This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 886: The snake really came out of its hole?

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The blue gopher made it…

Arman’s face was full of surprise.

Perhaps it was because the residents of the shelter he knew were quite nice, but he really couldn’t believe that there were devils with extreme views among those kind-hearted guys.

Of course, he was only surprised for a short while, and soon felt relieved.

After all, let alone others, sitting in this tavern, I am not incompatible with the surroundings.

“…I heard a rumor that the earliest Borneo people were actually a group of remnants from the middle world. Their genes are not much different from other survivors in the wasteland.”

The vast majority of Borno people can recognize each other as their compatriots at a glance in spirit and spirit, and can accurately determine which ethnic group the other person belongs to based on their surname.

However, outsiders cannot tell the difference between them at all, unless they often interact with Borno people.

This phenomenon is especially common on the Death Coast. Residents from Sunset Province and Borneo Province have basically no big difference in appearance, except for the cultural and religious barriers.

Kuruan grinned.

“Is it true that he looks bad at all?”

Looking at the woman sitting next to him, Cateno replied in a hoarse voice. Sure enough, gold will shine everywhere.

I did not get the honor I longed for.

“It’s very complicated. Use these slow boats to transport weapons! You bribed some people. When we return to the city, we will go around along the southwest coast of Borneo Province and pass by the fishing village of Snake State. You hide the goods on the boats. Next, we will dock at his side. As for the sales, your Iron Hand Gang will take care of it.”

Yes, Kuruan originally cared about this thing, but it was as good or bad as he said.

“Of course we will sell directly, but we have passed through some local gangs but they are happy to be middlemen, such as Junkrat, Blood Lion, No Home and other messy things. Among them A little leakage of oil and water will be enough for us to eat.”

Tony narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Although it was expected, it is really not a regret….. If you can use these small boats, your business can be smaller.

Captain Olet and my subordinates have been stationed in Yongye Port since then. They are also considered local celebrities. Their reputation makes the mutant tribes in the small desert fearful.

There was an obvious commotion in front of the door, and then this special hoarse voice, like a poisonous snake spitting a message, came from the crack of the door. We are scattered in all walks of life, especially those “low jobs” that are recognized by mainstream society but are indispensable. After explaining the transportation process, Meta looked at Tony, who continued what I said.

Without different ideals, it’s no wonder we came together. After a pause, Cateno raised eight fingers.

What the Enlightenment wants to create is an elite world composed entirely of Vault residents, and my ideal elite world is composed entirely of Valantians.

…The problem is that the guard coming from the garrison outside is basically one of yours! You and I exchanged bad codes several times, but I didn’t notice you at all! ”

Besides, this little money is enough for us to live comfortably for the first half of our lives. My old boss also has to think of a way for us. Don’t say anything about Meta then, even if you are not the boss in front of me, you will have to lick the soles of your own shoes!

“What’s wrong?”

My contribution to the legion was not enough, and I almost died on the back line. Katno said solemnly.

“Snake grass only grows in Snake State, and the small desert has the conditions for it to grow. Then you can open up the relationship with the warlords in Borneo Province, but you can’t bypass the front office and Saifan Port The gang directly obtained a small amount of snake grass, but used these large tablets to purify the crystals–“

Cateno grinned and felt that it was quite boring to hear that sentence from the mouth of a Boro man. Wang Yirong looked at me in astonishment, knowing what was going on with that guy

“The family will need funds, and it is necessary to get rid of the financial system. Mr. Zeid said that it is a necessary evil to serve lower causes and temporary progress. It is a strong medicine for the stubborn diseases of the old era. The priority is The dialectical distinction between contradictions is reasonable even if it is planted.”

It is worth mentioning that although the Enlightenment Society only recruits shelter residents in name, the shelter residents themselves are not something with a very low threshold. How about finding a shelter with such strict rules to register? It’s gone.

“Centurion…” Cateno smiled sarcastically, “So you are still a centurion. I didn’t expect that no one would remember it.” Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was tense again, Meta He hurriedly got off and settled the matter.

Not to mention smoking it for them.

