Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 132: The long river flows unstoppably


Chapter 132 The long river flows unstoppably

This kind of challenge on the street attracts everyone’s attention. It is the most upright and straightforward. It is basically impossible for the parties involved to avoid fighting. Anyone who avoids fighting in this situation should really stop hanging out in the arena in the future. Being nagged for the rest of his life will be worse than Leader Xue.

Although this is the most passionate way of martial arts, every martial artist appreciates it very much. This was how Cui Yuanyong went to Beimang to challenge Yue Hongling. Yue Hongling always praised him.

But Jianghu is a worldly person after all. Generally speaking, as long as both parties are familiar with each other, they will not choose such a no-retreat method. If you want to compete, you can invite them privately, and the victory or defeat will not hurt your face.

Wan Dongliu and Zhao Changhe are obviously quite familiar with each other. They have entertained guests, made noises, and faced provocations from barbarians together. The Xiaoxiang Pavilion where Zhao Changhe lives is still owned by the Caobang, but now not a single copper penny is confiscated from him, and the best fodder is used to feed his horses, and the first-name prostitutes are free for free.

Not to mention the passers-by on the long street, both Xuanchong and Tang Buqi were scratching their heads at the moment, which was very incomprehensible.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wan Dongliu couldn’t refuse, and he jumped down from the building happily, clasping his fists and saying: “I didn’t expect Brother Zhao to think so highly of me, so it would be disrespectful to fight with a hero like Brother Zhao. It’s also what I want.”

Zhao Changhe also raised his hand and said with a smile: “No, brother Wan is twenty-three, but if you are older than me, I will lose my life if you call yourself a younger brother.”

You call me Sister Yue Hongling, but I don’t see you losing your life… Wan Dongliu felt in his heart that Zhao Changhe’s attitude was not too bad. What on earth was he doing?

Then he asked: “Brother Zhao wants to compete with me to test swordsmanship. You can invite me privately, but why is it necessary?”

Zhao Changhe laughed and said: “Since I went to Yangzhou, I have always been in the drama, other people’s and my own, over and over again, which is quite boring. Why not be more relaxed?”

Wan Dongliu frowned: “Why can’t I understand what Brother Zhao said?”

“The Maitreya Cult is quite good at bewitching the people of Kuhaha. Most of the Cao Gang are hard-working people. They are hard to resist and have been infiltrated into a mess. Brother Wan must be feeling very uncomfortable?”

Wandong Liudan said: “Not bad.”

“So I pretended to be a snake, as if I had believed in that trick, but in fact I had been looking for good opportunities… For example, I plotted to assassinate the prefect and fell on the Maitreya Sect. Then the imperial court thundered and the Maitreya Sect collapsed thousands of miles away. Brother Wan took advantage of this The general trend was to clean up the gangs and reorganize the Caogang style. From then on, Yangzhou could no longer resist. The Caogang family was the dominant one, but it still made the court feel that it could rely on it… It is hard to say who will belong to Yangzhou in the future. “

The passers-by who were watching were far away from each other and could not hear the conversation. The expressions of Xuanchong and Tang Buqi upstairs changed.

This inference is indeed reasonable. The real murderer must have his own purpose, and it is not just to give gifts to the Demon Suppressor. The one who benefited the most this time seemed to be the Caobang, and Wan Dongliu had enough motives.

In fact, Wan Dongliu is more familiar with the prefect’s daily routine than others – Caobang has always had close contacts with the government, and the prefect is also involved in his banquets…

But we can’t just rely on inferences without evidence. Caobang is not someone who can throw dirty water at will.

Wan Dongliu’s expression remained unchanged, he shook his head and smiled: “Brother Zhao, if you have any other ideas, you might as well tell me. I would also like to hear outsiders’ opinions.”

Zhao Changhe said: “There is no reason for Hu people to come and stamp on my face for no reason. Chili asked Miss Yue her name, but it turned out that he had no idea that Miss Yue would be there. In other words, he, the number one Qianlong, actually came here on purpose. What’s the point of challenging dozens of us? Winning shows how capable Chili is, not to mention that Chili killed many people along the way. He should have been acting in secret. Qianlong is not the first on the list. , Are you seeking death in such a high-profile manner? So it can only be caused by someone.”

Wan Dongliu nodded and said with a smile: “That makes sense.”

“They knew that there was Xuanchong, Tang Buqi, and me, Zhao Changhe, but they didn’t know that there was Yue Hongling. This shows that someone leaked the guest list to the Hu people in advance, and it is very possible that they made the mistake while leaking the list. Provocation, for example, Zhongyuan Qianlong thought that Chi Li was too proud to be criticized, so he naturally came to fight back, so he was also scolding Chi Li because of his reputation, otherwise a group of people behind him would shut him down. What a stupid thing, do people look at you?”

