This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 652: This has nothing to do with whether it is correct or not, it is just their choice

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

Bugra Free State.

In the studio of a certain TV station, House, who was in formal attire, sat at a long table, put down a thick stack of press releases, and started live broadcasting today’s news program.

“Dear viewers, welcome to the House Daily Observation Program, I am your dearest Mr. House.”

“Just last night, the barbarians in Qingquan City shamelessly detained six law-abiding traders from the Bugla Free State! There is no doubt that this is an act of banditry… Look, they claim to be with The predators are the enemy, but what is the difference between what they do and the predators?

“Just as they plundered the wealth of the residents of Boulder City, now they have extended their greedy claws to us who are honest and loyal.

“It’s a pity that we didn’t establish diplomatic relations with them. Poor Mr. Hindison can only pay for his carelessness… They should choose their trading partners carefully. Doing business with gangsters never ends well.”

“A text message is inserted below. Our beloved Mayor Odo said that at the request of the Chief of the Great Rift Valley, we will try to cooperate with the Alliance on issues related to mutant slime… What?!”

Looking at the press release in his hand, House, who was just following the script a second ago, suddenly widened his eyes and almost fell off his chair.

Cooperating with the Alliance? Are you kidding me? !

Mr. House’s program is not popular in the Bugla Free State and does not rank high in ratings among countless similar programs.

Most citizens neither like their mayor nor the guy’s pedantic tone, so his show is only popular among the inner-city nobles of Stone City who have fled to the Free State.

Sometimes players in the alliance will watch his programs for fun and occasionally share excerpts on the official forum.

But what’s interesting is that today, House’s reaction on the show was surprisingly consistent with the vast majority of Free State citizens who accidentally watched his show.

Whether it is intentional or unintentional, the Alliance has ruined the good things of the Free State more than once. The authorities’ propaganda has even played up the Alliance as an old enemy that “impedes them from getting rid of the rule of the Great Rift Valley” and hinders their companies from falling. A gangster doing business in Xia Xing Province.

And now, they want to cooperate with “gangsters”! What a joke!

The scene of the press conference.

Faced with a microphone stretched out in front of him, Odo knew that he could not explain to his supporters, so he could only bite the bullet and speak.

“…That’s the opinion of the Great Rift Valley. I understand your dissatisfaction, but I have no other choice.”

After hearing his explanation, the press conference was in an uproar, and people’s emotions were out of control.

A man with a reporter badge on his chest pushed through the crowd and tried to rush to the podium, but was stopped by a security guard wearing an exoskeleton.

Looking at the spineless mayor, the man angrily yelled at him.

“Mr. Odo, do you know that just a few hours ago, Alliance soldiers seized our merchants!”

Odo looked helplessly at the angry young man. “I know

“You don’t know!” The man interrupted angrily, pushing the guard who stopped him, “You are like a pug chasing behind the Great Rift Valley! I am really ashamed of you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards had his hands cut behind his back and were handcuffed. He was escorted away like a hero amidst the cheers and applause of the crowd.

Worried about having a water bottle thrown at him, the guard did not dare to be violent with the guy.

Looking at the increasingly exciting press conference, Odo sighed inwardly, but still patiently explained to these idiots.

“…Whether we can succeed or not, we must try to talk to the people in the alliance, otherwise the electricity bill will increase again next year.” Or let me put it another way, you don’t want to start next year. Taiwan, let’s change the advertisement for opening the refrigerator from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.


That was what he said casually, no one knows whether it will end up like this

After all, Mr. Chief didn’t tell him,

Exactly how much energy prices will rise, and how much costs will be passed on by business owners to those little leeks.

While Odo was tired of dealing with the reprimands of the citizens, Sigma, who was sitting in the office on the top floor of the Firestone Group Building, was gazing gloomily at the prosperous city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and the desolation carved into the skyline.

Just yesterday, he had just received the messenger from the Torch Church, but the instructions from the Great Rift Valley completely disrupted his plan.

