This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 89: Chief, we have a great advantage!

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Although it was against the wind on the way back, Hain felt like his body was floating, and the arrow wound on his leg didn’t hurt that much.

Due to planning needs, he stayed in the camp of those blue coats for a day. It was already the afternoon of the second day, and just a few hours ago, he had lunch together at the invitation of the man.

The lunch left a deep impression on him. The main course was steamed crab legs with cracked claws, and the side dishes were mushroom soup + mashed potato wedges.

Being able to kill the Split Claw Crab, it seems that this group of people is stronger than he thought, at least they have anti-armor firepower.

And the mashed potato chips are sprinkled with soy sauce to enhance the flavor.

With abundant martial virtue and sufficient supplies, the Bloody Hand clan has indeed provoked a terrible opponent. It is not unfair at all to lose two teams of troops in their hands!

Hain is a businessman, and businessmen are very realistic.

He will always be on the side of the winner…at least the side with the most hope of victory.

Actually, when the man named Chu Guang was persuading me, it could be seen that he did not understand the rules of the Horseshoe Firm very well.

Even if you show off in front of your boss, you can’t get rid of the days of wearing your head in your belt.

Although he is nominally a “salesperson” of a firm, in fact the nature of a salesperson is closer to that of a partner.

They are active in the southern part of the Vale Province, using the connections of the Horseshoe Trading Company to do business, and then get a share of each transaction.

Hain made a rough calculation.

Even after losing two groups of men, the Blood Hand Clan still has fifty or sixty strong laborers. If cannon fodder, prisoners, etc. are included, there will be almost a hundred people.

Even if he can bring back a third of it, it will be enough for him to become a legend of the Horseshoe Trading Company – and even the entire Red River Town.

The ones who can work are sold to the mine owners, and those who are missing arms and legs are sent for organ harvesting and sold to Boulder City or other large survivor settlements in the northern part of the River Valley Province. The profit is 1000%. .

No matter how you think about it, this business is all earned with blood.

As for whether these blue jackets can win?

To be honest, he didn’t even consider the possibility that they would lose.

These people can work as diligently as cows and hunt as ferociously as wolves. They even put themselves in trouble after walking in the wasteland for many years.

Whether it is tactical or strategic, they have amazing advantages.

And the leader of these people is an unpredictable man.

This group of people is quite scary!

Hain’s intuition told him that if he established a good relationship with these people, he would definitely have a lot of money in the future, and it might even be higher than working in a commercial bank!


Following the remains of the elevated highway out of the city to the north, after bypassing several collapsed ruins, Hain soon saw the tire factory occupied by the Bloody Hand clan.

The concrete exterior walls are lined with spiked wooden stakes and steel bars as barriers, and unexplained and chilling graffiti is daubed with blood on the walls.

A headless corpse was abandoned at the roadside drain and was being eaten by a few fat rats. It must have been some unlucky slave who failed to keep this group of barbarians happy.

Hain clapped his tongue and secretly thought of a pity. He held the wooden box in his hand and kept walking towards the wooden village gate.

“I’m Hain, open the door quickly!”

The bandage on his leg had long been removed and the wound had stopped bleeding. Hain pretended to be shouting and waving to the sentry on the wall.

I recognized Hain’s face. The man with a shaved head and scarlet paint on his face walked to the winch made of steel bars and stretched out his muscular arms to shake the winch.

With a rattling sound, the wooden door slowly opened.

Hain didn’t stop for a moment, and quickly walked into the Bloodhand Clan’s stronghold. Under the leadership of a raider sentry, he came to the bear’s camp.

Putting the box on the ground, his forehead pressed against the ground.

“Dear Chief! Those people are just a bunch of barbarians. I’m sorry that I’ve tried my best, but they can’t communicate at all.”

Looking expressionlessly at the man kneeling on the ground in front of him, the bear sat leaning on the chair, lazily resting his chin on his fist.

“You didn’t bring my people back.”

“Yes…because there are no prisoners at all.”


Xiong sat up straight from the chair, his small eyes almost squeezed into a point by the tight flesh on his face.

“What do you mean when you say there are no prisoners.”

He knows very well the virtues of his men.

If you encounter those extremely vicious people, you may still fight to the death, but in a fight with Blue Jacket… even if you can’t win, there is no chance of a **** fight to the end.

