This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 775: One stone stirs up a thousand waves

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

“…Really, it still sank as expected.”

Dawn City, Shelter No. 404, B4 floor browsing room.

When he heard the news of the sinking of the Haiya, Sun Yuechi was stunned for two seconds, and a complicated expression appeared on his face after a moment.

Chu Guangneng could see that when he heard the news, his face showed both relief and joy, but also hesitation about the result, but more of it was what he said was “sure enough”.

He seemed to have guessed this outcome from the beginning, even before he threw the mess of Vault 70 at himself.

Chu Guang couldn’t help but feel a hint of curiosity in his heart.

But before he had time to ask, Sun Yuechi, who was sitting opposite him, spoke first.

“Is it okay for you to leave from the front line?”

Chu Guangdan smiled and said.

“I’m not really needed there, and they do quite well without me. In comparison, the meeting with representatives of the South China Sea Alliance authorities is more important.”

Although the Heart of Steel has always been on the front line, he doesn’t actually stay there all the time, and occasionally flies back.

For example, when the Adhesion Community has an important agenda to be discussed at the meeting, such as when the alliance’s internal affairs require him to make decisions, etc.

Sun Yuechi nodded in understanding, with a happy smile on his face.

“It’s good… I heard that the Southern Alliance was formed by the residents of Vault 70 and the survivors of the southern sea, right? In the end, they eliminated the barriers… In fact, it was quite stupid, playing vm. ‘Heika’, we have all forgotten that we are compatriots. The door of the shelter has been open for a century and a half, and it is too stupid to still call ourselves the residents of the shelter.”

“Sometimes I even can’t help but think that the shelter should be designed with a self-destruction period, and it will explode when the time is up… maybe it will be better for the people who survive.”

“That’s too formalistic. Even if you don’t have a refuge, you can still have a ‘black card’. After everything is over, wouldn’t it be good to turn this place into a museum?” Chu Guang glanced around and said in a joking tone He continued, “For example, the Library Theme Museum. I have a lot of books here, some from the Prosperity Era, and some written by the people of the Wasteland Era.”

Sun Yuechi sincerely praised: “It seems that you have really learned a lot of experience from Boulder City.”

Chu Guang: “After all, we don’t want to go through the same path they have walked…that would lead to a new cycle.”

“Very good.” Sun Yuechi said sincerely, looking at Chu Guang and couldn’t help but nodded again.

This is a conversation between two managers.

Chu Guang knew the meaning of the phrase “pretty good”, which was one shelter’s affirmation of another shelter’s “business” – the manager of Vault 70 believed that the method of Vault 404 might be It can really end the wasteland era.

He has no regrets about the transfer of management authority.

Seeing that Sun Yuechi seemed to have nothing to say, Chu Guang asked out his curiosity.

“I always have a feeling that you have already guessed today’s ending.”

Sun Yuechi said with a bitter smile.

“Do you still need to guess? I remember I should have said it a long time ago. I am just a watchmaker. At this time of my life, I finally couldn’t do it anymore. I considered all possibilities, but in the end they were all With the same result, my residents think that I am irresponsible, but they actually know nothing. I have looked at all possibilities, and this is almost the only way to save them.”

After a pause, he said again.

“You should have seen the ‘inventory’ in Vault 70. It’s the stuff that those guys who blamed me for not opening the door clamored for me to open.”

Chu Guang nodded.

“I have not been there, but my residents went to take a look for me, and there are indeed many good things.”

Sun Yuechi continued with a smile.

“Do you think anything can be changed by relying on those things? Or can anything change if I give them those things?”

Chu Guang thought for a while and said pertinently.

“It really can’t be changed.”

There are a lot of powered armors in the inventory, but the rookies in Vault 70 who have never even touched a gun will probably be beaten on the head by federal marines even if they go out.

Weapons are weapons, and those who operate weapons are ultimately humans, and war is a systematic thing.

The residents of Vault 70 survived the entire Civil War unscathed, and ultimately played a pivotal role in the formation of the new Confederacy.

