This Game Is Too Realistic Chapter 569: The upright Galaxy

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of this game is too real!

The stars are out of reach!

Luo Yu remembers this guy.

When they were in Lost Valley, the two of them drove Yun Ting together. He was the driver and he was the gunner.

It’s a pity that this guy was not as lucky as himself and was killed on the spot. Although he himself was also dead later, he got Xiaoyu as a blessing in disguise. Thinking about it now, if he had been a gunner at that time, Xiao Yu would probably have been called “Xiao Xing” or “Xiao He”.

As expected, “Xiao Yu” sounds better.

Both of them are solo players. Although they have added friends, they have rarely formed a team. He never expected that he would meet this guy by chance seven or eight hundred kilometers away from Dawn City.

This is such a fate!

“Let’s do the task! Otherwise, what else can we do?”

Looking at the dumbfounded Luo Yu, Xinghe chuckled, patted the LD-47 hanging on his chest, and continued.

“This battle is over, it’s time for me to level up. Damn it, this game is too real. It’s been months and I still haven’t figured it out.”

If it were another game, level 10 would be the level of a novice village, and it would only take two steps to follow the main line.

However, in “Wasteland OL”, although level 10 is the level just coming out of the novice village, it takes a month or two to get there.

He has never played a game that is so difficult to level up!

The most outrageous thing is that although the experience value and level are quantified, the growth curve is not smooth. Sometimes the kills will give you experience, and sometimes the kills will not.

Although there is a guide written by Brother Fang on the official website, the writing is very immodest. It only mentions in general that “experience benefits are positively related to risks.”

In other words, you can only level up quickly by constantly seeking death, but if you really die, the experience accumulated before the last save will be cleared.

How to balance benefits, risks, losses, and upgrade with the highest efficiency requires a lot of knowledge. Many players in the TO and T1 echelons are still studying it.

Of course, it’s okay to ignore these nonsense at all.

That’s how the galaxy is.

Although he had the idea of ​​leveling up, he was too lazy to think about it so much, so he simply accepted a mission to travel far away and see how big the game world was.

“This game is indeed a bit annoying in some inexplicable places,” Luo Yu nodded in agreement and asked casually, “…By the way, what is your mission?”

“There is a businessman named Zhou Nan in Shuguang City. He claimed that his parents and brothers were held hostage by a farmer near Hope Town, and he asked me to bring a sum of money to redeem them.”

This task…

Sounds familiar.

Looking at Luo Yu who was stunned for some reason, Xinghe chuckled, raised his eyebrows and said.

“How much do you think the mission reward is?”

Luo Yu swallowed.

“How much?”

It costs 100,000 to save one person, but it doesn’t cost 1 million to save a whole family? !

It seemed to confirm his guess.

Xinghe had a proud smile on his face and slowly raised a finger.


“Ten thousand!”

The air was quiet for a while.

The atmosphere was subtly cold.

Looking at Luo Yu who had no reaction, the expression on Xinghe’s face gradually changed from pride to embarrassment, and he coughed lightly.

“Eh, are you scared? The wild NPCs do give more tasks than the official ones, but they have relatively no contribution points and regional reputation, which is actually not an exaggeration.”

“What should I say?” Looking at the Xinghe brothers who were trying to turn their heads in the wrong direction, Luo Yu subtly moved his eyes away, “Touching your head?” ”

“What the **** is touching your head?!”

Looking at the emotional Xinghe, Luo Yu hesitated, but in the end he couldn’t bear to see him being exploited by the NPC, so he spoke in euphemistic terms.

“Actually… I also received a mission similar to yours, to go to Pinecone Wood Farm to save a person.”

“A person?”

“Yeah,” Luo Yu nodded slowly, “Probably, it’s like giving one hundred thousand.”

“One hundred thousand?!”

Xinghe’s eyes were widened, staring at him in disbelief, with an expression that seemed to say “It’s fake.”

(This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next page to continue)

However, the truth is always so cruel.

Luo Yu suddenly thought of something and said “Ah”.

“Did you accept the mission directly in the tavern? Didn’t you go through the mercenary guild?”