It’s not a loss to exchange 20 chips for a prisoner. Just wait for some time to recuperate and then gather the troops to get the place back.

As for those who were missing arms and legs, he directly gave the slave trader in front of him full authority to deal with them. The Bloody Hand clan did not raise idle people, and they did not have the extra food to feed them.

He now even suspected that the man in front of him was lying, negotiating in his own name, but sending the prisoners elsewhere.

Hain has a keen sense of atmosphere.

Even if he couldn’t see the expression on the bear’s face, he could guess what this muscle-brained straw bag was thinking, so he quickly prepared a sad and angry expression and used the rhetoric he had already prepared.

“Those people are just a bunch of scum, rats, and maggots in blue leather coats! They don’t care about benevolence, justice and morality at all, and the word cunning is engraved in every cell.”

“They pretended to accept the surrender of your men, but after your men laid down their weapons, they brutally hung your men at the door!”

As he spoke, Hain opened the box in his hand. Inside were finger bones strung with necklaces.

The bear’s eyes instantly shrank to a point, and his right fist slammed into the armrest of the chair.

“I’m going to cut off four of these rats and throw them into the dungeon to feed the cockroaches!”

The rude roar echoed in the camp, and the flames on the brazier swayed. The veteran Marauder on the side clenched the knife and ax at his waist, and his expression began to flicker as he watched Hain.

As soon as the leader gives the order, they will step forward and chop the rude person who offended the leader into minced meat, venting their anger to the great leader.

Feeling the bear’s rage.

Hain, however, did not dare to take a breath and continued to accuse with tears streaming down his face.

“Dear leader, you have no idea what I encountered with them! I walked into their camp with peaceful purposes, and even took the initiative to hand over weapons to their sentries. However, I just met their leader and he ordered me to be thrown into prison.”

“They don’t want to negotiate at all, and they have no intention of negotiating! The man threw the wooden box to me. Not only did he laugh at me, saying that all the people you want are here, but he also asked me… to burn it for you! ”

“Although they didn’t hang me immediately, they were probably afraid that I would reveal their secrets, so they insisted on keeping me locked up and wouldn’t let me go. I was worried that I would be silenced at dawn if I had a lot of dreams at night, so I used the chips hidden in the soles of my shoes to bribe me. They escaped from their camp overnight with the wooden box.”

“But those people reacted quickly and immediately realized that I was missing and sent hunters to chase me. I didn’t dare to go north, so I could only take a detour to the east gate, but before entering the city, I was shot. Arrow.”

“Fortunately, the arrow did not hurt any vital parts. I hid your belongings in the trash can and got into a ruin. Almost as soon as my front feet entered, they searched for me! But fortunately, they did not After noticing me, I hid in the ruins until dawn, until they returned home.”

“After confirming that there was no danger, I didn’t dare to delay for a moment. I immediately took the box and came back to report to you!”

Hain said with runny noses and tears. The bear sitting on the seat finally transferred his anger away from him.

With his eyes firmly locked on Hain, Xiong asked in a deep voice.

“You said they were worried that you would reveal their secrets? What secrets do they have?”

Hain continued speaking quickly.

“Those people are not actually shelter residents, but just scavengers who wandered from nowhere. They relied on deception to occupy the magpie’s nest, occupied a shelter hidden in the wetland park, and stripped off their belongings. Blue Jacket, pretending to be a resident of the Vault, and using this to deceive the wastelanders passing by.”

“They are not as strong as they appear on the surface. They are just a group of tough villains who bully the weak and fear the strong. Their number is even smaller, only about thirty people, and the rest are prisoners of the original shelter. They finally What he likes to do is light a bonfire in the middle of the camp late at night, and then bring out those good-looking prisoners to have a party…you know what I’m talking about.”

“So if you plan to attack them, it’s best to do it late at night or early in the morning.”

Hain lowered his eyebrows and skillfully told the story someone told him.

“That was when their defenses were at their weakest, and many of them didn’t even have clothes on… That’s when I took the opportunity to escape.”


In the shelter.

A look of greed appeared on the bear’s face.

The clone presented by Beit Street had been destroyed by him a long time ago, and now it is probably broken into parts by his men.

Besides, toys that don’t have any mood swings and don’t scream or cry won’t arouse his interest at all.

How can he show his bravery without screaming?

But those who come out of the shelter are different. No matter where they are, those people are the best quality.

