Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 111: Maitreya Religion


Chapter 111 Maitreya Cult

Yue Hongling was so angry that her teeth itched.

I secretly said to you, Zhao Changhe, I haven’t seen you for a long time and now you’re staying in a brothel. That’s okay. I’m so excited when you mention it. What does it mean?

Isn’t this a bit wrong? When I was living at his place, he really respected me enough and tried his best to avoid anything that would embarrass me. If it was true that he was secretly in love as others suspected, there would have been too many opportunities for him to tease her at that time. Taking advantage of the atmosphere in which he pretended to be Mrs. Yazhai by default at that time, at least he could say “ma’am” in public, so it would be easy for him to have an attack, right?

But he didn’t show any expression at all…

Are the ulterior thoughts hidden so deeply?

I haven’t seen you for a few months and things have gotten worse… You see, you can visit a brothel now. How honest you used to be.

But no matter how much she gritted her teeth, Yue Hongling really wanted to see Zhao Changhe. Nowadays, Yangzhou always made her feel a strange atmosphere, and it was not just about the Maitreya Cult. Zhao Changhe went to Yangzhou at this time, did he know something?

You…if you really have a crush, as long as you don’t say it out loud, I’ll pretend I don’t know and just get along as usual…

Just as he was hesitating whether to go to Xiaoxiang Pavilion to find Zhao Changhe, he saw a monk hurriedly came to report: “Zhao Changhe is here, and he said he came to worship Buddha.”

The abbot was not surprised and said with a smile: “Dongliu made it clear to him yesterday that we have good intentions for him. If he doesn’t reject it, he will naturally come to see him… After all, he doesn’t have a good inheritance. , I need to find a good backing. Please invite him to the palace to talk. Well, let’s talk about it without arranging those messy things.”


Yue Hongling soon saw Zhao Changhe, who had been away for several months, striding into the temple under the guidance of the monks.

Yue Hongling found that every time she saw Zhao Changhe, his temperament would change slightly.

Zhao Cuo was young and ignorant when we first met him, but when he met Bei Mang, he was already the master of the village. He was rough, domineering, and full of recklessness.

But this time, after the storms in the world and the aristocratic families have met, the sharp edge has softened a lot, and he seems to have a more calm and solemn demeanor, which seems to have combined the bookish atmosphere at the beginning. However, the grass remains unruly and unyielding. As the tiger walks and the dragon walks, Yue Hongling always seems to be looking at Caobang Wan Tianxiong, a powerful hero in the southeast.

The ups and downs in the world really refine people. In just half a year, he has grown into such a… well, a man who can visit brothels.

Thoughts flashed across his mind, Zhao Changhe had already entered the hall, and saw an abbot and a few monks waiting in the empty hall. Zhao Changhe seemed a little surprised: “I thought your temple had many pilgrims and countless monks… …Or did I come too early and didn’t see it?”

The abbot smiled and said: “Donor Zhao doesn’t know something. We encourage believers to stay at home. There have never been many monks. As for the believers, they left immediately after praying. Everyone still needs to give birth.”

Zhao Changhe’s thoughts moved slightly. No wonder this temple is called White Lotus. In fact, the Maitreya Cult adopts many templates of the White Lotus Cult. If it is a pure Maitreya Cult, it is the kind that encourages killing, but rarely does this.

However, the White Lotus Sect and the Maitreya Sect are originally very closely related, and they may not know much about the so-called “last era”. It is purely a trick, and it is normal to mix them up.

It is a pity that the history lessons I learned have almost been returned to the teachers, and my understanding of these is not much better than theirs. Everyone is only half as good as others.

The abbot is saying: “Donor, please sit down.”

Zhao Changhe sat down on the futon in front of him, and a monk brought a tea cup. The atmosphere was a bit like going to the temple to ask serious questions about Zen.

“Can I ask the master’s name?” Zhao Changhe asked.

The abbot said: “Fa Yuan is nameless, and the donor must have never heard of it. Because he was a layman before coming here to be the abbot, and he has the title Zhang Banfo, so the donor may have heard of it.”

Zhao Changhe seemed a little impressed.

At that time, the Four Symbol Sect deceived Han Wubing to see the sword, during which he searched for Chichi for a few days… Naturally, everyone had communication. Han Wubing said that the Four Symbol Sect would let him assassinate Zhang Banfo in exchange. He thinks that asking him to see the sword is to buy the murderer and increase his credibility.

That was the excuse the Four Symbols Sect made at random. Han Wubing should not be able to kill a person of this caliber. But casually mentioning the name of an enemy is enough to prove that in the eyes of Chichi and others, Zhang Banfo is a must-kill target, and casually mentioning his name will always be him.

The person in charge of the Maitreya Cult in an important area… This guy is probably still on Tang Wanzhuang’s must-kill list, but most people don’t know that he has transformed into a real monk Fa Yuan, but he is the “Maitreya Cult” Teach Allies” accidentally learned of the situation.

“I seem to have heard it somewhere, I can’t remember clearly.” Zhao Changhe smiled honestly: “Zhao has only been around for a short time, and he doesn’t know many heroes.”

Fa Yuan did not feel dissatisfied and said with a smile: “It is precisely because the donor has only been in the world for a short time that it is even more valuable to have such a reputation now.”

Zhao Changheyang said angrily: “Master is not kind, what a bloodthirsty Shura, it is really unpleasant to hear.”