Xinghe: “Yes, but you can’t blame me. I was already on the road when I heard about the establishment of a mercenary guild on the official website.”

That’s it.

A look of surprise appeared on Luo Yu’s face.

This is broken.

“Tsk, no wonder you didn’t accept the mission through VM. Not only is the income low, but you don’t even have professional experience as a mercenary.”

“Holy shit!” Xinghe almost spat out a mouthful of blood, breaking his defense on the spot.

Good guy.

He thought that this mission gave him a lot, and that he had found a treasure, but he didn’t expect that he would become the innocent victim.

Looking at Brother Xinghe who had begun to doubt his life, Luo Yu couldn’t help but blame himself, wondering if it would be better not to tell him the truth.

“Perhaps the difficulty is different? There are more than 50,000 people in the Pinecone Farm. I heard it is a closed settlement and it is not that easy to enter. Moreover, the employer did not say anything about the ransom, and most likely he planned to let me take it. People just snatched it away.”

When he said this, Luo Yu suddenly thought of something.

“Ah, by the way, the ransom… did that NPC give you the ransom?”

Xinghe nodded without tears.

“Well, five thousand dinars…one thousand per person, five in total.”

There is no fixed exchange rate between dinars and silver coins. I just heard that in the west of Middle-earth, one thousand dinars can buy an adult slave with ordinary qualifications.

Human trade is prohibited within the territory of the Alliance. Dinar is usually only used as a reward for mercenaries or bounty hunters, and has no actual purchasing power.

The five thousand dinars are both a ransom for the target and an advance deposit. He needs to bring the person back to Dawn City safely in order to get the full reward from his employer.

Luo Yu scratched his head.

“I have an idea that can reduce your losses.”

Xinghe asked immediately.

“What’s the idea?”

Luo Yu: “If you just rob someone, wouldn’t the ransom be yours?”

You can’t do this for the mercenary guild’s missions, but you shouldn’t care about your private work.

Although there is no official exchange channel for dinars and silver coins, you should still be able to exchange for some silver coins on the black market. Xinghe was stunned for a moment.

“Ah…is this okay?!”

Luo Yu nodded.

“I think there should be no problem. After all, the target is the slave owner, and the target is the slave who is restricted from freedom. According to the terms in the “Player’s Handbook”, active violence for the purpose of lifting personal restrictions is not punishable. Change In other words, slave owners’ estates and slave-catching teams are not protected by sanctuary rules.”

Not just slave owners.

There are also some NPC forces that are contrary to the alliance’s values ​​or classified as chaotic evil camp and are also not protected.

For example, Torch Church, Enlightenment Meeting, etc.

Although the Alliance does not recommend players to cause trouble in other people’s settlements.

After all, an unrecognized order is actually an order, and physically eliminating one or two people will not solve any problem, but may create new troubles.

However, this sentence “no punishment” awakened Xinghe.

His eyes became hot at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. He stared at Luo Yu and grabbed his arm.

“Good brother! Help me!”

“Help you…how can I help you?” Luo Yu stared blankly at Xinghe with fiery eyes. He suddenly thought of something and was startled, “Damn it, you didn’t ask me to help you rob someone, right? I’m so special I also have tasks to do, or you can help me when I come back.”

Not being punished by the shelter does not mean that you will not be hated by the locals. He didn’t want to have to deal with a bounty on his head while doing the mission.

Seeing that the brotherhood had misunderstood what he meant, Xinghe quickly explained with a smile.

“Harm, I don’t mean the kind of help you understand.”

“Then, what is that?”

“You just reminded me,” Xinghe smiled sadly and pulled Luo Yu aside. (This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next page to continue)

Continues slowly, “Since the rights and interests of slave owners are not protected by the Player’s Handbook, then… deception is also allowed, right?”

“Fooling?” Luo Yu glanced at him suspiciously, “How do you want to fool.”

There are many smart people in this wasteland.

And this guy had just been tricked by an NPC. It was really hard for him to think optimistically that this guy still had the ability to deceive others.

Xinghe chuckled and continued.

