Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 227: The disappeared Han Wubing


Chapter 227 Han Wubing disappeared

After a while.

The gangsters who robbed were lying on the ground in a mess, groaning. Zhao Changhe sat on one of them and raised his fist as big as a jealous bowl: “Tell me, what’s going on with Han Wubing? Even with the kung fu of you three-legged cats, you can do it Let him escape?”

The person who spoke was about to cry: “I just used Han Wubing’s name to scare people, it’s not us who drove him away…”

“What’s going on?”

“I only know that Han Wubing killed the leader of the Xingyi Gang, Ji, and was surrounded and suppressed by the Xingyi Gang. Later, Boss Peng of the Pinghu Club took action, and then Han Wubing left…”

“What the hell? Does this have anything to do with you Mr. Sha Qi?”

“Didn’t I just say it to scare you? To make you think it has something to do with it.”

“Fuck!” The jealous fist hit him and knocked him unconscious.

Zhao Changhe squatted down and touched everyone. They didn’t have much money, and they all seemed to be low-level gang members. Seeing him paying for a pancake, he just became greedy.

Zhao Changhe stood up with a curse, stuffed a few pieces of silver into his arms, and turned to see the Winged Fire Snake tilting its head to watch him grab the money. The cute little pig face immediately put him in a good mood again. Be happy: “What are you looking at?”

Suzaku smiled and said: “Why are you deliberately stopping me? Are you really afraid that I will kill them?”

“Can’t you?”


“That’s right.” Zhao Changhe walked out of the city: “Don’t always think about killing people for small things, there’s no need.”

Suzaku did not retort, but instead said “hmm” and walked out with him.

It seems that he is in a much better mood than Zhao Changhe.

Zhao Changhe was a little puzzled: “So obedient?”

“It’s nothing.” Suzaku said leisurely: “Seeing as you are not a pedantic hero, you are quite palatable.”

“Chi, virtue.”

What Suzaku said is true.

When she was stopped, Suzaku was a little unhappy, but after Zhao Changhe’s actions, she found it very interesting. Watching him steal money was even more interesting. After all, he is the leader of the demonic path. Whether everyone can get along with him or not depends not only on his ability, but also on whether his temperament and acting style are compatible.

So far, Zhao Changhe’s temperament and behavior are fully in line with the aesthetics of the Four Symbols Sect.

As for Han Wubing and the like, it had nothing to do with her… She was secretly angry, because because of this nonsense, she would no longer be able to go shopping.

Anyone who has studied Zhao Changhe basically knows that although Han Wubing has only been with Zhao Changhe for a short time, his status in Zhao Changhe’s heart is quite high, because not counting women, Han Wubing is his number one As friends, we fall in love at first sight and treat each other with sincerity. Before Tang Buqi, Situ Xiao and others appeared, he was even his only friend.

As expected, Zhao Changhe no longer had any interest in shopping, so he stepped up his pace and left the city quickly.

Suzaku threw the last bit of pancake away angrily.


The banks of the Ancient Sword Lake are still similar to before. People are wandering around in twos and threes, wondering if they can find the legendary ancient sword. People don’t know that the ancient sword has been taken away. At most, they only know that the Maitreya Sect and the Four The Elephant Cult had fought here, but it ended strangely and hastily.

As a result, the number of people who come to look for the sword has never stopped, but in the past few months, there has been no more inexplicable killings by sword energy.

If nothing happens, people will know that the ancient sword is probably gone in the long run.

But now there seems to be an accident…

Zhao Changhe did not believe that a swordsman like Han Wubing would be forced to “escape” by a mere local gang. Even if the opponent was temporarily outnumbered due to the overwhelming numbers, he would probably retreat to the bottom of the lake temporarily and look for opportunities to fight again.

When he arrived at the lake, Zhao Changhe plunged into the water without saying a word. People looking for swords here would often dive into the water from time to time, which was nothing unusual.

Suzaku followed and suddenly thought of a question.

Before the Four Symbols Sect opened this alien space, there were many prerequisites. They also formed a formation to set up sacrifices and summoned ice souls to actively break through the space. And what is the situation now? Can anyone come in and out? What if someone else finds it?

On the other hand, if Han Wubing really “ran for his life in a panic”, he might not be able to come back here. Because if he hadn’t thrown away the pursuers, and people watched him enter this place, he would have caught a turtle in a jar.

