This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 578: Plan No. 03

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!


Looking blankly at the person in front of him, the little sheep’s eyes were filled with confusion and fear, and he moved back involuntarily.

Seeing her reaction, Ye Shi put away the plasma-coated dagger and scratched his helmet.

“Don’t think I’m a bit scary, but I’m actually a good person… Uh, okay, I know that’s not very convincing.”

If it were him, one day a guy who was going on a killing spree would suddenly come in and grab him


Looking blankly at the person in front of him, Xiaoyang’s eyes were filled with confusion and fear, and he couldn’t help but

Moving backwards independently.

Seeing her reaction, Ye Shi put away the plasma-coated dagger and scratched his helmet.

Don’t think I’m a little scary looking like this. In fact, I’m a little scary looking like this. In fact, I am

He’s a good guy… Well, okay, I know that’s not very convincing.

If it were him, one day a guy suddenly breaks into the community and starts killing people.

I grabbed his arm and asked him to follow me, I’m afraid he would pee in fear.

She was not scared to tears. This little girl’s psychological quality is still good.

But the problem is that he really doesn’t know how to explain the current situation

Well, he himself was in a confused state.

According to the original plan, he should take a carriage to the servants’ quarters not far away,

After getting off the bus, I went to the annex and took the person away without anyone noticing.

However, things deviated from the original plan from the beginning.

The carriage suddenly stopped halfway, and then the carriage driver rushed in

The carriage rushed towards him like crazy.

At first Ye Shi planned to subdue the man, but later found out that there was no way

It didn’t work, the man couldn’t listen at all, and even reached out to **** his weapon.

Unable to communicate at all, Ye Shi could only twist his neck, and then jumped out of the carriage,

Go straight to the annex located in the corner of the manor.

However, after arriving at the annex, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought

Shan, everyone in the annex has become in the same state as that coachman.

Almost the moment he stepped into the annex, those guys sensed his presence

Now, they all rushed towards him like zombies.

If it weren’t for Lao Bai who helped deliver the exoskeleton to the settlement before the operation started

Close, that intention…

They sent the exoskeleton here to kill them from the zombies

Coming out may not be easy.

To be honest, he is still confused as to what happened. Totally confused


The only thing that is certain is that this manor – and even the entire settlement should be destroyed

Something terrible happened.

Perhaps they should conduct a more careful investigation before entering the settlement.

Obviously, someone is eyeing them and taking advantage of their plan.

Together with them. Just when Ye Shi was thinking about it, Mi Mi Hu Hu Di lay in the arms of the little sheep

The girl inside suddenly moved her eyelashes.

As if awakened by the movement around her, she let out a slow sound


I’m hungry…

The sudden and strange sound made the two people in the basement feel a deep feeling

The cold that penetrates the bones is like falling into an ice cave at 50 degrees below zero.

Yinyin opened her mouth exaggeratedly, even her gums turned out, as if she was hungry

The Zhou beast bit hard at the lamb’s neck.

The little sheep was completely dumbfounded and stood motionless in place.

Seeing that the **** mouth was about to bite, a gun barrel was suddenly and roughly stuffed into it

Open her mouth and move Miao Nan lying on top of her…

Go back.

Yinyin let out a manic roar, and her hands with bulging veins continued to stretch forward

As she stood, the bloodthirsty child seemed to want to tear her into pieces.

Are you crazy? ! Get away from her! Look at the frightened little kid

Girl, Ye Shi was also frightened into a cold sweat, and couldn’t help but roared.

Good guy.

They bite me without even trying to dodge, so what the hell…

If he had come two minutes late, the person lying here would have been completely unrecognizable

Fei’s body is gone!

Looking at Yin Yin struggling with a ferocious face and the gun barrel in her mouth, Xiaoyang

Suddenly he woke up like a little ghost who had returned. He jumped up and hugged his calf, carrying him

Shouting with a hint of crying.

Don’t… don’t shoot!

