eye, sand and dust were sweeping up from the ground, but in an instant, all that was seen was wild sand in the sky, mixed with gravel, hitting the face and body. Everyone subconsciously raised their hands to protect their eyes, but they were unable to protect the horse. The horse’s eyes were splashed with gravel, and it neighed and scurried around, causing the horse to flip over.

A common scene in the desert, small sandstorms that are not very serious, and sudden comings and goings are normal, but the short-term restrictions on people and horses are still huge.

Yue Hongling in the front dismounted her horse urgently to protect the green-maned horse. The people here couldn’t catch up and became a mess.

Zhao Changhe is also scratching his head, what happened…

If Yue Hongling had not run away, hiding in the rocky mountains would not have been a big problem, but running into a sandstorm would have been troublesome.

Of course both sides are in trouble, and it is difficult to deduce what changes the sandstorm will cause… It depends on how everyone responds to this sudden change…

In the yellow sand with extremely low visibility, a sword light suddenly appeared.

It was Yue Hongling who turned back decisively and took advantage of the extremely low visibility and difficulty in cooperating with the other party to launch an active attack!

Blood flashed and screams began. One of Hu Lie’s subordinates had been killed instantly.

Not to mention Zhao Changhe’s heart was moved, at this moment, even Hu Lie, Batu and others could not help but feel admiration in their hearts. No wonder this woman is so powerful alone in the northern part of the country. With this decisive handling, she can really crush a group of self-proclaimed heroes to shame.

“Cang!” The long sword clashed with Hu Lie’s scimitar. Yue Hongling did not get entangled. The red shadow swayed like a ghost in the yellow sand, and the sword light pierced another subordinate beside Hu Lie.

Hu Lie’s scimitar was chasing after her.

You can feel from the fight just now that he is indeed slightly stronger than Yue Hongling.

As a strong man who has opened the first level of secrets, his absolute power may not be stronger than that of the ninth level of the Mysterious Passage, but other mysteries can be known to those who are not powerful in the Mysterious Passage Level. Just like the restrictions imposed on people by this kind of environment, sand and gravel blow into the eyes, the wind howls, even if you can’t see clearly, it’s hard to even hear the sound and identify your position. Yue Hongling’s restrictions here are extremely great, while the strong man in the secret is subject to The impact is much smaller.

In this struggle, Hu Lie’s confidence is actually a bit higher. He can only say that God will help him…

As soon as these thoughts flashed through his mind, Hu Lie’s scalp suddenly felt numb, and warning signs arose in his heart.

The scimitar didn’t have time to strike Yue Hongling, so it swiped back urgently, and a broad knife slashed behind him at that moment, making a loud noise as the two knives clashed.

Hu Lie turned his head in anger, and saw a big man in the yellow sand being knocked back a few steps by his sword. He immediately jumped up in the air, and the broad sword swept towards him. His long hair was flying, like a lion pounced on food, brave and brave. , the power is extremely amazing.

Hu Lie greeted him with a sword and said angrily: “Batu, are your War Lion Tribe going to rebel?”

Batu was dumbfounded for a moment, and then became jealous.

At this point, there is no point in defending, because they are going to devour us.

You want to devour me, can’t I kill you first?

Taking advantage of the sand and dust, the distant army cannot see what is happening inside even if it is approaching…

A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in a state of depression for a long time?

“Choke!” The broad sword was unsheathed and hit Hu Lie directly on the head with a heavy blow: “I really think I can’t guess what your intentions are? Die!”


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