“It’s easy. Your exoskeleton is called K-10 Iron Wall, right?”

“Uh, yes…”

“I remember that this equipment is only supplied to the Boulder City Militia and is not sold to outsiders… Is that right?”

“That’s not quite accurate,” Luo Yu corrected him. “Last month, the militiamen from Boulder City resold their equipment, and some of the equipment went outside.”

For example, the suit he is wearing and the ones worn by Xiaoyu behind him were all collected from wool at that time and bought from Elder Brother Fang at almost a 100% discount.

Without the current in-app purchase price of 15,000 silver coins, he wouldn’t be able to afford it.

“I know,” Xinghe glanced at the group of Xiao Yus behind Luo Yu and continued slowly, “One thing really doesn’t mean much…but what if it’s a group?”

“Just tell me…what exactly do you want to do.”

Looking at Luo Yu, whose eyes were gradually becoming more alert, Xinghe, who saw Tu Qiong Dagger, said with a smile.

“It’s very simple. If that Zhou is my employer and becomes the guest of a big shot in Boulder City, or simply becomes a big shot himself, then the people from the militia will come to ask for slave owners here. Dare you say no?”

“What the hell?!” Luo Yu’s eyes widened, “You want to pretend to be a member of the militia and cheat? Are you afraid of causing diplomatic disputes?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. What diplomacy does a small settlement have?” Xinghe said quickly, “And we are here to save people!” You understand saving people, right? ”


Seeing that Luo Yu was still hesitating, Xinghe continued speaking quickly.

“Don’t worry, brother, it’s hundreds of kilometers away from Boulder City. It’s impossible to be exposed! Just think that I owe you a favor. Aren’t you going to save people in the future? If this method works, let’s You can do the same thing again at Pinecone Wood Farm! This time you help your brother, and next time he will help you! Let’s cover each other up, and we can get all the hostages out without spending any ransom!”


It seems to make sense?

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Yu realized that this might be a really good idea!

The Alliance had just taken over Boulder City, and the surrounding slave owners were trembling when they saw it. Wouldn’t it be easy for him to find a few hostages from the surrounding slave owners in the name of Boulder City Militia?

Just do it if you think of it.

Luo Yu no longer hesitated, and immediately took Xiao Yu, the fruiting entities and Xinghe to the south gate of Hope Town.

Although there are roadblocks piled up at the gate of the town, they only block goods and cars. They do not restrict people from entering and exiting here. At most, they are a warning that it is dangerous outside and don’t run around if nothing happens.

As for ruthless people like Luo Yu with a group of vicious thugs, the guards standing at the door did not dare to dissuade them and could only watch them leave silently.

The Hope Farm in the mission is just south of Hope Town.

A three-story turret stands like a castle in the middle of a farmland. A large area is surrounded by a concrete wall, and there is only a mud path leading to the next town.

Most of the people living in the town are free people, and the row of shacks outside the blockhouse is probably where the serfs live.

The landowner named Kong Lingkai lives inside the concrete wall and is said to be a prominent figure in the town.

Looking at the Maxim I-type and “Rifle” mounted on the concrete wall, it is not difficult to guess that this guy has made a lot of money by doing business with the alliance.

The two players exchanged information along the way. While comparing their lines, they also used VM to translate some sentences that might be used.

It doesn’t matter if the pronunciation is not standard. The Alliance’s shelter residents all speak like this. If the words are unclear, it will be more credible.

A group of twelve people arrived at the edge of the turret.

A heavily armed guard station (this chapter is not finished yet, click on the next page to continue)

Standing guard on the four-meter-high gate tower, it seemed as if they had seen them from a distance.

Just as Xinghe was about to explain his intention, the guard on the gate tower shouted.

“Are you from the alliance?”


Are the people here pretty decent?

Seeing that the other party recognized them directly, Xinghe felt happy in his heart, but did not show any expression on his face and shouted with his chin high.

“Just recognize it! Let your master come out to see me!”

According to the script he imagined, after learning that they were members of the Alliance, the guard would run back to report the news, and then the owner of the place would politely invite them in to entertain them. Welcome.