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Although the Free State is actually in the hands of the Firestone Group, even so it is not convenient for him to blatantly disobey the orders of the Great Rift Valley.

He knows very well.

Although the Great Rift Valley settlement is far less prosperous than the Free State, there is an insurmountable gap in the military force between the two sides.

But at this moment, what concerns him more is actually another thing

“…There are rumors that the alliance managers have met with representatives from the academy and the enterprise, and representatives from the legion are also on their way to Dawn City.”


Standing in front of the desk, his confidant Xavier said respectfully and looked away from the floor-to-ceiling window. Sigma looked at Xavier. “College?”

Xavier nodded seriously.

“Well…and I heard that the time when the academy came into contact with the alliance was before the enterprise.”


Looking at Sigma who frowned, Xavier paused for a moment and continued

“It’s also a rumor, I heard…the Alliance is planning to form a cross-regional cooperation organization dedicated to solving the mutant slime mold brood that plagues various parts of the wasteland.”

“Combined with their ability to manipulate slime mold fruiting bodies, I suspect they are planning to use this opportunity to expand their influence.”

This guess is indeed reasonable.

If the Alliance has the ability to control the behavior of mutant slime molds, then the territory governed by them will become their de facto jurisdiction.

Build military bases on corporate and college sites. How dare they think.


Sigma sneered in his heart, but he did not take it lightly

Those ancient survivor forces have an extraordinary obsession with mutant slime mold, after all, those guys once destroyed their world.

This is completely different from most survivors in the wasteland.

If the alliance establishes closer cooperation with enterprises and academies, the Free State will have even less room for survival.

It’s not just that.

What if the Great Rift Valley is also won over by the alliance, and that old guy suddenly says, “Boulder City has joined the alliance, you should also join them.” Then it will be a real rift!

He doesn’t want to give away his years of hard work just because of someone’s words!

At this moment, a call rang on the desk.

Guessing who the call was from, Sigma reached out and touched his watch, and soon a blue beam of light rose from the desk.

The man standing in the holographic beam was Odo, who was at the press conference of the Free State authorities a few minutes ago.

“I’m sorry to disturb you at this time, Mr. Sigma. I believe you should have heard that the chief of the Great Rift Valley hopes that we will cooperate with the Alliance on issues related to mutant slime mold… As before, they Using energy as a bargaining chip, I can only agree to it.”

Looking at Mayor Odo who looked respectful, Sigma said in a relaxed tone.

“Your choice is correct. There is no need for us to stand against the Great Rift Valley.”

Seeing Sigma’s understanding, Odo breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask.

“What is your opinion?”

Sigma closed his eyes and thought for a long time. After a while, he opened his eyes and spoke slowly.

“I have no objection. Just follow the instructions of Mr. Chief and contact the alliance in the official name of the Free State.”

Although several contacts between the Firestone Group and the Alliance ended in unpleasant results, the Free State has never launched formal diplomatic contact with the Alliance in an official capacity.


Duo hesitated for a moment and asked. “Is this… really no problem?” Sigma said concisely.

“It’s not a bad thing to show an active stance on things that the chief cares about, and we can understand their movements by contacting them. It doesn’t matter if they refuse to cooperate, at least we have done what we should do. ”

“What about our citizens? There are many voices of opposition. Otto said cautiously.

The candidate for mayor of the Free State was nominated by the Rift Valley, but ultimately it was the citizens who elected him. He has already lost a large number of supporters because of the press conference just now. If he shows too much cooperation, his approval rating will drop further.

His opponents even began clamoring for impeachment proceedings to oust him.

Knowing what Odo was worried about, Sigma didn’t care and just said something indifferently.

“Don’t worry, I will help you convince the opposition.”

Although it was just a casual promise, after hearing this sentence, a relieved smile suddenly appeared on Odo’s face, which was still nervous.

“With your words, I feel relieved!

Everyone in this settlement knows that the true master of the Free State is Mr. Sigma.

