This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 988: Interlaced

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

[The shield capacitor energy remaining is 0%…]


With an earth-shaking roar, Ye Shi felt as if his consciousness had been blown out by a truck, and he was in a trance, as if he were watching a slide show through frosted glass.

The scientific research ship seemed to have hit something, and then he saw boiling flames and an anxious face.

And then——

The cockpit suddenly became dark.

A blinding darkness enveloped everything, swallowing up all light like a black hole.

Following this, his consciousness also fell into an invisible abyss.

It’s impossible to say which thing happened first, or maybe they both happened at the same time.

Instead of being disconnected, he fell into a coma in the game. This was probably the first time Ye Shi had encountered such a strange situation after playing the game for so long.

And this coma feeling is also very strange. His consciousness has not been cut off, but he is just unable to connect to his five senses.

Is it because the coma function hasn’t been implemented yet?

Ye Shi tried to analyze it in his mind, but based on his understanding of A Guang, this possibility was very small.

There is only one possibility——

I triggered the plot myself!

Thinking of this, Ye Shi, who was facing the “black hole”, had no fear in his heart, but instead had a faint expectation.

However, it didn’t take long for that trace of expectation to turn into apprehension during the long wait.

Even panicked.

He thought that he was not alone on that scientific research ship.

And that guy…

A trace of throbbing came to my heart, and Ye Shi couldn’t help but curse.

“What the hell…what happened?”

Of course he couldn’t make a sound.

Pure consciousness echoed in the nothingness that was more empty than a vacuum, and all he could hear was soundless silence.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally a faint sound reached his “ears”.


That seemed to be his heartbeat.

The faint sound was like the rain after a long drought, which made the restless Ye Shi feel a burst of ecstasy.

He used all his strength to stretch out his non-existent hand, grabbed the straw floating on the water, and chased the trance-like voice with all his strength.

To me——

Wake up!

He shouted silently in his heart.

Even if he wasn’t sure if it made any sense.

Maybe I was just pushing hard against a wall——

Maybe he is actually dead.

The persistent efforts seemed to have finally yielded results. The darkness seemed to be no longer so dark, replaced by a blur of gray.

The lost five senses seem to be returning, and more and more voices are coming through the invisible fog.

First, hearing.

Then there is touch.

What he didn’t expect, however, was that a bone-chilling coldness enveloped his whole body the moment he regained his sense of touch, making him shiver from the cold.

So cold…

It felt like falling into an ice cave.

At this moment, Ye Shi only had this thought in his mind. Just as he was about to blurt out, “I’m freezing to death,” he heard intermittent sounds blowing on the gray mist.

The sound came from a very close place.

In order to hear more clearly, he held his breath involuntarily, but he still only heard a few words.

“Ye Shi…”

“It’s so cold here.”

“A sneeze——”



Before Ye Shi could carefully hear what the voice was saying, dazzling white light shone on his retinas for an instant.

The shining light almost blinded him, causing him to subconsciously raise his arms to cover it.

As he raised his hand, fine ice shards were carried out by his sleeves and splashed on his face, causing him to groan uncontrollably.


The cold touch made him jump again, and the noisy sound amplified and became extremely clear in an instant, and poured into his ears.

“He woke up.”

“What kind of clothes is this guy wearing…”

“Never seen it.”

“How could anyone lie down in a dormant cabin like this… What a nonsense.”

There were whispers all around.

They all speak Renlian dialect, but their pronunciation is slightly different from that of the Wastelanders, and they appear to be more formal and rounded.

Ye Shi slowly moved his arm in front of him and looked around.

I saw him lying in a sleeping cabin with the hatch open and surrounded by a spacious hall.

Soft incandescent light shines on the silver-gray alloy floor tiles. The walls and ceiling on all sides seem to be made of alloy, but they do not appear cold or lacking in emotion.

Since there was no window that could directly see the outside, Ye Shi could not confirm where he was.

But there is actually no need to confirm…

There is no doubt that this is the Orion guided missile cruiser.

What confused him was the group of people standing in front of him.

The crowds of people blocked the entrance to the room. A rough count included at least fifty or sixty people.

The pairs of eyes stared at him intently, some were filled with worry, some were filled with curiosity, and some were out of sympathy or other inexplicable emotions.

At this time, a man wearing a military exoskeleton walked through the crowd and walked in front of him, staring directly into his eyes with a pair of sharp eyes.

“Who are you?”

Ye Shi did not answer, but silently lowered his head and glanced at his chest.

He was only wearing a blue jacket, and the “Xiaguang” power armor was gone.