However, what neither player expected was that instead of showing any fear on the guard’s face, he snorted with his nose.

“Oh, I don’t just recognize it? This is your fifth trip this month! Even a farm as big as this costs so much effort, you really have enough time!”

Hearing these words, Xinghe and Luo Yu were stunned on the spot.

“I blanch?!”

“People from the Alliance are here?!”


They visit the official website every day.

If the Alliance had been here, they would be the first to know.

Seeing the two people’s expressions of not understanding the situation, the guard curled his lips in disdain.

“Some people claimed to be from the Alliance before and came to threaten us, asking us to either hand over all the slaves or get out of here. We almost believed it! Our master said it, and another person claimed to be from the Alliance came to beg for food. , let their managers come in person! ”

Luo Yu and Xinghe looked at each other and communicated with confused eyes.

I am definitely not a player…

No need to be crazy, I can guess it with my butt, most likely it’s a wastelander from outside!

Oh my god…

These dogs are so cunning!

Doing bad things in the name of the alliance!

Is this something humans do? !

After glancing at the translator on the VM, Xinghe gritted his teeth and shouted towards the gatehouse with a hint of threat.

“Are you not going to let me go?”

The guard said with a smile.

“If you want someone, just use money to redeem it!”

A mere twelve people were not worthy of his fear.

What if I wear an exoskeleton?

In the turret behind him, there were at least five Maxim machine guns mounted, and there were fields around him with no bunkers. A real fight would shoot these twelve people into a sieve in minutes.

Seeing that the guard showed no signs of weakness, Xinghe’s heart was filled with tears and he gritted his teeth and said.

“I have to see if the person is still alive first.”

The guard on the wall looked at him twice more and became more confident.

“Oh? We already have a target…Tell me, what’s that person’s name?”

Xinghe took out a piece of paper, glanced at it, and shouted.

“Zhou Daniu!”

This name can be said to be rubbish.

However, the guard on the wall was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then his expression changed.

“Zhou Nan asked you to come?!”

Xinghe was stunned for a moment, wondering why he had such a big reaction. Luo Yu next to him quickly gave him a hand and lowered his voice.

“Your employer is probably a businessman raised by the farmers here!”

“I know…”

“You know that and you still say that?!”


Luo Yu said dumbfounded.

“Holy shit, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? What you want is a hostage! Do the hostages understand? Do you expect to spend that little money to redeem them?”

Either frighten people into handing them over voluntarily, or **** them back directly. It is absolutely impossible to come to the door with a ransom.

That’s a rope around your neck.

Even if it can be redeemed, it will definitely not be done for a few thousand dinars. Depending on the size of the transaction, it will cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of silver coins.

He was also stunned by this guy’s reaction.

Logically speaking, even this big brother (this chapter is not finished yet, click on the next page to continue)

I don’t know the situation in Jinchuan Province, so his employer should know something about it, right?

80% of this is a misunderstanding.

For example, when accepting a task, he asked, “How can I redeem someone without money?”, and the employer paid him the several thousand dinars as additional remuneration and the deposit for the task.

This time Xinghe finally came to his senses.

“Holy shit!”

Seeing the guard hurriedly turn back to report the message, Xinghe suddenly became anxious. He hurriedly picked out words on the VM to translate, and shouted towards the wall.

“Wait a minute, friend, I don’t know who Zhou Nan you are talking about. We are members of the Boulder City Militia. It was our commander who asked us to ask for people!”

It seems too late to say this now.

“Let your employer do it himself!” A loud voice interrupted him, and he saw a man wearing an exoskeleton standing on the wall.

Unlike the manager, although he is tightly wrapped in high-end equipment, he does not look like he is very good at fighting.

The pale old face was dark and shiny with a bunch of beard, and a pair of black eyes were like a mouse.

Behind him stood a dozen fully armed soldiers. Half of the guys they had were from Shuguang City and half from Boulder City. They were excellent.

It is completely different from the turret at his feet.

“Tsk, tsk, the wings have grown hard. It would be a bad idea to fly away from me and forget your roots. If it weren’t for me, he would never have a chance to get out of here in this life.”