Looking at the begging little sheep, Ye Shi gritted his teeth. In the end, he didn’t make up his mind, turned off the safety, reached out and grabbed the girl who had turned into a zombie, and dragged her to the side.

My hands and feet were **** with plastic ropes.

Yin Yin was struggling on the ground with her hands and feet tied, her eyelashes were stained with dust, she was beautiful

My face twisted into a ball. At this moment, she was like a crazed beast, baring her teeth.

hissing and growling.

She has turned into a zombie… just like those people outside, just like eating

Who. Damn it, these dogs, did they grow anything other than fruit?

Ye Shi stood up and glanced at the struggling little girl, then turned to look again

The lamb sitting on the ground.

I don’t have time to explain, I’ll keep it short, believe it or not. Your dad spent time

A sum of money, please let us come and take you out of here, what you have to do now is

Follow me and I will take you out of here! Of course, if you don’t obey me honestly, I will

I can only tie you up and take you away like her, do you understand?

If possible, he really doesn’t want to do this and deal with those gnawers outside

A guy like this is troublesome enough, and his ammunition is not unlimited.

Just for these people in the manor, the entire settlement may have suffered. It will be over soon

I don’t know what I will encounter.

Fortunately, although this little girl doesn’t look very smart, she is calm enough, even if she is scared

Though, I have not lost my ability to communicate and can still communicate normally.

Looking at the man covered in blood, Xiao Yang nodded palely.

I understand…I will go with you, please, please save Yinyin

Yin Yin……

Looking at the little girl tied into a rice dumpling leaning against the wall, Ye Shi’s face

He showed a troubled expression.

Save…how to save this.

To put it bluntly, he didn’t even know what happened to these people.

Seal your mouth with tape and take it back? That’s not impossible.

It’s just that he’s only one person, so it’s troublesome to bring a tow bottle, so bring him again

Even he doesn’t have much confidence if he is a laggard.

The little sheep swallowed, tried to stay calm, and said in a trembling voice

I…may know why everyone is like this.

Huh? Ye Shi glanced at her.

Bai Ji continued, and Xiaoyang saw that the man was willing to listen to what he had to say, so he continued patiently


This villa… is a very important place in the manor. It was the manor a long time ago

The main building of the garden was later built with a new big house, and it was used by the master for some house arrest

Important guest.

Ye Shi could not help but feel a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This doesn’t sound like something a six-year-old would say.

Can she understand the concept of hostages at her age?

What then?

The little sheep continued.

Because this place is very important…there are many people guarding it, including some servants

Wearing servant’s clothes, but actually not a servant, but the master’s confidant. Milli

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is even safer than the main building. It is precisely for this reason that the master is so concerned about this

I am very relieved. If I go elsewhere, there will be many people looking for me anxiously, but

If I were here, no one would care even if I disappeared for a while…

In other words, if there is any secret that needs to be hidden from others, your famous mountain

The subject is placed here? Ye Shi touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

Whether it is for protection or surveillance, this is indeed the safest choice to live here

The ones in the annex can also act as smoke bombs.

If someone is assigned to handle the area in another area, it will be more conspicuous.

The little sheep nodded nervously.

Hmm…don’t you think it’s strange? Such an important place has been renovated in such a big way

A basement is only used to store some sundries. And in fact, no one really

I piled in the things I need for daily use, and there was a thick layer of dust on the box


Ye Shi raised the flashlight and glanced around, trying to see some clues from the vicinity

Ni, no matter how you look at it, it is a very ordinary basement.

But as she said, retaining such an idea in such an important place

The space with unclear meaning is indeed a bit suspicious.

Even if you dug it before and no longer need it, you still have to find a way to bury it

Or block it completely?

However, the owner of this manor did not do this.

Then…Yinyin told me that there was an iron door in the basement of the annex. If

Hiding there, no one would ever find her, and then she sneaked in with me


Actually… I feel like this is not a good thing. If you accidentally see something, you shouldn’t

Something bad might happen, but I really can’t help her, so

I can only follow her down.