Then he raised his head and looked at the people in front of him. He saw that they were wearing silver-gray clothes, which were very similar to those in the academy, but not exactly the same. On their arms were printed the words People’s Alliance, Air and Space Force. armband.

At eleven o’clock in the night, I felt that my imagination was a bit insufficient, and I froze on the spot.

But soon, the man standing in front of him woke him up and repeated it in a serious tone.

“Tell me your name, identity, and purpose.”

Seemingly feeling that his tone was too harsh, the other crew members standing nearby criticized the guy in turn.

“Hey, don’t scare other people’s children.”

“Looking at him, it’s obvious that he doesn’t know why he is here.”

At this time, a beautiful elder sister squatted in front of him, looked at him with concern and asked.

“Are you okay?”

The black hair swayed not far in front of her face, and under the thin bangs was a face with soft lines but heroic appearance.

Ye Shi is a little confused.

Although he is indeed quite young, he would never be called a child.

The Adam’s apple moved and he said.

“I’m…not sure.”

This is the truth.

He really couldn’t figure out what was going on.

The older lady was not discouraged. She looked into his eyes with bright eyes and said patiently.

“My name is Lin Youyou, and I am the doctor on duty in the seventh department of this starship…that is, the medical and life support department. We don’t mean any harm, can you tell me your name?”

“Ye Shi…”

Hearing the name, the man standing aside with his arms folded whistled in ridicule.

“Sounds like a codename.”

Another crew member also said with a smile.

“Hey, I don’t think this kid looks like a civilian. Do you think he is a spy of the slime mold protection organization?”

“Although it sounds a bit nonsense, this possibility cannot be ruled out.”

The man wearing the exoskeleton obviously felt the same way. He stared at Ye Shi intently. Although his hand was not holding the gun, it was placed not far away from the weapon.

“Shut up.”

Lin Youyou turned around and glared at the two of them, warning them to shut up, and then looked at Ye Shi again.

“Tell sister, is this your name?”

Ye Shi Lao’s face turned red, but he still insisted stubbornly.

“This is my name… Of course, my parents named me Ye Wei.”

There is no need to say the complete nickname, and no one usually calls out such a long list of names. It will only increase unnecessary misunderstandings and communication costs.

He is interesting enough.

He even confessed his real name in reality.

What Ling Ye Shi didn’t expect was that after he said he had two names, the people around him relaxed a little on their guard.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the background introduction of “Wasteland OL” mentioned something in an inconspicuous chapter——

It was very popular in the People’s League era to give yourself a new name when you reach adulthood.

This is a bit like the circle names of people in niche cultural circles in reality. Many people use online names to communicate on a daily basis. Except for sending and receiving express delivery, they rarely use their real names a few times throughout the year, so that even pronouncing their own names feels strange. .

As if she believed what he said, Lin Youyou looked into his eyes and continued.

“Are you hurt?”

“Maybe… I’m not sure either,” Ye Shi vaguely underestimated and sat up straight from the sleeping cabin, “My mind is very messed up… I’m not in a good state… It’s weird here, Can you let me out first? I don’t want to lie down and talk.”

“We are planning to do this, but I have to make sure you are not injured first… Come, let me help you.”

Looking at Ye Shi who straightened up, Lin Youyou stood up from the ground and reached out to help him out of the dormant cabin.

“Thank you.”

Ye Shi, who emerged from the crumbs of ice and stood on the ground with both feet, politely said thank you, then turned his gaze to his feet, then looked around, his expression gradually becoming astonished.

“We…are we on Earth?”

Hearing these words, the surrounding crew members exchanged glances, including Lin Youyou’s eyes that became a little strange.

However, the gentle voice did not change. She still looked at Ye Shi with her sincere eyes and asked softly.

“Why do you think we are on Earth?”

“Isn’t this obvious?” Ye Shi stomped on the ice on his shoes and replied without thinking, “There is gravity here…and it is no different from when it is on the ground, isn’t it?”

Lin Youyou was stunned.

The people next to him were also stunned.

As if he heard something funny, a burst of laughter came from the crowd.

“I guess this is the first time this child has traveled far away. He has never heard of artificial gravity.”

Seeing Ye Shi looking at him, the man with short yellow hair and a long face smiled and said hello.

“Kaola, the engineering director of the fourth department… cough, I mean the engineering and maintenance department.”

There was no hint of any malice in that hearty smile.

These guys seemed to like joking more than the players. Ye Shi suddenly felt that it was him, the player, who seemed a little cautious.

“Koala…is that animal?”

The man said with a smile.

“Haha, that’s right! That guy is my mascot and saved my life when I was a kid.”

Ye Shi suddenly became curious about how this guy was saved by a koala when he was a child.

But before he could ask, the man in the exoskeleton coughed, interrupting their banter.