Looking at the astonished Xinghe, the man smiled sinisterly and continued.

“Please go back and tell your employer for me that I hate this kind of cleverness. If he uses such clumsy methods to test my bottom line again, I will chop off the hands of my father, mother and his eldest brother and send them to him. Past.”

“Of course, I am a very talkative person. If you want to redeem your family, you can pay me back what you owe me with interest! I think 10 million Cr should be enough, or even 100 million dinars. question.”

Luo Yu glanced at Xinghe in confusion.

“Is your employer so rich?”

Xinghe shook his head in confusion.


That guy seemed to be a businessman, and he did a lot of business, but judging from his clothes, he didn’t look like he was very rich.

Ten million silver coins.

That’s a lot of money.

Looking at the silent group of people below the gatehouse, Kong Lingkai turned his eyes slightly and suddenly spoke.

“You are also employed by others, so how much does he give you?”

“One…twenty thousand silver coins.”

Luo Yu glanced at Xinghe in surprise, and saw that the latter was confident, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating. It seemed that he had grown up a bit.

When the man standing on the gatehouse heard this number, a happy smile appeared on his face.

“According to the contract I signed, he should give me the dividend for the second half of last year before March this year. I think about it, it should be about one million silver coins.”

After reading the translation on VM, Xinghe’s eyes widened.

“So many?!”

“Of course, that man is very rich, and why do you think he can earn so much? It’s not because I gave him the capital to do business and cheap food. Logically speaking, all his property is Mine. I want to take off the rope from my neck for ten thousand silver coins. This guy is too naive.”

Kong Ling smiled and continued.

“Let’s make a deal. You help me tie that guy here from the Alliance, and I’ll give you 200,000 silver coins!” When they heard this number, the two of them were shocked.

Good guy!

Two hundred thousand!

Is there a hidden option for this task? !

When he thought about how much RMB two hundred thousand silver coins could be exchanged for, Xinghe felt his hands shaking, but he quickly calmed down.

Kidnapping NPCs in the alliance…

I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to spend this money.

“Sorry, I can’t promise you.” Looking at the man on the gate, Xinghe said in a non-joking tone.

Hearing this, Luo Yu almost stopped squirting.

“Holy shit! Are you stupid? Just refuse like that?”

Looking at the emotional Luo Yu, (this chapter is not finished yet, click on the next page to continue)

Xinghe asked with a strange look on his face.

“What if? Saving people does not violate the Player’s Handbook, but the nature of the kidnapping has changed.”

Seeing that this guy’s head hadn’t turned around yet, Luo Yu said with an iron heart.

“You can’t just pretend to agree first, and then gain this guy’s trust and take the opportunity to **** him back.”

Xinghe was stunned for a moment, his whole body was shocked.

“What the hell?!”

Can this still happen?

Looking at this upright guy, Luo Yu couldn’t help but cover his face, feeling ashamed that he felt that he had grown up for a moment.

“Is this your first time playing such a high-degree of freedom RPG?”

But he doesn’t seem to have the right to laugh at him.

When I first played this game, I was quite upright and believed whatever the NPC said.

Looking at the two people arguing, the man standing on the gate showed a hint of disappointment on his face, but only a little.

He shrugged and said nonchalantly.

“Then there’s nothing to talk about.”

Xinghe quickly raised his right hand.

“Wait a minute, I changed my mind——”

Before he finished speaking, the bells of winter and winter suddenly came from the small town not far behind him, and then he heard several dense gunshots and bursts of rough roars.

Everyone present was attracted by the sound of gunfire.

Especially when Kong Lingkai, who was standing on the gate tower, heard the rapid ringing of the bell, his expression suddenly changed, and he vaguely realized something in his heart.

At this moment, a panicked servant ran behind him, out of breath.

“Sir, sir! A call just came from town——”

Before he could catch his breath, Kong Lingkai reached out and grabbed him, asking anxiously.

“What happened?”

“Change, mutant!” The servant’s face turned pale, and his head was sweating like soybeans in a hurry in the winter. He trembled and said, “Mutant, we are here to kill you!”


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