Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 181: The wind rises in Yanmen


Chapter 181 The Wind Rises in Yanmen

The sun sank into the lake, and the boat swung to the shore. The two of them had a fish feast comfortably at the fisherman’s house on the shore, and returned happily.

Days like this are really rare since time travel. Zhao Changhe now regrets not staying at the Cui family for a few more days.

I said that I spent three days at the riverside racecourse with Yangyang, but that was mainly to learn equestrian skills, rather than to enjoy the fun of playing.

Thinking about the regretful look in the little girl’s eyes at that time, I feel a little regretful now.

After such a long absence, I wonder how the little girl is doing now. I forgot that I didn’t… In fact, Zhao Changhe still thinks that Yang Yang’s so-called “like” is mostly the dependence and affection of the little girl who was born in the crisis, which may not necessarily be true. Love may be gone after such a long time. This is what Cui Wen Z means for about three years, and obviously the old fox feels the same way.

It would be nice to be more decisive at that time. If you put a stamp on the little girl Fendudu’s lips, you probably won’t have to think about these things…

At that time, I was still too pure, and I couldn’t call myself a gangster.

Is it the same now? Zhao Changhe took a peek at Tang Wanzhuang, who was walking quietly beside him, and sighed.

This is different.

This is precisely because I expressed no interest, so I can feel comfortable getting close to you. Just a few words of verbal teasing, but once I really get interested, the relationship is guaranteed to collapse.

What a pity, she is really good-looking, so beautiful.

Especially at this time, he had a slightly melancholy expression, really like Xizi’s frown. When he saw it, he regretted that he didn’t have a wonderful pen in his hand to record the beauty of this moment.

There is no pure friendship between men and women. There is no thought beforehand. In the presence of such a stunning beauty, it is natural to attract each other.

“What are you thinking about?” Zhao Changhe still couldn’t help but find a topic.

“I’m thinking about your song. It’s a pity that I can’t laugh at this mortal world. Maybe I can do it when I look back many years ago.”

That’s not Yue Hongling’s song. Yue Hongling is still young and doesn’t have that kind of attitude. Maybe she can do it in the future… And if Tang Wanzhuang lets go of everything in the future, she can do it too.

That may be Zhao Changhe’s advice to her, “be more free and easy”, but there is no point in advising her. Isn’t that the future picture she has expected in her heart?

Who doesn’t want to sing and drink, and let the world of mortals be free and easy?

It’s a pity that she can’t do it now, and what’s even more pity is that she may not have a future at all.

Tang Wanzhuang felt a little guilty just for having stolen this day, and even suddenly had an ominous sign that something was going to happen.

Just when the two of them returned to the Tang family leisurely, it was already getting very late. Wu Weiyang, the general of the Suppressing Demon Division, hurried into Tang Wanzhuang’s waterside pavilion and saw Baoqin sitting on a stone in a daze with his knees in his arms.

“Miss Qin, are you resting, sir? Please pass the message to Wu Weiyang to see you.”

Baoqin looked up at him blankly: “Miss is not at home.”

Wu Weiyang said: “Oh, where did the leader go on business? I’ll just go look for her.”

“…Why does the lady have to be on business as long as she is not resting?”

Wu Weiyang was dumbfounded: “Huh?”

Putting his chin on his knees, Baoqin said, “But I don’t know if this is considered a business trip for the lady. If I don’t bring Baoqin with me, does it mean I won’t need Baoqin in the future…”

Wu Weiyang: “”

Tang Wanzhuang stepped into the courtyard at this moment: “Why is Weiyang here? What happened?”

“First seat!” Wu Weiyang stepped forward and lowered his voice: “Urgent report from the border fortress, troops from Beihu and Yanmen, the capital is shaken.”

Baoqin was startled and looked up. Tang Wanzhuang stood there quietly, saying nothing for a long time.

Wu Weiyang also carefully looked up at her expression, but found that she was very calm.

There is no anger or anxiety as expected, but a bit… regret?

After a while, Tang Wanzhuang sighed: “Chili came to Jiangnan in the first place to communicate with Maitreya… Since the barbarians moved, Maitreya should have responded at this time.”

“Yes, this is why I am looking for the leader. Maitreya is very likely to raise troops to respond in the past few days. We are in Jiangnan, what should we do?”

Tang Wanzhuang shook his head slightly: “In the past few days, we have asked the demon-suppressing brothers in Maitreya’s power to turn secretly and cooperate with each other in the future. As for other things, we are limited by our responsibilities and can’t do much…”

After a pause, he then said: “I will go to Jinling immediately to take charge of the situation. As long as Jinling is still there, echoes with Gusu, and has the support of Yangzhou in the north of the Yangtze River, the situation is not too bad. In fact, if Maitreya raises troops at this time, the situation will be fierce. If you don’t, it will never happen.”

Wu Weiyang nodded and said: “Yes, fortunately, that person did a good job with Su Yang and the two states.”

As he spoke, he lowered his voice: “Not to mention that we didn’t expect it in advance. I’m afraid he himself didn’t expect that the role of breaking two eucalyptus pieces casually was so important. It’s really destiny.”

Tang Wanzhuang said calmly: “Be careful what you say.”

Wu Weiyang pursed his lips and said in a low voice: “Maitreya’s move is not strong enough, so it may be possible to deal with it… However, as soon as this is opened, thieves will appear in droves, aristocratic families will be entrenched, sects will defend themselves, and the world will be in chaos.”