Especially since they were the only ones in the entire civil war whose hands were not stained with the blood of their compatriots.

No matter how many times they cursed the people outside and wished they could all die and start over again, that was just what they were thinking about.

Everyone has a dark side in their heart, at least their actions are on the right high ground.

After this civil war, all their past mistakes were wiped out.

Judging from the results, this guy’s shock treatment was actually somewhat useful, at least it avoided the worst and most tragic consequences. It would be unfair to say that he is an irresponsible manager.

Sun Yuechi was silent for a while, then sighed softly and said.

“…We made the wrong move from the beginning. Maybe the guy who drove the cargo submarine was right. Our ancestors…may not have obtained the refuge permissions through normal means. In fact, the real residents Being locked out, we have always been afraid that people outside will discover the truth, afraid that they will know the whole history, afraid that one day they will wake up, and afraid that they will realize that what we give to them originally belongs to them. Therefore, the gene of distrust has always been engraved in our bones…”

His Adam’s apple moved and he continued.

“Except for the battleship Haiya, which was built to deal with the threat from the legion, all other battleships were built in the name of fighting against foreigners, but in fact they were just to provide insurance for the rule of Sanctuary 70.”

“But the irony is… you have also seen that these mutual checks and balances are actually useless at all. And the only warship that was truly built with the Legion as the imaginary enemy was used from beginning to end. On one’s own body.”

“I guessed that the Haiya would eventually sink, but I really didn’t expect that this civil war would end in such a gentle way… In my imagination, the price paid may be greater, and the final result may be It will be better than before, but not better than now.”

When he said this, Sun Yuechi looked at Chu Guang and thanked him sincerely.

“This is your credit…thank you.”

“You’re welcome, it’s our job as managers to end the Wasteland Era.”

Chu Guang nodded to him, suddenly thought of something, and continued.

“By the way, Li Minghui has come to Shuguang City and plans to interview me about future cooperation. Although he has not asked to see you, do you want to meet him?”

Sun Yuechi was a little moved, but he seemed to remember an unpleasant meeting with someone in the past, and shook his head with more than enough heart.

“It’s better not to… I’m retired, so it’s useless for him to see me.”

“Really? I think it would be better to meet them. After all, they are your compatriots. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t meet them. This is your freedom…”

Chu Guang said this with a smile, paused for a moment and suddenly said, “There are many missing parts in the administrator’s log of Vault 70. Don’t you plan to complete it?”

Sun Yuechi was a little moved, but it seemed that for the same reason, he finally shook his head.

“Let’s talk about it later… I quite like this job now.”

Although Chu Guang was a little disappointed, he didn’t say anything and just nodded.

Living up with one’s problems is not an easy task.

He can understand what Sun Yuechi is thinking. He still has feelings for Vault 70, and he even has more feelings for the survivors in the southern sea.

It is enough to settle down to the collapse of the Ocean Current Power Station, which was the trigger of the civil war.

The Torch Church was the one who directly took action, while Charas and his followers were the accomplices, and the dead President Mongo was the connivance.

As for what happened in the past 150 years, and what happened more than 200 years ago, the survivors in the southern sea no longer want to pursue it. As the former manager of Vault 70, he naturally There is no reason to take the initiative to do this, and Chu Guang has no reason to do it from the perspective of the alliance and the current manager of Vault 70.

This guy had thought it through from the beginning, so he gave himself the shelter authority without hesitation.

This civil war was undoubtedly won by the South China Sea Alliance, but the biggest winner was actually Vault 70, which had always stayed out of the matter, and the alliance that actually owned the Vault.

As for the survivors in the southern seas, they both won completely and lost completely…


Shuguangcheng North Street, the lobby of Highway Town Hotel, and the bar are bustling with people.

The residents sitting here eating breakfast are watching the TV next to the bar.

For the survivors of Dawn City who have already used controllable fusion power, television is not a rare thing, but its popularity is only a recent thing.