Wan Dongliu looked a little surprised: “This is interesting, Brother Zhao, continue?”

“The prefect would not be so bored after eating so much that he would come uninvited and sit there just to smear the faces of the barbarians… He could only be here by invitation. It’s just the right time.”

“Oh? Why do you do this?”

“Brother Wan set up this good job just to let everyone, especially the Tang family, see the collusion between the prefect and the Hu people. Especially if Miss Yue is not here, we will all be stepped on, and I just feel I would hate it so much that Tang’s nephew would turn around and throw dirty water. I used to think it was totally unreasonable not to invite Miss Yue to such a party, but now that I think about it, it’s not natural…”

Tang Buqi: “…”

On the rooftop in the distance, Yue Hongling was sitting on the eaves, raising her head and taking a sip of wine. She looked over with beautiful eyes, which was all interesting.

Zhao Changhe concluded: “Although because Miss Yue is the enemy of Chili, the opposition and hatred are not as high as expected, but it is almost there. This is the time to assassinate the prefect. In a few days, he will die. However, the desired effect was not achieved. Things fell into place that night, and Brother Wan’s plan was finally realized smoothly. ”

Wan Dongliu put his hands on his hands and smiled and said: “It’s a very interesting idea. In fact, even according to Brother Zhao’s guess, it seems to have no impact on Brother Zhao. There are some things that Brother Zhao also wants to do? Why should he be so aggressive?”

“It really doesn’t have much impact. Zhao just doesn’t want to be used as a chess piece. After the game, he still doesn’t know who he is counting money for.” Zhao Changhe paused and then said: “Besides, it doesn’t have anything to do with me. Zhao was assassinated with a bow and arrow on his way to the banquet – it must be the same person who killed the prefect, and he was planning to make himself suspected of being a barbarian. How many people knew that Zhao was coming to the banquet and could ambush me on the way? There are not many sieves left. ”

Wan Dongliu said with a smile: “This is unjust. Wan was entertaining guests at that time, how can I separate myself?”

“A certain fool told me that you all once left the scene to relieve yourself. A cup of tea, with Brother Wan’s Qinggong, is actually enough.”

Tang Buqi: “…”

“The other party is a man who is accustomed to using bows. It seems that it can easily lead to a grassland barbarian. Few people have thought about it. Cao gangs are accustomed to walking on water. In water battles, which one is more useful?” Zhao Changhe smiled: “Zhao has also fought in water battles. The best thing to use is of course the bow.”

Wan Dongliu’s expression finally became serious, but he still waved his hand and said with a smile: “There are too many speculations.”

Zhao Changhe suddenly changed the topic and asked a question that was thousands of miles away: “Brother Wan, when you and I first met, was that thief Ji Chengkong still there?”

Wan Dongliu said: “He is still detained in my private cell…Brother Zhao has been interested in this person twice. If you really want to intercede for him, then let him go. What a big deal?”

“I’m afraid Brother Wan may not be willing to let it go. It may be a bit serious for this person to peek into Brother Wan’s privacy.” Zhao Changhe smiled: “Ji Chengkong didn’t have any other packages on him that day. The thing he stole must be a small object. The kind that can be stuffed into your arms at will?”

Wan Dongliu narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: “Not bad.”

Zhao Changhe lowered his voice so much that even Xuan Chong and Tang Buqi upstairs couldn’t hear him: “For example… a mask with a special meaning?”

Although the voice was low, it sounded like a huge bell ringing in Wan Dongliu’s ears. His heart jumped wildly, and his expression finally changed drastically.

“Brother Wan framed the Hu people but chose me to kill him. Although it may be a bit of a mistake… Zhao can’t bear this anger.” Zhao Changhe said with a long laugh, the dragon bird unsheathed, A slash of the knife: “It’s disrespectful to come and not return, so take my knife!”

“Choke!” Wan Dongliu drew his sword well prepared.

The two knives clashed, the surrounding sand and gravel rolled wildly, the wine flags flew, and the energy burst out and the surrounding doors creaked.

Everyone in the audience was moved. Is this really the battle situation after seventy or eighty Qianlong?

Wan Dongliu looked very serious: “You are actually at the fifth level of the entrance hall.”

“Both each other.” Zhao Changhe grinned: “Brother Wan also touched the sixth level quietly, didn’t he?”

Tang Buqi silently took out a Qianlong Bang booklet from his arms and tore it into pieces.

Why don’t you tear this thing up? It can only mislead people… At your level, you should play in the top 50 or even the top 40. Is it fun to hide behind the 70th or 80th place?

Xuan Chong looked solemn next to him and suddenly whispered: “What a fast knife!”

