This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 959: Hero

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

【You Borneo people, calm down, I gave you something to check and balance the alliance, to be “our South China Sea Alliance”, not to kill yourselves! Hey, I can’t stand it anymore! / Wan Jin E Dian] [Understood! Understood! Let’s go ahead and kill as few people as possible!

One by one Shezhou, Dian]

/A towel E electricity]

In Dawn City, outside the airport, soldiers wearing exoskeletons were standing ready. Players and river valley survivors not far away were watching with expressions of excitement.

This is martyrdom! “You are interested in participating in political matters.”

If the association turns into another kind of family association, either Amou Yuanchen will be forced to become the last Zha Chuguang, or my successor will be more sinister and cruel than Zha Chuguang and Yanush combined…

Ruby blinked and looked at her father curiously.

“Your volunteers even helped them block the Southern Army. What else do they want you to do? Do they really want to be your colony?”

Sawa, who was once an “adopted son”, had some thoughts before hearing about it. It’s a pity to live in a province!

“The debt will be wiped out after the person dies. The debt will be repaid if the person is recruited. The old man will return the big dog cage, and the wife and husband will take the boat ten gallons at a time to accompany the guest until death.”

Nowadays, the residents of Boulder City have survived the cold winter and lived a comfortable life. They still have some spare time to follow the players and distribute the surplus resources to other people in need. , to complete the realization of your own value.

The war will probably start in a short time. Recently, many excellent and capable Weirant people came to Settlement No. 1.

Everything is just like in the rain today

“You can’t put up the castle when you plant her! Build the castle under the table! Then the mother will hold her brother down! As for Ruby…you can’t stand under the chair 1”

That thing can be done by oneself, no one in the bureau can do it, and it just so happens that the Arman gang has no relationship with Lacy.

The underlying logic is not that the better people are, the worse off they are, and the more bottom-line people have, the lower they climb. It was just me, and everyone who stayed underground also became angry with the crowd. However, Shawar’s last words made everyone outside despair.

Big Ruby, who was playing with building blocks at home, accidentally destroyed the newly built castle. Thinking of her efforts all afternoon, she started to cry sadly.

We just used a thousand pillars as the core and evolved a set of underlying logic that serves the law of the jungle.

Margery’s eyes flashed with anger, and she continued speaking in a high voice. Such as liquidation. “Does he know what you think 7”

After thinking about it, this guy will definitely play well when he returns to Tiandu, why should he give Zha Chuguang the favor?

At this moment, the residents of Tiandu are waiting quietly on both sides of the road, welcoming our new king. They still know what hardships we will experience in the rest of our lives.

“…If I had known he was going to play today, you would have let him get drunk before leaving.

I plan to go to Yi Zhaojin Galen and find Kunal’s old subordinate Anwo. It was a by-product of human cloning cannon fodder research.

You have to lead us with a carrot, then whip our butts hard with a whip, and watch us cry, laugh, laugh, and make noise.

Port of Kingallen. “It was you who hurt him! Ahhhh 1”

I did listen to what the boss was doing outside, but I was also willing to listen, so I stayed there from day to dawn.

This is a name that is cowardly, vicious, humble, and full of wisdom.

“Mom and dad are just outside the house… We are going anywhere today, just with your nasty big Ruby.”

The study room of a house on Tulip Street.

After about seven or eight minutes, the weak mother finally lifted Po Jiang’s tearful eyes.

“Young man… Do you want to kill this Asin? But I have a choice. It’s really hard for those little scholars to come up with so few crimes. Margery stood beside me, He said in a deep voice. The Zhan Construction Committee wants me to – “You are Zha Chuguang who has stepped down, and you are a family member in the opposition.

My status outside that house can only be ranked eighth, and in a few months I will be ranked seventh.

This bad guy is our hero!

To be honest, Margaery has never done anything so serious before. The boss always told us to do things with dignity, so that we can get things done perfectly. But when I think about what those gangsters did, I get so angry that I can really break through my own bottom line.

No archangel will come to me by then.

Under the Silver Moon Goddess, I will definitely love this archangel badly and give me the most beautiful and bad things in the world.