Fayuan put his hand on his palm and said with a smile: “I don’t know what the donor likes, so please don’t be offended. The donor should know that we have good intentions.”

It’s not necessarily a good intention, it’s just a side product to save the face of the Four Symbols Cult and the Blood God Cult. Of course, Zhao Changhe would not expose it, and said with a smile: “I never thought beforehand that I am really destined to be your sect. Master also knows that I was originally from the mountains and fields and had no understanding of Buddhism. Since we are so destined, I don’t know Master, can you tell me something? Maybe I have a predestined relationship with the Buddha.”

This sounds like he really wants to know more about it to see if he can join the team, and he is straight to the point and avoids any nonsense.

In fact, Fayuan and others have always thought that this is a very normal thing. The Maitreya Sect is a cult and is an enemy of the government. What does this mean to a wanted gangster like Zhao Changhe? This would only bring him closer.

Especially after going through so much trouble to save the daughter of the Cui family, only to be driven away by the Cui family in the name of a gangster. If Fayuan himself replaced Zhao Changhe, he would be very angry. Sooner or later, the streets will be wiped out. Mr. Gong Qinggu, trample all of you pretentious upper-class families under his feet, **** Cui Yuanyang away and play with him as he pleases, that is what Zhao Changhe should think about. Where are you waiting for your mother’s three-year ranking?

As for the anti-thief demon sect, he is a traitor to the Four Symbols Sect and the Blood God Sect…

This is not a match made in heaven with their Maitreya religion, what else is a match made in heaven! So much so that they were not wary of Zhao Changhe at all. He was a naturally good candidate to be recruited as their disciples.

Even Yue Hongling, who was peeping on Liang Shang, was a little suspicious, but continued to listen out of her trust in Zhao Changhe. She felt that people like Zhao Changhe were actually the same as her at heart. They looked lawless but were actually chivalrous and righteous. No matter what his choice, he should not join an organization like Maitreya Cult, unless he had no idea about the situation of Maitreya Cult and was deceived. If this really happens, you have to find an opportunity to remind him.

But I heard Fa Yuandao: “The donor may have heard that… Buddhism was once widespread in the world and Buddhism was prosperous. More than ten years ago, the current emperor carried out an unpopular move to destroy the Buddha. Within ten days, the pagoda was destroyed. All were destroyed, the temples were burned down, and the monks returned to secular life, causing the Buddha’s teachings to wither.”

Zhao Changhe saw such a stroke when he was reading, but he was too sleepy to read it and didn’t know the details. Perhaps subconsciously, he felt that it was not unusual for people like Xia Longyuan to destroy Buddhas…

Then he asked: “But temples are still being built openly now, is there no problem? In other words, the scale is not large. When traveling north and south, I don’t see many temples, and I don’t seem to have heard of any strong martial arts sects. Buddhism, oh, I don’t know if it counts.”

Fayuan shook his head and said: “Since it is unpopular, it is naturally difficult to sustain it. There were too many protests from the government and the public, and the emperor could not insist on his own way. So he gradually relaxed, and then there was a resurgence. However, before the resurgence, The Maitreya religion has been developing secretly for a long time.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Because you practice at home in the name of association, so you are highly concealed and not easy to be hit?”

“Yes…but more importantly, we have closed the Proverbs.”

“What motto?”

“Naturally, it was Maitreya who became a Buddha.” Fayuan’s expression was solemn at this time, and he obviously believed it very much: “‘Sakyamuni Buddha has declined, but Maitreya Buddha will uphold the world’… This motto had already appeared before the emperor destroyed the Buddha. , isn’t it right for the emperor to destroy the Buddha? The leader is the reincarnation of Maitreya from the last era, coming to lead our Mahayana.”

The monks all around were chanting with their hands clasped together, looking enthusiastic.

Damn these cults… Zhao Changhe is extremely speechless. In his opinion, these eight poles cannot be defeated. Even if they can be defeated, it is just a coincidence. Even if it is not a coincidence, something more awesome can make Sakyamuni decline. Xia Longyuan! But they can fanatically believe in Maitreya. It seems that they are not fools…

Of course, you have to look very interested: “If so, maybe your leader really has mastered the ancient secret?”

“Yes, who among today’s warriors is not pursuing the ancient times? Every sect claims to be the legend of the ancient times, but only our Maitreya Sect has mastered the secret of the true Buddha.”

“What is the evidence?”

Fa Yuan smiled mysteriously: “Just like your meridian formation problem, I believe that no other sect has a solution, but we do.”

Zhao Changhe’s heart beat violently and he subconsciously held his breath.

Who would have thought in advance that he would actually hear the problems that had troubled him throughout his martial arts life here, and that he would have a solution!

Even Yue Hongling screamed inwardly, she knew very well that this was indeed the most fatal temptation for Zhao Changhe, much more tempting than ten thousand fake Yue Hongling.

Seeing Zhao Changhe’s expression, Fayuan smiled complacently and began to speculate: “Of course, this is not something that cannot be obtained by a Bodhisattva. Donor Zhao, please go back and study Buddhism first. Maybe the position of the Ten Abode Bodhisattvas will be yours.”

Zhao Changhe took a deep breath to calm down and said dullly: “I have never read a single Buddhist scripture, how can I study it?”

Fa Yuan’s smile became even more ambiguous: “Buddha has a destiny. Since the donor is destined to us, we will have people teach the meaning of the scriptures. Maybe the donor will have new surprises.”


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