I don’t know whether it was purely out of worry, or whether it was to encourage the Tang family to separate Jiangdong. Tang Wanzhuang thought of Zhao Changhe’s words yesterday and sighed slightly. She did not reply, but just said: “Go. Before I go to Jinling, I still have to go find Zhao Changhe. There are some things that I haven’t finished yet and must settle. You go find my brother… No, you go find Buqi who is in seclusion, let him out, and help him take care of his aunt. Sue.”

Wu Weiyang saluted and accepted the order: “Yes.”

Tang Wanzhuang said no more, and went to the guest house in a flash.


At this time, Zhao Changhe was still lying on the bed reading the Book of Heaven.

This time, when I was in it, I was no longer facing the old man Sword Emperor, but Tang Wanzhuang, who was helping him modify his stunts in the morning.

I knew it was just an illusion, but it was too real. Even when I made a mistake when feeding the move, the anger in his eyes completely reappeared. The fragrance on her body is so familiar that it feels like she is really beside her. The slowed down movements allow you to take a closer look and you can even see the fine hairs on her hands.

Zhao Changhe always felt that with her slow motion, he could pick her up and give her a kiss.

But this is a phantom and cannot be touched. Isn’t it too perverted to have such thoughts?

It’s very tragic. I obviously planned to practice my special skills from the book of heaven, but in the end I didn’t practice a single move and just fell into YY.

It’s true that he has been holding it in for a long time… The thought even flashed in Zhao Changhe’s mind, can he solve it by himself? We can’t keep waiting for Chi Chi. Chi Chi also feels that he shouldn’t hold it back and encourages him to look for it… We haven’t looked for it, so we can guide it ourselves so we don’t commit a crime, right?

But I also feel that it is too low to still lead by myself at this stage of my life. If the Book of Heaven sees me, I will be embarrassed and be thrown into another world…

When I was struggling, I seemed to hear Tang Wanzhuang talking: “Mr. Zhao…”

Zhao Changhe was stunned: “What the hell? Am I so abnormal that I have hallucinations?”

Tang Wanzhuang’s voice was very strange: “What is a pervert?”

The sound is outside the house! Zhao Changhe suddenly woke up and withdrew from the hallucination of the Book of Heaven. He stuffed the gold foil into his arms, jumped up and opened the door.

Sure enough, it was the real Tang Wanzhuang standing there, looking him up and down suspiciously: “Master Zhao… what kind of hallucination is this?”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

It’s over. Anyone who listens won’t think that he was dreaming about Tang Wanzhuang?

“Uh, no…” Zhao Changhe was so embarrassed that he had no choice but to ignore the topic and asked directly: “Why do you come to me so late?”

Fortunately, Tang Wanzhuang was not in the mood to ask whether he was having an **** dream, and said directly: “The barbarians are going south, and the Maitreya uprising is now. It’s not that you are in a hurry to leave, but that I should leave. ”

Zhao Changhe’s heart suddenly tightened and he pursed his lips.

Tang Wanzhuang said: “It’s a pity that the young master has only just begun to learn the piano. I don’t know if he will have the intention to continue practicing the piano in the future…”

Zhao Changhe could only say: “I will practice if I have a chance. By the way, you actually want me to leave? Don’t you plan to keep me here to help?”

“Thousands of troops are not suitable for you at this time. It is meaningless to stay in the army for nothing.” Tang Wanzhuang said: “Young Master should leave Jiangnan as soon as possible and seek promotion elsewhere. Wanzhuang is here I came here to fulfill a few promises that I will teach you slowly.”

Zhao Changhe even forgot about his promise: “What promise do you have?”

“I asked you to concentrate and slow down… The first is to let you not blindly squeeze your potential and rush for success, but to settle down; the second is to teach you the Tang family’s heart method of reflecting the moon in the water at a certain time, and help you You stabilized the spiritual platform and expelled the evil spirit from the blood-violent bead in order to extract the evil spirit, not just for playing the piano.” Tang Wanzhuang handed over two booklets: “I don’t have enough time now, so I have to hand over the secret book, and I can’t teach it in detail. You.”

“…” Zhao Changhe almost forgot about this. He always felt that writing and playing the piano recently were enough… Only now did he remember that he had indeed said that it was just to lay a foundation for learning mental methods. , and the purpose of learning the Heart Method is for the Bloody Beads…

Thanks to Tang Wanzhuang, I still remember it clearly.

He was not polite and took it: “Thank you. Huh? Why two copies?”

Tang Wanzhuang said: “If you learn the Tang family’s mental skills, you can use our water-walking and light-wave light skill. This is one of the young master’s shortcomings, and it should be a good supplement to the young master’s martial arts.”

Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment and sighed: “You said your mother never played children’s songs for you, but I think my mother only treated me like this. What you did made me even more embarrassed to leave. ”

Tang Wanzhuang smiled slightly: “You should know why I am so good to you, and there is no need to regard it as a favor. If you really feel some feelings, you should know what I want to see… That is not here. Spend time. ”

Zhao Changhe couldn’t hold it back anymore, so he asked: “If Zhang San and Li Si were the princes, would you do the same to him?”

Tang Wanzhuang subconsciously wanted to talk, but the words got stuck on her lips and she couldn’t say them out.

The two of them looked at each other quietly in front of Yuexia’s house, suddenly speechless.


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