Some traditional media that relied on newspapers and radio stations to develop have expanded new businesses. In addition to reading newspapers, the general public also has a new choice of watching TV news to obtain information.

Before this, most of the viewing equipment of local survivors were tablets modified from VM, and the former was mainly produced through black boxes.

Nowadays, VM no longer needs to be manufactured in a black box. Not only has the industrial zone in Dawn City achieved mass production, but it has also made several iterations of its models.

As a result, players have used new wrist-mounted computers, and residents of Dawn City have their own new TVs. In the future, they will also have their own computers, mobile phones, smart wearable devices, endpoint clouds, and even bionics. People maids and so on.

From this point of view, a certain manager has indeed fulfilled his promise to build a new ideal city in Qingquan City.

This is indeed looking more and more like that great place.

Although it is still a bit low-end at present.

At this moment, today’s morning news is playing on the TV.

“…At 8:15 last night, the Burning Corps successfully captured the Presidential Palace of North Island and found Chalas’ body in the bunker below the Presidential Palace.”

“Based on the gunshot wound to the jaw and the location where the weapon was dropped, it can be preliminarily determined that the cause of death of Chalas was suicide.”

“The Commander of the Burning Legion refused to disclose any information on the casualties of this operation, but specifically mentioned that there were no casualties during the attack on the airfield.”

“Currently, the Burning Corps has handed over Chalas’ body to the South China Sea Alliance and kept it in the morgue of North Island Hospital. The local survivors will decide how to handle it. At the same time, Chalas’s party members and The subsequent trials of his pseudo-cabinet and other officials will be carried out in the near future.”

“With the fall of the Charas authorities, the long-standing chaos in the southern seas has finally come to an end. The investigation into the causes of the sinking of the Ocean Current Power Station and a series of shipwrecks such as the Golden Coast research vessel will be closely related to the investigation of the North Island. The reconstruction work is carried out simultaneously.”

“The South China Sea Alliance authorities stated that the top priority is to restore local production and living order.”

The TV screen switched from the studio to the port of the circular island.

Lee Minghui, the naval commander and interim president of the South China Sea Alliance, faced a circle of microphones and said in a loud voice.

“The war is not over yet. The Alliance has supported our war. Now it is our turn to support our allies!”

“The North Island naval port and airport will be permanently open to the alliance, including the North Island shipyard!”

“If the Torch Church is not completely eradicated, trouble will come to us again and again. We will learn from yesterday’s lesson, and no matter what difficulties we face in the future, we will never cooperate with barbarians again!”

The screen on the TV continued to switch and returned to the news studio.

“According to our reporter’s interview, authorities representatives specially thanked the alliance for its help at the press conference and said that survivors in the southern seas will always remember the alliance’s helping hand to local people in times of crisis and welcome the alliance’s help. Survivors come to the southern seas to vacation, work, live and invest. ”

“For more latest developments in the situation in the southern seas, our reporters will continue to follow up and report for you!”

After the report on the situation in the southern waters ended, the picture on the TV quickly switched to the northern line.

A few residents sitting in front of the bar exchanged glances, and a drunkard who had been drinking too early in the morning said with a belch.

“The Southern Alliance…is the alliance of Jinchuan Province?”

“Are you a pig? Where did the sea come from in Jinchuan Province?!” A man who looked like a mercenary said mockingly.

The drunkard was not angry and said confidently.

“What if there is? I haven’t been there to know…”

The businessman sitting aside said in a casual tone.

“That place is much farther than Jinchuan Province, and it’s a little further south, reaching the equator.”

All the residents were filled with emotion after hearing this.

“…That’s really far enough.”

“I have been traveling all over the country for several years, but I have never been to such a far place.”

The drunkard took a sip of vodka and groaned.

“Going so far away to fight, I don’t know what use it will be to the alliance…”

“What’s the use?” The mercenary-looking man joked with a smile, “The fact that you can ask this question shows that you have read the news in vain.”

What’s the use?