Obviously Zhao Changhe was also worried about this. When he reached the space node, he walked in casually and quickly frowned.

There are no signs of being invaded by others, which means that others have not found this place yet… But Han Wubing is really not here.

You can see that there are beds, tables and chairs on one side, and there are bowls of fast food residue on the table, which are all a bit moldy. It can be seen that it was not that he left after tidying up, but that something unexpected happened after he went out and he never came back.

Makura is so panicked that he can’t even escape back here?

Suzaku followed in and looked around. Except for the traces of Han Wubing’s subsequent life, the original flavor of the sword room is still there. Various swords are hung on the surrounding walls. There is nothing else, not even a locker. They are all smooth. of stone walls.

There cannot be any secret passage, because this is an independent space, and the wall cannot be dug out. The door coming in is the only space node, and there is no secret passage at all. No wonder I was sure that there was nothing after I came in. There couldn’t be anything there.

As for the remaining sword intent, it has not been eliminated by the breath of life as Han Wubing has lived here for a long time. On the contrary, because the main meaning of Han Wubing’s seclusion here is to learn the sword, he may spend all day except eating and sleeping. Wu Jian made the air filled with some of Han Wubing’s sword intent, which mixed with the original ancient sword intent, making it very powerful.

In a sense, Han Wubing was accompanying this ancient senior, making her soul no longer lonely and giving her unique skills room to pass on.

Zhao Changhe is closing his eyes to feel the sword intent here.

Suzaku looked around for a while, and agreed with Xia Chichi’s judgment. Although the woman here has some relationship with Ye Di, there is really no information that can be obtained from this closed and small sword room alone, and it is of no value.

Seeing Zhao Changhe closing his eyes and feeling the sword’s power, Suzaku finally broke the silence: “Is it because you learned the sword that you are now interested in it?”

Zhao Changhe said “hmm”. Suzaku did not disturb him and just went to admire the swords hanging on the surrounding walls.

In fact, Zhao Changhe mainly thinks that if Tianshu is exposed to the sword intention here more, he might gain something. He wants to go back to this place to have a look for this reason, which is inconvenient to say.

He stayed at the inn opposite Wang’s house for two nights before, in order to verify whether there would be any changes the next day after wiping the thing… Sure enough, early the next morning, the gold foil had a new evolution, proving that the wiping That stuff really works.

The new evolution is that he no longer needs to take out the gold foil to read it. As long as he thinks about it, the information will go directly into his mind, forming an illusion of virtual reality, making him immersed in the scene.

Including the Wind and Thunder Palm booklet Situ Xiao gave him before, he seemed to have never even turned through it after getting it. In fact, he had already learned it on the road in the past two days. It’s just that I haven’t put it into practice yet. I know it in my head, but I won’t say whether I can do it in my hands.

It also proves that “I will be the first to kill you after the lockdown is lifted” did not happen. I wonder if the lockdown is not thorough enough… I’ll try again next time.

In short, at this moment, the shadow of a woman has appeared in his mind. Because it is too ancient and the sword is ethereal, all he can see is the ethereal image, and even the face cannot be seen clearly.

Then the image of Han Wubing appeared again, the two of them demonstrating a set of sword skills.

Zhao Changhe shook his head and temporarily exited the illusion.

This is not the time to look at sword skills. Just make sure the gold foil can receive the information and study it later. And what we want to study is not their swordsmanship, but to analyze whether there are any skills related to the Night Emperor from the woman’s swordsmanship. This is probably not something that can be figured out in a short time. It may be like analyzing the Sword Emperor’s inheritance. It requires a lot of work, but we will talk about it later.

The top priority now is to find out what happened to Han Wubang.

Feeling that Zhao Changhe had withdrawn from a special state, Suzaku looked back and said with a smile: “How is it? Have you learned any sword skills?”

“No… By the way, do you, the Four Elephants Sect, still have people here?”

“We evacuated long ago. Do you want us to help you check the virus?”


“Then what’s the use of looking for us? Go to Wanhua Tower. I don’t believe you don’t have Tang Wanzhuang’s token on you.”

Zhao Changhe suddenly remembered that he was still a secret agent of the Demon Suppression Division… That bad brand always asked him to investigate, so it was finally time to put it to use, right?


PS: Please vote for me~

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