Kunal…but in the end I still want to understand why the Brahmin wanted to kill me. It seems that the version has been updated. We want to “rebel Tiangang.” But Shawar looked at me and the people in front of me with an expression on his face.

This Grove is currently holding a small army of 400,000 men and is eyeing the shield in Lion State, and can mobilize another 400,000 men at any time!

But the Alliance is obviously qualified to be that alien.

“Notify all branches of the Arman Gang and tell them that their family members will be killed when necessary. You will listen to whatever is in charge. If anyone is bribed by it or works for it, you will kill everyone in my family!”

“Since it was the path they chose, it will be their own fault.

“Mom forgot to get the milk…Dad, go find it for you. Can’t Ruby just stay there obediently7”

“Dad, she lost the money again”

Hearing the child’s cry, Busek, who had just brought breakfast off the table, quickly walked over, lovingly picked up Big Ruby from the ground, patted your front and comforted you.

His Majesty in the Eastern Empire has been very satisfied with Zha Chuguang recently. Maybe I can’t trouble the brothers here to help look for him, maybe everyone will be a little angry…

Seeing the murderous parents, Sava, who was harmful to humans and animals, finally breathed a sigh of relief and put the broken letter of confession back outside the drawer for a while.

I will send my family to Dawn City, and then fight with us there until I have to go under the knife! Fight until I bury myself out of the coffin!

For the latter, the feelings of the “strong group” have been hurt again and again. For the former, the economy of Settlement No. 1 will grow rapidly.

When the door opened, I saw that the circles under Xiaolu’s eyes were white, indicating that she had no heart problems.

There are many compatriots of this gentleman living in Settlement No. 1. We are victims of this war just like the displaced Weiland people.

“From being a child with a low wheel, we will spend the rest of our lives paying for the sins we have committed, until an entire generation dies in a cycle of revelry and fear.”

The “Daily Survivor” in Settlement No. 1 did not put that news on the front page, but it did put it on the next page, and included a photo of the young officer.

“Don’t be like this… They are pitiful people too. I just want some peace and quiet.” Whether he is crying or not… his mother will accompany him to build a smaller castle later. Margaery even used torture to kill all of this man with just one sentence – except for the silence, there is nothing we living people can do for this gentleman. Shah Rukh hesitated about his thoughts. It was only me who hesitated about his thoughts.

I hope that my children can be like this person, with a cold heart, waiting for anyone’s salvation, but becoming the torch that illuminates myself and others.

Shava vaguely remembers that the next time we praised Lacy and Agopal, and supported the Family Association and the Moon Clan Resistance Army.

“Yes, if I am not valuable, Udi will let me go… Since it is Lacy who wants to let me go, let me go back to Tiandu and let me look at myself with my own eyes. These bad things


This man was stunned for a moment, obviously knowing that there was no such thing in the past, and everyone also calmed down. Haiya Province, Settlement No. 1. And Lacy was me hiding outside the sewer. The only thing I could see was the moonlight by raising my head.

My players tried to wake up some hibernating comrades from outside, and they did succeed in waking up some people.

There were voices of criticism, and Duke Jarawa in the distance shook his head and sighed.

Big Ruby suddenly looked at her mother seriously, and looked serious, as if she really wasn’t such a business person.

Although the whole project was strongly praised by the Borneo people in Settlement No. 1, when we saw the beautiful model house built, we still ran over and bought it honestly, and then became the whole threat. Supporter of the Lant Street project.

Big Ruby nodded blankly, but as if remembering what a bad memory was, a fearful expression appeared on her face.

The hopeful faces finally looked up, their eyes filled with hope.

If the majestic emperor still wants to get involved with rats like himself, use good people to control bad people, and watch villains like “Vikram” lecture his people instead of speaking out, then he is finished. .

“Dear, he is thinking about things at work again7”

In addition to textbooks, we can’t have some better things to consume our strong energy, exercise our intelligence and hands-on ability, and leave some good and bad memories for our childhood.

The bad thing is that this group of people are so hesitant about their beliefs. After all, those who really care about her will light a fire and run away, but die as martyrdom.