The Firestone Group not only controls the most profitable business in the entire Free State, but also directly or indirectly controls more than 90% of the media in this settlement.

As long as this gentleman takes action, he does not need to worry about any opposition. Those people will consciously keep their mouths shut…

Just when all walks of life in the Bugra Free State were making a fuss about “Sindisson and Mayor Odo, the follower of the Rift Valley”, the “industrial area arson” that was held in Dawn City also caused a stir. The alliance has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

The case will begin at noon.

The auditorium of Shuguang City Court was packed, and even the aisle in the last row was filled with people of different statuses.

In fact, the original trial process would not have been so fast, but due to the decisiveness of the parties to plead guilty and the clear chain of evidence, the trial of the case was advanced due to pressure from all parties.

At this moment, a young man in his early twenties stood in the dock. He had a resolute face and a straight posture. He did not look like a bad guy, and he looked like he was from the military.

This is indeed the case.

His name is Sun Yong, a soldier of the First Corps. He joined the army during the Luoxia Province War last year, and the reason for joining the army was very simple, just to follow in the footsteps of that adult.

Most of the soldiers in the First Corps are like this.

Most of them do not have a high level of education. They are either slaves rescued from raiders by the Alliance, or refugees sheltered by homeless homes.

He regards managers as something more important than life and honor, so when he heard that someone dared to insult his beloved leader, he was immediately overwhelmed with anger.

Now that I calm down and think about it, I really shouldn’t have been so impulsive at the time. No matter what the reason is, he should not vent his anger on the people he is supposed to protect.

Not only did he find the wrong person.

It almost resulted in more serious consequences……

Looking at the young man standing in the dock, the judge felt a little unbearable, but he still performed his duties conscientiously. “Are you aware of the mistakes you made?”

Sun Yong nodded. “I know.

The defendant has pleaded guilty.

The next step is sentencing.

The judge sighed and continued. “Then is there anything else you want to add?” Sun Yong shook his head.


The lawyer sitting at the defense table kept winking at him, trying to remind him what to say to win leniency, but he didn’t even look over there.

Wrong is wrong. of trial.

He does not want to excuse his crimes, he is willing to accept the law

Seeing that the defendant had nothing to add, the judge was ready to announce the outcome of the trial.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the audience.

“Mr. Judge, I would like to say a few words for my ten soldiers…”

Wrench, who originally didn’t intend to speak, couldn’t help but speak. However, as soon as he stood up, a serious scolding came from not far away from him.

“Mr. Commander of the First Corps, pay attention to where you are standing now. This is the alliance’s court, not your military camp! Except for the defendant’s defense lawyer, no one can say a word for him.”

Wrench immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the person speaking was old Charlie who was also standing in the audience.

Faced with Wrench’s stunned and puzzled gaze, Old Charlie just looked at him calmly without frowning.

Others are afraid of him because of his identity, but old Charlie is not afraid of him.

“I – bah! I don’t mean what you said! I am standing here as a citizen… I am also a citizen of the alliance, what’s wrong with me expressing my opinion?!”

Looking at Wrench arguing with a rough voice, old Charlie continued expressionlessly.

“You are a citizen of the Union, and I am also a citizen of the Union! My position is here, no one is allowed to interfere with the majesty of the law.”

Just when Wanwan was scratching his head and scratching his head anxiously but couldn’t say anything to the old man, the young man standing in the dock suddenly spoke.

“Captain, I have realized my mistake. I have betrayed the trust of the managers and everyone… I should be punished by law, and please stop interceding on my behalf.”

Looking away from the dumbfounded Wrench’s face, Old Charlie looked at the young man standing in the dock and nodded approvingly.

This kid is a sensible person.

Although it has taken some detours, if it is properly renovated on the inside, it will be a pillar of strength when it comes out.

There were whispers in the court.

At this moment, there was another voice that made him frown. “Please wait a moment, Mr. Judge, I am the client…Although Ge has no identity, I think I should be qualified to say a few words!”

