This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 86: No. 81 Steel Plant and “Exclusive Mission”

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Several young players quickly stood up, fearing that they would be late. Looking at these “European Emperors”, there was a sound of envy around them.


“Damn! Why can’t my Gwent tavern work!”

“Maybe the manager doesn’t know how to do it? Try changing it to Doudizhu next time.”

“It’s the year 2340, how can we go to the bar without Big Bird? It’s not reasonable at all.”

It will be snowing tomorrow, but the surroundings are very lively.

At this time, several players in front of the map finally confirmed their positions and began to chatter.

“Oh oh oh, Teng Teng’s hut is right next to the resurrection point! Ness!”

“My butcher shop is so close to the granary, it’s cool.”

“Gan! Why is my Goblin Chemical Factory at the outermost place!” Mosquito looked at the map with a look of tears on his face.

Chu Guang glanced at him and chuckled in his heart.


It’s good that we didn’t arrange for you to go outside the wall!

As we all know, the chemical industry is a high-risk industry, especially the gunpowder manufacturing industry. It doesn’t matter if people are killed, but if the house next to them is blown up, it will be a big loss.

Chu Guang will ask Luca to pay attention to the raw material usage and daily output of this [Goblin Industry], so as to control the inventory of dangerous goods within a safe range.

If the outpost expands in the future, he will also consider relocating it.

[Yar, I need to go to the toilet] and [Ward’s athlete’s foot, who’s Levin] were staring at the map with confused expressions on their faces.

Both players have no objections to the location of the steel workshop. Although the location is close to the south gate, it is close to the main road and the road to the warehouse is also convenient. only. The location of their workshop on the map was marked with a question mark in pencil, which they didn’t understand.

Brother Tousuo raised his head and looked at the manager.

“Master Manager, may I ask…what do the question marks on the map mean?”

Brother Levin also nodded and asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I didn’t understand.”

Of course the question mark means there are tasks to take.

Unexpectedly, these two young players had even forgotten this common sense. Chu Guang cleared his throat and spoke with a serious expression.

“Steel is the top priority for the industrialization of the outpost. Your hard work and hard work have triggered a hidden mission. Of course, this mission is optional, and you have the right to choose whether to accept it.”

Hidden mission!

The eyes of the two little players instantly turned into light bulbs, and the players next to them also cast envious glances.

“200 square meters of land, and hidden tasks!”


“This is so cool!”

Brother Tousuo’s hands were shaking with excitement.

“Manager, we are willing!”

Brother Levin also nodded vigorously.

“Yes! I am willing too!”

The corner of his mouth curled up in a subtle arc, Chu Guang stretched out his hand and handed over a task sheet that had been prepared——

Or a contract.

“You take a look first and then make a decision.”


[Task: Industrial Fire (optional)]

[Explanation: In order to stimulate the improvement of the steel production capacity of the outpost and to improve the efficiency of scrap metal smelting, the chief manager of the shelter has given instructions and is willing to spend a budget of 2,000 silver coins to support the research and development of steel-making technology.

If budget support is accepted, the steel workshop will be upgraded to a joint venture steel plant, in which the shelter will hold 80% of the shares and the founders will hold 20%.

The founder only needs to pay 50 silver coins as the registered capital to set up a special enterprise account to receive budget subsidies.

The funds in the enterprise account cannot be withdrawn directly, but they can be used to purchase materials from the warehouse, entrust the warehouse to issue scavenging and exploration bounties, and can be used to pay the salary expenses of less than 4 employees.

If the hourly wage is less than 1 silver coin and the working hours are less than 12 hours, you only need to report for registration. If it exceeds, it will need to be reviewed by the manager.

When the funds in the business account are greater than 2,000 silver coins, you can apply for dividends on part of the profits. No tax is required for dividends less than 1,000 silver coins within one month, 4% is required for dividends greater than 1,000 but less than 10,000 silver coins, and 8% is required for dividends greater than 10,000 silver coins, with increasing steps. The specific implementation tax rate will fluctuate according to the policy.


1. Please refer to the “Enterprise Account Management Detailed Rules” for the regulations on the use of funds. If there are phenomena such as using the rules to obtain funds, the illegal account will be fined at least 200% of the amount, and the maximum punishment is to be permanently deported underground.