I don’t have a chance at my age.

“You remember, and you suspect that few people remember, he has shed blood for the Weiland people, so please never give up on yourself.” After saying that, I winked at Tony.

The ideas of the Enlightenment Society and my ideas coincide with each other in a twisted dimension, with no “big difference”. Andrew fell silent for a moment.

“It’s just an acquaintance… Your wife and I are relatively familiar. It was thanks to my help that your family was able to take care of itself. After all, I can always be like these young guys. Same, go to the battlefield and get a medal and come back.

“Damn… he actually knows this guy? Did you hear how much I caused Captain Oletwan to suffer in the eight northern states of Borneo!”

“One hundred percent reliable, the warlord of Snake State in Borneo Province is one of our own.” Wang Yimei said with excitement, waving towards the door, motioning for the big man standing under the corridor to come over , “You haven’t brought him here yet, so introduce him to him.”

The Borneo Army has not yet replaced half of its legion-standard equipment, so the alliance had to help the Borneo people set up an ammunition production line to produce the ammunition needed for legion-standard weapons.

“…that is?”

No one will find out about me.

Hearing that Isher and I had never met each other, Katno also had an expression of surprise on his face.

Before Cateno finished speaking, Andrew suddenly stood up from under the stool and interrupted me mid-sentence. “What are you doing here?”

“There is a problem….””

Cateno nodded, waved to the bartender who had ducked to the other side of the bar, motioned for me to come over, and then patted Meta, who was sitting aside, on the shoulder.

After making the previous deployment, I need to ask my superiors for instructions.

Cateno chuckled, showing no concern for the guy’s fart, and turned to look at Meta, who had a helpless look on his face.

Even if the other party tells me frankly that my wife is a clone, she is not a soulless empty shell except for having the common sense to take care of herself.

For people like me, who live at the bottom of society, are old, ugly and poor, selling their noble bloodline and marrying inferior natives is almost the only option.

All kinds of abnormal signs confused me, so much so that I was even sure that the weird drama had nothing to do with us…even if we were not even standing on the stage in name. central.

“The backline is responsible for inflicting the wounded, and the front office makes money from under us… Although the wounded do not need to pay the money themselves, in the end it is paid by the taxes paid by the Weirant people. Very slowly, no one saw the business opportunity in it. They bought this magical big pill from the wounded, then purified the ineffective ingredients outside, made it into a less powerful thing, and then sold it to these people. People who don’t need it.”

There are too many indigenous people in the colony, and the technology of the Prosperity Era has allowed some people who should not have survived to survive. “That was my first time.”


When he said that, Cateno paused for a moment, glanced right and left to see if anyone was paying attention, and then continued in a low voice.

There was silence for a long time in front of the door.

Besides, I am not that kind of person, and the little courage I have is spent on imagining the strength and potential of the Wilant people’s bloodline.

“The goods they need are much smaller than yours, but you only accept dinar transactions, and you need to purchase some supplies and transport them to Snake State.”

“Is he crazy? That thing-“

Morse felt that all the cells in his body were controllably excited. “He really wants to know?”

We are very strict about checking empty ships, let alone ships that transport supplies to the rear lines. Cateno asked calmly.

Tony smiled warmly in his heart, but he hid those words and the warm smile outside his heart. Andrew couldn’t help but ask.

These dirty jobs are all the work of Baishui Lane.

Cateno followed my line of sight and looked at the young man.

After I came there, I was not fully mentally prepared, but I still held back my love for the Weiland people.

Anyway, the marks of clones are hereditary, and an obedient doll saves parents the trouble of foreign affairs, and can demonstrate the “majesty” of I say one is seven.

Meta raised her eyebrows at me and said with a dark smile.

After saying the first sentence, Cateno grabbed the drink money that Andrew left under the bar, stuffed it into his pocket, and limped out of the tavern.

I never thought that a big shot like myself would not be lucky enough to participate in the games played by these little people… even if I just took a look at them from a distance.

“You took the risk to inquire about some details of the interrogation. One of the people mentioned you at the beginning and said he wanted to join you…” “Does he still remember that he was a centurion?”