Tang Buqi looked around and saw a dazzling sword light swaying out from Wan Dongliu’s hand. It seemed that the afterimage of the sword light was still in place, and the sword had already arrived in front of Zhao Changhe.

“…” Tang Buqi knew that if it were him, his head would be gone.

Too fast, too strong… It seems as if a river flowing eastward will be cut off by this knife, and a huge wave will surge into the sky, and it will be choked back by this knife!

Caobang Canglan’s sword technique can break the waves with ten cuts!


The sword that Tang Buqi thought he couldn’t resist at all, but when Zhao Changhe waved one hand, Longque easily pushed the Canglan sword aside, as if the stormy waves were rushing forward, only to find that this side was Even bigger waves covered him back.

Immediately after the two sides exchanged waves, the “dinging, clanging” sounds like beads falling on a jade plate broke out one after another, as if the wild waves were constantly clashing, and the passers-by who were watching could hardly see clearly the paths of the two sides!

Tang Buqi stood up in shock: “Why can he be so fast?”

Xuan Chong murmured to himself: “Why do I feel the smell of Chili Linghu’s sword technique?”

The two looked at each other and were extremely shocked. It seemed that it was not an illusion, it really smelled like Chili…

Chili is a scimitar. When the sword is drawn out, it forms a circle. The end point is the starting point. It seems to be a straight line. How did Zhao Changhe achieve such a large number of things?

This kind of small and fast exchanges should not be what Zhao Changhe is good at… No matter the skills or the sword, he just showed it to you. He did not lose at all in the match with Wan Dongliu, and even… …feel like he still has a slight advantage?

“No…it’s not just Chili’s intention, but also mine.” Yue Hongling, who was watching the battle in the distance, was looking at the battle in a daze, and whispered to herself: “My intention is more obvious. Not only does it have my sword intention, but also my intention.” There is…my technique.”

The crimson on the face disappeared in a flash, just like the rising morning glow in the sky at this moment.

Because it really contains the meaning of her technique, which was obtained through double cultivation in the early morning, and is not a simulation.

“What a genius.” How long… Moreover, he is still testing in this battle. He uses Brother Wan to sharpen his sword. The more he fights, the more he will master it.”

Tang Buqi also noticed that Zhao Changhe became more and more harmonious as he fought, while Wan Dongliu felt more and more stagnant.

And this guy definitely has the spring water sword intention, the more he fights, the more obvious it becomes!

Zhao Changhe is indeed sharpening his sword, and the more he fights, the smoother he becomes. However, there is no other reason for Wan Dongliu’s performance, but Zhao Changhe’s last low-key words just now, which has had an important impact on his heart so far, and his momentum has disappeared. What’s the point of being undefeated?

What did Zhao Changhe say in the end?

A loud “clang” sound was heard, the two swords met violently again, the wind and clouds rolled wildly, the huge waves roared, and even the plaque of Mingyue Tower tilted to one side with a “kacha” sound.

Zhao Changhe took three steps back to counteract the violent impact. The blood all over his body was activated by this blow, and his whole body boiled with fighting spirit.

Wandong took five or six steps back, his expression extremely solemn.

“Brother Wan! Your sword power is weak!” Zhao Changhe let out a long laugh, jumped up in the air, held the sword in both hands, and slashed down wildly!

Wan Dongliu looked up and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The early morning sunrise seemed to be blocked by Zhao Changhe, and the sky was a bit gloomy. The faint halo of the sun shone out from around Zhao Changhe, giving the illusion of a blood color.

In the blood, dark shadows volleyed down from the sky, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky were all going to disappear in this blow!

Both gods and Buddhas are scattered, Zhao Changhe has few special skills, which is the bottom of the box.

A smile flashed in Wan Dongliu’s eyes, and he has been creating an atmosphere of being weak and forced to retreat by you. Isn’t this the moment he has been waiting for?

You have too few special skills. Many people have pondered this trick over and over again. The flaw and weakness are no longer a secret!

That is, all the power is concentrated at one point, relying too much on the suppression of absolute power, relying on the suppression of the **** evil spirit, and relying on the impact on the opponent’s soul at that moment to cover up one’s own flaws, so it cannot be used lightly at ordinary times. It’s the moment when the opponent is weak.

However, if the other party is just pretending at this moment…then be prepared in advance and exploit the flaw, you will be defeated!

“Whoosh!” A sharp roar erupted, and Wan Dongliu’s sword, which had been like a raging wolf, suddenly changed. It turned into a sword and stabbed straight into Zhao Changhe’s fatal point in mid-air!

It’s not just a sword, it’s also a sword! If the sword light suddenly reaches a foot length, it will definitely hit Zhao Changhe’s fatal point in advance before the dragon bird clatters!

