Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 230: Rashomon


Chapter 230 Rashomon

Suzaku accepted the bet.

It seems to be an unequal bet. After all, if one loses, he only needs to call her good sister, and if the other loses, he has to reveal his face.

But Suzaku never thought that he might lose.

As one of the few strong men in the world, he has his own pride and confidence. The dignified Lord Suzaku can suppress all the forces in this city by himself. He will need your help at most to get started and collect information. How can you really rely on him?

It would be quite interesting to get him to call me a good sister from now on.

The two of them went their separate ways, and Suzaku went to Pinghu Club leisurely.

Assuming that Herre had recovered from his injuries here and was gone now, he could secretly ask the handyman in the backyard and ask for the truth. If he wanted to investigate, he would have to catch a high-level person to ask, but it would be easy to alert the snake. . Suzaku decided to pretend that this matter did not exist for the time being, and just came to ask about Pinghu Association’s “unification of Jianhu City”.

This is indeed the task that the Four Symbols Sect asked Wei Yueyan to do in Jianhu City, and they provided a lot of resources and manpower support. It is also an example of what Suzaku said: “The potential power of the Holy Religion is much greater than you think.”

Wei Yueyan is solely responsible for how to unify the situation. Suzaku did not interfere anymore. He may have reported the progress to the general forum, but Suzaku has been away from home for a while and has no way to receive information.

Excluding the foreign affairs and focusing solely on the task of unifying Jianhu City, Wei Yueyan seems to have done it perfectly. As for taking advantage of Han Wubing, from Suzaku’s perspective, that’s really not a problem. If she had done it by herself, Han Wubing might have been killed…

She thought for a while, then reluctantly took off the piggy mask and replaced it with the Winged Fire Snake.

Pinghu Association Chairman Yan Lianping is discussing matters in the city with his subordinates in the meeting hall: “How is the reception of the Xingyi Gang’s properties?”

“It’s generally okay, except for the shops on Taiping Street. The Ji family said that it is personal property and will be inherited by their son. It has nothing to do with the gang property.”

“Have you received any reply from the person who went to kill Mr. Ji?”

“They have been blocked and killed on the road. The Ji family doesn’t know yet. I guess there will be news tomorrow.”

“Well… Young Master Ji is worshiping the Shenhuang Sect. Although he is only an outer disciple, this matter should not be made public.”

“Then the young and old of the Ji family, are they…” the subordinate said and made a “cheating” gesture.

“No need, their young masters are dead, what else can they do? They can keep the old, young, women and children alive, earn a reputation, and stabilize the old Xingyi Gang… The Xingyi Gang has some strong players, which are still very useful. . We want to unify Jianhu City, but we can’t kill everyone, so how can we fight against Sha Qi and the others?”

“The president is wise.”

“Is there any news about Han Wubing?”

“No… It’s like he has completely disappeared. The old Xingyi Gang is now searching for him all over the world.”

“It’s a pity…” He said it was a pity, but his tone was still very calm, and he didn’t feel it was a pity.

The subordinate said: “No matter if he is gone or lurking somewhere in the city, he is only at the seventh level of the entrance. No matter how strong his potential is, it will only happen in the future. One person cannot change the sky.”

“Well… go ahead. Please take care of the reorganization of the Xingyi Gang. I’m going to have a rest.”

The subordinate resigned: “President, he has been working hard recently and has a good rest.”

The hall soon became empty. Yan Lianping sat alone on the main seat and thought quietly for a while, his face flickering in the flickering candlelight.

After a while, he slowly said: “Why don’t you show up and meet the master?”

The candlelight flickered, the wind blew past, and Suzaku wearing a winged fire snake mask suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Wing Fire Snake?” Yan Lianping frowned: “Isn’t this position vacant? New here? Or…”

Halfway through speaking, he made a sudden move, and a flying shuttle silently hit the Winged Fire Snake’s shoulder.

The shuttle suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Yan Lianping’s childish expression shrank: “What a spirit snake spitting out a message…it’s actually a fire-winged snake.”

Zhuque was amused in his heart and said calmly: “I heard that there have been changes in Jianhu City. Your Majesty asked me to ask about the situation and whether I need help.”

Yan Lianping immediately said: “You came just in time. We really need help.”


“First of all, Han Wubing escaped, something will inevitably happen. I am here and cannot act rashly. Others are not Han Wubing’s opponents. It would be best if you can take his life.”