Directly inheriting various maritime military and civilian technologies developed by the survivors of the southern sea area over two centuries, the alliance that launched its first sea skipped two hundred years of exploration and became a “sea power”. Is it a win?

Even if he is just a mercenary, he can see how many times their respected manager has won.

The drunkard was a little confused and scratched the back of his head with his right hand.

Xing Shang, who was sitting aside, smiled calmly and said nothing, just eating his breakfast.

He booked a flight to Fries Port last night, and the flight will take off in three hours. While these people were still making jokes, he had already planned his future career.

Since the beginning of the civil war in the southern sea, he has been paying attention to the changes in the war situation, and now he has finally waited for the war to come to an end.

At present, the entire southern sea area is in need of reconstruction. It is not only the North Island that needs to be rebuilt, but also ocean current power stations and coral cities. These are all business opportunities visible to the naked eye.

Including the future development of the Tianting, the Alliance’s investment in the southern waters will not be small. He can make a lot of money just by doing anything there.

Pushing away the finished beef noodles, he picked up a paper towel and wiped his mouth. Suddenly he thought of something and looked at the old man standing behind the bar and said.

“Boss, give me a glass of vodka too.”

Old Hook recognized this regular customer and remembered that he was a merchant from Jinchuan Province and had settled in Shuguang City since last year.

Pour him a small cup, and Old Hook said with a smile.

“It’s strange that you drank it so early in the morning.”

“Today is an exception, haha.”

Zhou Nan smiled in a good mood, took the wine glass from Old Hook’s hand, clinked the glasses in the direction of the TV, and then raised his head and drank it down.

“Cheers to the alliance’s victory!”

Praise the managers!

His good luck has never stopped since he came to the Alliance!


On Embassy Street, a Legion flag stands on the roof of a three-story house with a front and backyard.

This is the legion’s embassy in the alliance, and it was just built not long ago.

Before this, the legion’s mission had been camping on the outskirts of Dawn City.

Originally, this was nothing, but as time went by, the Weirant people themselves also found it troublesome.

Especially with the advancement of the Sticky Community plan, more and more Weirant people went to Dawn City for activities, and the legion participated in more and more affairs in the Sticky Community. In the end, Benoit broke the established practice and agreed to the invitation from the foreign ministers of the alliance to establish embassies in each other.

At this moment, Benoit was sitting on the sofa in the embassy’s reception room watching the news on TV.

When he saw the naval battle between the South China Sea Alliance and the Northern Federation, a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his face.

“Oh, these days… no scraps of metal dare to touch our army.”

On the TV screen, a majestic battleship slowly sank to the bottom of the sea in a thick boiling smoke.

According to the news, this battleship named “Haiya” was built by survivors in the southern seas to deal with the threat from the Legion, and the main gun located at the bow was directly taken from the starship. The ones that were removed were specifically used to target the legion’s airship – or rather the deflector shield on the core of the frigate.

After watching the news to the end, Benoit pouted and turned off the TV.

Although he sincerely disdained the “fishermen” on the small islands, when he heard that the battleship’s main gun was actually removed from the starship, he couldn’t help but feel frightened.

Thankfully the battleship sank.

If this falls into the hands of the Alliance, I’m afraid it will be played out by those guys again.

Thinking of the Heart of Steel, Benoit was relieved and put the matter aside and did not continue to pay attention.

After all, the southern sea is too far away. The navy of the legion is mainly in the hands of the western legion, and the core of interests of the western legion is on another continent, which is too far away from here.

No matter what, as long as this thing doesn’t fall into the hands of the Alliance.

At this moment, Benoit didn’t know that there were four electromagnetic guns of the same type in Shelter No. 70!

With sufficient supply of steel and electricity, the North Island shipyard can build a similar toy in minutes…


It’s not just the Willandians who are paying attention to the situation in the southern seas.

