Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 146: Dragon bird jumping face


Chapter 146 Dragon Bird Jumps in the Face

Back at the Tang Family Guest House, Tang Buqi didn’t know where he was, but a butler-looking man came up to him: “Mr. Zhao, the young master said he gave you a maid as a gift, but he couldn’t tell her name. Let me take a look. Which one is it? Uh, it turns out to be poetry…”

Zhao Changhe interrupted: “There is no need to come to me for the so-called past citizenship, just tear it up and get it done.”

The housekeeper said: “Then you might be disobedient.”

Zhao Changhe patted Longque: “I have a knife.”

“…” The housekeeper glanced at Sisi sympathetically and secretly said that you might as well stay in the Tang family, at least it would be elegant.

Sisi kept her head lowered, not daring to face the housekeeper face to face, and muttered: “I’ll go get water for the master to take a bath.”

Seeing that Sisi ran away, Zhao Changhe lowered his voice and said to the housekeeper: “Go and look around the corners of your guest house to see if anyone has been tied up. Don’t starve to death. Get rid of her citizenship and make amends.” ”

Butler: “?”

Zhao Changhe patted him on the shoulder: “Don’t say anything if you find it. If you don’t understand, just ask your young master, he will understand.”

The housekeeper took the order. Zhao Changhe turned his head to see Sisi busy in the distance, stretched himself and returned to the room.

I met Ji Chengkong unexpectedly. From his words “I went to Yangzhou and Suzhou both to find someone”, my previous doubts were basically solved. There is no doubt that this maid is a fake goddess. Ji Chengkong wants to She was the one I was looking for, otherwise there would be no such coincidence.

This girl is very evil. I am afraid she has never thought about the life and death of the real maid she pretended to be. It is as tragic as the flower goddess. Fortunately, I immediately remembered after confirming her identity and gave the real maid first. Let’s talk about it after saving it.

I don’t know what such an evil guy wants to lurk in the Tang family this time. In short, before finding out her goal, I have to find some tricks to teach her a lesson…

Having said that, she either has an appearance similar to Yue Hongling’s, or she has the face of an ordinary little maid. I have never seen her true appearance… Thinking about it in hindsight, the only thing that can be seen is that the two faces are the same. The highlight is those smart eyes, as bright as stars.

This level of disguise is much better than that of Chi Chi’s disguise to cover up female features. I really want to learn this trick. It is very convenient for traveling around the world.

You have an idea for me, can I also have an idea for you?

“Master, the water is here.” Sisi ordered two servants to carry the hot water bucket into the house, and quickly drove them away, saying with a smile: “Sisi will take care of the master to take a bath.”

Zhao Changhe, who had always driven away maids in the Cui family, stood there motionless this time, squinting at Sisi with a half-smile, to see how she operated.

Sisi’s blush crept onto her cheeks, and she shyly stepped forward and reached out to untie his clothes. The first thing to untie was naturally the knife: “Master, you have this scabbard hanging on your body all the time, even when you get into the water. I don’t understand, isn’t it heavy…”

“Actually, my schoolbag was not much lighter than this when I was in elementary school and junior high school. There is a reason why it got trashed when I grew up.”

Sisi: “?”

While speaking, Sisi finally took off the knife. It dropped a little and almost lost her grip. She was secretly stunned. This sheath may not weigh more than forty or fifty pounds. How can you swing this thing with one hand? As light as an ordinary single sword?

She did not dare to show any special concern for the knife, so she put the knife aside again and shyly went to untie Zhao Changhe’s belt.

The belt was loosened, and the top was opened, revealing his majestic chest and abdominal muscles. The strong visual impact made Sisi’s breathing become heavier instantly, and the hands that untied his clothes began to shake.

I have to say that such a body is really tempting… Not to mention that men will react when they see a female body, but why would women not react when they see such a male body? It’s all the same.

I always feel like my head is not as big as his chest muscles.

Sisi compared it secretly and wondered if her **** were that big… They must be more bulging in shape, but in terms of the total amount of flesh, I’m afraid it’s not necessarily…

Standing in front of such a body, you naturally feel a mountain of pressure and weakness, and you always feel that you can’t resist if he presses you at any time.

