Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 107: Yangzhou Slow


Chapter 107 Yangzhou Slow

“It turns out to be Brother Zhao from Qianlong Eighty-eight. It’s really thunderous.” The big man Wan Dongliu said with a smile: “I wonder where Brother Zhao is going? It’s better to meet by chance than to meet. Our chief rudder is in Yangzhou ahead, so why not Going into town for a drink? ”

“Wait a minute, Brother Wan, right? Please wait a moment, let me ask you something.” Zhao Changhe jumped off the horse and grabbed the thin man: “What is this bloodthirsty Shura?”

Wan Dongliu: “…”

The thin man’s leg was broken and he was writhing in pain. Who would have thought that this was what Zhao Changhe was struggling with? He reluctantly said: “You, don’t you have the Blood Demon Kung Fu or the Blood Demon Sword Technique? I heard people say that when you chop people, their eyes will turn red. There is also a trick that looks like cannibalism. A broad knife can cut as many as There is no intact corpse for you to oppose… If you are not bloodthirsty, who is bloodthirsty?”

“…Forget it about being bloodthirsty, why is he a Shura again? It’s a bit earthy.”

Wan Dongliu: “…”

What are you struggling with? Is the nickname nice?

The thin man was so painful that he broke into a cold sweat: “That’s what the Buddhas of the Maitreya religion said, saying that Shura is an ancient evil god, infinitely powerful, irritable and aggressive…”

Zhao Changhe opened his mouth and closed it again.

Why does it seem so appropriate?

The thin man continued: “…Asuras are divided into male and female, and the male ones are ugly.”

Zhao Changhe was furious: “I and the Maitreya Sect are at odds with each other!”

Shouzi and Wan Dongliu were obviously enemies, but they had the same attitude towards this matter, and they both thought it was a perfect fit.

There is only a wrong name, how can there be a wrong nickname…

The two people who were incompatible with each other didn’t take it seriously. Wan Dongliu laughed: “Brother Zhao, it’s just a nickname. If Brother Zhao is not satisfied, he might as well come up with one himself. To be honest, it’s me who promotes nicknames for others. Caobang is good at it. Many of the Jade Faced Divine Sword Little White Dragons are passed down from here. There are already over a hundred Little White Dragons.”

Zhao Changhe’s eyes lit up: “Is there still this trick?”

“Not bad.” Wan Dongliu said with a smile: “How about it, what does Brother Zhao want to be called?”

Zhao Changhe is stuck. He has never thought of this. If he had known it, he would have asked Tang Wanzhuang to help him think of one. She is educated.

“Forget it, since I have Brother Wan as a channel, let me think about it slowly.” Zhao Changhe got on the horse again: “Is Yangzhou ahead?”

“Not bad.” Wan Dongliu picked up the thin man and said with a smile: “This man stole an important thing from our Cao Gang. Fortunately, Brother Zhao helped to catch him. I need to capture him first and go back to deliver the mission. Brother Zhao enters the city. Just tell me Wan Dongliu’s name, and I’ll be an honored guest wherever you go!”

After saying that, he bowed his hands and walked into the water with the thin man in his arms.

Damn it, everyone knows how to tread water. Zhao Changhe felt that his ability to tread water was getting tighter and thinner.

But this is not actually a matter of treading on blood without leaving a trace. It is possible to tread on blood without leaving a trace. It is because his internal strength has not kept up. If his internal strength is not up to that level, naturally everything he steps on becomes heavy.

But these two guys who looked like random passers-by were actually more capable than him. Zhao Changhe at least knew who Wan Dongliu was.

The young leader of the Cao Gang, the fifth level of Xuan Guan, Qian Long 70, just a little lower than Han Wubing, a little higher than Zhao Changhe. Judging from this Qinggong, his internal strength is also that of a man who enters the palace, and is not a layman like he looks on the outside.

There are still many heroes in the world. Isn’t that what I want to see… Since my fate is here, I might as well see what the Caobang is like, which I didn’t plan to see.

The sadness caused by what I saw and heard on the road in the past few days was temporarily stored in my heart. I really can’t do anything about those things now. Even if you plan to do something in the future, you must first understand the world clearly.