For the “South China Sea Alliance”, a new member who looks like the “vest” of the alliance and will soon join the Commonwealth, all the major forces in the wasteland have more or less paid attention to it through the alliance’s media. Let’s take a look at the latest developments in the situation in the southern seas.

This includes not only companies and colleges, but also the Free State… and even the distant Xilan.

Tiandu, on the magnificent palace.

Sitting on the chair, Wu Tuo was tasting the fine wine imported from Jingallan Port, while listening happily to his **** reciting the latest issue of “Shuguang Garden News”, his mouth was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth. When I got close, I couldn’t help but shout “Hao” several times to cheer.

To put it bluntly, the Alliance is not all sycophants. There are still people who dare to tell the truth. The news in this newspaper is indeed exciting.

Because the manager of the alliance has taken a liking to the queen of the Lion Kingdom, the king of the Lion Kingdom dares to be angry but dare not speak out. His tacit and indulgent attitude not only boils the public resentment in the Lion Kingdom, but also attracts the honey badger who is enamored of the manager. The princess became so jealous that the two kingdoms fought on the border, threatening to trigger the second Luoxia War.

The back garden of the Alliance has been filled with smoke. Now the fire has spread to the southern sea area. It is said that a Tianting ship was burned down. However, the media in Dawn City did not mention it at all. Only “Shuguang” who dared to tell the truth “Garden News” stood up and made the naked truth known to the public, stripping away every bit of the alliance’s underpants.

“…This alliance has done many unjust things and brought disgrace upon itself. I’m afraid it will be over soon!”

Wu Tuo was so excited to see it, with a hint of drunken blush on his face.

If it wasn’t too far away, he would have wished to reward the newspaper with some money so that reporters who dared to tell the truth would be faster.

Maybe he drank too much, his eyes rolled slightly, and a sudden thought occurred to him.

“The alliance is busy with Luoxia Province and the front line of Shifeng Mountain, so it must have no interest in the southern seas… Wouldn’t it be perfect if the South China Sea Alliance came to be our tributary country in Xilan?”

He learned the term tributary country from the “Dawn Garden News”. He heard that the Lion Kingdom and the Honey Badger Kingdom are both tributary countries of the Alliance, the Hump Kingdom is half of it, and the Golden Lizard and Falcon are the academy and the falcon respectively. Legionary.

The **** who was reading the newspaper was stunned for a moment, and Duke Nihak sitting next to him was also stunned for a moment.

The former mainly failed to follow His Majesty’s train of thought and was not sure whether he should answer the call, while the latter just came back not long ago and did not read the first few issues of the newspaper sent by the Duke of Galawa and did not understand the tributary country. What does it mean.

Seeing that no one objected, Wu Tuo touched his chin and said.

“…Didn’t the Weiland people make some cement at Sifan Port? There are also steel and other things. They are almost rusting in our warehouse. Why not sell them to them… By the way, Use Xilan coins to set prices! We have to do that too!”

I heard from “Dawn Garden News” that the reason why the alliance has risen so quickly is largely because the managers of the alliance put silver coins into the pockets of the Wastelanders and took them away. Something of real value.

Although the newspaper did not say how the Alliance stuffed the silver coins into the pockets of the wastelanders, Wu Tuo thought that this was really a genius idea. The empire had to find a way to do it, so why not take advantage of this situation? This is an opportunity to do something special.

To rebuild their homes, the survivors in the southern seas will definitely need steel and cement, and he happens to have a lot of excess of these.

Those steel and cement were originally used to build roads, but rebuilding the infrastructure around Tiandu and Xifan Port did not require so many resources. The unused items were almost piled up in the warehouse.

To be honest, he didn’t quite understand why the Weiland people put so much effort into producing so much steel and cement. What he wanted were rifles and artillery, as well as soldiers who knew how to fight.

However, the helpless thing is that those big noses really didn’t regard him as an outsider. They not only bought and sold him by force, but also used the goods they couldn’t sell to pay off the debt.

He thought that he would not get the money back anyway, so it would be better to follow their wishes and get a bunch of messy things.