Shava originally wanted to just listen and leave, but he thought that if those people got their wish, they would chase after me and block the train again.

It is to break that cage. Not to mention that the ideas of the alliance are as useful as those of tens of thousands of aliens in the light years doing charity. The ideas of retreating first will be based on this core set of “Tao” and be transformed. For “the art of controlling people”

The latter is the commander-in-chief of the Gray Wolf Army with 100,000 elite troops, and the former is the dismissed commander-in-chief of the Shezhou Theater. The two of them are preceded by the “Butcher” Pikli Wanfu, a minor hero who has not been defending the war for a long time. Long time companionship.

At most, save my bones. Margaery had been standing guard at the door of the study, closing her eyes and keeping silent, as if she was meditating.


Among the crowd of onlookers, I saw a group of well-dressed people lying on the ground, their foreheads pressed against the mud.

Children will be children after all. “It’s so funny… When Zaid first came out, wasn’t it just these people?” “Have you, how dare you… Eat slowly, your breakfast will be cold if you eat it again.”

Looking at Busek’s red and swollen eyes, Shah Rukh held her shoulders and stroked your silky hair heavily.

In addition, I recently worked in internal affairs and heard about a technology that can affect the development of the fetal cerebellum and activate post-historic genetic diseases hidden in the DNA code that were originally expressed.

Thanks to the shelter residents, children of the new era no longer need to pick up trash in the wasteland like our fathers did.

Including myself. Perhaps we have found a **** more worthy of worship. “Why…is that like that? Didn’t we plant her in our war?” As for the Moon Clan Resistance Army, Udi will naturally deal with us.

With a dark smile on my face, I put my arm under the shoulder of another person. This person is probably the commander of the Death Corps… This should be an old photo of Xiao Jie in Akale County.

“Money, technology, ideas, culture, talents, factories, railways, schools, tanks, planes and cannons, even the “manager’s diary” that Lowell and others have written or forgotten to write, you also do everything for them Maybe they have made up for it, but they are not satisfied with anything yet7″

Like a long, long time later, I threw the newspaper under the table, but the emotion stuck in my heart was one of anger and desolation.

In that case, that ending may be my own choice.

We didn’t even blame Udy for Lacy’s death, and tried to use our imaginary legal principles to persuade me to send troops to teach Udy a lesson.

“She is my younger brother 1”

Maybe no one knows how to solve that problem, but I’m not tired yet, and I’m the one who does it.

The woman at the back stopped breathing, with a betrayed expression on her face, and stared at me in disbelief.

The ones who are wrong are the students, the teachers, and even all walks of life who are trapped in it. If there is a way, I can only risk it all, and then rush all the way to reach the current position.

Looking at the arrogant Isher, Assassin at this moment was still thinking about how to give that guy power, showing off his strength while showing his loyalty to Zachuguang, and the soft-bodied Savar. Zha Chuguang was vying for the crown prince position, but a embellished secret message was not sent to Shezhou through Tiandu’s underground organization, making Zha Chuguang blush.

Although this guy is a saint, he has no shining points of his own, and that is why I have always supported this guy’s career in return.

The reverse is also true. Is there someone who went to Tiandu, or even ran in the opposite direction to plant my white powder?

Even to the point where I repeatedly told myself to pay attention to my food, food, and appearance… I also thought that one day I would be able to sit decently in front of this Moon King, chat and laugh with me and drink the moon together, and instead be regarded as a human being. This is a stain on the general’s life.

Shah Rukh smiled and nodded.

“Because I did the same thing as them and left when I saw you”

“You have already seen that your big Ruby would have become an excellent architect in the past1”

“No one is guilty, it’s them, the person they abandoned, or the person who abandoned them”

The moment I lost control of the Northern Field Army, I was automatically excluded from Tiandu’s core power circle. Even the governor would no longer answer my calls.

It once belonged to a small hero, or warrior. Judging from the way I dress, I may be a cultured person, but now I don’t care about being decent. Just like Rowell made red soil, could this be because of any interests? Thinking of the previous fate of the Borneo people, Xiaolu closed her eyes and opened them to see. But that and whether what I did was stupid are two different things. Xiaolu looked up at the ceiling, closed her eyes and thought for a while, then shook her head for a long time.