After coming down, she said she heard something, and then took me forward…

We actually found the door.

Ye Shi swallowed.

That door…what’s behind it? The little sheep shook his head, his face full of regret


I don’t know…Yinyin wanted to open the door, but she fainted soon after holding the door handle

It passed. She slept for a long time, and when she woke up she looked like this. I guess it should

It must have something to do with the voice behind the door…but I couldn’t hear the voice she said at all


Ye Shi said with a frown. I didn’t hear it either. Logically speaking this shouldn’t be the case.

His perception is very high, even the slightest sound will be detected by him

The keen sixth sense magnifies infinitely and analyzes it instinctively.

If there was really any sound there, it must not escape his intuition.

What’s suspicious is that he didn’t feel it at all.

…I believe that Yinyin is not joking, she really heard something and then obeyed

I found the door following the sound. If you can get in, turn off the thing that makes the sound

If it falls off, she should return to normal.

After saying that, Xiaoyang grabbed Ye Shi’s arm, looked up at him with pleading eyes and said


Please, please…save her.

To be honest, Ye Shi doesn’t really want to cause trouble.

Especially because the plan went off track from the beginning, and Fang Chang didn’t know who it was

What’s going on.

With so many variables happening from the beginning, it’s hard to control the owner of the farm

The primary goal has failed. In this case, immediately withdraw the stop loss with the secondary goal

Perhaps this is the safest choice.

Staying in the basement for too long is not a good idea

It means that the only way out can easily be blocked by the chasing troops.

What if there is nothing behind that door?

After all, if it’s so important there, why isn’t there a guard?

There wasn’t even a lock, so the two children found it easily, which was not even close

My son opened the door.

But looking at the NPC’s pleading eyes, he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind

Determined, he tapped his helmet with his right fist.

…Fang Chang, what’s going on over there?

There was no movement in the communication channel, only the rustling sound of electricity.

This is not simply a lack of signal, but more like something interfering.

Ye Shi cursed secretly, tapped his index finger on the helmet, and turned off the communication channel,

Then he looked at the girl with pleading eyes.

Think clearly, you only live once… This is not a joke, I hope

Don’t hear anything like ‘why is this happening’ or ‘I may have heard wrong’


It doesn’t matter if he dies. Anyway, one life lasts three days.

I may feel sorry for Brother Luoyu for not bringing the person back safely, but this happened

I believe he won’t blame himself too much.

The little sheep nodded seriously. Hmm…I figured it out.

Ye Shi nodded and took a deep breath. Then I believe what you say is right


Thank you…

Looking at the little girl who was sincerely thanking her, Ye Shi urged her.

It’s too early to say this now, take me there.


The little sheep nodded nervously and took the initiative to run ahead.

Ye Shi followed her, and the two walked for a while in the dark basement. Soon

In a remote compartment, I saw the iron door hidden behind the wooden box.

The mottled rust has penetrated from the handle to the crack of the door, making people doubt whether it is here

How long has it been since anyone visited?

This is it… Looking at the rusty iron door, the little sheep retreated timidly

Behind him.

Ye Shi stepped forward, reached out and held the rusty door handle, pulled it and found that it was still there

It was quite heavy, so it used the power of the exoskeleton to pull it back hard.

The heavy door panel is too heavy for a six or seven-year-old girl, but it is suitable

For him wearing an exoskeleton, it is as light as a piece of paper.

With a heart-wrenching squeaking sound, the rusty iron door was quickly relaxed by him

The ground was pulled open, revealing the passage hidden behind it.

Good guy…it’s really unlocked?

The passage behind the door is clean and tidy, with metal floors and painted walls

Painted with cement gray paint. Compared with the basement outside the door and the rusty iron door,

The corridor behind the door is simply two completely different worlds.

Looking at the corridor leading to an unknown direction, Ye Shi’s face suddenly showed surprise

‘s expression, his eyes gradually became excited, and he turned back to look at the lamb.

