Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 203: Couples


Chapter 203 Couple

The farce ended immediately, the stage was smashed, and there was no show left.

People don’t know what the previous Qianlongs were like, but they find that there are not many Qianlongs in this generation that are easy to deal with.

When encountering such a situation in my mind, everyone will try their best to get in. At most, like Xuanchong, they will show their dissatisfaction at the same time, which not only shows their style but also does not offend the host family too much.

This way, others can also have something to watch.

Unexpectedly, starting from Situ Xiao, or without Situ Xiao, Zhao Changhe was already drawing his sword. They all had the same idea. From the beginning, he ran straight in the direction of breaking the door, trying to let this person The trouble ends immediately.

Ji Chengkong also slapped the Wang family directly in the face, and the plaque was almost taken off. Of course, he didn’t dare to be too harsh and didn’t really pick it off, otherwise he might die, but the crooked plaque already made the Wang family’s faces burn with pain.

Then Xia Chichi and Zhao Changhe smashed the door to pieces while talking and laughing.

Who will play monkey tricks with you?

Zhao Changhe’s “just smash it and just smash it” seems to have a deeper meaning.

But what is puzzling is that the stage has been dismantled, and there is no heavyweight person in the royal family to host it. Only a figure who looks like a butler slowly walks to the door and looks at it for a moment, and says indifferently: “Go and ask the craftsman to start again.” Make the door and hang the plaque. It will be completed today.”

After saying that, he even saluted Zhao Changhe, Xia Chi Chi and Xuan Chong with fists in his hands: “It’s just a game, just laugh at it. The young master has been waiting for you in the banquet hall for a long time, please.”

Zhao Changhe and Xia looked at each other for a long time, secretly thinking that this is actually a bit of a big family’s etiquette. At least Cui Yuanyong gave people this feeling. What kind of fame did the Wang family do before?

The two of them didn’t say anything, smiled slightly, and walked in side by side.

Xuan Chong: “…”

It seems like we both came together? Who am I now and where am I?

The broken door was no longer closed. The Qianlongs who came later looked at the hole with some surprise. They presented the invitations normally, and everything returned to the normal appearance of inviting guests.

But people who had already watched the previous scene were all paused, regretting that they couldn’t go in to watch the live broadcast. They always felt that the banquet would be more interesting in person.

Over there, Zhao Changhe and Xia Chichi entered side by side. Xia Chichi’s face under the mask smiled happily: “Hey, is this the first time we have walked side by side openly and honestly since we left Beimang?”

Zhao Changhe looked a little nostalgic and whispered: “Yes.”

The most “home” period in this life was the one or two months when I lived with Chi Chi. After that, no matter where I stayed, I couldn’t give Zhao Changhe a similar feeling.

It’s a pity that after that, they were separated. The lover he first established a relationship with did not become weak because of the passage of time as originally imagined. Instead, he became the most shameful one because of sectarian issues. Even walking side by side in an upright manner became a A happy thing.

I don’t know if Suzaku’s “test result” that day can loosen the relationship between himself and Chi Chi, but at least today we are meeting as guests of the Wang family at the banquet, so there will be no problem in everything.

This matter must be resolved…

After turning these thoughts in my mind, I was joking: “Why did you come so early? It’s not what I imagined. I think you should have been the last one to appear in the finale, just pretend to be big. It also fits your name. Well, it’s too late to come, so stylish.”

Xia Chichi curled her lips and lowered her voice: “I just knew you were coming and wanted to come see you as soon as possible. I might have a few more words with you before the banquet starts. God knows what will happen when it starts. Pretending to be like that What is the meaning of style…”

Zhao Changhe felt warm in his heart and whispered: “The Wang family actually invited you. I didn’t dare to think about it before. To the court, you are rebels. It is already domineering enough for the Wang family to openly invite rebels to the banquet. , you really dare to come, are you not afraid of five hundred swordsmen and other things coming out from under the tent?”

“Why don’t I dare? The Wang family is so big, inviting black and white in front of everyone in the world, just to trick a little witch on the seventh level of the entrance hall? It’s all boring.” Xia Chichi said, suddenly changed It became a secret message: “Your current identity as a prince is becoming more and more real in the eyes of everyone. It is more reliable to say that they want to kill you than to trick me… Of course, the possibility is equally unlikely. Your My whereabouts are not secret, why would I do this if I want to kill you?”


“Each family in Daxia is said to have a scholarly family background. After all, they have risen from the ruins of martial arts in this world, and they still have a relatively strong martial arts martial arts atmosphere. Looking at this matter at the martial arts level, it is not so strange. Martial arts giants invite both black and white practitioners…” Xia Chichi said leisurely: “If you put it in a storybook, maybe some people would think this is courage.”