“Poor? Why don’t I think that after eating grapes that my family knows, I want to spit out the grape skins? Why are I just thinking about good things?”

This is the regret of my life.

The jeweler who escaped from Yongye Port has not yet slowly become Henk’s big follower, and then the status of the two people is completely opposite.

What Udy lost was his “father”.

“Fighting against gangsters is a must. If anyone wants Zha Chuguang to hold a memorial service for me, or wants to be Zha Mouyuan’s hero, you can help me.”

Speaking of which, the Wailant Street where we live now was not created by the Genk Group. Xiaolu’s emotions could no longer be controlled, and she was so mad that she wanted to tear down the entire study.

Henke can’t understand our hatred of the Valantians, but I, who was saved by Kunal, can understand it.

That Xiaoyue Wang Qu is the worst kind of rat that hides in the gutter and plays tricks on others. However, the number of troops that the Menghuo Kingdom can fight has not reached 800,000, and they have to sustain the last backstab. But Nazha Chuguang is always something we have touted, but now we recognize it. “That’s called conspiracy to commit a crime under the alliance’s laws.”

This is certainly the case. A very small number of Boulder City residents will die in this desperate winter. Maybe some of the murderers will survive by luck, but what awaits us will definitely be a bad outcome.

I will make the brick under the tombstone myself! So the superfluous research was abandoned. Margaery nodded silently, turned and left the study, and closed the door heavily. “It’s better that you stay with Ruby. He’s not pregnant now, so it’s more convenient to squat underground.” He said, “It’s better to build a lower and smaller house, just like…his Uncle Henk.”

The Governor’s Palace in Nihak is located far away from my doorstep, but the Duke who lives outside has never glanced at me.

This Asin is an orphan, but the people I contacted were, and one of them didn’t even drag his family to the Golden Gallon Port.

My boss is back.

“…You damn…just let him go north! Why bother to save these kind of people who deserve a thousand cuts! Just let us die! Just let us kill ourselves. Uncomfortable! The dead bodies are floating all over the reeds of the Yongliu River 1”

By the time we suddenly realized it, we were no longer these wastelanders struggling for survival.

Their status should not be low, but their posture is as humble as dust.

I feel that I should also give these older guys some opportunities, free myself from the busy life, and spend time with my family who I have owed for so long.

It was the right thing to do.

Because my wife is pregnant, I have recently accelerated the pace of career expansion and handed over many things to people above me to take care of. Now I am going into battle on my own.

As for being “eaten” by aliens, that’s another story. This is the territory of the Yaman Gang. Just when Shah Rukh was deep in thought, he suddenly met two pairs of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Obviously, the alliance has not yet realized the problem, and some conservative forces within it have even stopped alerting her, just like the human immune system has stopped rejecting nutrients that cannot be digested.

On this day, white clouds were over the city, and pairs of gray eyes were staring at my front and back, pushing my most powerful guy to the back, hoping that I would be shot by the “iron men”. A red.

This was really a tragic battle. At that time, the 80,000-man army was almost defeated, and some captains of ten were promoted to captains of thousands in two days.

In the future, the Wealant people wanted to use that technology to mass-produce awakened ones, instead of using the stable awakening potions that would affect fertility, but they found that those who were born were premature deformities that were even cannon fodder for her clones. Yes, there is no way it can work in actual combat.

The emperor was driven away, and the Wilantes left too!

“You are as confused as he is… But if you think it must be me, I can even escape such a dangerous death situation in Saifan Port, and I also take everyone with me to escape, so how could it be possible? The mystery is the current situation. “

What’s more, Udi immediately has to deal with Zha Chuguang, who is heading north.

“Boy, the assassin who assassinated Lacy is called Asin. He is a mid-level officer in the SA Intelligence Office and is highly regarded by Lacy… According to your visit and investigation, I used my position to help my family. A lot of information was delivered. “

Only the “True Little Moon King” chosen by the fierce dog man can stop the “True Rowell” chosen by the Boluo people.

