Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 180: Riding on Taihu Lake


Chapter 180 Boating on Tai Lake

“This is Taihu Lake…”

The Wupeng boat floats aimlessly in the lake. Zhao Changhe lay on the bow of the boat, bathing in the sunshine and not feeling too hot.

The lake breeze is blowing, which is actually a bit cool.

Maybe it’s because I’m really calm now?

Looking at the endless lake, the clear lake surface is so clear that even the fish underneath are clearly visible. There are also other boats in the distance, and the wind carries melodious fishing songs, which is very comfortable to listen to.

For a northern man who has never seen the sea, I feel that this is the sea, but it should be quieter than the sea. The sea in my mind is not as vast and vast as the waves, nor is the river I have seen so powerful and rushing thousands of miles away. , but more beautiful, quiet and gentle.

Just like Tang Wanzhuang.

As if all the beauties from all over the world are gathered together, you can see Jiangnan at a glance.

People say that they want to compare West Lake to Xizi, but it seems to be similar when applied to makeup in the late Tang Dynasty. Light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable.

She was sitting in the cabin, playing the piano leisurely, playing a tune that Zhao Changhe had never heard before.

That is something that in this world would feel very slow and boring, and cannot be appreciated, but at this moment, this scene, it is like water ripples in my heart, like the gentle breeze on the lake passing over my cheek, and the gentle breeze blowing across my face. , it just makes people not want to bring up any thoughts, just get drunk in the clear breeze and clear lake.

The flash of swords, the moment of life and death, the world, and the troubled times are all far away from the same world.

Zhao Changhe took out the old wine gourd and took a big gulp of wine.

Yue Hongling is the Jianghu in the dream, isn’t it?

What is a wine shop with a sword in Jianghu, a slender waist and light palms… Actually, this is it.

It’s just that the thin waist does not belong to me, so let’s round it off like this.

Tang Wanzhuang’s beautiful eyes fell on the bow of the boat outside the cabin, looking at Zhao Changhe lying leisurely drinking, with some anger in his eyes.

I thought you were playing the piano to me, but after a long time, I was playing it to you again, right? You were drinking there leisurely, as if you had invited the girl from the Bamboo House in the backyard to accompany you from Wanhua Tower in Jianhu City. tour.

Tang Wanzhuang thought it was a little funny. She felt that Zhao Changhe’s attitude was a bit… so casual.

Before, he said that he had to think about it several times every time he said a word, but that’s it once you get to know him, he really doesn’t have any taboos.

“Hey!” She finally couldn’t hold it back and shouted: “Are you letting me rest, or are you asking me to be the piano player to accompany you with the scenery?”

Zhao Changhe’s words were heard outside the cabin, but they were a little unclear in the lake breeze: “If you don’t mean to live for me, then wouldn’t you be serving me today?”

Tang Wanzhuang was angry and funny: “You are good at beating snakes with a stick. Now that Sisi is gone, you have no maid, right?”

“There is nothing, you are my master.” Zhao Changhe asked with a smile: “I am just free and easy, why bother about who plays for whom? Are you happy now?”

Tang Wanzhuang actually wanted to say “hmm”, but she changed her face and said, “You play, I will be happy just lying there and drinking.”

“How stingy.” Zhao Changhe stood up leisurely and got into the cabin: “I haven’t learned it well yet, master, continue to teach me?”

In order to achieve a leisurely and comfortable artistic conception, the two of them deliberately did not use the Tang family’s large boat, but used a small black-paneled boat. When Zhao Changhe got into the cabin in such a big way, he immediately felt that the cabin was almost half occupied.

Tang Wanzhuang reluctantly stepped aside and motioned for Zhao Changhe to sit in front of the piano.

As soon as this guy sat down, it felt extremely crowded, and their arms were pressed together.

Tang Wanzhuang looked sideways expressionlessly, while Zhao Changhe stiffened his neck and watched the piano.

“Forget it.” Tang Wanzhuang didn’t hesitate and started teaching: “There are **** methods for the piano. It’s not just a matter of **** it to make a sound. You see…”

The white jade-like fingers danced on the strings, twisting and lifting, gracefully and elegantly. They were clearly indicating the fingering, but Zhao Changhe looked at it, but basically forgot about it, and only focused on looking at his hands.

Really pretty.

“Okay, would you like to try this finger-picking method?” Tang Wanzhuang gave him a shoulder in anticipation.

Zhao Changhe held it in for a long time and lowered his head: “I haven’t learned it yet, so I’ll demonstrate again.”

Tang Wanzhuang said curiously: “You learned such a complicated stunt this morning, how much sword intent it contains, and how much potential it has to change. You only need to practice it a few times to learn it clearly. This **** method should be very important to you.” Simple, not to mention you have learned the hidden weapon techniques from Yue Hongling, why have you become stupid?”