“Han Wubing and the Saint have an old relationship, why are they making such a fuss?”

“I don’t know either. We originally used this reason to cooperate with him. Ji Yinan was indeed killed by him, but for some reason he suddenly changed his face. We were also puzzled. But no matter what the reason, since he If they try to kill us, we can’t just sit back and wait.”

Suzaku asked: “Just because he is a member of the Four Symbols Sect, he is willing to help you kill people?”

“It was because he discovered that Ji Yinan had colluded with the barbarians to take in the injured mad lion He Lei. Originally, Han Wubing wanted to kill He Lei, but it was too late. He Lei had already left, and the target changed. It turned out to be Ji Yinan. It was a pleasant cooperation at first, but I don’t know why it changed.”

Suzaku was stunned.

This is different from what Wei Zicai said… Looking at Yan Lianping’s calm attitude, it really doesn’t look fake, and it’s easy to get through the gang. Does He Lei live in the Pinghu Club or the Xingyi Gang? It should be something that can be easily found out, so why is there such a big difference in the explanation?

Confused in my heart, my tone remained calm: “Besides Han Wubing, what else is there?”

“We have now taken advantage of the situation and incorporated the Xingyi Gang. After it is completely digested, our reputation and strength can be regarded as the first in the city. The next step should be to talk to Sha Qi from Kang Le Gambling House. If he knows each other, that’s fine. If he doesn’t, then that’s it. …” Yan Lianping said: “I sent a letter to the General Altar yesterday to ask His Holiness whether Ying Wu would personally intervene in the gang struggle for hegemony in Jianhu City.”

Suzaku asked knowingly: “So what if it happens, what if it doesn’t?”

“If Ying Wuhui personally intervenes in the matter here, then His Holiness must come forward to negotiate with him. If he does not intervene and just deal with it as the subordinate gangs fight among themselves, then we may be able to prepare for a war with Kangle Gambling House. Mainly because I think Sha Qi’s name is similar to Ying Wuyi’s, I’m afraid they are a bit similar in nature…”

Suzaku pretended to be cute: “Is that so…I am not very clear about the things behind this, so I will also write to the Venerable to ask.”

“Yes.” Yan Lianping smiled: “I didn’t expect that it’s getting late for the new sister in the church. Let’s have a good night’s sleep. I’ll hold a banquet for my brother tomorrow to welcome you.”


When Suzaku was pretending to be cute in Pinghu, Zhao Changhe went to the Ji family.

As soon as the little pig took off his mask and applied a layer of disguise ointment on his face, he soon turned into a rough man with a sallow complexion, exactly the same face he had when he attacked and killed Fa Sheng.

There is no need to hide the broad sword on the back, because now there are more of them.

The head of the Ji family was recently bereaved, and his body was still at home, with white flags everywhere. While walking on the road, I heard others talking: “Why hasn’t Mr. Ji come back yet? It’s been several days…”

“The Shenhuang Sect is a bit far away. The news has just arrived… Alas, it’s useless for the young master to come back. He is just an outer disciple of the Shenhuang Sect. What can he learn from the Shenhuang Sect?” Will stand up for him.”

“Aren’t you from the Shenhuang Sect?”

“It’s just a gang to support, there are too many in the world.”

Zhao Changhe silently listened to the whispers around him and walked all the way to the door of Ji’s house. He was quickly stopped by someone, and the gatekeeper was also weak: “Here, our master has just passed away. If you come to pay homage, please leave your name. ”

Zhao Changhe directly learned and sold it: “I am from the Shenhuang Sect. Junior Brother Ji will not be able to rush back in time, so he asked me to come to pay homage to my uncle first and see if there is anything at home that needs help.”

The guard was overjoyed, and someone immediately rushed in: “Madam, madam! The young master’s senior brother is here!”

Soon a middle-aged woman came out and cried at Zhao Changhe from afar: “Young hero, you must uphold justice for our master…”

Zhao Changhe said calmly: “Madam, don’t be anxious, take me in first to pay homage. You can tell me the specific situation slowly.”

He didn’t hear the information from Suzaku… But this matter made him feel very complicated from the beginning. There were too many forces involved, and it really wasn’t necessarily a matter of a city gang fight.

It’s useless to ask anyone about this kind of thing. Maybe the best answer is to ask the corpse.


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