Yue Hongling squeezed the hilt of the sword tightly.

This is not Caobang martial arts, what is it?

Such a sharp murderous intention is like a swordfish cutting through the waves in the vast sea, or a bait drilling holes in the heavy soil!

He is so good at hiding, not only his layout and planning, but also his martial arts, like an earthworm hidden in the deep soil.


The blade penetrated the flesh and blood spurted out.

Yue Hongling suddenly stood up, then smiled slightly and slowly sat back down.

Wan Dongliu’s eyes were filled with ecstasy when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The sword gleamed into his stomach, causing death or injury, but Zhao Changhe didn’t react! The sky-shattering knife remained unchanged, without even weakening its power by half, and it slashed Wan Dongliu on the shoulder!

Wan Dongliu didn’t know what method he used. His whole body slipped and twisted in an extremely weird way. The dragon bird failed to chop him into two pieces and slashed viciously along his chest, disembowelling him. , extremely miserable.

“Young Gang Leader!”

“Young Gang Leader!”

Countless people from the Cao Gang were watching nearby. They thought Wan Dongliu was going to win, but the situation suddenly changed. Instead, Wan Dongliu was cut open and almost split into two!

So they swarmed up, some of them went to rescue Wan Dongliu, and some of them rushed towards Zhao Changhe.

A red shadow flashed past, and Yue Hongling stood in front of Zhao Changhe with a sword, and said calmly: “A long street fight, a fair decision, do you want to rush forward?”

Everyone in Caogang was stunned.

Zhao Changhe is difficult enough, but where is Yue Hongling? You two are really a couple?

Do you want to report it to the gang leader…

“Don’t mess around, I’m not dead.” Wan Dongliu leaned weakly on a gang member and asked his subordinates to stop the bleeding and bandage him.

The hearts of everyone in Caogang fell back to the ground.

Wan Tianxiong only had one son. If he died, the consequences would be no worse than if the emperor’s son died.

It’s good that you’re not dead.

Wan Dongliu took another pill, adjusted his breath with difficulty for a long time, and then whispered: “He only hit the shoulder instead of the neck. He expected this situation, and he just wanted to give me a hard blow.” , learn a lesson and don’t want to kill me.”

After a pause, he said weakly: “Thank you, Brother Zhao, for showing mercy. I lost.”

Zhao Changhe held the handle of the knife upside down and clasped his fists: “You’re welcome. You also left your hand behind when you stabbed, otherwise I would have been pierced instead of this small injury… That’s why I stabbed the shoulder, as a courtesy.”

Wan Dongliu looked at the blood stains flowing out of Zhao Changhe’s tanzhong, and was even more unbelievable: “But even if a little bit of meat is inserted into the meat, the tanzhong is still tanzhong. You have to be seriously injured. Why is it like it was stabbed in an ordinary position, without any trace of it?” No impact? ”

Zhao Changhe smiled slightly: “Secret… By the way, I have endless tricks to disperse gods and Buddhas. Do you really think that I don’t know and have no precautions? I’m not stupid.”

Wan Dongliu was silent for a moment and shook his head: “I am being smart.”

“Brother Wan, Zhao has some advice.”

“Brother Zhao, let me tell you.”

“Your swordsmanship is the strongest among the opponents I have encountered so far. If you hadn’t had the idea of ​​​​causing me to flaw in the beginning and defeated your momentum, it is actually not yet known who will win. Even if all the mechanisms are exhausted, Have you forgotten the warrior’s heart?” Zhao Changhe put the knife back on his back and turned to leave: “I do this sometimes too… I would like to encourage each other.”

Wan Dongliu was silent for a long time, then slowly said: “Be taught.”

Zhao Changhe stopped and looked at the rising sun in the sky.

Yue Hongling walked beside him naturally, and when she saw him stop, she also looked up.

Under the morning sun, the golden light is rising.

“On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, Zhao Changhe has been practicing martial arts for half a year. He has five levels of entrance hall, gathering the ideas of hundreds of schools and forming his own style. At the middle of the day, at Mao hour, the Great Break Wandong flowed in Mingyue Tower.”

“Those who flow eastward lurk in the waves, and the entrance is at the sixth level.”

“Changes in the Qianlong List.”

“Fifty-five hidden dragons, thousands of people will flow eastward.”

“Qianlong Thirty-eight, Zhao Changhe.”

“The long river flows unstoppably.”


PS: Originally this was two chapters. If you feel that there is a break in the middle, you will not be better or worse, so I simply merged it into one chapter. Now the emotions are complete, please call me thick chicken.

Thanks to Yang Yushi and Qing Ningzi for joining the alliance~


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