2. After accepting the task, a series of exclusive tasks and orders will be triggered. Reward types include but are not limited to equipment, money, contribution points, budget subsidies, land and shares. If you give up, you must meet certain conditions before you can trigger it again.

Should we open a small workshop or a large factory?

If it were in reality, this issue might have to be seriously considered.

However, in the game…

This is a hidden mission!

Although the budget cannot be withdrawn directly from the account, it is still 2,000 silver coins! Exchanging 50 silver coins for the right to use 1,000 silver coins is not a loss no matter how you think about it.

Without even a second of hesitation, Brother Usuo and Brother Levin took over the task without hesitation, and happily signed their long list of IDs on the task book.

The main person responsible was registered as [Ward’s athlete’s foot and Levin]. After discussion between the two, they each held 11% and 9% of the shares.

“Dear manager, what is the name of our steel plant?”

Chu Guang was naturally unwilling to do such troublesome things for him.

“You can decide for yourself.”

You can actually name it yourself!

The two players’ eyes shone brightly and they immediately got together to discuss.

“How about Laiyang Steel Plant? This name is awesome!”

“Pfft, what if someone sues you for copyright infringement after the game is released for public testing? Let’s change the date!”

“There will be no internal odor in the future.”

“Stop inking, think of one quickly, don’t bore the NPC waiting!”

“Let’s take the number 81, this number is auspicious.”


In this way, the first steel plant in Vault 404 – “Steel Plant No. 81” was officially established.

Brothers Usuo and Levin also unlocked their first exclusive mission – “Customize a set of armor for the administrator’s KV-1 exoskeleton!”

The mission requirements are very simple. The total weight of the armor is less than 200 kilograms. It can protect the wearer from small arms fire from the front without affecting mobility.

In addition, there are some detailed requirements, such as the thickness of the breastplate must be greater than 10mm and less than 20mm, and it can be disassembled and replaced after damage.

As for the mission reward, it is as high as 200 silver coins!

That’s 200 silver coins!

How many people can’t even get double digits out of their pockets after buying equipment!

After the news spread, the entire outpost was instantly shocked.

“I giao, is the reward of 200 silver coins too high?!”

The speaker is Brother Mosquito.

After allocating the land, the manager went back to the third floor of the sanatorium to sit down, while the players who had been busy all day squatted on the first floor to eat.

Originally, he was quite excited when the renamed [Goblin Industry] was approved, but compared with those two stupid steel factories, he was just a younger brother.

Brother Scrambled Egg also looked envious.

“Compared with 200 silver coins, I think the budget of 2,000 silver coins is more outrageous! Life professional players have epic enhancements, but why am I not the one who has the enhancements? Sorry!”

Several players from the cattle and horse group were also nearby. Ye Shi, who was holding a bowl and eating potato chips, said with a smile.

“The manager said that there is no prey to be slaughtered now, so you go dig trenches.”

Fried eggs with tomatoes: “I’m crying, can it be repurposed for business purposes? Can I secretly set up a stove and open a restaurant?”

Bangfeng: “There are risks, you should apply. It is said that changing the land use will be revoked or even fined.”

Fried eggs with tomatoes: “Woo woo woo.”

Fang Chang, who was watching from the side, couldn’t help but interject.

“It’s actually not as outrageous as you think. Receiving a budget of 2,000 silver coins means that control is weakened by 20%. It is obvious that the planning team has considered the problem of numerical inflation. In other words, even if you earn 10,000 silver coins a month , the part that belongs to you is only 2,000 silver, and this part of the money cannot be withdrawn! The dividend needs to be deducted first, and the total is less than 1,000 silver per person.”

There are really mosquitoes in WC: “But there are still a lot of them!”

Lao Bai: “Professional combat players cried and fainted in the toilet.”

Bang Feng: “No, there is actually a very interesting mathematical problem here, about the yield curve. Under normal circumstances, a new player’s monthly income is about 300 silver. If the efficiency of the steel plant is less than 3,000 silver , then it is a ‘loss’ for the two co-operators, because they can earn this by doing ordinary tasks, and if they can reduce costs by improving production and create profits of more than 3,000 silver, then this task will be beneficial to them. Just say it’s earned.”

Ye Shi: “An exclusive task has a reward of more than 200 silver coins. Is it difficult to earn 3,000 silver coins a month?”