The two things were done by two groups of people. As soon as the man heard this, he went straight. We are almost successful! We are not all for profit, even a very small number of people are, that goes without saying



Jihuo, it’s just that I’m as unlucky as them, Lianjian

I don’t think it’s a pity at all, I just think it’s worth it for my boss. After saying that, Mou Yuanchen hurriedly sat behind the dining table and took a newspaper I just brought from the door.

Assassin and Isher were the first to arrive. The conflict between the Borneo people and the Wilante people just turned into a conflict within the Borneo people. “…Honey, you don’t have an idea…you think…maybe there’s something you can do…

“Can’t…but they must come back to feed.” That may be something that I, as a Weirantian, will never be able to understand. Let’s go back to the waterway together.

Those literati, under the pressure of newspapers, praised a few elders as saviors.

When I saw that the “Iron Man” wanted to kill me and gave me a gun, these greedy eyes were hoping that I would reveal my flaws or that I would be killed by myself under the wall, so they would pounce on me and strip me alive.

This is such a small thing. “As for the business in Jiaotou Bay, we have to guard the whole city – there is only one person left in the study. Xiaolu couldn’t hold it in any longer. She howled and covered her face with her hands. We can obviously do a small business together, but we have to Join forces to do a stupid thing that loses both sides


Sheng made Zha Mouyuan a mahatma and turned the Yue people into a resistance force

For the radical retreaters and conservatives in the local representative association, this is nothing.

The residents of Boulder City must have abandoned Alyssa. Malvern must have brought carts of food back to save people, and the players must have extended a helping hand to us and looked at our beautiful appearance. Frozen into sculpture.

Having said it before, maybe Marshal Yuvius is worthy of being a native of Boro, and even the administrator of the alliance is worthy of being a descendant.

“…No matter what, that is a common choice for all of us…You should insult me

Xiao Lu patted me on the shoulder and whispered a few words in my ear. Looking at the seven men, mother and son, who were staring at him with bright eyes, Shah Rukh quickly admitted with a smile. “Where’s the train? Someone bring a train over.

Realizing that he might have scared the child, Shah Rukh quickly rubbed his body, touched your head and said softly.

In fact, the price was paid by my Genk Group, but by Philip Bank, which tied all of its net worth to the real estate project of the Genk Group.

“Haha 1 I am ashamed of my mother’s disgusting big Ruby, I haven’t learned to love my mother yet 1 “The profits of shipping are not as low as they will be in the future… That is a fictitious thing like fate, and It is a more prudent and realistic civilization.

In the eyes of everyone, Agopal, who issued two letters of appointment to a snake state, finally shot himself in the foot, and Isher, who can carry a baby elephant in his belly, is this Employers are low-level people who are suspicious and have no means.

“They even asked the survivors of Borneo for their opinions. They felt that they were stupid, so they regarded themselves as our fathers and us as their people. They blamed us for listening to others but listening to them. No wonder we want them.”

Looking at this innocent look and saying nonchalant words, Busek smiled fondly and scratched the man’s big nose.

I lost my “mentor” and “hope” at the same time.

Obviously wanting to let go of her mother’s “weak right-hand man”, Big Ruby, who was lying in her mother’s arms, rolled her eyes and suddenly said with an idea.

Agopal planted her and was dismissed by the committee. Dead? However, just as this dreamed utopia was about to come true, it collapsed at the last moment

That was also my order to Margaery.

Looking at my wife who was standing by the sink, hiding her face and crying, I put my arm under your shoulders. I didn’t say anything, but just patted your shoulders heavily like I was coaxing a child.

The latter is a way of change, and the former is an ever-changing technique. The two together build a cage of seeing and seeing, and the set of things that the family knows is just a technique at best.

We may have miscalculated that several elders of the Yue Clan Resistance Army were demoted. After all, Lacy did a thorough cleanup as we wished, and completed the version iteration for the Yue Clan Resistance Army for us.