A well-dressed middle-aged man stood up from the bustling auditorium and walked to the aisle of the nearby corridor.

Seeing that the bailiff maintaining order in the court did not stop him, he smiled and continued.

“To be honest, I was really scared that night, especially when I saw the warehouse on fire. I seemed to see your bravery on the battlefield in the flames.”

Sun Yong said awkwardly with a red face. “I’m sorry…”

“No, in fact, it’s me who should say I’m sorry…actually.”

Wang Tu sighed and turned to look at the people in the audience beside him

“I am the director of Tujia Printing Factory. I am sorry that I have betrayed your trust. I did not carefully check the newspapers sent out from the warehouse, and allowed some unexplained things to be mixed in. As a result, everyone today There is no newspaper to read, so I can only kill time here… Later, I thought about it carefully for a long time, and I realized that this actually poses a huge safety hazard.

“For just a few dozen coins, three pieces of paper filled with lies can be circulated on newsstands across the city. Fortunately, they are just pieces of paper, not bombs or anything else.”

Looking at the people whispering, he paused and continued.

“I reflected all night. In the past year, I have been thinking about how to improve the productivity of the printing factory, how to improve production efficiency, save costs, and make more money… but I have always ignored it. The most important issue that cannot be ignored is that my factory is not a pure machine, it is a part of this society. Its obligations should not only be production, but also its social responsibilities. “Thank you for letting me.” Realizing this, this lesson was not a very bad deal for me before it caused bigger troubles… Moreover, the insurance compensated me for the financial losses. I will add more in the process of loading and unloading. A review process to ensure that a similar situation does not happen again. ”

“In addition, I think this is not just my problem. I just run a printing factory. I can carefully check every order, but you can’t expect me to check for you that what is stated on every order is direct. Words or lies. At least we should have a media rating agency that rewards good people who tell the truth.

Get a higher rating! If no representative is willing to do this proposal, I will do it, and if I am elected as a representative, this will be my first proposal! “

The audience burst into applause.

Looking at his supporters, Wang Tu smiled and nodded, then turned to look at the judge and said frankly.

“Mr. Judge, I know that there is no possibility of settlement in the prosecution case, but can you please consider that we all have unshirkable responsibilities and we are all aware of the problem, and mitigate him appropriately? The criminal liability… After all, the fire did not cause any casualties, it just burned some paper.”

“I think this is not just my idea. If because of my negligence, a young man who should have devoted his blood to a greater cause sacrificed his youth, but I don’t have to bear any responsibility… This This guilt will stay with me for the rest of my life.”

There was even warmer applause.

His remarks impressed at least some people, and even business owners who originally supported a harsh sentence could not help but soften their attitude.

Just re-sentencing is meaningless.

This is not the Middle Ages where the gallows was needed to deter criminals. Besides, which guy in the wasteland is really afraid of death?

If the rules are not perfected, the things they worry about will happen again and again, and the contradictions hidden under the water will become more acute, and this is just the beginning.


“Well said!” Wrench applauded vigorously and even slapped his hands. This guy can talk much more nonsense than he does!

He is a talent!

Old Charlie did not applaud, and his expression did not change at all. However, when he looked at the guy who ran the printing shop, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

He didn’t know if this guy was playing political speculation.

But at least the guy just now won the favor of soldiers, citizens and other classes without offending other business owners with just a few words.

“Quiet! Quiet!”

The judge knocked his gavel twice, waited until the noise at the scene subsided, and looked at the man standing under the court before continuing.

“According to the existing laws, I shouldn’t adopt your suggestion.” Wang Tu had a regretful expression on his face.


All he can do is plead for mercy.

But at this time, the judge paused and continued.

“However, I have to admit that there are many details in the case that cannot be ignored, which are not covered by our current legal provisions.

As he spoke, he turned his attention to the crowded auditorium.

“I remember correctly that legislation is the work of the representative assembly. There should be representatives among you. I want to hear your opinions.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience immediately heard a lot of chatter.

