This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 885: Struggle with the air

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The car jolted and stopped next to a tall courtyard wall. Looking at the heavily guarded appearance, the [Talan Raider] knew that they were in the right place.

However, what he didn’t know was that the prison called “Katnaude” was notorious in the minds of the locals. It was said that those who entered it would have to shed their skin even if they did not die.

For example, the young man with a hyena tattoo who was arrested with him had his legs so weak when he got out of the car that he almost wet his pants.

Under the **** of several guards, Taran passed through the majestic courtyard gate, then passed through numerous security checks, completed all the procedures for entering the class room, and was finally placed in a room with no windows and only one bed. In a small single room.

After waiting in the single room for about ten minutes, a dark-faced Weiland man soon came over and took him to the interrogation room nearby. As soon as he entered, a bright light hit his face, and then a righteous voice came from the front.

“Be honest! What are you here to do!”

Talan blurted out after thinking that the interrogation was quite realistic. “Travelling.”

The calm and calm attitude made the two interrogators unsure for a moment, and they couldn’t help but feel aggressive. The older guard coughed and sang White Face in a slow voice.

“You bet that the spy you locked up outside the prison must be as slow as an ant in a cold pot at this moment, and he wants to spread the news immediately.”

Because from the moment of complaining, these victors have not been expelled from the team of the Valantians. I was actually able to sleep at that time.

“Vault 0? Project Torch?” “You want to join us.”

“You just want to get off the back line slowly, before you even get a chance to shoot.” “If there were no such weapon, its existence itself would not be scary enough.”

Facing these bright eyes, Yawei pondered for a long time.

Arman grinned, and the smile on his face became intriguing. “What does he mean by this?”

The guard who closed the door looked at me in surprise, called me twice but saw no response, and then curled his lips in disdain. There were soldiers outside the entire tavern.

Getting up and walking behind the office window, Yahui stared at the prosperous port in the window. “Congratulations on finding the organization.”

Talan was excited in her heart, but her face was animated, and she whistled. Taran put it bluntly.

Anyone who tries to apply the brakes on a speeding roller coaster is a traitor, and who cares what the traitor says? We just feel more right.

The older guard nodded and motioned to the guard standing next to Taran to take me up. Bad guy!

The people in Triumph City do have little information about those two things.

“To be honest, there are no Dovilantes in the ports on the Death Coast. You heard from us that there is a place called Evernight Port at the southernmost end of the small desert, so you planned to come over as a courtesy. As a result, I didn’t expect them to be such bad customers that they gave you a pair of handcuffs as soon as we met.”

We have no direct evidence to prove that this guy is indeed a spy for the Alliance.

“Something will go wrong once people are in a hurry, and when the time comes, you will not be able to follow the clues to find the clues of the Enlightenment Society. You have to find a way to get this ‘Weapon Zero’ in our hands before!”

Hearing the sound of the door closing nearby, the young guard looked at the senior and asked slowly. “Oh? What private purpose?”

Talan said.

Fang Chang: “It seems that the hidden mission has been triggered, come on. (Squints and smiles)

“You are the seventh batch of the 60th Armored Team. You will set off at the end of the month.” Taran smiled, but it was just words.

What’s more, I am a level 30 awakened person. Even if I am handcuffed, it is not certain who will win or lose if I actually fight.

“That’s wrong. You haven’t had enough of the alliance’s hypocrisy. Why do you have to take these rotten fish and shrimps with you to the New Era. You have inherited what the Prosperous Era has lost. You are not the People’s Alliance, you are not the New Era. …..Yet your managers want you to bleed for a group of people you have never met.”

“I advise you to tell the truth. Your accomplices have already admitted it. Even if you deny it, it has no meaning. It will only increase your sentence.”

Tail: “Oh oh oh! So bad! (OωO)”

“Eighty? Damn, how many people were mobilized that time?”

…At that time, you encountered the Skeleton Corps in Waidepur County. The tanks of these guys were like corkscrews. Your tanks were blown up one after another, just like the beer bottle caps. . ”

Talan’s eight confidants hid in the city until dusk, and they hurried out of the city only after seeing the wind blowing over.

“In the words of the alliance, this is called throwing stones to ask for directions. We deliberately released smoke bombs to test your reaction, and then make the next decision based on your reaction.”

“Come here? Of course you will win by coming here. Although the price will probably make him accept it, you have 8,000 brothers who are neither missing nor found until now,” Ya Mann smiled, paused for a moment and then said, “As for Gibson, he is still my captain of ten thousand, while you are assigned to that broken customs house.”

“What is his plan?”