Fang Chang: “It’s still a bit difficult. Don’t just look at the front, you have to look further. Think about it, how many sets of armor can a manager wear?”

WC Zhenzai had a flash of surprise in his eyes. He actually opened a store and understood immediately.

“Wait a minute, when you say that…I seem to understand what you mean.”

I like chatting with smart people the most, Fang Chang smiled.


Ye Shi was still confused. Seeing that Fang Chang had no intention of talking anymore, he quickly asked.

“What, what, what do you mean? I still don’t understand!”

Fang Chang explained impatiently.

“Tsk, to put it bluntly, exclusive orders are actually limited! This game has a concept that many MMORPGs don’t have, and that is ‘demand’!

“NPC will not be like a black hole, infinitely purchasing things produced by living players. Most of the things produced by players need to be sold to other players. In other words, the efficiency of the steel plant is not determined by them themselves, but by other players. It’s determined by their spending power! Especially for professional combat players!”

“So suppose I am a combat player with 100 silver coins in my pocket, and I plan to budget 50 silver coins to upgrade weapons and armor. Then only professional players in life can earn these 50 silver coins, and they have to fight with NPCs are robbing business, do you understand what I’m saying?”

Ye Shi said in a daze, seeming to understand but not understanding.

“…In other words, how much money professional life players can earn actually depends on how much money professional combat players earn from completing tasks? Hey, when you say that, I seem to understand…”

Fang Chang: “That’s pretty much what it means. For example, if I plan to buy a power armor now, then there will be corresponding demand for the power armor’s engines, steel, sensing components and other equipment. Professional players in life want to make money I have to afford it first. And where does my money come from? The same goes for most players!

It’s very simple. If a game intends to put a piece of equipment on the store shelves, then some players will definitely be able to afford it.

Either use banknotes to buy some coupons, or spend time removing liver.

So generally speaking, the total income of combat professional players will not be lower than that of life professional players, because the things produced by the latter need to be consumed by the former.

Even if the value needs to expand, both will expand together.

For example, if the gene sequence level reaches LV10, what kind of dungeon will be opened to clear the abandoned shelter? Maybe the reward for clearing it once will be as high as 1,000 or even 10,000 silver coins?

This is not impossible!

Lao Bai immediately asked.

“So the first echelon is still professional combat players?”

He is from the power system, so naturally this is what he cares about the most.

Fang Chang nodded.

“It can be said that at least when combat is the main theme, the ‘son of the version’ will definitely be born on the front line of the battlefield. The difference is just which gene sequence! Combat professional players do tasks to earn NPC money, and life professional players Earn the money of combat players, so that the economic chain in the game can hopefully form a closed loop, and the value will not be easily inflated, neither will there be too much money to buy, nor will there be nothing left to buy.”

Bangfeng held the bowl and thought for a long time, then added.

“It can only be said that the current economic model of the shelter is military-oriented. Maybe the external environment has changed, such as updating the export system and being able to sell goods to other survivor colonies. This theory is not necessarily true.”

Fang Chang said in a relaxed tone.

“Yes, so what I am discussing is the son of the version, not the real son of the planner. As for the possibility you mentioned, it is estimated that it will be many versions later. We now even have the basic survival needs of the threat of the Bloody Hand clan. It hasn’t been solved yet, and the map of Boulder City hasn’t been opened yet.”

Bangfeng: “Indeed.”

Lao Bai thought for a while and suddenly spoke.

“But when you say this, doesn’t it mean that one day in the future, life professional players will usher in a strong period?”

Fang Chang said with a smile.

“Version rotation is the norm, isn’t it normal?”

Lao Bai: “Then why don’t we build a steel plant? To hedge the risks? If professional combat players stop being popular one day, we can still make money from the industry.”

Fang Chang glanced at him sideways.

“…can you still make steel?”

Lao Bai said with a smile.

“I don’t know how to make steel, but I can bake bricks and cement! Especially bricks. There are many brick factories in our hometown. I saw them running that rotary kiln, where the bricks are put On the kiln car, the car slides along the track into the furnace. The bricks stacked in the back have just entered, and the fired bricks in the front have already come out. They can be used after cooling. I heard that it is a bit more awesome, and the daily production capacity is high. A million bricks!”

Ye Shi: “…What the hell? It feels so good?!”