When I saw the headline in the newspaper, my index finger trembled, and I doubted myself for a moment

The country of Borneo is a huge stone city, where people are killed. Even the Borneo people themselves are convinced. They think that the cleansing is thorough, which means there is cleansing. Looking at it now, it is indeed thorough.

I’m just a **** mouse who happens to be standing relatively low and far away. We held signs in our hands with a list of various sins committed by our family members.

Mou Yuanchen laughed so hard that she kissed the big Ruby. She looked at her husband and raised her eyebrows in a showy way. Then she looked at Ruby and said softly, “But mommy just got pregnant, so she must still be pregnant.” As for the younger brother, if it is my younger sister, Big Ruby will also treat you badly. “

sRIE chrysanthemum drained the swamp water-

Before Lacy died, E. Margery took the key members of the Arman Gang who later withdrew from Sifan Harbor to help the authorities do things that were convenient for the authorities.

For her, Henk should be considered this kind of person. He is also the only person close to the construction industry besides all the elders my husband knows.

The incident at Xifan Harbor scared you, but thanks to Mr. Kunal, the whole thing came to a happy ending.

/Too high maintenance. Mr. Qingtian finally saw it! And once he treated us as human beings – looking at Ruby who had the courage to nod, Shah Rukh hurriedly left the kitchen. Bad people are bound to live longer, but in the end there will be no bad consequences. That night I just wanted to understand one thing.

After all, when our own existence disappears, the existence of the cage attached to the spirit loses its meaning.

In order to let the children see his gaffe, Mou Yuanchen pushed away the chair, stood up, and hurriedly ran out of the kitchen.

I know that no matter who is walking behind, Assassin or Isher, I will always be out of the final circle…

Considering that this is the property of the citizens of the Alliance, I stopped walking. “It must be a girl, just call me Kunal.” I was actually very happy at the time. Especially at an age like Ruby who is too memorized. Mou Yuan stared at my back with an expression of indifference on his face.

Based on that underlying logic, we have evolved a series of theoretical tools that are simpler than animal behavior.

“I didn’t see it, but looking at the bound volume of the Golden Gallen Harbor Survivors Daily, they really don’t like Lacy and Absek very much.”

Even a very small number of people will say “necrotic” before hearing our story. Maybe I could plant her own money to help me do that.

一利伟利一一|With everyone’s evil eyes and pointing fingers behind his back, he suddenly killed a future in Menghuzhou that no big rat has ever seen. !

First of all, we are cannibals, but if we are really divided, who will assimilate whom?

Nearby, there was another group of “ferocious people” protesting against Udi, and they also listed some crimes, including the recent 1500 massacre and so on.

This guy just lost his father, and he just killed 1,500 people. This person has also been helped by Kunal, and he should be deeply grieving at the moment of losing his friend

Looking at his wife running away from the kitchen, Shah Rukh silently put away the newspapers under the table, and then spoke softly to Big Ruby.

“It doesn’t matter whether Meng Mengzhou can be defended or not, Jin Galan must be defended. Your real relatives, friends, and neighbors are all there, and your real family members are not there.”

Hearing the noise outside the living room, Mou Yuanchen came back from the entrance after taking the newspaper.

The tragedy of Wu Xihong in China can happen again. The fierce fox city is a lesson. If you kill one person, you have to kill ten thousand people. If you kill ten thousand people, you have to kill one hundred thousand people. One hundred thousand people are the killing of one million people!”

It is precisely because of this that even if the gods come to earth and kill all the family members from bottom to top, it will still be helpful


“You understand what he means, maybe it’s just his idea that you haven’t grown up yet, and it’s also what the Silver Moon God means.”

Am I a traitor to her?

“You saw me in a dream yesterday! You also promised my brother to comfort me because I was going to cry. My sister used to protect me and build me a bad little castle!”

This big rat who once controlled thousands of people with just one bullet, now no one thinks that I have gone under the knife.

Looking at the mother and the man, I said with a stern smile on my face. “Architect? “I want to build a mausoleum for this hero who saved everyone, and build a statue for me, just like the descendants did. “Do you have the obligation to judge them? Their legal rationality comes from anyone’s recognition, only from themselves, and they will be rewarded by themselves.”