“This is a military area after all, and an unrelated person with an unknown identity has appeared. I think it is better for us to be more serious.”

When he said this, the man stared at Ye Shi seriously and continued.

“How did you break in here?”

“How do I know?” Ye Shi patted his head and couldn’t help but complain, “Damn… is there a bug?”

Wrong into the map that Aguang hasn’t made yet?


Is it just stuck on my side?

He slapped his head hard again, trying to wake himself up from this weird dream.

The doctor named Lin Youyou looked at him worriedly and wanted to stop his movements, but the latter reached out and pushed him away.

The man in the exoskeleton frowned and stared at the guy pretending to be crazy.

“You don’t know? Don’t know how you got here?”

Ye Shi complained.

“That’s right! I don’t know anything. I was originally on a scientific research ship…the kind of ship that could barely fit thirty people into it. But when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a sleep cabin. inside, and then there are you all standing around, looking at me like a koala in a zoo!”

The guy named Koala touched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, and said “Is there any?” as if in self-reflection, then scratched his head and muttered “I’m sorry.”

Others also exchanged glances with different expressions and whispered something in a low voice.

Only the man in the exoskeleton was still staring at him with sharp eyes.

The sight was like a sharp knife, the edge emerging from the restrained scabbard.

“You’d better tell the truth.”

Ye Shi was not frightened, so he would not let this guy go and retaliate unceremoniously.

“What I’m telling you is the truth! It’s you who refuse to tell the truth! What about Seven Parts, Four Parts… I’m totally confused! Come on, are you gods or people from the Enlightenment Society?”

That guy is still on the research ship.

He can be sure that what he heard just now was her voice!

He has to go back and save her!

The man wearing the exoskeleton was stunned for a moment, and the sharpness in his eyes calmed down a bit.

“Heavenly beings? Enlightenment meeting? What is that…”

He has never heard of these two words at all.

The only enemy of the People’s Federation is Gaia.

There are also those radical organizations that betrayed humanity and tried to hand over the prosperous world to Gaia.

Ye Shi’s chest heaved violently, breathing heavily as he stared at the guy in the exoskeleton.

He suddenly felt that this person looked familiar, but for a while he couldn’t remember where he had seen him before.

Lin Youyou stared blankly at the suddenly manic young man in front of her, and then glared sternly at the man wearing an exoskeleton.

“That’s enough. He is my patient. I know you have your difficulties, but at least let me cure his disease first——”

“I’m not a **** patient! I’m not sick!”

“…not crazy!”

Interrupting her mid-sentence, Ye Shi stared at the man in the exoskeleton and continued speaking word by word.

“I am Ye Shi! Ye Shi of the Alliance! Ye Shi of the Burning Corps! Stop playing charades with me. My identity has been told to you. Tell me now, immediately! Who are you!”

The surrounding air became quiet.

And it was completely quiet.

However, the silence did not last long, and the whispers soon spread again.


“The Burning Legion?”

“What is that?”

“Does the People’s Federation have this establishment?”

“Are you kidding? How could it be possible?”

“This kid must have damaged his brain by playing games.”

“Wait a minute, his clothes… look a bit like what’s in the shelter’s brochure.”

“Really or fake?”

“Even if it’s true, there’s nothing surprising about it. It’s just a blue variable-temperature jacket. I might have two sets in my closet.”

The whispering voice made Ye Shi freeze on the spot, as if his brain had been struck by lightning.


Never heard of it?

A terrifying idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Did he… travel through time? !


This sounds too ridiculous.

He would rather believe that he is locked up in some virtual space similar to the Matrix, and the purpose is to squeeze his memory.

If this inference is correct, it at least means that Jiang Xuezhou is still alive.

In the crowd, a tall and thin man with plain glasses on his nose rubbed his chin with his index finger, staring at the young man standing in the middle of the crowd with an expression that had seen a ghost.

His name is Wu Xinghuan, he is the leader of the fifth department of the Orion guided missile cruiser, the space science team of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and he is also a Ph.D. in physics.

In order to cope with the weird and changeable cosmic environment, each starship will be equipped with at least one theoretical physicist, who will be responsible for conducting scientific risk assessments of some strategic deployments and navigation actions that may be risky.

To put it simply, it is similar to the ship’s chaplain in the early Age of Discovery.

After all, if something beyond the scope of human cognition really happened, it would be difficult for a mere theoretical physicist to do anything. At most, he could comfort everyone,

He hasn’t said a word since just now, but now he is mumbling something to himself.

“This guy…could he be…”


This is too unbelievable.