Bangfeng: “The selling price of red bricks in the shelter warehouse is 100 yuan and 1 silver coin, and the purchase price is 4 copper coins. The theoretical income of producing 1 million bricks per day is 4,000 to 10,000 silver? But I think the conditions of the former outpost are different from the waste. With the setting of earth OL, it is not realistic for you to build a brick factory covering an area of ​​20 acres.”

Lao Bai: “Nonsense! It costs at least 20 million RMB to invest in such a brick factory. Not to mention the equipment, how much steel do you think will be used?”

Fang Chang: “In fact, you don’t have to produce a million bricks a day. If you can produce 10,000 bricks a day, you can earn 40 to 100 silver a day. Calculated based on the daily salary of a brick-burner of 10 silver, the daily production capacity only needs to be more than 1,000 bricks. There is some money to be made. If it’s less than 1,000 yuan, it’s better to go to the manager and apply for a job as a bricklayer to get the subsistence allowance.”

Ye Shi: “If you don’t understand, just ask, what does 1,000 bricks mean?”

Lao Bai: “It looks like there are less than two sides.”

Ye Shi: “Uh, is it difficult to burn?”

Lao Bai: “You use the method of African Lao Hei to build a mud kiln and burn it for three days and three nights. You can get about four or five square meters, almost more than two thousand yuan. Pick a larger area and dig a few square meters.” When the brick kiln in Erba comes out, we can build a half-wheel kiln… Hey, why don’t we build a brick factory?”

Fang Chang: “Do you think the base has land for you?”

Lao Bai chuckled and said, “Isn’t this a try? Anyway, winter is here and we can’t catch prey. Why don’t we build this brick factory first, so that we can use the bricks to build the guild building?”

Bang Feng touched his chin and nodded.

“That’s right…if everyone wants to build a house, the demand for bricks will probably be greater than the demand for equipment.”

Fang Chang also came to his senses at this time and realized that he had overlooked a very serious problem.

“Wait a minute… I forgot about this. Wasteland Online is not a traditional MMORPG. Players need more than just equipment. If you put it this way, there is a lot of demand for bricks!”

Lao Bai: “A square meter of 24-year-old wall requires 128 standard bricks. You can do the math yourself. (Baring teeth)”

Brother Mosquito and Brother Scrambled Egg were listening, and everyone was dumbfounded.

“Fuck, am I joining the gang!”

“Gan! I’m so excited to hear what you said!”

Fang Chang shook his head.

“You both have land, so don’t bother with us. Doing your own industry well is the way to go. And you two, don’t just listen to Lao Bai’s bragging. By then, Nissan will have two or three I am satisfied with a thousand bricks.”

Seeing that Fang Chang did not believe in himself, Lao Bai was not anxious and said with a hearty smile.

“There will definitely be more than two or three thousand bricks! I will ask my fellow villagers when I get back to see how to increase production. Brothers in the group, don’t worry. When the union system comes out in the future, the profits of the brick factory will be our union Funds! Let’s not talk about how much money we make, but there must be benefits for the brothers!”

Fang Chang put down the bowl and stood up directly.

“The nights are long and there are many dreams. There is no reason why others can’t think of things we can think of. I suggest that you go online now and submit the application form as soon as possible, so as not to be preempted by others! Submit it early, maybe you can trigger the hidden mission… Lao Bai, How much space does it take to build a smaller brick factory?”

Lao Bai touched his chin and said.

“400 square meters should be enough. A kiln is 5*5, almost two meters high…I estimate.”

Fang Chang nodded.

“Okay, then apply for 400 square meters.”

Ye Shi: “666, big brother is awesome!”

Bangfeng: “Big brother, I’m messing with you!”

The four little players did not dare to delay. They did not even eat dinner and hurried to the warehouse to buy paper to write the application.

The order for Shelter No. 404 warehouse has clear requirements for brick materials and specifications, which are similar to the standard bricks in reality, with dimensions of 240mm × 115mm × 53mm.

One standard brick, about 685 pieces.

The current brick-burning process in industrial areas has been improved from the original stacked kiln style to a sunken kiln that is easier to control in size, has a higher internal temperature, and consumes less fuel.

However, although the temperature of this kind of pit kiln is higher than before, from “one kiln in three days” to “one kiln in one day”, the output still cannot increase.