Wait for me here…if anyone comes in, run to the door immediately.

Xiaoyang nodded vigorously and replied seriously. Got a positive answer, Ye Shimo

Delay any longer,

Lifting the muzzle of the gun, he carefully stepped into the door and continued along this clean and tidy corridor

Explore forward.

This is like a clinic or a laboratory, through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows

You can see a dazzling array of equipment and a sci-fi-like display screen.

There are various signs that…

The confession showed that this place has been abandoned, and it should have happened recently


I don’t know if I left in a hurry and didn’t have time to clean up, or if there was no need to clean up at all, those

The display screens are still on, and some experimental equipment is still working, making no sense

There is a bright buzzing sound.

Ye Shi’s face became increasingly surprised.

It’s hard to imagine that this research facility would be located on a plantation that looks unattractive.

Is this facility really affordable for just a farmer?

This is much more expensive than building a beautiful house. Went into one of the laboratories.

Ye Shi looked at the screen closest to him, only to see the blank interface

There is nothing on it. I think the content inside has been deleted.

Exit Izumo from this laboratory.

Ye Shi continued to explore along the corridor, and soon came to the deepest part of the corridor

That room.

Xiang Shi was shocked by the situation here.

I saw a huge golden room in the center, connecting the ground and Guanhuaji, with thick roots

For example, the data cable of the forearm extends outward from its root, connecting it with the wall and the room

is connected to another device.

This thing looks familiar.

After seeing it clearly, Ye Shi’s eyes suddenly widened with a look of surprise on his face


…Psychic interference device? !

This thing is exactly the same as the one he saw in the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City before!

Even the main structure has not changed, only the connected peripherals have been improved!

Could it be that this thing is making those people outside go crazy… Hiss, that’s not right,

Isn’t this thing useless to humans with higher mental levels?

It cannot be said that it is completely useless, but the impact is very limited, so limited that it can only be used in some irrelevant situations

Important little things affect people’s subjective judgment. For example, if you are hesitating whether to do it or not

When buying, let people choose to buy or not to buy…

And in some major decisions related to life, society and even the future of civilization, this set

The device has almost no effect.

Otherwise, when this technology was first developed, it would not have been used just for advertising

Come on, the entire People’s Association may be subverted by this advanced technology.

Suddenly, Ye Shi remembered something crucial. Naguo…?

Under normal circumstances, mind interference devices are harmful to people

It doesn’t work. At most it can be used to drive away some mentally weak people in a wide area

High alien species…


But if you eat Naguo and enter a fugue state, good guy… So that’s what it’s called

‘s ‘gospel’.

Is this actually the case? !

Maybe there are similar things hidden in other settlements!

Thinking of this, Ye Shi couldn’t help but feel his scalp numb. But now is not the time to think about this


Going to the terminal equipment connected to the metal round tube, Ye Shi pulled it out from the VM

After searching for a data cable for a long time, I finally found a suitable interface and poked it in.

The alliance’s scientific expedition team provides hacking programs to players with professional level LV3 or above,

Including some basic functions such as breaking through firewalls, obtaining access control, capturing data, etc.

This hacking program was primarily designed to target civilian security systems from the pre-war era.

Although this kind of general-purpose small program is not reliable most of the time, especially the VM hardware

The conditions cannot support the huge amount of calculations, but considering that there is a door lock here…

It’s still worth a try.

The entire settlement is covered by this mind interference device.

If his reasoning is correct, theoretically every believer here is

The eyes of the bishop hidden in the sanctuary. Even the farmer himself

Unknowingly, he became the puppet of the Torch Church.

All the cover-ups are for outsiders, for the people living here

As far as they are concerned, they simply…

Any need for cover-up or protection. The mind interference device itself is the best defense


If someone accidentally enters here by mistake, they only need to take that one as they did today

Just turn off the unlucky guy’s consciousness and let her faint.