Zhao Changhe lowered his head and muttered: “Just look at my hands…”

Tang Wanzhuang: “?”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Tang Wanzhuang put her hand a few inches in front of his eyes expressionlessly: “Look at it a little bit, if not enough, look at it for another hour.”

Before Zhao Changhe had time to say anything, his hand suddenly raised and covered his face with a bang: “I can even let you touch it!”

“Fuck…” Zhao Changhe’s face was in burning pain, not from being slapped, but from humiliation.

Tang Wanzhuang glanced at him sideways for a while, and suddenly said: “Actually, if you learn this, it can be evolved into a set of acupoint grabbing skills. You have only practiced martial arts for a short time, and all your skills are on the sword. Unarmed martial arts are more advanced. Big missing piece, this is a great addition.”

Zhao Changhe instantly got a boost: “Quick, demonstrate again! I only need to watch it once and it will work!”

Tang Wanzhuang is dumbfounded.

However, this is true. Once Zhao Changhe linked this to his understanding of martial arts, he really learned it after watching it once. In other words, he was relatively unfamiliar, but his understanding of the movements was really thorough, and it was so simple that he didn’t understand it at all. A second pass is needed.

“Now I’ll teach you how to wipe strings…”

The boat floated leisurely in the middle of the lake. The male apprentice and the female master were sitting next to each other in the small cabin. The fragrance was on the tip of their noses, their shoulders were carelessly touching, and they were whispering to each other.

The boatman who was passing by saw it and couldn’t help but smile.

What a scene.

When I go home, I want to force my brat to ask for a wife. He is so old and is still fishing there every day.

As the sun sets, the lake surface is covered with sparkling golden light. Occasionally, fish jump up and then enter the water, splashing with waves. The song of the boat girl could be heard in the distance, and Wu Nong’s soft words moved people’s hearts. They were more beautiful than the fishermen’s songs outside the Qinghe River at that time, and the murderous intention was only peaceful.

Tang Wanzhuang was leaning outside the cabin, holding a beautiful little wine pot in his hand and drinking wine leisurely at the spout.

The hard-working apprentice Xiong is still familiar with the **** techniques. It is not known whether he can really turn into a set of **** hands. In fact, it was Tang Wanzhuang who fooled him.

He should have played it, but I heard it. Do you really think I am the girl from the backyard of Wanhua Tower?

Tang Wanzhuang is currently making up a set of acupuncture techniques in his stomach, modifying his own techniques and incorporating some piano skills and **** techniques into it. When the time comes, he will teach it to him and it will be a complete set.

I really thought that the First Master wouldn’t lie to others… Anyway, the **** technique will not be bad by then, maybe it will still be ranked in the world…

The fishermen’s songs on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are ups and downs, mostly love songs. Tang Wanzhuang doesn’t know what it feels like to listen to them.

In the past, she was actually a little afraid of such scenes. Such songs can make people’s minds wander away from business. The so-called extravagant music can make people not want to make progress.

But today it seems to be the right time, except that the content of the love song is different.

“Hey.” Tang Wanzhuang took a leisurely sip of wine and asked into the cabin: “You said you have a song in your heart. With this feeling and this scene, why shouldn’t you sing with it?”

“Aren’t these girls’ songs pretty good and their voices good? I want to give them a reward. What trouble can I make for them?”

“Are these soft things suitable for a man like you? Let me sing the sound of Jianghu and let me see what powerful words the bloodthirsty Shura has.”

“However, this situation and situation are not suitable for powerful sounds at all. Are you deliberately trying to separate yourself from such a depressing mood?”

Tang Wanzhuang was stunned and drank without saying a word.

He is so sharp.

I understand her too well.

It’s strange how he understands me so well. There is not much interaction between the two of them.

“Forget the majestic voice, do you want to listen to the female voice?” Zhao Changhe suddenly asked.

Tang Wanzhuang came back to her senses and asked curiously: “Aren’t they singing women’s voices?”

“There are so many women in the world, how can they all be in tune with the love between sons and daughters?” Zhao Changhe plucked the strings a few times, and the original practice tune suddenly changed, becoming a bit more free and easy.

Tang Wanzhuang looked back at the cabin, and heard a singing voice that he was not very familiar with: “No matter how cold the wind is, I don’t want to escape, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, I don’t want them, just let me drift…”

Tang Wanzhuang stared blankly at the setting sun in the distance. She originally wanted to say, “This is the song of Hong Ling on the mountain, not my song.” However, as she listened, she gradually became lost in thought and no longer wanted to speak.


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