Sisi: “The Enlightenment Meeting… It’s such a far-off name. I always feel like the next time I hear it will be two years later.” It is precisely because of this that Kuluan admires this person named Pangolin more than anything else. woman.

“Although there is no direct evidence, you can almost assume that the guy you just captured is not a spy of the Alliance, and the 80 people you blocked at the door of the hotel are 40% not my accomplices ! ”

“It is reasonable to speculate that at most the Enlightenment Society may know its whereabouts.”

At the same time, in another world’s “Wasteland OL” official website forum, just when everyone was discussing the battle situation behind the “Southern Invasion” expansion pack, a post appeared like a flashing meteor, and it was short-lived. He rushed off the forum’s homepage.

Hearing those words, the young guard suddenly realized something and couldn’t help but give a thumbs up in admiration.

“Behind those two things corresponds a weapon that is enough to restart the world. It is said that the power of this thing can only affect the outcome of one or two battles, and can even directly rewrite the entire era.”

“You warn him to be more serious!” Old Guard: “Reason?” Arman smiled and waved his hand.

“Perhaps you are too pessimistic. You feel that it is almost impossible to achieve superior performance in a frontal battlefield…unless there is no weapon that can completely reverse the situation of the battle and directly defeat your opponent. Erase it from under that planet.”

“The speculation among colleagues in the Intelligence Office is that…your opponents may be trying to cooperate with the Enlightenment to obtain from us the weapon that can turn the tide of the entire war.”

“They’d better slow down and change your mind before you can.” Before he could wait to go back to the forum to show off, Taran added that sentence calmly.

“Is it true? You heard that General Gu Waian made a big bet and put part of his chips on something called a ‘death agent’.” ”

“You also warned him that you are a citizen of the Alliance, and you came back with a certificate issued by the City of Triumph. Didn’t the Southern Army take my marshal seriously?”

Yahwei’s pupils narrowed slightly, and his expression gradually became serious. Min Chenzheng fell into silence.

“You are very interested in stories that have not been mentioned in the newspapers. These Borneo people will often tell you some things that have not been mentioned in the “Daily Survivor”.” Kuruan and I clinked glasses and encouraged I continued.

“Just because you know it, that’s why you have to use that guy to figure out what this enlightenment meeting is… In short, hold me steady first.”

Simply too low!

You are so naive!

The air in the interrogation room became quiet, as if a feather fell to the ground and could be heard.

“Come and sit over there.” I saw Kuruan from the crowd at a glance. Kuruan coldly pulled out the chair for me, and then looked at the bartender with a grin, “That’s your new friend.” Friends, please bring me a bottle of beer.”

The young guard looked at his colleague next to him strangely, but the former gave me a meaningful look, and then looked again at the man sitting across the interrogation table.

Are all people in the alliance pigs?

Willoughby looked at Mr. Governor with his eyes turned and continued in a serious tone.

“Can that kind of thing really be done? You mean…it will really have the same effect on the people of Willant?” Willoughby smiled lightly and explained my speculation. Speak up.

“You thought everyone in the Alliance had the same brain as a pig, but you’re still not confused when you think about it. My friend, congratulations to him for abandoning the dark side and turning to the bright side.” The young guard chuckled, and the resentment in his eyes turned into appreciation.

The older guard coughed, picked up the cup and pretended to drink water. The young guard on the side narrowed his eyes and clenched his hands under the table.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of weapon could destroy that prosperous settlement in an instant. Yes, I will let this happen.

The old guard had a scheming expression on his face and narrowed his eyes slightly, like a fox. The bad one will take advantage of him!

The old man who was drinking water had a bright light in his eyes and immediately put the cup in his hand.

“An organization composed of shelter residents, active in the small desert area…But they are also shelter residents, even if you say it, they will understand.”

The old guard thought for a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he closed the notebook open under the table. The old guard gave me an interesting look.

The older guard frowned.

No one is planning to do that. I will definitely let this guy go. I hope I can bring hope back from Triumph City.

I do know that these 3,000 people are here, just outside the prisoner of war camp on the outskirts of Golden Gallen Harbor. The old guard frowned, pondered for a long time and spoke hurriedly.

Yahwei thought for a long time and suddenly said.

Both guards had surprised expressions on their faces, then one turned into excitement and the other turned into thoughtful. “Disappointed?”

While sorting out the documents under the table, the old guard replied in a nonchalant manner. “The tavern has never been so quiet.”

Min Chenzheng smiled.

“That’s right, a virus that only specific groups of people can be infected with can wipe out your opponents without any plan…such as these rat tribesmen, snake tribesmen, etc. As for other people, at least they can only Become a carrier of the virus, but be affected by it.”

The commotion in Baishui Lane did not affect the tranquility of Yongye Port. There are no two possibilities.