Ye Shi stared at the VM screen nervously, silently counting the time in his heart.

He needs to take away the data here as much as possible, but he also has to consider what his teammates are enduring at the moment


If there is no result in 2 minutes, he will just stick C4 on the metal round tube and set it up

Detonate at a scheduled time and directly physically destroy the research facility.

Maybe I heard the call deep in his heart, just in the last ten seconds of the countdown,

A line of blue pop-up windows popped up in the center of the VM screen.

[Read-only permission was obtained successfully. 】

【Getting operation permission…】

Ye Shi, who almost gave up when he saw this line, was so surprised that he almost cheered

Speak up.

Holy shit! ? It really works!

Brother Yin Fang is awesome!

Of course, maybe Xiaoqi is awesome!

A simple operation interface appeared on the terminal screen in front, although it was densely packed

None of the characters in can be understood by him, but the plug-in installed on the VM automatically translates them

It has become a language that is easy for players to understand.

The copy process is being executed automatically.

Although most of the data has been deleted, there are still some residual data that have been mined

Digged and sorted it out.

Waiting for the applet on the VM to obtain the operation permission to shut down the device, open at ten o’clock at night

He picked up one of the documents that had been sorted out, and a line of titles quickly caught his eye


…Plan No. 03?

What the hell?

You can’t tell much from the title alone.

With a trace of curiosity, Ye Shi stretched out his index finger and moved it on the screen, looking at the file

read the summary part in a low voice.

… When it is determined that there is a risk of leakage in the plan, the relevant research units must

Immediately terminate ongoing research, destroy experimental data, and start method 03


Experimental content: Test and record the experimenter’s performance under the stimulation of band 03 signal

Bed reaction and actual combat value… Damn it, are these guys really human?

Ye Shi’s Adam’s apple moved and he swallowed hard.

This thing has some practical value… isn’t it just a group of gnawers? ! And maybe the gnawers aren’t awesome yet, at least the latter don’t need supplies, nothing else

You can live a long time if you eat.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is, just to verify such boring things, they sacrificed without hesitation

This settlement with 50,000 people living in it…even though this settlement had surrendered to them long ago


These guys…

What the **** do you think of people! ? Wait——

Ye Shi suddenly noticed a detail.

Although the personnel in this research facility have been evacuated, since Plan 03 has also been evacuated

As part of the experiment, someone must stay to record and collect the results, right?

Wouldn’t the experiment be in vain? Yes

Almost at this moment, something deep into the bone marrow went up his back.

Without enough time to carefully identify where the chill came from, Ye Shi acted almost reflexively

He raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the door, and pulled the trigger without thinking.

Even if there is nothing there!

Tu tu tu tu—!

Tongues of orange-yellow flames spurted out from the muzzle of the gun and rushed towards the empty door.

However, a strange scene happened, and the rain of bullets seemed to hit someone

Like a wall of air, sparks burst out and opened up circles of transparent ripples


The outline of an exoskeleton appeared in the air. The man who took a lot of beatings was kicked

Staggering backwards, barely able to stand still.

This guy obviously didn’t expect that he was equipped with almost flawless optics

The camouflage also suppressed the sound of footsteps, but the whereabouts were still discovered.

The man who barely stood still raised his gun and was about to fight back, but as soon as he pulled the trigger, there was a bang

After firing two shots, a strong wind blew towards his face.

It was a short knife stained with blood.

He almost subconsciously raised his arms to protect his head. Although this action saves

It took his life, but it also meant that his arm was stabbed solidly.

Ah——! !

The blade sliced ​​open the protective gear of the exoskeleton, cut through the flesh and opened the man’s radius

Bone, it hurt so much that he let out a howl of pain, and blood and sweat poured out.

Pressing the man to the ground, Ye Shi pulled out the short knife with a jamming sound and the rifle

Aiming at the man’s head, he grinned with a grin.

Good guy… I was just trying to catch someone alive, but you brought it to me yourself



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