Together with my 340,000th team, I became a disgrace to the Valantians, and were ridiculed as negative teaching materials by these idiots who knew everything.

Baishui Alley is a bad place. If not, I would not want to spend more time there.

After leaving those words, I turned around and hurried back down the street, returning in a straight line to the nearest market.

It is precisely for this reason that I am so grateful for the gift given by the Enlightenment Society – the marriage and family we gave me are things that I can get even if I continue to follow the life path of Cina, even if I spend my whole life.

Cateno stared at Andrew’s back. It was a breeding ground for plague and corruption.

Tony had a so-called expression on his face, but Wang Yirong raised the corners of his mouth without interest.

“Don’t worry about him, the people of Weiland have such a temper. We always say what we don’t have to say.” Just like the wireworm that captured the mantis.

That job is completely bypassing the Weiland people. Even if it is to sell the goods to fewer places in the past, I have to find a way to get that guy involved.

In fact, there are still many Weirant people in Yongye Port who have similar experiences to Kuruan. Before, I would arrange for a few comrades to watch.

“You think people without faith are more difficult to deal with.” “Is he questioning your faith?”

I always feel that it will turn into a little trouble…

“How was the discussion?”

Yes, the reason Kuruan joined the Enlightenment Society was because of some doomsday prophecy, purely because the Enlightenment Society gave me a small amount of harm.

Looking at the bottle of deadly poison, Wang Yirong’s Adam’s apple moved and he pushed it away with his index finger. Wang Yi lit a cigarette for himself and said calmly.

Cateno smiled lightly and continued.

“Indeed, it has weaker hallucinogenic properties than cigarettes and alcohol, and you will get addicted to it if you are not careful, but there are no other side effects. Borneo Province Warlords grow it in exchange for military expenses, while the front office mixes it with other drugs to make tranquilizers to treat the mental trauma of wounded soldiers, such as the stress reaction of hearing explosions, etc… Then… Make money from military spending.”

Andrew was stunned when he saw the thumb-sized bottle.

It is precisely for this reason that when the Enlightenment Society spreads doomsday beliefs, it will also add the following sentence – as long as you become a disciple of the Enlightenment Society, you will be able to live outside the ark of refuge on the day when the world restarts.

Speaking of my reputation, even if I didn’t have this thing, it would have to be made of the heads of a Balo man.

Cateno smiled mysteriously, took out a thumb-sized bottle from his arms, and placed it heavily under the table. Just like Blackwater Lane.

“I’ve heard of it, but so what? We are not the remnants of the Middle World, we are their conquerors, so the virus will never affect us, and there is nothing wrong with cleaning up some of the garbage… ….”

Cateno nodded.

“Said to the person who interrogated me, this idiot who interrogated me even agreed to it.”

“Hey, don’t get me wrong, do you have that ability? You are at least a buyer,” Cateno raised his hands and said with a smile, “But after you said so little, he discovered the business opportunities. ”

My boss told me that I have special experience with the Weiland people. They work hard to earn our money, use our money to buy our guns, and then use our guns to beat our people.

I will dare to go to the battlefield in the future, let alone now. Putting aside the material conditions, my spirit is also lackluster, and there is nothing boring about it.

“Purified crystals of snake grass… As for snake grass, it is a specialty of Borneo Province, or a specialty of Snake State.”

Wang Yirong came and told few stories about the back line, from the meat grinder in Waidepur County to the eight **** battles at the bend of the river. “Have you heard about that kind of thing, and you are interested in that kind of business.”

It can be admitted that the prosperity of Yongye Port is not due to the people here. Wang Yirong raised his eyebrows heavily and said with a kind expression.

It was only Andrew who was feeling emotional. “Is this guy reliable?”

“You are bad, Mr. Wang Yirong, you have heard of your reputation.”

“I’m sure he has changed his mind, and you are always welcome to join him.”

Cateno lowered his voice and continued in a very serious tone.

Andrew was stunned. He saw a trace of unusual coldness in my eyes, and he couldn’t help but feel a little vigilant in his heart.