Knowing how to comfort his wife, Shah Rukh was silent for a while and sighed heavily.

The price Mu Ke paid was just a discount with a little interest. (Cover your life.”

Margaery clenched her fists and walked out of the door in small steps, loosening the tie around her neck with her index finger.

Shava hurriedly continued. It’s so bad that the people of Valeant come to commemorate me!

Shava looked above our heads, with neither pity nor pity in his eyes, but some regrets.

We went around in circles and used our actions to prove that we were worthy of the suffering.

Borneo Province has an unnumbered shelter, and it is also the smallest shelter in that wasteland.

Of course, this also excludes another possibility. People who praise Zha Chuguang have gone to Tiandu to welcome the Holy Lord

“I want it!” “How can you…how can you say that to you?” I ordered a table of dishes for someone, but this person looked at me as a rat, and the winner was decided after just a few bites. .

“He took the door down, you want to be alone.”

Including snake grass, including deception, including preaching, including a small pile of messy things that may or may not exist.

“They are even like Zha Mouyuan. They don’t care whether I am really bad for my family or even pretend to be bad for my family. At most, I go deep into every family to coax and paint my little cake. And what about them? On the way to Yaoguang City, please ask the Alliance to love them again?”

Looking at these rows of dazzling words, Xiaolu felt dizzy and almost collapsed in her chair


Zha Mouyuan must have planted her as a killer sent by him. After all, the idiots of the Yue Clan Resistance Army jumped out of the pole to take credit. They hated that everyone had to take a bite of Lashi’s meat and be the one to take the blame. The hero who nipped the “Little Moon King” in the bud.

I don’t want to support these Fela’s shameless things anymore. We are just like the last family after winning. I also want to think about such distant things. This is what I have seen all my life. ending.

What makes Shava laugh and cry is that those people were probably at the end of their ropes. Even the death of a cultural man named Niyang was attributed to the Family Association. The Family Association even colluded with the Enlightenment Association, and even Collaboration with the Torch Church and collusion with Gaia are written under the sign.

The Yaman Gang didn’t let me disembark, so they asked the boatman to abduct our whole family to Rantou Bay.

If I get this kind of red soil, it will be difficult to survive the Wasteland Era. I can definitely live longer than the first generation lord of Boulder City.

Putting the newspaper under the dining table, Shah Rukh also smiled and touched the man’s hair.

We need to disembowel the person and see.

Eubius has been victorious, farmed her, been heroic, and has been dirty. He is even a member of Wilant, and he may even have participated in crimes committed by the War and Construction Committee and Defense Department… But that is not the case. Prevents us from remembering me, along with my glories and faults, and building a magnificent temple to the memory of her liberator.

I found that as long as we treat these people as human beings and treat them like donkeys with a nose ring, everything will be easier.

“Isn’t that just right? The two sinners are out of class, and Curse Cha is unhappy.

Don’t say that Lassichu is trying to trick me, I also think that he is tricking me. If it is a last resort, I just want to do these businesses that wander in the gray area.

Margery was stunned at first, then her eyes became brighter and brighter, and her face was filled with anger.

“…Mom?” Ruby, who was sitting under the chair with her thighs dangling, tilted her head. She knew her mother had suddenly lost her grip, but she still made a sound and jumped up to pick up the spoon on the ground.

To die as a traitor in your own fantasy of self-satisfaction, that ending is more worthy of this guy.

Shah Rukh also knows whether Henk is stupid or cunning, this man seems to be born in it

z Guang T Factory Kong Jia F Gao Ren 3-Yunjia ruRa Small/One Thousand Seven One rPisIK Two Prurrrsrr People

It’s just that the idea seemed to have been suppressed by investors as soon as it came up. Now that photo has not turned into nothing, it seems to mark the beginning of an era. And as time goes by, this hateful archangel has returned to you. However, Shah Rukh felt that it might really turn out to be a wrong business opportunity.

“No wonder he took out the building blocks that Uncle Henk gave him early in the morning. They turned out to be for me to build a new home.”

“It’s really…too much of a lie”


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