Even if two pit kilns were started at the same time, the daily output would only be between 1,400 and 1,500 bricks, which would be almost two cubic meters in total.

Chu Guang settled an account before,

The daily salary of a brick-burner is 10 silver, and the labor cost is 20 silver based on two shifts.

The maximum output per day is 1,500 bricks. According to the [purchase price] set by the shelter itself, 100 bricks are 4 coppers, and these bricks are only worth 6 silver.

Even assuming that “these bricks are not in stock” and are snatched up by players as soon as they come out of the kiln, based on the [selling price] of 1 silver for 100 bricks, the daily output value is only 15 silver.

Obviously, regardless of whether it is 6 or 15, a shelter with a labor cost of 20 will lose money no matter what.

And it’s still “blood loss”!

It’s like the shelter has always been providing money to support these brick-burners.

Is this reasonable?

From the perspective of a shelter manager, this is obviously unreasonable.

If you want to hire two workers, each with a salary of 10 silver coins per day, the daily output value must be at least 20 silver coins to avoid losing money.

Based on the warehouse purchase price, every 100 bricks are 4 coppers, and the corresponding output of 20 silvers is 5,000 bricks, which is 2,500 bricks if divided among one person.

Otherwise, if you want to avoid losing money, you can only increase the price of bricks or reduce the income of brick-burners.

But if you do this, other problems will arise.

If you increase pricing, increasing it too much will cause sluggish demand. If everyone can no longer afford bricks and all build houses made of wood, the demand for cement will also shrink, and the cycle will become unstable.

It is even more unrealistic to reduce the income of brick movers. Burning bricks is not a good job in the first place. If you burn bricks for a day, you can’t even get 10 silver coins, let alone no one to do it.

Even if a lumberjack is chopped down twice by a dog, he can still earn 10 silver coins a day by renting an ax and knocking out trees all the time!

Looking at the application form in his hand, Chu Guang only thought about it for less than half a minute before making his decision without hesitation.

“That’s right!”

The four players of the Cow Horse Team had joyful smiles on their faces.

I just planned to give it a try, but I didn’t expect that I actually passed it!

This is so cool.

More than that, before they could be happy for two seconds, the manager’s next words made them even more excited.

“Your application has triggered a hidden task. Do you want to receive it?”

“If you receive it, you will receive a budget support of 5,000 silver coins. In exchange, the shelter will hold 80% of the shares of the brick factory.”

5000 silver coins! ?

The four little players were instantly blindfolded by the silver coins and shouted almost in unison.

“I’ll take it!”

“Carry on!”

Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

“Very good, I will allocate land to you next.”

As he spoke, Chu Guang took out a map of the Wetland Park and stared at the map and thought carefully for a long time.

Looking at the manager who was deep in thought, Ye Shi waited for a while and couldn’t help but whisper to Lao Bai next to him.

“Isn’t it announced in the evening?”

“Why do you care so much!” Lao Bai glared at him, fearing that the manager would think about it and lower his voice, “Wouldn’t it be better to approve it in advance?”

Fang Chang: “That’s right! Just shut up.”

Seeing his teammates staring at him, Ye Shi smiled mischievously.

“I’m not saying anything bad, I’m just a little curious…Besides, isn’t there a saying? When something goes wrong, there must be a monster——”

Before the crow finished speaking, it was held down by several hands.

Although Chu Guang heard the players’ whispered exchanges, he didn’t pay attention to how to use them. He made his own decisions in his mind.

The brick factory is different from steelmaking. The latter requires a little exploration and can be temporarily placed in the “urban area” before capacity expansion. The technical content of the former is not too high, or in other words, it does not require technology, but a large amount of fuel and soil.

Therefore, the map Chu Guang was holding was not from an outpost at all, and he had no intention of placing a brick factory at his doorstep.

“The brick factory is located by the river about 1km northwest from the base. There are rich clay resources there, and the surrounding trees can be used as fuel.”

Pointing to a 100X100 grid on the map, Chu Guang looked at the four players and continued.

“I have thought about it, but the 400-square-meter layout is still too small to be used. So I plan to grant you all this 15-acre land.”

“Please use it properly.”

15 acres? !

The four little players were stunned for a moment.

Although but…

This land is not in an industrial zone at all!


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