Zhao Changhe also nodded as there were similar examples in the world.

It’s really not surprising.

But it can also be said that Xia Longyuan’s deterrent power is really invisible to the Wang family. As a member of the Wang family, the Queen understands Xia Longyuan’s situation better, and it may be more serious than others imagine… Or the Wang family’s move is also conveying this to the world. The information is very bad.

Xia Chichi looked at the servants of the Wang family who were leading the way, and then at Xuanchong who was admiring the scenery behind him: “Are you good at transmitting messages into secrets now? It’s not easy to talk on the road. I feel like someone can eavesdrop. If it’s a voice transmission, the probability of interception is much smaller.”

Zhao Changhe is good at the method of sound transmission. This thing is similar in every school. The “Bliss Dharma” of Maitreya Sect, which I have talked about before, is also a complete system at least, and it is naturally included in it. It is nothing more than using internal force to restrain the sound, which is a magical application that the concubine can do, but the muscular man of the concubine cannot do it.

It’s just that I didn’t have enough internal cultivation before and couldn’t use it. Now that I have broken through the fifth level of internal cultivation, I didn’t know if it could be used, so I tried it: “Hello?”

Xia Chichi: “…”

“It’s really good.” Zhao Changhe said happily: “It turns out that five levels are enough, but the secret book said seven levels are needed.”

Xia Chichi rolled her eyes at him: “Normally it’s about the seventh level, but what you’re using is… his inheritance of techniques, the quality is different.”


When talking about Xia Longyuan’s skills, Xia Chichi looked a little more melancholy and sighed: “Judging from the Wang family’s performance… he, he may really be dying…”

Zhao Changhe pursed his lips.

No wonder Chichi’s attitude is a bit languid. You can imagine the complexity in her heart at this time. No matter how much she hates him, he is still his biological father.

And the only person she could confide these words to was Zhao Changhe.

“I don’t know if I should find a chance to go to Beijing to see him…” Xia Chichi whispered: “It feels like it is easier for me to go to Beijing than you now. If you go to Beijing, it will be really turbulent. Your practice …Not ready yet.”

Sure enough, Chichi is also the person who knows what he is thinking best. If his strength is not at a certain level, he is really not suitable to enter Beijing. Zhao Changhe could only say: “If you don’t break into the palace and so on, it won’t be a big problem to snoop around for information, but I don’t think you will be so honest. Don’t be arrested as a rebel plotter when the time comes. It’s really funny.”

Xia Chichi laughed: “Let’s talk about it later, I’m hesitant.”

Zhao Changhe said “hmm”: “If the situation is suitable, I will come to Beijing… to help you take a look.”

Xia Chichi was not polite to him: “Then you should practice kung fu quickly. Have you fallen into the land of gentleness now? Do you still have the qualities of practicing hard every day that attracted me in the first place?”

“I have been practicing without stopping. Now Mr. Tang asked me to slow down. I am actually practicing when I play the piano and draw. It is quite effective. I am not just playing.”

“Where are the women?”

“…At least so far, for the first time, I’m still here, waiting for you to pick it up.”

Xia Chichi glanced at him. Under the white tiger mask, his eyes were full of charm: “Isn’t your first time already on my lap? How rare! Okay, okay, don’t rely on it. Once you know how to click on the sound transmission to enter the secret, you start talking nonsense…”

Whose words are more blind? Zhao Changhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

The first time I pressed it was on my right hand a few years ago…

It is rare for young men and women to get along with each other, and it really feels like they have a lot to say. However, it is a pity that no matter how big the Wang family is, it really doesn’t take long to walk from the door to the banquet. Soon the servant of the Wang family who was leading the way stopped and saluted: “The banquet is just ahead. The young master has been waiting for you for a long time.”

The two sighed and stopped talking. A thought came to their minds at the same time: It would be better if the Wang family were bigger…

“Qianlong Sixth, White Tiger Saint Xia Chichi has arrived~”

“Qianlong 18, the bloodthirsty Shura Zhao Changhe has arrived~”

There was a guard chanting outside the door, and the words he shouted made Zhao Changhe want to grab a mask and put it on himself.

The Wang family’s serious appearance is too special.

However, just as he stepped through the door, before he could see clearly what was in the hall, a discordant voice came coldly: “The Wang family, regardless of their origin, invites all the dragons from all over the world. It is a grand event. We are not here either. It is too rude to say that good and evil are fighting each other, but it is too rude to wear a mask and hide your head. Is this the quality of a devil? ”

Before Xia Chichi could say anything, Zhao Changhe spoke first: “Where are you idiot? It’s none of your business!”

Xia Chichi’s already extremely cold expression under the mask instantly turned into a smile.

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