“In fact, it is also bad. You have always agreed to use this method to achieve defeat. Upright fighting is your tradition. Dying after aging is also an honor… But this is all for the little people. Game, even if you think it is okay, it will change.”

When disaster strikes, I do nothing but pray to the gods. Apart from this, I don’t have another identity, which is that of a disciple of the Enlightenment Society.

“Sorry…that may be a low-profit deal, but the risk is too low.”

“You have asked me about my details. This guy is a believer of the Silver Moon Sect. It is more difficult to deal with people who have no faith.” We must be the ones who endure the exploitation without complaint. How can the Weirant people live in retreat? What about outside the little house?

“Don’t worry, this is just our level. According to the order of white, green, yellow, blue, purple and gold, the blue family’s level is not high yet. He cannot understand us as an ordinary religion.”

As the war continues, the security fund of the Southern Army will be affected.

At that time, a woman in formal clothes sat next to me and handed me a box of cigarettes. “You just treat it like that.”

“What the **** is the Blue Family?” Looking at Meta, Cateno said politely, “Is that thing reliable? When he said that, Kuruan’s voice was a little annoyed, and Not a bit confused.

Because he was willing to talk less about the topic of “death agent”, Cateno slowly moved the topic to other places.

“Almand Prison…recently evacuated eighty-one prisoners. We are residents of the shelter, and we are members of the Alliance.” “Speaking of which, he should know a Dobra, right?”

Andrew put his hand under my shoulder and shook it firmly, then left the drink money under the table.

Besides, all I do is turn a blind eye, and the real deal will never pass through my hands.

For example, we gave me a white-skinned, beautiful, gentle and pure-blooded Willant wife.

What made Andregory sigh was that the rat tribesman with a bandage under his head actually transformed into a “jungle rat” that was very troublesome to the rear-line troops.

The young man named Tony nodded carelessly and spoke politely to Wang Yirong. Katnoge laughed, also trying to expose that guy.

Facing Katno’s surprised look, Andrew coughed heavily and said humbly. After a pause, I continued.

Even if the weapons of the Vaillant people appeared in the back line, it would be a trivial matter.

I’m sure it was all about loyalty. I was originally fighting for money. However, I didn’t notice that a pair of eyes were staring at my back from beginning to end.

Andrew stared at me with narrowed eyes.

My name is not yet my hyena gang, and if something goes wrong, it will become a legend in the entire White Water Lane! Logically speaking, the Southern Army should not be aware of our existence.

Just as the leader of the Iron Hand Gang was taking the Blue family members to have a drink, there was also the sound of hurried and familiar footsteps on the corner of Baishui Lane.

A woman with a scarf wrapped around her neck hurriedly retreated out of the alley. “The Enlightenment Meeting…it turns out there is really no such thing.”

Although the former was willing, he still stiffened his neck and nodded, accepting the explanation.

After living in Baishui Lane for so many years, this is the first time I have felt like this at the door of my home. My name is Kuruan, a full-blooded Valantian who serves as a warden in Armand Prison. That method is wrong.

Kuruan pressed his face against the crack of the door and spoke in a hoarse voice. Andrew said in surprise.

“How to trade?”

After leaving those words, I removed my hand from Cateno’s body, turned around and walked out of the tavern. That infiltration plan is regressing simultaneously with the other plans we are regressing on.

Although Wangyi Rongde Prison looks majestic on the inside, being a guard on the outside is not a disgusting job, especially when the people outside the prison are all poor.

“Tony, Blue Family,” Meta patted the big guy on the shoulder and grinned at Cateno, “We have a small field in the northwest of Snake State, and we also have a building. Fishing port.”

Playing with the dagger in his hand, Morse stood in the shadows and muttered to himself thoughtfully, with a nervous smile suddenly appearing on his face.

There are several clusters of crystal clear dark green crystals on the outside of the bottle, like scraps scraped on the surface of the crystal. My Adam’s apple moved and I continued.

“Okay…you go first.”

After about half a minute, there was a sound from behind the door, but it was not opened.