“Exciting, I hope I can hit the league’s homeland.”

“That makes sense. Since that weapon is so important and can even change the entire battle, why should I leak the clues of the Enlightenment Society to you?”

“Things are different now. You can be considered a war fortune.” The bartender put the cold beer under the bar and looked at Arman again. “Bie Jianli, you just said casually, did you To ridicule them.”

After a pause, I continued.

Do I care whether the person behind me is from the Alliance or from the Planet? If anyone dares to believe in my loyalty, I will smash that face. That port is like my child and I will never allow anyone to destroy it!

“That’s actually a very difficult thing to understand. The Alliance doesn’t know everything about Little Desert, but the information about Yongye Port is completely blank. Perhaps, it was some piece of intelligence we collected in Kaoru City that pointed us to Little Desert. The southern part of the desert is not the southern industrial zone of the People’s Federation era, but we are not sure whether you have stopped cooperating with the Enlightenment Society.”


“…..What does he think?”

As I said that, I flicked the bottle cap out with my thumb, and then accidentally flicked it back out of the trash can. That plan was actually wrong, but there was only one doubt that made me still have some concerns.

“You can’t package an enlightenment meeting and pretend that you are cooperating and let us get the fox’s tail out ourselves!”

The older guard frowned. Kuruan smiled bitterly.

Talan thought that the excitement was not enough, and it was time to retreat to the topic, so he leaned forward under the chair.

Although I didn’t visit Borneo too much, I basically stayed in a few major ports and didn’t go deep into the interior of the land.

The moment he opened the door, the cold breath immediately hit his face along with the peaceful sound. In a sense, the predicaments faced by the Wilantes and the Borneos are similar. I also hope that this day will come too late…

It is certainly wishful thinking that the Alliance expects word-of-mouth frustration to crush our will to fight.

Yahui’s pupils shrank slightly, and several possibilities flashed through his mind, and those possibilities all intersected at the same coordinates.

“To be honest, you are disappointed with the Alliance, so you want to change your stay… I heard that the Enlightenment Association is active in the small desert area, and our purpose is more to your liking, so you Come here.”

Arman lowered his voice and spoke in a mysterious tone.

No matter whether this legendary weapon that can turn the tide of the battle really exists, there are some benefits in trying it anyway…

“It’s up to you to do that kind of thing, but you can’t help him contact the person who can make the decision.”

However, what is intriguing is that there are many clues involving Vault 0 and the Torch Project. Looking at Mr. Governor with his back turned to him, Willoughby said respectfully.

“Of course, apart from traveling, you do not have any personal goals, but what does it have to do with my tourists and what does it have to do with them.”

And what I said is bullshit, the “you” in this **** also refers to Lan Liduo, who is a weakling in empathy from a Valeant person?

Outside that border town full of soldiers, a war without smoke seemed to be about to begin. “…..What is this?”

Talan smiled and looked like he was looking up to someone. Desert Eagle: “What the hell?”

(Thanks to the leader of “CaptPaterno” for the reward!!!)

“What the **** is this enlightenment meeting?” “Come here?”

I said those words were dripping and leaking, and I also made an angry and full expression on my face.

Because of our reunion after a long separation, my wife has been pestering me for so long that my calves are still weak even now. Taran chuckled inwardly.

Behind the bar of the bar, Kuruan found Yalman, who had just returned from work at the customs.

“After he has listened to your story, can you tell his story? You have always been curious about what is going on behind the scenes.”

After reading the report from beginning to end, Yahui frowned slightly and looked at the garrison commander Willoughby standing behind the desk and asked.

The Alliance was actually wrong about us. I heard that prisoners of war would be paid for their work before the camp was destroyed. Moreover, we were also protected by the Alliance’s laws and could only work four hours a day.

“Who knows, there is nothing like the battle report from the back line, half true and half false.”

“Which team is he assigned to? Or the youth army?”

For the Wilant colonists living in that port, it was like a smelly trash can. It was unusual for a fight to happen. It would be strange if the smell of gunpowder wafted out someday. .

Looking at the reserved lame man, Kuruan felt quite bored and asked casual questions with a smile.

Arman also fell into silence. He took a sip of beer alone and knocked the empty bottle under the moldy wooden table. They and the Wasteland Guests are outside the “stinky fish and rotten shrimp” category. When will the People’s Federation be worthy of them to inherit it?

“What a wonderful story. Your story is as worth mentioning as the battle report sent from the rear. I’m sure he will take it as amusement if he insists on hearing it. Don’t take it seriously. Everything is still based on “Southern Legion” The story of “Zai Neng Bao” shall prevail.”

Arman grinned.

After a pause, I smiled again and said.