At this moment, the impact on his brain was no less than that of the young man in front of him who was confused about the situation, so that his cognition, knowledge and even beliefs were shaken…

A “time traveler” stood in front of him and boldly told him what would happen in the future.

This is ridiculous!

The education he has received and the research he has conducted have repeatedly warned him of an iron law, and this iron law has never been falsified——

The passage of time may be uneven in different spaces, but it must be irreversible!

There is no reason for this.

Because time is not an objective thing in the universe, but a human-defined scalar used to record the movement of matter and the sequence of changes.

If time is reversible and “things that happen later” happen before “things that happen first”, then the concepts of first and last lose their meaning.

In other words, if time is reversible, then time itself does not exist…

With his trembling index finger, Wu Xinghuan took off the plain glasses on the bridge of his nose, took out the glasses cloth and wiped them vigorously before putting them back on so that he could see more clearly.

He couldn’t wait to return to Earth immediately and announce this amazing discovery to everyone!

At this moment, Dr. Wu is the only one who thinks of the possibility of “time travel”.

Most people present, including the “time traveler” himself, may not realize what happened.

Looking at the guy pretending to be crazy, the man in the exoskeleton decided to end the riddle and stared into his eyes.

“This is the Orion guided missile cruiser. My name is Luo Yi. I am a noncommissioned officer of the space combat team under the weapons and defense department, with the rank of sergeant.”

“You said I didn’t tell you anything. Now I tell you who we are and where we are. I advise you to honestly explain your own problems and tell me how you appeared here. Now tell me frankly. You may still get leniency.”

Luo Yi…

Hearing this name, Ye Shi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and the killing intent in his body was instantly released.

He said how he felt he had seen this guy before.

I spent a long time working on the memory fragment of the Enlightenment disciple named Flynn.

The disciple of the Enlightenment who hijacked the scientific research ship.

Also the guy who fired the neutron torpedo at them!

Obviously aware of the killing intent, Luo Yi looked stunned and his right hand had already fallen on the stun gun.

However, before his hand could touch the stun gun, a roaring fist flew towards him.

“I’m so **** crazy!!!”

The speed was so fast that people had no time to react, but Luo Yi was an active soldier after all, and he was also a soldier who had undergone genetic and prosthetic modifications. He was also wearing a military exoskeleton, so it was naturally impossible to be knocked down by a punch.

The fist hit his exoskeleton, and the incredible impact made him take half a step back subconsciously.

Luo Yi’s eyes glowed with light.

“You are indeed not a civilian——”

“I am your father!”

Ye Shi roared angrily, and the flashing arc of electricity penetrated the air, lashing towards him like a whip.

There were exclamations all around, and everyone stepped back.

“No! Calm down!” Lin Youyou exclaimed, trying to pull them apart, but was held back by a colleague on the side.

Ye Shi didn’t pay attention to the shouts from the side.

He has avoided irrelevant people, the only person he wants to kill is the guy in front of him!

However, what he didn’t expect was that the opponent seemed to predict his attack, and easily blocked the flickering arc with a raised hand.

The exoskeleton seemed to have the function of absorbing static electricity, and Ye Shi’s heart sank slightly.

Blocking this ferocious fatal blow, Luo Yi, who had his arms in front of him, kneeled forward without hesitation, attacking his chest with lightning speed.

Although he had predicted the attack from the opposite side, Ye Shi had just woken up from a coma, and his body did not keep up with his brain’s reaction, and his chest was firmly hit by the blow.

The huge impact pushed him backwards and hit the open sleeping cabin sideways, almost causing him to fall off the line.

But what surprised him was also this——

He actually didn’t disconnect.


Could it be that…

Ye Shi’s face suddenly changed when he realized something, and at this moment, a gun was already pointed at his head.

“Prosthetic transformation, bionic version, and installed with attack plug-ins. I admit that this is cool, you can discharge electricity with just a snap of your fingers, but you are breaking the law, young man.” Luo Yi held the pistol and looked down at him, “I I wanted to have a good chat with you, or do you prefer this kind of conversation?”


Ye Shi cursed and uttered a real-life swear word, then closed his eyes and muttered silently to log off.

In fact, there is no need to recite silently at all.

After playing “Wasteland OL” for so long, he has already mastered the knack of going online and offline, and can return to the real world with just a thought.

But something unexpected happened to him.

And that was what he was most worried about.

The heavy touch did not appear on the top of his head, but gushed out from between his eyebrows and spread throughout his body.

He is still online, but his body is as heavy as lead, just like before waking up from the hibernation capsule.

Ye Shi, who had never experienced such a situation before, was completely panicked and almost knelt down in front of the dog planner.

“Damn it! Brother Guang, please don’t mess with me!”

This joke is not funny at all.

He can’t go down!


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