Who knows when it will come in handy?

He is extremely lucky now. Thanks to the foresight he had at that time, he agreed to the Wilant people’s plan. Wouldn’t that pile of junk come in handy now?

Duke Nihak touched his chin, thinking that what His Majesty said seemed to make sense.

He had been the governor of Golden Gallen Port and had some knowledge of business matters. Xilan coins were indeed not very competitive when facing dinars and silver coins, which caused them to suffer quite a loss when doing business. The imperial treasury suffered a lot from this.

Now that the surge in tariffs at Golden Gallon Port has brought a lot of income to the empire, they can just use this spare money to do something.

“The only problem now is… the South China Sea Alliance does not have Xilan coins, how can we let them use Xilan coins to buy our things?” Nihak rubbed his chin and thought.

Looking at Nihak who looked depressed, Wu Tuo took a sip of the wine and said with a faint smile.

“It’s easy to say, it doesn’t matter if they don’t have it, we just lend them some Xilan coins.”

He also learned this trick from “Shuguang Garden News”.

During the Battle of Luoxia, the Alliance provided a silver loan to the Lion Kingdom and the Honey Badger Kingdom. On the one hand, it stimulated the infrastructure construction of the two countries, and on the other hand, it allowed the alliance’s companies to benefit from those infrastructure projects. Made a fortune.

Going further, corporate assistance to alliances takes a similar form.

Although he couldn’t explain the secret behind it, he still had the ability to follow the example of a gourd.

Nihak looked at His Majesty who suddenly became enlightened in surprise. The expression on his face gradually turned into surprise and he stood up from the chair.

“Your Majesty is wise! As long as we lend them a sum of money, we will not only sell the unsalable cement, but also become their creditors!”

He has been working in Golden Gallen Port for so many years and has never thought of this trick. Unexpectedly, His Majesty actually thought of it!

Is this newspaper really so magical? !

Nihak couldn’t help but think in his mind that after he returned, he must ask Duke Nagarawa to send him a few copies so that he could study it.

Looking at the shocked Nihak, Wu Tuo smiled and put down the cup in his hand.

“Thank you, sit down.”

Although there was no expression on his face, he was still very happy to show his hand in front of his courtiers.

At the same time that Wu Tuo was complacent about his strategy, a massive battle began “quietly” in Mengmao State in the northeastern part of Borneo Province.

On one side is the local army of Mengma Prefecture, which has a total of fifty thousand people and is said to be one hundred thousand. It is led by the governor of Mengma Prefecture himself.

On the other side is the Yue Clan Resistance Army, which claims to have 10,000 people, but in fact, 6,000 is not even enough. More than half of them are serfs and refugees picked up along the way, led by Lacy, the former head of the Jingallang Port Militia. lead.

Obviously, the governor of Mengma Prefecture did not pay attention to these stragglers at all, and did not even bother His Majesty. He still wanted to wait until the battle was over before sending the victory report to Tiandu to give His Majesty a big surprise.

Coincidentally, the same goes for his opponent Lacy, who did not take his opponent seriously at all.

One hundred thousand people…

How dare you brag!

In this hellish place, even if ten people can come up with a gun, he will lose!

After arranging the combat deployment, this slovenly guy simply squatted in the military camp and read the “Survivor Daily” that was delivered with the supplies.

Looking at the headlines about the southern sea area, Lacy muttered to himself while biting the steamed bun.

“She’s pretty fast!”

He remembered that when he was still the uncle of Golden Gallon Port, the Alliance was still in a stalemate with the Federation in the southern waters. Apart from moving the Burning Legion away, there was no movement at all to start a fight.

In the blink of an eye, the Federation was wiped out.

Now that the alliance has taken over the southern sea area, it will definitely start infrastructure construction there soon.

If you want to develop this bad land in Mengmazhou, you must seize this opportunity!

The only poor people here are the people!

Putting the last piece of steamed bun into his mouth, Lacy’s eyes flashed as he chewed it.

He has to be faster!


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