I have been working in Yongye Port for seventeen years, and I have never heard of that name.

Kuruan nodded politely, sat next to the veteran, glanced around, and clicked his tongue in surprise.

“Can you tell me, you haven’t passed their test yet?” Willoughby nodded hurriedly and continued in a serious tone. Junichiro Xiaokawa: “Really or not?!”

As for the sand sculpture and the comedian, they followed them to the far side of the prison called “Katnaud” and booked a room in the hotel with the identities they bought on the market.

Just as Taran’s post sank into the sea, an investigation report on Alliance spies was also delivered to the desk of Yongye Port Governor Yahui.

Kuruan had a look of astonishment on his face.

“That enlightenment meeting…what on earth is it?” Taran replied politely.

“That weapon is hidden outside the small desert…”

It’s just that the latter’s war has not lasted more than a century and a half, while the former’s war has just ended. We had colluded in the forum to confess bad things, and I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard that kind of nonsense.

“Say it again.”

Everyone on both sides knows how long it will take to finish the battle they want to fight, and how many generations will it take for the obsession and hatred in our hearts to begin.

“Doesn’t he have a specific plan?”

Seemingly aware of my disdain, the expressions of the two Wilant guards in charge of the interrogation became kind.

“You have gathered intelligence from the cities of Avent and Triumph. There is a lot of information about that organization… It is said to be related to Vault 0 and a document called Project Torch.”

“You are such a generous person, you would even wish him a prosperous business.”

As of now, the Enlightenment Society, which seems to be only at the center of the battlefield, has been kept in the dark for the time being… Yawei frowned.

This arrogant look was in line with the stereotype of the blue gopher among the people of Valant, so much so that the young guard became hard-fisted again.

That part of the information mainly comes from the archives of Triumph City and is included in the related entries of the Enlightenment Society. Like two sides of a mirror.

Talan: “Disappointed.”

A weapon that can rewrite an entire era…

I heard that this guy was just a villager from the valley outside the valley province, but his deafening roar alarmed the Triumph City. “How do you know.”

The woman in her early eighties had not yet finished her drink. After changing into the clothes with medals on them, I looked no different from the drunkards around me, and even sloppier than us.

Everything is just speculation on our part.

“Go away, I was born to drive a tractor, but the driving skills of a tank are suitable for you!” Although the back line also provides alcohol and other bad products, it is obviously so limited that the front line is uncomfortable to drink. “Death agent?”

“At most one million. Has he read “Triumph”? There will probably be trouble that time!” “What will he do if he seeks enlightenment?”

With the attitude of “I’d rather believe it doesn’t exist than believe it exists”, I still nodded. The night is getting darker.

“Thank you.”

The Southern Legion really did not cooperate with the Enlightenment Society! Taran nodded.

“You are looking for an organization called the Enlightenment Society.”

Smelling a hint of auspiciousness from that name, Min Chenzheng frowned heavily.

….Speaking of which, you also heard from the news that the “bad thing” was actually caused by a blue gopher. ”

The Southern Army actually blocked the news from the back line. No one can cover the mouths of the Weilant people, not even the Weilant people themselves.

Kuluan, who had reunited with his family, came to the tavern in the port area as promised.

Arman smiled faintly, his eyes fell into memories, and he thought for a moment before continuing.

Either they are coming back from the rear line, or they are preparing to leave the rear line. The latter rarely drank alone, while the former usually drank heavily in groups.

“Use the trick.” Willoughby looked at me confidently and said with bright eyes, “Your subordinates are very stupid. I sent a false signal to the alliance’s bait, making us mistakenly think that you have not started with the Enlightenment Society. cooperation at the official level.”

But it also excludes another possibility, that a certain existence does not want us to know those things. At the same time, on the other side, Taran, who returned to the cell, waited for the prison door to close, sat under the bed and fell asleep. As the saying goes, a dog that bites barks.

“…Hahaha, Carver, that **** is finally here! You thought he really bought a farm and went off to farm!” The interrogation room became quiet.

“Before being exposed, I tried to change my strategy and retreated from your interrogators. You can’t tell, but I should have received some anti-reconnaissance training. That person didn’t have anything, but it was small.”

Willoughby, who was standing behind me, also shook his head and said seriously. Anyone who passes by Taran looks at me.

“Of course not,” with a smug smile on his face, Willoughby took out another document from his arms and placed it heavily under his desk. “The plan is codenamed “Wasp”. You have arranged some Agents from the Intelligence Office bought a house near Whitewater Street and disguised it as the headquarters of the Enlightenment Society.”

Talan Raiders: “Old men! Your Desert Corps has penetrated into the Enlightenment Society!!!”


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