A very small number of Borneos would subconsciously use their eyes to look for the toes of my shoes when they made eye contact with me, but that guy looked at me with both humility and arrogance.

Cateno’s heart moved, and he suddenly raised his voice and continued with a mysterious look on his face. ……

Seeing that the most difficult person in Wilant finally found fault again, Meta breathed a sigh of relief and continued quickly. After all, after being a family member, I am a Borneo first.

Cateno chuckled.

Stopping behind a secluded house, Kuruan quietly glanced aside to make sure no one was following him, then he stretched out his knuckles and knocked on the door.

And that is not the “handle” of the so-called “torch”. Good or bad life can always come from the world.

We have been unconsciously penetrating into the society of the Southern Legion since we ended very early.

Of course Andrew was familiar with that name, and he was even more surprised that Isher could be compared with that general

I’m sure the latter doesn’t exist anymore, so I have to at least get a little less out of it to fill the empty hole in my heart.

Hearing the sound outside the door, Kuruan nodded hurriedly.

“How could a warlord in Borneo do business with the front office?!”

The two people sitting behind the bar drank bottle after bottle and chatted for a long time.

“It’s broken, it’s broken, don’t ask so little, and the things they buy are for civil war…it has something to do with them.” “You want to take 80% of his sales, yes 80% of sales.”

“Who did I say that to?”

Although the clones produced from the assembly line have much higher social attributes than the population naturally generated from social activities and perform too simple tasks, they cannot penetrate into the society of the Southern Legion in a similar way to parasites. .

At the same time as he finished speaking, Meta hugged Tony’s shoulders again.

“Your warden said that we are spies of the Alliance, but you always feel that there are such stupid spies, or… those guys are just drunk and have other hidden agendas. .”

Waiting for Andrew to speak, Cateno continued speaking in a higher voice.

“You originally planned to negotiate another deal with him. Although this deal is not profitable as he said, it will at most harm your compatriots…I’m sorry again, you can’t participate in his deal. , I’ll just pretend you haven’t seen it tonight.”

Wang Yi was stunned, knowing why the guy suddenly became so sensitive, but he still smiled and shrugged.

“Then…does anyone need to believe it? Stop talking nonsense, my friend, you should continue talking about business. Listen, you have found a new partner over there.”

“…It’s not a bit messy. You have to sort it out. He will come back to see you at that time tomorrow.” Taking a sip of cold beer, Cateno drove the depressed mood out of his mind.

About that point, I feel the deepest. Even if I move my home next to the villainous Governor, I am just a powerful chess piece.

“I’m afraid it’s as complicated as cigarettes and alcohol.”

Because I am a centurion, I can still hang out outside the customs, but my comrades can only return home with shame and scars all over their bodies.

“I’ll pay for it.”

In the Southern Legion, only those who are good at it will be assigned there. One moment it’s the Alliance, the next it’s the Legion.

Cateno was silent for a while, took a sip of beer, and said without any contradiction. A trace of struggle flashed in my eyes, but it only passed away briefly. You have to choose between faith and bread.

This guy is a Borneo, but his appearance is very typical. And all that happened quietly…

Cateno glanced at me.

It ended from the moment I retreated into Baishui Lane.

Wang Yi was about to explain when Wang Yi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke righteously.

In any case, it was a bad idea to alert the Southern Army at that time. We had to muddy the waters before we could fish in troubled waters. “To put it simply, it can help him temporarily escape from worldly worries…just like cigarettes and alcohol. Do you want to try it?”

“Risk? Your friend, you have no relationship with the customs and the terminal. He is helping the front office transport the wounded… Is there no risk if you join forces?”

Wang Yi had a painful expression on his face, but he finally nodded. The sound was like the devil’s whisper.

Wang Yi sighed and shrugged helplessly.

At this moment, York, the strong man with a scar on his chest, standing next to me, stood up for the first time.

But when I returned to Xifan Port, I had to constantly endure the cynicism of my compatriots and the lies that tore reality apart.

And those stories and the content written under the “Southern Legion News” are like two completely unrelated worlds


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