“Hey, how much longer do you want to touch? The water will get cold later.” Zhao Changhe’s voice sounded like a smile but not a smile.

Sisi came to her senses, retracted her hand like an electric shock, and coughed dryly: “Well, those pants, can you take them off yourself?”

“I take it off, are you watching?”

The room suddenly became quiet.

At this moment, Zhao Changhe was a little confused, and Sisi was also a little confused.

Both of them don’t know whether a real maid is in this position to take care of the bath, they have never seen one…

Sisi was almost losing her mind at this moment. Looking at her chest, abs, and biceps made her heart beat faster. Are you taking off her pants?

Zhao Changhe glanced at her and didn’t know what she was thinking. In short, in Zhao Changhe’s heart, she was a very open-minded little witch who dared to kiss both sides of her face, so why did she care so much about you?

I’ve just stood here long enough to take a shower. If I hadn’t wanted to figure out what this guy was going to do, I would have rushed out earlier, wasting my time.

Zhao Changhe took off his pants three times and jumped into the bucket.

Looking back at Sisi, she was still dazed, as if she had been shocked by something.

“Hey!” Zhao Changhe waved his palm in front of her: “I’ve come back to my senses. Didn’t I say I should pinch my shoulders? What are you thinking about?”

“Huh? Ah…” Sisi trembled and almost trotted around behind him, squeezing her shoulders fawningly and saying nothing.

It always felt like there was an electric current when I squeezed his shoulders… The one just now was so big… Fortunately, it was interrupted that day. If it really happened, would I have to die there? Is that something that humans can bear? It’s better to let Yue Hongling’s strong cultivation level bear it… Well, it’s not what I was thinking…

It was all chaos, Sisi no longer knew what she was thinking.

“Is this what you call ‘Sisi pinching your shoulders makes you feel better’?” Zhao Changhe’s voice came: “You haven’t eaten yet?”

Sisi came back to her senses and said angrily: “I ate but vomited.”


“Besides, no woman can squeeze such a hard meat like yours! Master Tang said you and Yue Hongling are very familiar with each other, right? Then you’d better go find Yue Hongling and squeeze it for you!”

“Hey, is this what the little maid should say?”

Sisi said angrily: “I don’t care, I won’t pinch you anymore, the slave status will be torn anyway, right? I’ll rub it for you and finish it, don’t pull it down!”

“Where to rub?”

The air became quiet again, and Sisi’s eyes widened.

“…” Zhao Changhe wanted to teach the little demon girl a lesson, but unfortunately he couldn’t do much about teasing. Now he was even more embarrassed. After a while, he waved his hand: “Forget it, you can either go eat something again or I’m going to take a shower too, whatever I have to do, I’ll wash it myself.”

Sisi quickly retracted her hand from Poxia Donkey, and continued to pretend to be arranging the clothes he had taken off beside her, as if she wanted to help the master wash his clothes.

Zhao Changhe said lazily: “Don’t fumble around there. I have my own luggage. I will just throw away these old clothes later.”

“Oh…” Sisi didn’t suspect that there was anything big in his arms for the time being, but her eyes glanced at Longque again and again. Finally, she couldn’t help it, and touched Longque as she was tidying up. Asked: “Master, what is this knife called? It’s so majestic.”

Zhao Changhe had his back to her, and he could see clearly behind him. After thinking about it, he decided to test her reaction when he heard Longque, and said directly: “Longque.”

Sisi’s reaction was to be stunned for a moment and murmured to herself: “That’s nonsense, does the name refer to a knife, or is it the thing you wanted me to rub just now?”

Longque: “?”

Zhao Changhe: “?”

Longque suddenly became furious and slapped Sisi on the face with the knife in its scabbard.

Even if she knew that the knife would move on its own, how could she have imagined that she would suddenly go berserk at this time? Sisi was caught off guard and did not move out of the way, and was almost hit hard. Suddenly I felt someone holding my hand, and then there was a strong force. I fell over and fell upside down into the bathtub with a “bang”.

The face was not photographed by Longque.

But the dragon bird in the bucket jumped on my face and even rubbed my lips…

Sisi doubts life in the water.

If there is a chance to start over in life, even if I kill her, I will not play the role of this little maid.


PS: There will be one at 0 o’clock tonight.


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