This river is not the main canal, but a small tributary. It is not wide, otherwise the two of them would not be able to cross it. A river that is not wide often means that there should be a bridge on the river… Zhao Changhe reined in his horse and took a detour. As expected, he found a stone arch bridge not far away and rode his horse across the bridge leisurely.

So what kind of water are you treading on… Damn, when I get better at it, I’ll step on it too!

Not far ahead is Yangzhou, one of the most important cities in Jiangbei. It is also a place with the same place name and humanities as the Qinghe River… In terms of humanities, it is no problem to directly say that this is Jiangnan.

Zhao Changhe stepped into the city gate and felt some fate in his heart. Not long ago, I was talking to Han Wubing about carrying wine with a sword and slender waist in the palm of my hand, and in a blink of an eye, the dream of Yangzhou is approaching, who is the unlucky person?

What’s interesting is that the outside is thousands of miles desolate, but the inside of the city has the flavor that was originally imagined, a bit like it has sucked up the blood outside to support the city. So this prosperity becomes a bit ironic.

This place is almost as lively as Qinghe County, but the cultural differences are very big. I don’t know if the Cui family in Qinghe wants to tell a moral heirloom. The overall atmosphere looks very steady and serious, and the architectural tones are also more solemn and solemn. That kind of thing. But here and now, I can only feel the smoke and willows all over the city, and the wind and flowers everywhere.

Dama was crossing the bridge in the city, and he stopped to look at the horse. On the many buildings on the left and right sides of the inland river, the girls looked up eagerly. When they saw his gaze coming towards him, they all waved their sleeves to invite him, and covered their mouths with smiles.

At that time, I was a young man with thin spring clothes, riding a horse and leaning on a leaning bridge, with red sleeves and red sleeves all over the building.

The quality is much better than that of Jianhu City, and the overall atmosphere is also much better. Zhao Changhe, who had already returned the poems to the teacher, couldn’t help but burst out with picturesque poetry. No wonder being rich with a hundred thousand dollars and riding a crane to Yangzhou is really a man’s paradise.

I don’t know where the Twenty-Four Bridge is, oh, maybe it may not exist in this world, but it must exist…

“This young master, please stay in our Xiaoxiang Pavilion. Our girl is the most famous in the city. Don’t worry about the young master’s good horse. We have the best fodder and the most exquisite care…”

Zhao Changhe withdrew his mind from the surroundings and said with a smile: “In the south of the Yangtze River, what is Xiaoxiang?”

“Eh? Young Master is an elegant man! We call it foreign taste… uh…” As Zhao Changhe turned his head, the face of the madam changed and his voice began to stutter: “This scar… bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty Shura Zhao Changhe…”

Zhao Changhe’s smile suddenly disappeared.

“What’s the matter? Have I, a vicious person, affected the style and public order of your restaurant?”

“No, that’s not the case…” The old bustard said with a smile: “We don’t know how to welcome a celebrity like the young master.”

“Really?” Zhao Changhe dismounted: “Then I really will live here.”

The madam secretly complained in her heart. She was not afraid of affecting the style, but it was true that she was afraid of affecting the public order. If such a vicious person really made trouble with anyone inside, the building might be demolished. She composed herself and said with an apologetic smile: “Sir, please come in. Our Xiaoxiang Pavilion also respects Caobang. Maybe we still have friends with you.”

This was pointing out that he had a backstage. Zhao Changhe laughed, and just as he was about to speak, loud laughter came from the street corner: “Hahaha, Brother Zhao also likes Hunan flavor, not bad, not bad, this Xiaoxiang restaurant is our Caobang Yes, Brother Zhao, just have fun and use it all on Wan!”

I bet you really have a relationship with our Cao Gang… The Madam’s expression turned into awe, and she smiled apologetically and said, “Young Gang Leader.”

Wan Dongliu strode over and patted Zhao Changhe on the shoulder enthusiastically: “Come on, come on, I’m treating you. Let Brother Zhao see our Yangzhou enthusiasm first!”

Why are you everywhere… Do you want people to pay attention to you when you enter the city? Once I come in, I will report you wherever I go? This level of enthusiasm is a bit too much for me.

Zhao Changhe changed his mind and wanted to see what was going on with this person, so he did not refuse and said with a smile: “Then it is better to obey my order than to be respectful. Brother Wan, please.”

Transitional chapter


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