“Where are the guns? How many guns do they have?” Xiong then asked the question he was most concerned about.

Seeing that the leader was already moved, Hain felt happy and said quickly.

“Thirty at most! Half of them were seized from your people! And they have very little ammunition reserves. More than half of them even use bows, arrows and javelins.”

“Look at the wounds on my legs, they were caused by the arrows they shot!”

Hear the bow and arrow.

The bear’s expression became more contemptuous.

Those primitive gadgets are the weapons of scavengers. Except for a very small number of “awakened ones” with special abilities or extremely muscular mutants, most people would rather use a gun made of black powder as long as they have the conditions. , nor can they fight with spears and bows.

The bear himself is two meters long and full of strength. Even if four people try to arm wrestle together, they can’t move his arm. An ordinary person would be unable to walk with twenty or thirty kilograms of armor, but his armor weighed a hundred kilograms, and the breastplate was fifty kilograms of homogeneous steel!

Let alone a crossbow and javelin, even ordinary bullets are like scratching it, leaving some scratches at most.

In his opinion, trampling those scavengers to death is no different from trampling to death a nest of ants.

“Sir, I think this matter needs to be carefully considered,” the horse-faced man standing next to him nodded and continued in a deep voice.

“Both badgers and harpies are not weak in strength, and their tribes are also brave and good at fighting. However, they fell into the hands of that group of scavengers one after another, and I always felt that something was fishy.”

Hearing these remarks, Hain felt anxious and was about to speak. However, Xiong waved his hand and directly interrupted what the horse-faced man said.

“Badgers are brave but not resourceful, and eagles are resourceful but not brave. They cannot be called elites. They are just a group of scavengers. I will personally lead the team and gather all my hands to crush them to death.”

The bear doesn’t want to take too long.

If it is delayed for too long, the snow will fall heavier and heavier, the weather will get colder and colder, and this battle will become harder to fight.

Besides, the prisoners in the shelter were killed by the scavengers, so what else could I do?

Besides, he doesn’t look down on Yu and Badger at all. The real main force are those who followed him to the north to fight the autumn wind.

Hain was relieved.

In order to prevent the bear from hesitating any longer, he decided to release another dose of strong material.

“Master Chief, you don’t need to worry too much, our advantage is actually very great!”

“When I entered the Wetland Park, I found that they were camping at the river on the northwest side and building brick kilns. They probably planned to strengthen the bunker before the snow fell heavily. This exposed their inner fear and weakness. ! ”

“You only need to march under the cover of night and attack their brick factory directly. They will definitely be in chaos! At that time, we only need to take advantage of the victory and pursue their deserters into their camp, where the wealth and supplies are It will all be in your pocket.”

Hain said with an angry expression on his face.

“And I can vent my anger and avenge this arrow!”

“Brick kiln?” Xiong touched his chin with interest, “How many people are there?”

“There are at least ten people! Sixty percent are men captured from the shelter, and the remaining 40% are their own people!”

Xiong was overjoyed and patted the armrest of the chair.


Although I can’t say that I completely trust this slave merchant, the brick kiln is easy to verify, and you can basically tell it at a glance.

After saying that, Xiong immediately looked at the horse-faced man and gave orders in a commanding tone.

“Send one of your minions over there, find a higher place and look in the direction of the Wetland Park. If you see a campfire and smoke rising by the river, come back and report to me immediately!”

The horse-faced man nodded.



At the same time, beside the river on the northwest side of the wetland park, Fang Chang led a few people to build a shack using plastic sheds and wooden sticks in the open space.

This kind of shack is basically leaky from all directions. If you really live in it, you will definitely get arthritis, but they are reluctant to use better materials.

After all, they will also put powder barrels and wood tar inside later…

“I don’t think the managers expect us to make bricks.”

While using a shovel to dig a cave dwelling on the **** beside the river, Ye Shi complained, “Why else would we be given such an exclusive task?”

Lao Bai is a man of action and doesn’t talk much when working.

“Stop beeping and finish what you are doing quickly… Just wait a moment, it’s almost time for the task.”


“Speaking of the wind, don’t you have any classes during the day?”

“The PPT has been sent to the teaching assistant.”


The first exclusive task Niuma Brick Factory received was neither to produce a certain number of bricks nor to build a brick kiln with a daily output, but to set a trap in the camp.

Does this sound like something a life pro would do? ?


Although they are not considered professional players in the first place.


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