Some people shouted not guilty, some shouted that the punishment should be reduced, and some shouted that the sentence should be changed to social labor… The noisy scene did not look like a court, but like a vegetable market.


Especially Wrench, who shouted loudest and blushed with excitement

Old Charlie looked at this boss with black lines on his head, but it was hard to say anything. After all, the laws of the alliance gave the judge a certain amount of autonomy in sentencing. If the judge lets the people in the courtroom speak, legally speaking, his Behavior is reasonable.

Although in theory judges should not be affected by public opinion, in practice it is impossible for them not to be affected at all.

The laws of the Union are formulated by representatives, and representatives are born from citizens. The provisions themselves are the projection of the will of the citizens.

Looking at the noisy audience, the judge had to bang the gavel again and said loudly to the court.

“Innocence is impossible!

“However, I also agree that part of the defendant’s criminal liability should be appropriately reduced… This is taking into account the injured party’s active understanding, no casualties, and the defendant’s good attitude in pleading guilty.

Looking at the cheering audience, Sun Yong’s face was full of surprise

And when his eyes came into contact with the smiling Wang Tu, there was no expression on his face

Young felt a trace of guilt and buried his eyes in shame.

At this moment, the guilt in his heart was far more profound than after he calmed down last night.

If that person were arrogant and domineering, or scolded him, or even threw things at him, he would feel slightly better.

However, that person actually, like him, longed for the alliance to become greater and better. His self-righteous justice did not punish any evil person who should be punished, but only hurt a compatriot…

Standing in the middle of the cheering crowd, looking at Wrench who raised his eyebrows at him, Old Charlie sighed, not knowing what to say, shook his head and walked out of the court.

He expected that Wrench would come here, and he made plans to maintain the dignity of the law by singing the blackface to the end, but he didn’t expect that an unknown person would appear halfway through.

He had nothing to say about this result.

After leaving the court, Old Charlie told Chu Guang exactly what happened at the scene through VM, and hesitantly expressed his opinion.

“I don’t know if this is correct.”

Looking at the slightly troubled old Charlie, Chu Guang, who had just reached a cooperation agreement with the company, smiled in a good mood and said.

“This has nothing to do with whether it is correct or not, it is just their choice.

Looking at Chu Guang’s smile, old Charlie felt a little misunderstood and hesitated for a moment and asked.

“Can I understand that… you are very satisfied with the result.” Chu Guang said with a smile.

I can’t say I’m satisfied, but I’m really pleased. Of course, this has nothing to do with the result of the penalty… Do you still remember that the earliest rules in this land were the terms I wrote on the VM. The above content is only three short sentences, no killing, no robbery, no stealing. “Old Charlie nodded and said.


“Of course I remember, that was actually not a long time ago.” Chu Guang continued in a relaxed tone.

“Yes, it didn’t take long for those clauses to be thick enough to be written in a book. They began to propose solutions to our existing problems and took the initiative to assume more social responsibilities… …I very much agree with what the small businessman said. This is not a loss-making business. We only used a small fire to achieve social progress and avoid greater trouble in the future. “

“I’m glad that it didn’t take them too long to realize that only those with self-discipline can achieve true freedom.”

He knew very well that the omnipotent philosopher Gan described by Plato in “The Republic” could not exist, but too many survivors of the alliance had too many unrealistic illusions about him. Fortunately, he has a clear understanding of himself. He knows that he is just an ordinary human being.

He has actually been guiding the residents of the alliance to solve some problems spontaneously.

Whether it is selecting representatives from all walks of life and later all strata, or allowing players to initiate proposals on the forum, this is what he has been doing.

Even if some suggestions are immature, what does it matter? There are some problems that he himself has no better solutions for.

Someone proposes, someone improves, and things will always get better little by little.

Old Charlie said with a bitter smile.

“Maybe my thinking hasn’t changed yet… maybe I really should retire.”

Looking at the self-deprecating old man on the screen, Chu Guang said with a smile.

“You don’t have to force yourself to change, conservative voices are also indispensable.”



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